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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:45 题号:22580717

Crew members of Shenzhou XVII—China’s 12th manned spaceflight (航天器)—arrived at the Tiangong Space Station on the evening of October 26, 2023.

A Long March 2F rocket, carrying the spaceship with three astronauts Tang Hongbo, Tang Shengije and Jiang Xinlin on board, lifted off at 11:14 a.m. from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.

After a six-and-a-half-hour flight, the She Shenzhou XVII spaceship docked (对接) with the front port of the Tianhe core module (天和核心舱), the main body of Tiangong. This is the first spaceflight of Tang Shengie and Jiang Xinlin, who are from China’s third generation of astronauts.

Following the docking process, the Shenzhou XVII crew spent nearly two hours on preparatory work to nter the space station. At the same time, the Shenzhou XVI crew Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu and Gui Haichao waited inside the connection cabin (连接舱). After all preparations were finished, Jing’s team opened a hatch (舱门) in the connection cabin at 7:34 p.m. to welcome the new team of astronauts. The first to step out of the Shenzhou XVII spaceship was Tang Hongbo, who is one of the natton’s second-generation astronauts.

“The meeting of the two teams is meaningful because it marks the first space-based gathering (聚会) of crew members from China’s first, second and third generations of astronauts,” said Jing Haipeng, who is from China’s first generation of astronauts. “With the arrival of the Shenzhou XVII crew, 20 Chinese astronauts have made it to the Earth’s orbit (轨道),” he added.

Now, the Shenzhou XVI crew has returned to Earth on October 31. The Shenzhou XVII crew will man the space station for about six months and return in April 2024. They will perform experimental repair works during spacewalks, according to the China Manned Space Agency.

1. How many astronauts went to space by Shenzhou XVII?
2. When did the Shenzhou XVII spaceship dock with the Tianhe core module?
A.At 11:14 a.m.B.At 5:14p.m.C.At 5:44 p.m.D.At 7:34 p.m.
3. Who is one of the nation’s first-generation astronauts?
A.Tang Hongbo.B.Tang Shengjie.C.Jiang Xinlin.D.Jing Haipeng.
4. Which of the following best explains the underlined word “man”?
A.Get into.B.Be in charge of.C.Catch up with.D.Get away from.
5. What is the best title for the passage?
A.The Return of Shenzhou XVIB.The Team of Chinese Astronauts
C.Astronauts’ Life in the Space StationD.The Historic Gathering of Astronauts
【知识点】 记叙文 航天与航空


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】 Yesterday I was shopping for a few items(物品).With nothing to do at home, my son, who just left university, was ready to go together with me.
As I pushed the basket towards the register(收银机),I checked my items to see how many I had, thinking I might go to the Express Line(快速通道)where the sign said“Ten items or less”.
I started to go to that line and my son said,“Mon, you have twelve items!”I said,“You know, but they’re close.” He said,“Why are you in such a hurry to get home? You should go to the Regular Line because you have over ten items.”
Knowing he was right. I agreed and then pushed the basket to the next line. So I was waiting for my turn there and I was just removing my items from the basket to pay for them when a young man came up behind me in line with two items.
I just left the Express Line because I had too many and now I really wanted to get finished. Again, my son came up.“Mom, he has only two items and the Express Line is very long now. Won’t you just let him go first?”I agreed, and the young man smiled widely and thanked me several times.
It felt good to be with my son and have him remind me not to live a hurried life. Do what’s right and also be kind. I really take pride in him.
1. The writer ________ when she was pushing the basket towards the register.
A.lost something she liked bestB.found her favourite item
C.checked her handbagD.counted the items she had
2. The writer went to the Regular Line because _______.
A.she had 2 itemsB.she had 12 items
C.she was in a hurry to get homeD.she wanted to wait for her son
3. Of the following, which order is right according to the story?
①prepare to remove the items from the basket
②let the young man behind go first
③walk towards the Express Line
④return to the Regular Line
4. If you pay for your items at the Express Line,_____.
A.you need to help others
B.you must wait for a long time
C.you can get finished more quickly
D.you should buy more than ten items
5. What did the writer learn from her son that day?
A.Enjoy your life and be kind.
B.Don’t buy too many at a time.
C.Try to be friendly to your family.
D.Never waste time waiting in line.
2011-10-20更新 | 600次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】One spring day Fred’s aunt sent him a small box of seeds. As soon as he got them, he went out to his garden to plant the seeds.

His sister Jane went with him. While he was digging, Jane was talking to him with the seeds in her hand. Suddenly, Jane dropped the seeds on the ground by mistake. All the seeds fell out. Jane was afraid and said sorry to Fred, but Fred didn’t speak to her.

“Oh, Fred!” she cried, “Why don’t you speak to me?” “I wished,” said Fred, “to wait till I could count to ten.” “Count to ten?” said Jane, “What do you mean? Why did you wish to count to ten?”

“Oh,” said Fred, “aunt once told me to count to ten before I spoke, if ever I felt angry. I know that I am often angry with you, and I want to do the right thing this time,” said Fred.

“Oh Fred, how good you are! It was very careless of me to let the box of seeds fall, but see, I have picked them all up again. Here they are.”

The seeds were put into the ground, and day by day Fred and Jane came to watch them grow up.

At last a lot of small green leaves appeared above the ground. They soon grew up, with pretty flowers, to the great joy of the children.

Before you speak in anger, count to ten. If you are still angry, count again.

1. What did Fred decide to do with the seeds after he got them?
A.To keep them in a box.B.To plant them.
C.To give them to his sister.D.To sell them for money.
2. What happened while Fred and Jane were working?
A.The seeds disappeared.B.Fred suddenly stopped working.
C.Fred suddenly couldn't speak.D.Jane dropped the seeds.
3. What did Fred do first when he was angry?
A.He counted numbers.B.He picked up the seeds
C.He shouted to Jane.D.He kept working.
4. What did Jane think of Fred’s behavior?
A.It was foolish.B.It seemed a waste of time.
C.It was so good.D.It was boring.
5. The best title of the passage is ______.
A.Let’s Plant SeedsB.Count to Ten
C.How to Plant SeedsD.Come to Watch Plants Grow Up
2021-12-26更新 | 54次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Every day, from early in the morning until late in the evening, under the hot sun, the slaves picked cotton and put it in their sack. When finishing, Legree weighed it, and there was whipping (抽打) for the slaves that didn’t pick enough cotton. Tom learnt to pick cotton quickly.

One day a new beautiful woman, Cassy, arrived to pick cotton. Tom noticed that she was very fast, he also noticed that an older slave, Martha, was in pain. She was slow, and her sack was almost empty. Tom went near Martha, and silently put a lot of his cotton into her sack.

“No, don’t!” said the new woman, “They will punish you.” Just then Sambo arrived.

“What’s happening?” he said, and he kicked Martha and whipped Tom across his face. “Work faster, you animal!” But when he left, Tom quickly gave her some more of his cotton. Suddenly, the new woman put much cotton in Tom’s sack.

“Tom is going to make much trouble. He kept putting cotton into Marth’s sack,” Sambo told Legree. “Then we’ll have to teach him a lesson,” said Legree.

Slowly the tired slaves came into the room for the weighing of the sacks. First Legree weighed Tom’s sack, and it was enough. Martha’s sack was next. The weight was enough, but Legree shouted at her.

“You lazy animal! This is not enough! Stay here and wait.” He finished weighing all the other sacks, and then turned to Tom.

“Come here,” said Legree, “l want to give you a better job than picking cotton, and you can start tonight: take this woman and whip her-you know how.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” said Tom. “ I can’t do it.”

Legree whipped Tom across his face and then hit him with his fists many times. “There!” he said. “Now will you tell me you can’t do it?”

“Yes, Master,” said Tom, with blood running down his face. “I will work night and day, but I will never whip another person.”

“I bought you, and you’re mine, body and soul”, Legree said, kicking Tom. “My soul isn’t yours, Master! You can’t buy it!”

“We’ll see, “said Legree, “Sambo, Quimbo, give this dog a lesson.”

—Taken from Uncle Tom’s Cabin

1. What was the new beautiful woman like?
A.Kind and helpful.B.Selfish and cold-hearted.
C.Kind but impolite.D.Selfless but polite.
2. Why did Sambo and Legree call the older slave, Martha, animal?
A.Because Martha looked like an animal.
B.Because Martha was good at feeding animals.
C.Because they liked animals very much.
D.Because they didn’t respect slaves at all.
3. How many times did Tom reply against Legree in this passage?
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.
4. What would happen next according to the development of the plot?
A.They would teach Tom something.B.They would kill the dog.
C.They would do harm to Tom.D.They would feed the dog.
2021-10-09更新 | 79次组卷
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