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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:23 题号:22608604

Billie Jean was full of energy! When the bell rang, she would rush outside and join any game. One teacher suggested she should be more “ladylike” and try not to win all the time, but her parents didn’t agree.

“Play as well as you can and be the best you can be!” they told her.

One morning, Billie’s friend Susan invited her to play tennis. Billie didn’t know what “tennis” was, but it sounded exciting! The next weekend, Susan took Billie to the Virginia Club. There were ladies wearing expensive tennis dresses. She felt quite out of place in her T-shirt and shorts! But she felt much better when she got out onto the tennis court. Billie spent more time hitting the air than she did hitting the ball. The ladies around tutted(发出嘘声), but she didn’t care.

The next morning, her mom took her to the public court at Houghton Park to meet Clyde.

“I’m Clyde, your coach!” he said, “Come on in!”

Clyde taught her patiently. The more she learned, the more fun she had.

“I want to be the best tennis player in the world!” She asked her coach, “Clyde, can you make me a champion(冠军)?”

He just smiled, “No, Billie. ________.”

Billie took his words to heart, so she kept practicing day and night.

One day, she was invited to the Los Angeles Club. All the players lined up to have their photos taken, but then a man came up.

“You can’t be in the photo!” he said, “You’re not wearing a skirt or dress!”

Billie was angry. Her mum had made her shorts especially for her.

“Don’t worry, Mom!” she told her mother. “I’ll show them one day! Everybody will know who I am, and they’ll all want to copy my style!”

And Billie did! She never gave up or let others tell her how she should behave. And she became one of the greatest and most famous sports stars ever!

1. What do we know about Billie’s parents?
A.They wanted Billie to be more “ladylike” at school.
B.They taught Billie how to play tennis well.
C.They gave Billie expensive tennis dresses as gifts.
D.They hoped Billie could do what she liked.
2. What is the right order of the following events?
①The ladies around laughed at Billie.
②Billie realized her dream to be a tennis star.
③Billie started to learn from the coach Clyde.
④A man stopped Billie from taking a photo.
⑤Susan invited Billie to play tennis together.
3. Which of the following can be put into the blank _________?
A.But your parents can help you.B.Because you’re not good at playing tennis.
C.But with hard work, you can make it.D.Unless you offer me a lot of advice.
4. What can we learn from the story?
A.Helping each other can improve our grades.
B.Trust yourself and live your own style.
C.Our life is always full of ups and downs.
D.Friendship is love with understanding.
【知识点】 记叙文 叙事忆旧


阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)


Jia Ling is a popular Chinese actress and director (导演) who has recently made headlines on Weibo, a social media platform in China. She is known for her funny performances in the Spring Festival Gala and for her successful movie Hi, Mom in 2021. Jia Ling has been working on a new movie called YOLO (you only live once), where she plays the lead role and serves as the director.

In a recent Weibo post, Jia Ling shared that she had been working hard on the YOLO movie for a year, during which she lost a surprising amount of weight. YOLO was shown during the Spring Festival holiday, a time when many Chinese people went to the movies. The movie tells the story of a character named Le Ying who meets a boxing (拳击) coach and starts a new journey in life. She said that the movie is not about weight loss but about learning to love yourself.

Jia Ling’s weight loss journey has sparked a lot of interest on social media, with many people discussing her transformation (转变). Some experts warn against rapid weight loss methods and recommend a healthier one. However, Jia Ling’s dedication (奉献) to her role in the movie is admirable (令人钦羡的). Fans have seen Jia Ling’s hard work pay off on the big screen.

1. Which of the following is NOT Jia Ling’s occupation (职业)?
2. According to Jia Ling, the movie YOLO is exactly about ________.
A.weight lossB.learning to love yourself
C.caring about othersD.boxing training
3. According to the sentence “However, Jia Ling’s dedication to her role in the movie is admirable.” in the last paragraph, we can infer that ________.
A.she would do anything to lose weight
B.she doesn’t care much about her health
C.she never asks others to do the work for her
D.she is willing to put in effort to achieve her goals
4. Which statement is true about the movie YOLO and Jia Ling’s involvement (参与) in it?
A.Jia Ling gained weight while working on the movie.
B.The movie YOLO is a true story about Jia Ling’s personal life.
C.Jia Ling only acted in the movie and did not do any other work.
D.Jia Ling directed and starred in the movie, showing her talents in both areas.
2024-04-26更新 | 38次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】These days, we can watch a video(视频). In the video, it’s difficult for lots of village children in Yunnan to go to school. The children have to get up at five or six and then walk a very long way to go to school. It usually takes them about two hours. At that time, it is still dark. They are in great danger when they walk in the dark.

It’s also difficult for many other children to go to school. Can you remember a photo, the “Snowflake(冰花) Boy”? Yes, his name is Wang Fuman and many people knew him from a photo. In the photo, we can see the boy in the classroom, with a red face and much ice on his head. To get to school, he has to walk for a long time every morning.

With the help of many nice people, now these children have new classrooms to study in and nice dormitories to live in. “Our classroom is really great. I can live in the school, so I don’t have to go home every day,” Wang says. Wang also has a new house. Now he lives in it happily with his parents, grandmother and sister.

1. We can know many village children in Yunnan ________ to school.
A.ride bikesB.walkC.take the trainD.take the bus
2. Many people know Wang Fuman because of(由于) ________.
A.a photoB.a videoC.a bookD.a club
3. The word “dormitories” means(意思是) ________ in Chinese.
4. There are ________ people in Wang’s family.
5. We know ________.
A.the video is about Wang Fuman
B.people call Wang Fuman the “Snowflake Boy” because he likes ice
C.Wang is not happy with his new house
D.Wang can live in his school on school days now
2023-02-21更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914 in Vienna, Austria. By the time she was a teenager, she had decided to drop out of school and become an actress. She first appeared in a German film in 1930. She was excellent and talented. She acted more than three films in 1931.

Six years later, she moved to Hollywood and changed her name to Hedy Lamarr, with the title “The Most Beautiful Woman in Films”.

However, she wasn’t satisfied with the success in film. Since she also had an interest in mathematics and engineering, she soon took up inventing. Her earliest inventions included an improved traffic light. With the ongoing World War, Lamarr designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes (鱼雷). With the help of a musician named George Antheil, she discovered a way to break up signals (信号). In 1942, Lamarr and Antheil got a patent (专利) for their invention for what would become known as spread-spectrum technology (展频技术).

For many years, Lamarr’s technology remained unknown, but it led to today’s spread-spectrum communication technology, such as Wi-Fi networks, mobile phones, GPS and Bluetooth technologies.

1. According to the text, Hedy lamarr decided to be a(n) ________ atter dropping out of school.
2. When did Hedy Lamarr move to Hollywood and change her name?
A.In 1914.B.In 1931.C.In 1937.D.In 1942.
3. Why did Lamarr take up inventing?
A.Because the World War happened.
B.Because she was not satisfied with her films.
C.Because she got the help from a musician.
D.Because she was interested in mathematics and engineering.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Hedy Lamarr’s family background.
B.A general introduction to Hedy Lamarr.
C.Lamarr’s successful job in science and engineering.
D.The value of Lamarr’s invention for today’s technologies.
2020-02-10更新 | 40次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般