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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:68 题号:22715747

Sherry Gao is pouring coffee made from Yunnan beans, hoping that her coffee shop in the city of Pasadena, California introduces you to your new favorite coffee and turns your opinions about Chinese coffee beans upside down.

_________ But Gao hopes that throwing light on Yunnan-sourced coffee could expose customers to the coffee-producing region and help to break down prejudice against the beans, which for tens of years were mostly used for instant products.

“We wanted to highlight Chinese coffee because a lot of people never had Chinese coffee before,” Gao said. “Some have the prejudice that it’s bad or cheap, but that’s not the case anymore. It’s been changing so much over the last decade.” Recent producing process, such as the addition of fruit, is leading Yunnan’s coffee to better results. “Every time a new product comes in, it tastes better than the last one,” Gao said.

Farmers in China have grown tea for more than 3,000 years, but coffee has been grown there for only about a century in fewer areas. There was an uptick in the 1980s with government’s efforts. And the turn of the century and the 2010s saw a sharp growth with international companies investing in the coffee planting. But in the last 10 to 15 years, tastes and need for special and high-grade coffees appeared, especially from local growers and shops. The domestic demand for China-grown coffee has risen so rapidly that Gao says it’s now much more expensive.

To further connect with the community, Gao hopes to hold classes for Yunnan coffee introduction. After all, she says, the Yunnan coffee tastes excellent when made in one’s own kitchen with a pour-over system. She hopes it’s only a matter of time before Yunnan coffee becomes popular among the homemade coffee lovers.

1. What’s a misunderstanding of Chinese coffee beans?
A.They are of poor quality.
B.They have fewer producing areas.
C.They have a strange taste.
D.They are used in cheap coffee shops.
2. Which of the following can be put in _________?
A.Much of the Western world doesn’t use good Chinese coffee.
B.Much of the Western world drinks instant coffee most of the time.
C.Much of the Western world prefers coffee in the coffee shops.
D.Much of the Western world buys its coffee from Africa and South America.
3. What does the underlined word “uptick” in paragraph 4 mean?
4. What does Sherry Gao expect to do in the future?
A.Offer community members coffee for free.
B.Buy a pour-over system for her shop.
C.Teach people to make Chinese coffee at home.
D.Keep up with homemade coffee fans.
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Increasing Yunnan Coffee Production
B.A Coffee Shop Using Chinese Coffee Beans
C.Waking People Up to Yunnan Coffee
D.Introducing Coffee to People’s Daily Life


阅读理解-单选(约160词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】The “five blessings”, or “wufu”, come from The Book of Documents. The first blessing is a long life. The second is wealth. The third is health. The fourth is love of virtue(美德). And the last one is a peaceful death.

Chinese artists have long used five bats to stand for the five blessings. Why? Because “bianfu”, the Chinese name for bats, includes “fu”.

The character “fu” means blessings, happiness and good luck in Chinese. It appears in all kinds of things, such as paper-cutting and posters. This shows Chinese people’s wishes for happiness and good luck. For example, people paste the “fu” character on doors and walls during Spring Festival. Often, people paste it upside-down. The Chinese words for “upside-down” and “to arrive” are both pronounced

“dao”. So the phrase “fu upside-down” sounds nearly the same as the phrase “good luck arrives”.

1. What does the underlined word “paste” in Paragraph 4 mean?
A.张贴B.裁剪C.取消D. 摘下
2. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.We can often see “fu” character in paper-cutting and poster.
B.We often see “fu” character during the Mid-autumn Festival.
C.“Fu upside-down” have the same meaning with “good luck arrives”.
D.“Fu” shows Chinese people’s wishes for happiness and good luck.
3. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The meaning of “wufu linmen” or the five blessings in China.
B.Chinese artists use five bats to stand for he five blessings.
C.The character “fu” means blessings in Chinese.
D.The “five blessings” come from The Book of Documents.
2022-08-14更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】In many people’s minds, monsters (怪兽) or yao (妖怪) usually look horrible and do bad things. But in the one of the great Chinese cartoon series Yao—Chinese Folktales《中国奇谭》, yao are different. The cartoon has been on Bilibili since January 1.

In the stories, yao are lovely, fun and mysterious. They have their own lives just like humans. A little pig monster works hard in a monster company. A fox scholar (书生) creates a dreamy day for a man.

The cartoon won many people’s hearts. It shows a different side of Chinese yao culture. “Most yao in China’s old stories are warm, kind and friendly” said Zhang Yun, who wrote a book about China’s 1080 kinds of yao.

People are afraid of yao because of their fear of the unknown world. For example kids sometimes are afraid of things under the bed or behind the curtain (窗帘). “Yao are humans’ imagination of unknown things,” said Chen Liaoyu, general director (总导演) of the cartoon. In one of the cartoon’s stories, a little child thinks a catfish (鲶鱼) is horrible. But later he sees people sell the fish like other foods. The fear is gone.

1. What’s the theme of the passage?
2. What does the underlined word “horrible” mean in Paragraph 1?
3. Who wrote a book about China’s 1080 kinds of yao?
A.A little child.B.A fox scholar.C.Chen Liaoyu.D.Zhang Yun.
4. Which of the following words can best describe Yao—Chinese Folktales?
A.Easy and boring.B.Creative and interesting.
C.Difficult and challenging.D.Different and meaningless.
5. What can we get from the passage?
A.People used to think yao would do harmful things.
B.A fox scholar in the story fights with humans.
C.People dislike the cartoon series about yao.
D.Humans lack imagination of unknown word.
2024-06-13更新 | 14次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 较难 (0.4)

China has a long history. Many stories are hidden in ancient books. One of these books is Shan Hai Jing. Shan Hai Jing means Classic of Mountains and Seas in English. It is a special book that tells us about the geography and culture of China before a time called the Qin Dynasty.     1     There are many Chinese myths (神话) in it.

    2     And the time when it was written is uncertain. People once thought mythical figures wrote it. For a long time, figures like Yu the Great or Boyi were thought to be the writer. But today, experts have a different idea. The book wasn’t written all at once by just one person. Many people wrote different parts of the book over a long time. They started writing during a time called the Warring States.     3    

Shan Hai Jing talks about many things. It mentions more than 550 mountains. It also talks about 300 waterways. There are stories of 400 mythical creatures, too. The book has about 31,000 Chinese characters. It is divided into 18 parts.     4     One story is about the Great Pangu, who created the world. There are also stories about Nvwa, who fixed the sky. Another story is about Kua Fu. He was a giant who tried to run after the sun.

    5     The stories have been passed down from parents to children in China for many, many years.

A.It is really like a treasure box.
B.The book is like a bridge from the past to today.
C.The whole writing continued until the start of the Han Dynasty.
D.No one knows for sure who wrote the wonderful book.
E.There are some oldest stories about how the world began.
2024-06-01更新 | 26次组卷
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