组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-匹配 难度:0.65 引用次数:40 题号:22818998
    1    Sam is a lazy man who runs away from challenges and prefers to avoid any task that requires effort or hard work.
    2    Diana wants to find the perfect dress for her upcoming job interview tomorrow. She aims to make a great impression and feel confident during the important occasion.
    3    Li Hua finds joy in watching English movies. Not only does he enjoy himself, but he also learns English in the process.
    4    Kelly spends all her time with her work. She doesn’t watch TV or go online to learn about any new information around her and the world.
    5    Jim’s wife comes from China. They live happily together in China and Jim falls in love with Chinese culture.
A.If a frog stays in the well, he will never knows about the things happening outside. So “The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean”.
B.Dogs are people’s best friends in western countries. So if you love me, you should love my friends too. Love me, love my dog.
C.Sometimes we can work out two problems at the same time with an action. That’s the famous saying “Kill two birds with one stone”.
D.When someone is lucky and strong enough, we often describe him as “A cat has nine lives.” highlighting his ability to undergo challenges and spring back from difficult situations repeatedly.
E.Success is not achievable without putting in the effort. No one can become successful without working hard. A gloved cat catches no mice.
F.Making mistakes is not frightening. Even a great person makes mistakes. A horse may stumble (绊倒) on four feet.
G.People rely on clothing. Good clothes make people look better. Fine feathers make fine birds.


阅读理解-单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Once, there were two fishermen. They were close friends. One Saturday, they spent time fishing at a lake. They brought their fishing rods, worms as baits and ice boxes.

When they were there, they sat at a distance (距离) from each other and started fishing. The first fisherman got a big and beautiful fish in a few minutes. He was very happy and put the fish in the ice box to keep it fresh (新鲜的).

After an hour, the first fisherman wanted to know if his friend had caught anything. He walked towards his friend. He saw that his friend catch a large fish. But he put it back into the lake. The first fisherman was surprised by his act. The second fisherman caught four more big fishes but again, he just put them back into the lake.

The first fisherman asked the second fisherman, “Why do you put your fishes back into the water? They are beautiful and big!”

The second fisherman answered, “I don’t have a big pan to cook the big fish! I’m looking for a smaller fish that fits my cooking pan!”

“Why don’t you cut the big fish into smaller pieces to solve the problem?”

1. What did the fishermen bring with them on their fishing trip?
A.Fishing rods, worms and baskets.
B.Fishing strings, worms and ice boxes.
C.Fishing rods, worms and ice boxes.
2. Why did the first fisherman keep his fish in the ice box?
A.Because the fish was big.
B.Because he didn’t have a big cooking pan.
C.Because he wanted to keep the fish fresh.
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The first fisherman was angry with his friend when he put the fish back into the water.
B.The second fisherman caught five fishes.
C.The second fisherman was going to buy a bigger cooking pan.
2024-09-03更新 | 23次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Johnny is ten years old. He is very lazy. This Sunday his classmates go on a bus trip. The teacher doesn’t want to take Johnny with them. But no one takes care of Johnny at school. So the teacher has to take him.

“Now, children,” the teacher says.“On our bus trip we can see many old buildings, some beautiful villages. I want you to write about everything you see on the trip.”

The bus trip begins. The children are writing something in their notebooks. The teacher is very happy.

Suddenly the teacher sees Johnny lying on the floor of the bus, so she goes up to him.

“Are you sick?” she asks him.

“No, Miss Brown,” Johnny says.

“Then why are you lying on the floor?”

“If I can’t see anything,” he says, “I will not need to write about it, right?”

1. What do they do this Sunday?
A.Have lunch at a restaurant.B.Swim in the river.C.Go on a bus trip.D.Go shopping.
2. They will see ________ on the trip.
A.some animalsB.many old buildingsC.some beautiful carsD.many new buildings
3. What do the students do on the bus?
A.They read some books.B.They write something in their notebooks.
C.They lie on the floor.D.They sing many songs.
4. Johnny lies on the floor because ________.
A.he wants to see everythingB.he doesn’t want to write about the trip
C.he is sickD.he is laughing
5. Which of the following is RIGHT?
A.Johnny is a lazy boy.B.Johnny is a happy boy.
C.The others are very lazy, too.D.The teacher is sick.
2022-01-01更新 | 135次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Two young men are looking for jobs together. One is an English and the other is a Jew (犹太人).

A coin is on the ground. The English young man walks past without looking, but the Jewish young man picks it up happily.

The English young man looks down on the Jewish young man, thinking what a good-for-nothing (无用的人), even picking up a coin!

Watching the English young man from behind, the Jewish young man sighs (叹气), thinking what a good-for-nothing, letting the money go away!

Two years later, the two men meet on the street. The Jewish young man becomes a boss but the English young man is still looking for a job. So the English young man asks, “You are so unpromising. How can you get rich in such a short time?” The Jewish young man says, “Because I don’t walk over one coin like a gentleman such as you. You even don’t want a coin, so how will you make a lot of money?”

The English young man really wants money, but he is just looking at the pound instead of (而不是) the coin, so his money is always in the future (未来). It is the answer to the question.

1. From the story we can learn ________.
A.the two young men are both good-looking men
B.the Englishman wants money but doesn’t know how to make money
C.the Jewish man know she will get rich in a short time
D.the Jewish man is just very lucky to get rich
2. Why does the Jewish young man sigh?
A.Because he thinks the Englishman is cleverer.
B.Because he feels sorry for the Englishman.
C.Because he thinks the Englishman will get rich.
D.Because he knows the Englishman can’t find a job.
3. It’s clear that “the coin on the ground” is like ________.
A.a luckB.a chanceC.a gameD.a life
4. The underlined word “unpromising” in Paragraph Five has the closest meaning to ________.
5. Which one does the story possibly tell us?
A.Practice makes perfect.B.All roads lead to Rome.
C.Every coin counts.D.Learn not and know not.
2023-06-06更新 | 92次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般