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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:157 题号:22871838

①700 years before the Wright brothers began experimenting with human flight, the Chinese had already got its secrets—with kites.

②Kites may have been invented in China as early as 500 B.C.E. While some kites were flown for fun, other kites provided key technologies for daily life. Chinese fishermen used kites to carry their lines far out to sea. Sailors used them to take a measurement of the wind.

③The Chinese craftsmen were very clever! They made their kites from bamboo and silk, and they came in all kinds of cool shapes, like 80-foot-long dragons. These kites showed off ancient China’s great technology. Their wings and tails could even move! As Chinese engineers experimented to make the kites fly even higher, they discovered the science of aerodynamics (空气动力学). They made the wings of their kites work like airfoils (机翼)—the same design used in modern planes.

④And the man-carriers were the most amazing Chinese kites. Ancient Chinese people may have made them a common sight by the 1200s. The kites were much larger than a small airplane. They were made from strong bamboo poles tied together and then covered with silk. During wars, Chinese scouts used man-carrying kites to fly high in the sky and spy on their enemies—similar to modern spy planes.

⑤In the late 1200s, the Italian businessman and explorer Marco Polo was amazed by what he saw in China, and he wrote a detailed description. When he returned to Italy, most people refused to believe him. They could not imagine that a person could fly.

⑥Centuries passed before Europeans learned the secrets—often by flying kites imported from China. In 1804, an English engineer, Sir George Cayley, built the first model airplanes. He used kites to make the wings. About 100 years later, American inventors, including the Wright brothers, also found ideas for their flight experiments by flying kites first.

1. What does Paragraph 2 mainly tell us?
A.How people made kites. B.When kites were invented.
C.What kites were used for. D.Where kites were invented.
2. Why are modern planes mentioned in Paragraph 3?
A.To describe the popularity of ancient Chinese kites.
B.To get readers to learn about the history of Chinese kites.
C.To show the excellent skills of kite making in ancient China.
D.To tell the differences between modern planes and Chinese kites.
3. Which is the correct order of the following events?
a. Sir George Cayley built the first model planes.
b. Ancient Chinese made large man-carrying kites.
c. Marco Polo told Italians about Chinese amazing kites.
d. The Wright brothers did flight experiments by flying kites first.
4. What’s the structure of the passage?


阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 较难 (0.4)


People now keep flat-faced dogs such as French bulldogs as pets because they are cute. Some people call these dogs “lazy” because they get sleepier more easily than other dogs during the day. However, these cute dogs are having a hard tıme, according to a recent study.

Scientists at Eotvos Lorand University in Hungary watched 92 family dogs of different types while they were sleeping.

During the study, the dogs spent about three hours with their owners in the sleep lab. With nothing special to do, the dogs soon fell asleep. At that time, the scientists recorded the dogs’ brain activities by an electroencephalogram (EEG, 脑电图), which doesn’t hurt the dogs.

The study found that the flat-faced dogs slept more than the other kinds. This may be because they don’t get enough sleep at night. The scientists explained that this is due to sleep apnea (睡眠呼吸暂停症), which only happens in French bulldogs.

During their sleep, they can’t get enough air and may find it difficult to breathe, which makes them constantly wake up.

Some French bulldogs may sleep while holding a toy ball in their mouths. Owners may think this is funny. But they’re actually doing it to keep their airways (呼吸道) open so they can breathe more easily.

This, however, is only one of the health problems dogs have because of breeding (培育). According to the website Pet Helpful, a lot of pet dogs are bred based on what people like, such as shorter legs, heavier bodies, and larger ears. Bulldogs are one of the victims.

Lots of pet lovers are calling for people to respect dogs as they are. Breeders must take the health of their dogs seriously instead of just for cuteness, Australian vet Karen Hedberg told ABC News.

1. What problems do flat-faced dogs have?
A.They are too energetic at night.
B.They are lazy and don’t work during the day.
C.They have serious sleep problems.
D.They are no longer popular on the market.
2. What do we know about the experiment?
A.It studied 92 French bulldogs.
B.It recorded dogs’ sleeping with an EEG.
C.Dogs were put into the lab all alone.
D.Dogs couldn’t fall asleep in the lab.
3. Why do some flat-faced dogs hold a toy ball in their mouths during sleep?
A.To keep them partly awake.B.To express their love for the toy ball.
C.To please their owners.D.To help them breathe better.
4. Karen Hedberg called on breeders to ________.
A.stop breeding flat-faced dogsB.breed more cute types of dogs
C.put pets’ health first when breedingD.respect pet owners’ choices
5. The writer probably agrees that ________.
A.many cute animals may have serious health problems
B.flat-faced dogs face health problems because of breeding choices
C.dog owners do not understand their pets clearly
D.people are choosing pets in a more scientific way
2024-04-16更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约340词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Most people will tell you that they can’t work without a cup of coffee in the morning. Research has shown that a cup of coffee does give a person slight excitement.

Legend said that Kaldi, an Ethiopian, found his goats happier while enjoying coffee plants. Curiously, he tasted the leaves and began to dance around. Whether the Legend was true or not, the discovery of coffee dates back to 800A. D. Soon Arabians were roasting coffee beans. Muslims were drinking coffee to stay awake by 1000 A.D. A merchant from Venice introduced coffee to Europe in 1615. By 1696, the Dutch started growing the coffee bush in Java. By 1723, coffee plants were introduced to the Americans. Today, coffee is the most popular drink in the world.

Caffeine is the major chemical in coffee. It blocks(阻止) adenosine, a chemical that makes you sleepy. People can get a pick-me-up or stimulation(刺激) from the drink. The stimulation does not last long. Caffeine poisoning can occur if more than 400 milligrams of caffeine is drunk in a short period, which is about four to five cups of coffee. Caffeine will also cause sleep difficulty, so it should not be drunk before bed.

Caffeine has many advantages. Studies have shown that it helps improve some skills in elderly women. Women who drank three cups of coffee daily scored higher on memory tests than women who drank one cup of coffee. According to newser.com, one cup of coffee a day protects the brain. Coffee also can help people keep away from many diseases according to webmd.com.

Large amounts of coffee can cause nervousness, worries and a fast heartbeat. However, if you mix coffee with milk, it’s fine. Caffeine can be addictive like any drug. The more you drink, the more you depend on it. For some people, just one cup of coffee a day is OK.

1. Who found the most popular drink in the world according to the Legend?
A.An Ethiopian.B.Arabians.
C.Muslims.D.The Dutch.
2. When was the coffee introduced to Europe?
A.In the 1710s.B.In the 1610s.
C.In the 1690s.D.In the 1720s.
3. From the third paragraph we can learn ___________.
A.caffeine can make people sleepy
B.adenosine can make people awake
C.about four to five cups of coffee will cause sleep difficulty
D.coffee is considered harmful if it is taken in a large amount
4. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us ___________.
A.the importance of coffeeB.the good effects of coffee
C.the bad effects of coffeeD.the development of coffee
5. If you like drinking coffee, you had better_______.
A.drink it before bedB.give up this bad habit
C.drink one cup of coffee a dayD.drink more coffee than milk
2016-11-25更新 | 658次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】Some people may sneeze (打喷嚏) after touching a cute dog. Others may find it hard to breathe after eating a certain food. Why does this happen? That’s because they have allergies (过敏).

When a person is allergic to something, his or her immune system (免疫系统) mistakenly believes that this thing is harming the body. Some allergies may cause uncomfortable eyes or sneezing. Others may even make people stop breathing.

But why do people have allergies?

It can be because of their genes (基因), which control what they look like, how they grow and how they develop.

You may be at risk of developing allergies yourself at some point in your life if one of your parents has eczema (湿疹) or food allergies, and they may develop in a certain order, Ogden told Gizmodo, a US technology and science website. A person may first have eczema in his or her childhood, and later see it develop into a food allergy.

But not all allergies are caused by genes. Some experts say that if we experience fewer infections (感染) when we are young, we are more likely to have allergies when we grow up.

According to Matthew Greenhawt from the University of Colorado, our immune system deals with infections and allergies. It tries to keep a balance between the two. But modern medicine protects us from developing all kinds of infections. This breaks the balance. It may think that normal things, such as certain foods, are dangerous and will try to protect us with an immune response (反应).

1. People who have allergies may ________ according to the passage.
A.be likely to have cancerB.find it hard to fall asleep
C.have uncomfortable eyesD.sneeze when having a cold
2. The underlined word “they” refers to ________.
A.allergiesB.parentsC.genesD.points in life
3. Which can make us more likely to have allergies when we grow up?
A.Not getting exercise.B.Eating unhealthy food.
C.Not having allergies before.D.Experiencing fewer infections.
4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.People are not allergic to animals.
B.Parents can’t pass allergies on to their children.
C.People may stop breathing when they have allergies.
D.Modern medicine has no influence on our immune system.
5. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.how to treat allergiesB.why people have allergies
C.when people may have allergies easilyD.what people have done with allergies
2023-06-21更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般