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题型:任务型阅读-多任务混合 难度:0.65 引用次数:27 题号:22889433
阅读短文,用英文填空或回答问题 (请注意每小题的词数要求)。

“On the first day of 2024, I saw the snows of Kilimanjaro (乞力马扎罗山),” said Xu Zhuoyuan, a 17-year-old mountain climber from Hunan.

Xu’s mountain climbing journey began on a family trip to Xizang and Sichuan four years ago. Passing by Mount Siguniang in Sichuan, she enjoyed its beauty and decided to try climbing it. She fell in love with mountain climbing right then and there.

For the next few years, Xu did hard training. She went to climb peaks (山峰) over 5,000 meters and doing daily physical exercise like running, swimming and bike riding. All that hard work got her ready for the big challenges she would face on Kilimanjaro.

Above 4,000 meters on Mount Kilimanjaro, the weather is similar to a desert, with big temperature differences. The whole climb took seven days, and staying warm and avoiding heat loss (损失) were the main challenges. Xu had to keep an eye on the temperature and change her clothes when the temperature changed.

During this experience, Xu was climbing with Xia Boyu, the first Chinese climber who reached the top of Mount Qomolangma with a prosthetic (假肢的) leg. “Every time I felt like giving up, just seeing Xia was enough to inspire me. He still kept going although he was having bloodied (流血的) legs from his prosthesis,” Xu said.

Looking ahead, Xu has set great goals for herself. She plans to climb the highest peak on each of the seven continents (大陆) and visit the North and South Poles by the time she’s 18. That’s her “7+2 program”.

1. The passage mainly tells the story of a young ______ ______ named Xu Zhuoyuan. (一空一词)
2. To prepare for big challenges, Xu did daily physical exercise like ______________. (6个词以内)
3. Xu ______________ (列举两项,10个词以内) to stay warm and avoid heat loss.
4. According to paragraph 5, why could Xia Boyu inspire Xu when she felt like giving up?
____________________________________________________________________________ (10个词以内)
5. What do you think of Xu Zhouyuan? Why?
___________________________________________________________________________ (20个词以内)
【知识点】 其他人 记叙文


任务型阅读-阅读表达(约50词) | 适中 (0.65)
成员姓名特长喜欢的食品身高   体重
Jack钢琴蔬菜185cm 50kg
Tom汉堡   炸鸡170cm 90kg
David吉他牛肉、可乐170cm 85kg
Li Ming唱歌 足球蔬菜、牛肉185cm 75kg

1. How many people are there in the band?
2. What instrument is Tom good at?
3. What does Jack look like? (不可使用表格中的数字回答)
4. What’s Li Ming’s favorite food?
5. Who do you think is the healthiest in the band?
2021-05-10更新 | 53次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

Project-based learning (项目化学习) is learning while doing. It gives leaners the chance to get a deeper understanding of a topic. During the learning, learners solve problems by using real-world examples and challenges. Project-based learning is becoming widely used in schools. Students work on a project over a period of time—from a week to a term. At the end of the project, they show their knowledge and skills by creating a product for people. Let’s take the example of Sandra.

Sandra is an eleven-year-old student in Sunshine Primary School. She wanted to know more about Greek mythology (希腊神话). Well, how did she make it?

She chose Greek mythology characters as the topic because she was interested in the characters and their stories. Step 1
Choose a topic
◆She had to learn about that topic and do some research on it. To collect information, she read books and articles about the history of Greek mythology. She also read some novels like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. She watched videos and played games all connected with Greek mythology. When she collected her information, she was ready to create a project. Step 2
Do the research
◆She created a project based on her talents and skills. She loves to build with Legos (乐高), so she decided to build lego creations based on the stories of Greek mythology characters. She’s also really good at art, so she created a book about her favorite characters. In her book, she drew pictures of them and wrote the stories in her own words. Step 3
◆After all of that work, she made a living room presentation for Mom and Dad and shared the two products that she had created. Then she shared her project online with friends, and even shared her project on social media. Step 4
Do the presentation

From the example of Sandra, we can see that project-based learning allows a student to learn about a topic and then create a project based on his or her talents and skills. Not everyone is a great test taker, but everyone is good at something. Through project work, students can not only learn deeply about a topic, but also have fun learning. So if you’re interested in something, why not start with project-based learning?

1. How do learners solve problems in project-based learning?
2. What did Sandra do to collect information? (At least two examples)
3. What is the best subtitle (小标题) of Step 3?
4. What were the two products that Sandra created?
5. What do you think of the project-based learning? Why?
2024-02-23更新 | 10次组卷
任务型阅读-多任务混合(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

A 70-year-old man decided to take part in 70 different sports on his 70th birthday. He did quite a good job. When asked why, he said it was simply to have some fun. He had played sport as a youngster and never stopped. Here is what the old man said to a reporter about his doing sports that year.

What was the sport you tried first?
Shortly after my 70th birthday, I tried paddle-boarding. Family members were greatly entertained watching me first try to get on the board, then stand on the board and finally fall into the water before trying all over again. The lesson I learned was “Perseverance paid off”. Eventually I stood, I balanced and I paddled. It was an early success.
Then I started to teach myself the basics of figure skating. They made it look so easy on the screen. But trying a simple spin (快速旋转) left me falling down on the ice, my elbow and knee hurting. I refused to give up. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. In this case, I learned the skills of the sport-enough to do a very short program-and performed it for my family and anyone else who happened to be around at the community club.

Besides the fashionable sports, were there any regular sports among your list?
There were some individual sports I took turns to do during the day: running, jumping, walking. For track, I built my own high jump and hurdles.
Sure. My family’s support was essential. My wife photographed every event for me to check later. My three sons were always ready for a game, like beach volleyball. The game brought the whole family together.

Definitely you had fun. What else kept you doing such a variety of sports?
There were some health advantages, too. Over the longer term came the realization that dreams are important, regardless of how unbelievable they might seem. As we age, our hopes and dreams may change, but one should never let them disappear.
1. When interviewed, the old man was going to have his 70th birthday, wasn’t he?
_______________, _________________________.
2. What did the old man keep doing so many different sports for?
He kept doing this for ______________ and ______________.
3. What does the underlined part “Perseverance paid off. “mean?
It means ______________.
4. What question may the reporter ask in the blank?
The question may be like this, “______________”.
5. List at least two things the family did for the old man when he was exercising.
6. What do you think of the old man? Why?
2023-03-14更新 | 188次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般