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题型:任务型阅读-补全短文 难度:0.65 引用次数:7 题号:22899829

Many people have never communicated with someone who is blind. Keep in mind there is no need to treat (对待) those people differently. Just show your respect to them. And do the following things kindly.

Offer help.

If you see a blind person who seems to need help, offer your arm. Taking your arm will help them to follow the movements of your body. If they have a guide dog, ask if they’d like to take your arm or follow you. Remember not to touch a guide dog.

Give helpful directions (方向).

Always give directions to a blind person according to the way they are facing. Giving them the words, such as “over there”, won’t help. Let them know clearly, “Go straight for about five meters and the door is to the right.”

Don’t use different words.

It’s okay to use words like “look” and “see” when communicating with a blind person. Words like these are likely as much a part of their word bank as yours.

Leave things where they are.

When visiting a blind person’s home or office, don’t move things around. Even if you think you’re helping, you may not be doing the right thing for them. Usually the blind person knows where they keep things and expects the things to be where they placed them.

When meeting someone who is blind, don’t treat them     1    . Just respect them. Offer your arm to help.     2     your arm can help them follow the movements of your body. Ask if they’d like to take your arm or follow you if they have a guide dog. Provide     3     directions for a blind person according to the way they are facing and let them know clearly. Communicate with a blind person by using     4     like “look” and “see” which are likely as much a part of their word bank as yours. Don’t     5     things around when visiting a blind person, because they usually know where they keep things and expect the things to be where they placed them.

【知识点】 说明文 意见/建议


任务型阅读-信息摘录(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

Please prepare your oven and mouth. Let’s make delicious cookies.

Ways of making crispy sugar cookies

①Get your ingredients. 1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 2 eggs, 5 cups flour (面粉), 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 cup milk.

②Mix the butter and sugar until light and fluffv (蓬松的). Then mix in the eggs at a time.

③Make the dough (面团). Mix the flour, baking soda and salt together. Then cover the dough with a cloth and put it in the fridge for 15 to 30 minutes.

④Shape the cookies. Roll out (辗平) the dough to about 0.3cm thick. Then cut out the shapes you want.

⑤Bake the cookies. Put the cookies in the oven and wait for about 10 minutes or until they are light brown.

⑥Cool the cookies. Once the cookies are baked, take them out and leave them cool. This will make sure that they get nice and crispy.


①Make sure that the butter is used at room temperature.

②Remember to preheat (预热) the oven. If the oven is too hot or too cold, you will not get the crispy cookies you want.

③Before baking, put the cookies about 5 cm a part. If the cookies are too close, they will melt to each other.

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2024-03-08更新 | 17次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约180词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you like to eat out? Many people like to eat out in a western(西方的)restaurant. We should remember the rules in a western restaurant.

Western restaurants usually give you a nice napkin(餐巾)to use during the meal. When you sit down, put this napkin on your legs, then order the food. It often has a lot of dishes. Many people order an appetizer(开胃菜)for the first dish. An appetizer is a small dish of food. After the appetizer, you may get soup and then salad.

After the salad comes the main food. A main food will have some kinds of meat or fish with noodles, rice or potatoes and vegetables. The last food is usually dessert(甜点)and drink, like coffee or tea.

Eating out in a western restaurant can be expensive. But the food is very delicious. Usually by the end, you will be quite happy!

1. Where should you put the napkin when you sit down in western restaurants?
2. What is an appetizer?
3. When does the main food come?
4. How does the writer feel about eating out in a western restaurant?
5. What does the passage mainly(主要)talking about?
2022-02-20更新 | 61次组卷
任务型阅读-阅读填表(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

In English-language news reports, when you read “relations between Beijing and Moscow”, it actually means “relations between China and Russia”. That’s how important the capital is. We know that the central government of a country is always located in the capital. The leaders of a country usually work and live there as well.

Many of you may know that Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. But this will change soon. Indonesia has decided that the country would move its capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan. This is big news for the country, even for the world.

Choosing a good place as the capital is significant for a country. In many countries, the capital is the richest city. This is because when a city becomes a major business center, it takes on a more important place in the world. London, for example, has been the economic(经济的)center of Britain for nearly 2, 000 years, so people naturally chose it as the capital.

Sometimes, capitals are chosen for some other reasons. For example, Brazil’s capital used to be Rio, which is a coastal(海岸的)city. Later the capital moved to the inland city of Brasilia, because coastal cities can be attacked(袭击)more easily during a war.

In the case of Indonesia, the new capital was chosen in order to balance the development in different areas. Kalimantan is an underdeveloped area. By becoming the new capital, it can expect faster economic growth.

Capital City    1     of the capitalIt’s the location of the central government.
It’s     2     of a country.
It’s the living and working place of the leaders of a country.
How to choose a place as the capitalFor economic reasonLondon:
--To make the economic center play an important role in the world.
-To achieve     3     development in different areas
For     4     reasonRio,     5     Brazilian,     6    
2023-07-17更新 | 74次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般