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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:60 题号:22929073

What color of wearing do you like? Do you know “dopamine dressing (多巴胺穿搭)”? It’s one of the most talked about fashion trends (趋势) for 2023 and 2024. However, is there any science behind this?

“Dopamine dressing” came out from the book Dress Your Best Life. An American fashion psychologist (心理学家) wrote this book in 2020. In the book, dopamine dressing is about wearing colorful clothing to get more dopamine.

Dopamine is a chemical in our brain. This kind of chemical makes people feel good. Usually our brain gives it out when we eat delicious food, play with our pets, listen to our favorite songs, after we exercise or when we win a game.

According to Science Focus Magazine, there are studies that show a relationship between the colors of the clothes we wear and how we act and feel. One study found that wearing red can bring better physical performance. It also showed bright colors can make people feel active. One more study showed that wearing green can help people relax because it is the color of nature. Yellow, the color of summer and warmth, can bring people happiness. But there are some problems with these studies, as people from different cultures have different ideas about dressing and colors.

In a word, “dopamine dressing” shows that we can wear colorful clothes to get more dopamine and feel good. Dressing is more than just a trend. It’s also a way of showing ourselves. So, next time you’re getting dressed, think about which colors will bring out yourself best.

1. How does the writer start the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By asking questions.
C.By listing numbers.D.By using old sayings.
2. What is dopamine dressing according to the text?
A.A way of dressing.B.A kind of chemical.
C.A book about dressing.D.A fashion trend for 2020.
3. When does our brain usually give out dopamine?
A.When we eat bad food.B.When we study for a test.
C.When we lose a basketball game.D.When we read our favorite books.
4. What is Paragraph 4 mainly talking about?
A.Colors bring happiness.B.Green is the color of nature.
C.Different colors give different feelings.D.Wearing red brings better performance.
5. What would be the best title for the text?
A.The Fashion Trend for 2024B.Different Dressing Cultures
C.Secrets of Personal ExpressionD.The Science Behind Dopamine Dressing


阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nature is amazing! Take a close look at the world of insects, and you’ll discover many unbelievable things. Consider butterflies (蝴蝶), for example. They have beautiful wings and magical flying skills. On summer days, you always see them flying freely over flower gardens and wild fields.

But did you know how butterflies become the flying insects? It is one of the wonders of nature. In the beginning, the mother lays a small and colourful egg on a leaf or stem of a plant. It is hard to believe that the egg will become something completely different in a few days. It becomes a walking insect. This insect is called a caterpillar. It now has legs, eyes and a large body. A new life begins. The caterpillar can eat, walk and see. But it is still not a butterfly.

Soon, after growing big, the caterpillar makes a cover for itself. It covers itself in the nice protective blanket (保护层) and goes to sleep. This is known as the “pupa (蛹)” stage. After some time, the blanket breaks and a wet butterfly appears. It now has six legs, a mouth, eyes and wings. Shortly, the beautiful butterfly spreads (张开) its wings and flies away. After a few weeks, this butterfly lays her eggs, and the cycle (循环) begins all over again.

This is just one example of the wonders of nature. Look around the natural world, and you will learn many truly amazing things.

1. What is NOT mentioned about butterflies in Paragraph 1?
A.They are a kind of insect.B.They have beautiful wings.
C.They are good at flying.D.They can smell well.
2. What does the underlined word “caterpillar” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?
3. What is the right order of the development process (发育过程) of a butterfly?
①It becomes a pupa.       ②It becomes a walking insect.
③The mother lays an egg.       ④It spreads wings and flies away.
4. What does a butterfly look like after the blanket breaks?
A.It has legs, ears and a mouth.B.It has legs, eyes and a large body.
C.It has six legs, a mouth, eyes and wings.D.It has legs, a mouth and a large body.
5. What can be the best title for the text?
A.One Insect, Many ColoursB.One Insect, Four Lives
C.The Kinds of ButterfliesD.The Habits of Butterflies
2024-05-12更新 | 15次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】What covers three-fourths of the Earth's surface? It's the water that makes up the Earth's four oceans. They are the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian and the Arctic. The Pacific Ocean is the largest and deepest. The Arctic is the smallest and shallowest.

Stand on a beach and watch the ocean. You will see that it is never still(平静的). The ocean is in constant motion(频繁的运动). Wind blows across the surface of the water. This makes waves. Ocean waves vary in height. Light wind causes little ripples(涟漪). In a hurricane(飓风), winds can whip up(吹起) huge, dangerous waves that can get to be more than 14 meters high!

Ocean currents(水流)are masses of water that move from shore to shore. Like waves, currents are caused by wind. Ocean currents can be warm or cold. In areas close to land, warm ocean currents make the air warmer; cold ocean currents make it colder.

At high tide(涨潮时期), the ocean covers much of the beach, At low tide, you can walk on the sand that had earlier been covered by ocean water. Tides are caused by the pull of gravity(重力)as the moon circles the Earth.

The ocean provides people with many resources. Ocean water contains salt, a basic cooking material. Ocean fishing provides work and food for many people. The ocean is also a fun place to visit. Children who live near the ocean often like to swim in the waves, hunt for shells, and play in the sand. The ocean may look like a great pool of water, but it's much more than that.

1. Which of the following is the best summary of the first paragraph?
A.The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean.
B.The Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean.
C.Four oceans cover three-fourths of the Earth's surface.
2. What can happen when a hurricane blows across the water?
A.High waves form.B.Small ripples form.C.Air on land gets hot.
3. The underlined word "it" in the sentence "…, cold ocean currents make it colder. " refers to ________
A.the windB.the airC.the ocean water
4. Which of the following statements is true, according to the passage?
A.The Arctic Ocean is bigger than the Atlantic Ocean.
B.Oceans provide many of the things that people need.
C.Everyone who lives near the ocean loves to swim.
5. Which of the following makes the best title for the passage?
A.Ocean Fishing.B.What Makes Oceans Move.C.Oceans on the Move.
2020-10-13更新 | 48次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】We often think the Arctic (北极) only has snow and ice. But in fact, it has far more than that!

The Arctic is on top of Earth. The Arctic Ocean makes up two-thirds of the Arctic, while one-third is made up of land in eight countries, including Russia, Canada, and the US.

The Arctic lands have many various lives. Some plants and animals can grow in very cold temperatures. In fact, the Arctic is home to more than 21,000 kinds of lives. There are whales, Arctic foxes and many more: The polar bear (北极熊) is the most famous Arctic animal.

You might think that the Arctic is too cold for people to live in. But surprisingly, there are about 4 million people living there. That’s the same population as the city of Taiyuan in Shanxi, China. About 10 percent are local people. They have been there for thousands of years. They make a living by fishing, hunting and so on.

A group of scientists recently came back from a one-year-long study in the Arctic. They have bad news: the Arctic is dying. The amount of Arctic sea ice is falling by around 3 percent every year. There will be no more ice during the summer in the near future. What does this mean for us? Many animals such as polar bears, hunt for their food on the ice. If they can’t do this anymore, they will die of hunger Local people hunt animals for food. But since so many animals are dying, they need to change their way of life.

1. One-third of the Arctic is made up ________.
2. The underlined word “various” in Paragraph 3 means ________.
3. There are about _________ local people in Arctic.
4. From the passage, we know that _________.
A.two-thirds of the Arctic is made up of land
B.all the animals in the Arctic will die of hunger
C.the polar bear is the most famous Arctic animal
D.the population of the city of Taiyuan is about 400,000
5. This passage is mainly about _________.
A.the people in the ArcticB.the animals in the Arctic
C.the life in the ArcticD.the weather in the Arctic
2023-05-23更新 | 133次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般