组卷网 > 初中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与社会 > 社会服务 > 志愿服务
题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:24 题号:22943050

It was a mid-August evening. Some children filled a big yard in a small village in Tongzi, Guizhou. An old man with gray hair wrote several beautiful English words on the blackboard and asked the children to read. As he listened, a look of satisfaction appeared on his face.

The old man with gray hair is Liu Xiaosheng. He used to be a foreign language teacher at a university in Chongqing. In 2012, he came to Shuijing Village in Guizhou for summer vacation. One evening, he saw a neighbor’s child learning English. He found that the child had poor pronunciation. As a teacher, he felt the need to do something, so he began to teach the child for free.

In this way, Liu had his first student. Gradually, news of free English learning spread through the village, and more children came. At first, Liu taught in his living room and then moved into the corridor (走廊) for more space. But soon, the corridor was full of students, and Liu turned to using one villager’s rice milling (碾米) room as a classroom. The other villagers also raised money to buy desks, chairs, and a blackboard. Later, as the number of students grew, Liu finally set up a classroom in the yard of a villager’s house.

Every summer, Liu comes to the village to teach English. He has been doing it for ten years. The villagers like him and call him the “yard teacher”. Liu also loves his life and work in the village. “Teaching is an important part of my life. I am willing to help these children improve themselves step by step,” he said.

1. While the children were reading the English words he wrote, Liu Xiaosheng felt                   .
2. What do we know about Liu Xiaosheng?
A.He teaches the children without receiving money.
B.He wants to help the children with their science.
C.He has been teaching the children for five years.
3. How many places where Liu Xiaosheng has taught are mentioned in Paragraph 3?
4. What could be the best title for this text?
A.The “Yard Teacher”
B.The Hard-working Children
C.The Life in Shuijing Village
【知识点】 志愿服务 记叙文


阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Many volunteers have helped senior citizens(老年人)learn to use smartphones. But for all their goodwill, the service has some flaws(缺陷). It takes much time and effort, and more importantly, older people can easily forget what they’ve learned and the volunteers have to do the same job time and time again.

Liu Siyuan from Beijing 101 Middle School noticed the problems and tried to solve them with a guidebook. The 16-year-old founded a volunteer group called SilverHair. Its seven members spent around half a year writing a 300-page book called May I Show You How to Use Smartphones.

The group members made a survey of more than 1,000 senior citizens and talked with many in nursing homes and found out what the older people care most about with smartphones. “How to use WeChat” topped the list as the app covers many parts of life such as chatting and money transfers(转账). These make up one chapter of the book. The other nine chapters include the basic functions of phones, online shopping, using online maps and more. To make the book more friendly to older readers, Liu also made the pages pale yellow and the characters big.

“Many senior citizens are resistant to smartphones at first, but they are familiar with books, which can make them more willing to learn,” said Liu. “And besides, they can look in the book any time they need, just like using a dictionary.”

The SilverHair members have printed out 500 copies with their own money and handed them all out. They’ll soon start working on the second edition which includes more guidance such as hospital registration(挂号)and photo editing. They also hope for monetary support from the public so they can print more copies and help more people.

1. What is SilverHair’s guidebook mainly about?
A.It keeps the elderly up to date.B.It teaches the elderly how to use smartphones
C.It spreads the advantages of nursing homes.D.It calls on more people to care for the elderly
2. What do we know about the group’s guidebook?
a. It is easy for the elderly to read.       b. It fits in one’s pocket.
c. It is only given to old people.       d. It only explains the usage of phones with the Android system.
3. What does the underlined word “resistant” mean in Chinese?
4. What problem do SilverHair’s volunteers face now?
A.Readers don’t know how to use the guidebook.
B.The printed books have some mistakes that need to be changed.
C.They don’t have enough money to print more books.
D.They need more people to help create their next book.
2023-07-16更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)


Volunteer Opportunity (机会) for College Students


Our volunteer college students work with small groups of young people to guide them through activities and discussions. Students from different majors(专业) can learn a lot from our program, especially teacher major. Working with small groups is an excellent way to develop as a new teacher. Many of our visitors have Spanish as a first language, so bilingual(双语的) teachers are wanted.


No experience is necessary! Have fun working with the young. New volunteers receive training and work with experienced teachers.


Field trips take place between 9:30 am and 1:30 pm during the week. Volunteers may work 9:30 am to 11:30 am or 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm, or 9:30 am to 1:30 pm if you like.Volunteers generally attend as often or as little as they prefer.


Kidsbridge also provides opportunities for students with specific interests to do research and learn more. Internship (实习生) opportunities are available. Volunteering in the Museum also counts as Community Service hours.

Email: rebeccakidsbridge@ Verizon.net

WEBSITE: www. kidsbridgemuseum.org

MUSEUM LOCATION: The Ewing Senior & Community Center 999 Lower Ferry Rd. Ewing, NJ 08628

College students’ reflections after visiting the Kidsbridge

Tolerance Museum:

“It is an experience that can’t be compared to other college classes. I’ve found that sharing time with the kids was not only beneficial to them but a huge benefit to me.”

“Now I know why I want to be a teacher —these children need the best teachers. I learned that you never know what a student is going through, and you may not have the answers. However, if you are the person who that child looks to as different, as a safe place from all of the madness in their lives, then you have opened the door. You can make a world of difference.

1. The volunteers are going to work in a ________.
2. Kidsbridge ________.
A.divides the volunteers into small groups
B.provides internship opportunities for specific students
C.gives chances to students who want to do research and learn more.
D.offers training for young people who work with experienced teachers
3. The purposes of showing us the college students’ reflections are except ________.
A.to tell us how meaningful college classes are
B.to let us know the meaning the volunteer work
C.to share the feelings of the students after the work
D.to make students more interested in the volunteer work
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
A.To be a volunteer, it is better if you can speak at least two languages.
B.You can attend the activities as well if you are experienced volunteers.
C.You are required to work unless you can work at least 2 hours each time.
D.The time that you spend volunteering will add to your Community Service hours.
5. The passage is probably written for ________.
A.bilingual teachersB.college teachersC.community groupsD.college students
2023-06-19更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

On a small hill in Huaping, Yunnan, there is a small school. However, over the past 13 years, it has rewritten the fate (命运) of over 1, 800 poor girls by sending them to universities.

Zhang Guimei, born in 1957, is the head teacher of this school. She began teaching in Huaping—one of China’s poorest areas in 1996.The teacher wondered why many girls in her class would just one day stop coming to school. After some investigations. Zhang learned that they were from very poor families. These girls had to work or get married at a young age. “We often say that we want every child to have a fair star,” she said. “But these poor girls don’t even have a chance to stand at the starting line.”

Zhang wanted to change this. She spent years raising money. Finally, in 2008, she set up the Huaping High School for Girls. It’s China’s first free public high school for girls.

Zhang gets up at 5 a.m. every day to turn on the lights on each floor of the teaching building. “Many girls are timid,” the head teacher explains. She wants them to feel safer on their way to classes. After years of tiring work, Zhang is now in poor health, but the school and the children matter more than anything else in her mind.

Zhang’s story has warmed hearts all around China and inspired many to follow in her footsteps. Zhou Yunli was one of her students. After she finished university, she heard that her alma mater (母校) was short of math teachers. She at once returned to the school to teach. “Without Ms. Zhang, I would be nobody,” Zhou said with a smile.

1. How did Zhang Guimei change the fate of over 1, 800 poor girls?
A.By teaching them English.
B.By sending them to universities.
C.By sending them to big cities.
2. Which school is the first free public high school for girls in China?
A.Huaping High School.
B.Yunnan High School for Girls.
C.Huaping High School for Girls.
3. Why did Zhou Yunli return to the school after she finished university?
A.Because her alma mater was short of math teachers.
B.Because Ms.Zhang asked her to do so.
C.Because it’s not easy for her to find a good job in big cities.
2022-08-16更新 | 23次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般