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题型:阅读理解-单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:53 题号:7852937
Everybody knows that Earth spins from west to east. That is to say, it appears to be spinning counterclockwise(逆时针) when viewed from above the North Pole.
But what if Earth started spinning the other way?
Scientists from Germany have made a computer simulation(模拟) in which Earth spins in the opposite direction – clockwise when viewed from above the North Pole. This showed them some interesting things about the weather and topography (地形地貌) on Earth, Live Science reported.
As Earth spins in a counterclockwise direction, it shapes ocean currents(洋流). The direction of the spin, together with wind, produces different weather around the globe(全球).
But a backwards(逆向的) spin changes the ocean currents and winds. Therefore, the climate(气候) is different. Western areas of continents(大陆) on Earth cool down as the eastern parts warm up. Winters become even colder in northwestern Europe, while eastern Russia becomes warmer than before. Rain no longer falls on the planet’s wettest places.
Another result of a backward spin is that Earth becomes greener. Scientists found that global desert(沙漠) coverage(范围) shrank(缩小) from 42 million square kilometers to 31 million square kilometers. This may have something to do with the changing climate.
Therefore, you can see lush(郁郁葱葱的), green landscapes from Central Africa to the Middle East, which are mostly covered by deserts now. More surprisingly, the Sahara Desert becomes an oasis(绿洲).
___________. They just appear in some places that they never appeared in before. Deserts would cover North America, where countries like the United States and Canada lie. Sand dunes(沙丘) would replace the Amazon rainforest in South America.
A backward spin would keep the major characteristics of Earth’s topography, such as the size, shapes and positions of continents and oceans. But it would also change the interactions between circulating(环流) air, ocean and topography, lead scientist Florian Ziemen told Live Science.
1. What condition did the German scientists use for the simulation?
A.Earth spins from east to west.B.Earth spins from west to east.
C.The North Pole is turned upside down.D.Earth moves around the South Pole.
2. Why would the climate be different if Earth spins backwards?
A.Because there won’t be any more large oceans.
B.Because the ocean currents and winds will be changed.
C.Because it will change the amount of sunlight that Earth can receive.
D.Because Earth will become greener without deserts.
3. What will a backwards spin bring to the Earth?
A.Winters will become colder.B.No rain will fall in summer.
C.Eastern Russia will become warmer.D.The Sahara Desert will become smaller.
4. The story tells us that _____.
A.Earth used to spin in the opposite direction
B.a backwards spin would cause interesting changes on Earth
C.global desert coverage has been shrinking(缩小)
D.a backwards spin would change Earth’s topography completely
5. Which of the following sentences can be put at the beginning of the eighth paragraph?
A.Sadly, deserts would cover North America.
B.Luckily, deserts would disappear.
C.Anyway, deserts would replace the Amazon rainforest.
D.However, deserts don’t disappear.
【知识点】 科普知识 城市


阅读理解-单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Fresh green grass, hundreds of colorful wild flowers, water running into little pools, birds making their homes in boxes, the 9,500-square-meter Augustenborg Botanical Garden may look just like any other well-organized park, but there’s a difference. It lies on the roofs (屋顶) of industrial and office buildings in the city of Malmo in Sweden.

Green roofs are not a new invention. And now they are getting popular again. The common roofs of a modern city have endless black surfaces with no life or water. Perhaps that’s why a garden on a roof becomes such a perfect choice for more and more people.

Green roofs are not just pretty. They also help to moderate the city temperature. The high temperatures on common roofs in the summer can make top floor flats uncomfortably hot. What is more, they play a part in making the cities hotter than the countryside around them, causing the “urban heat-island effect”. On a green roof, however, with its plants and water, temperatures change only a little, as they do in a park. Rooftops covered with plants help keep buildings cool. Green roofs take in rain water and protect the city drainage (排水) system. They can reduce water runoff into streets and storm water systems. This can greatly cut the costs of heating and cooling in the building below.

Also, _______. Small animals and birds can make their homes on it. Thanks to this, the city may become part of nature, rather than something completely separate from it. Though they won’t directly replace ground environments, they’re perfect for attracting birds and other wildlife to create a eco-friendly habitat (栖息地).

A green roof helps to improve the overall air quality, too. According to a study, green roofs help reduce (减少) up to:

37% of sulfur dioxide

21% of nitrous acid

0.2kg of dust particles / square meter each year

While the cost of building such a roof can still be higher, it can be cheaper in the long term as a result of energy savings. And wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to walk out into a garden high above the city’s noise and traffic, whether you’re at school or in an office or just at home in a ten-floor block?

1. With the example of Augustenborg Botanical Garden, the writer wants to explain ________.
A.how wildlife is protectedB.what a green roof is like
C.how to organize a good parkD.what to do with a spare roof
2. The word “moderate” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.
3. Which of the following is the best sentence to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?
A.a green roof is aliveB.a green roof protects animals
C.a green roof is perfectD.a green roof helps the environment
2020-02-22更新 | 109次组卷
阅读理解-五选五(约220词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】There are many deserts on the earth. And the following are some facts you may find interesting.

What are deserts like?

Deserts can be hot and dry places. Rain may not fall there for months or years. Some deserts are sandy and stony.     1     The wind can change the shape of the deserts. It moves sand around from place to place.

Temperatures in the desert can change a lot. During the daytime, the temperature may reach 40 degrees even in the shade 阴凉处).     2     In winter there may even be a frost(霜冻)in the early morning.

Living in the desert

    3     It stores food in its hump (驼峰)and can go for days without water. It has large feet which help it not to fall into the soft sand. Its long eyelashes(睫毛)keep out the sand during sandstorms.

An oasis

An oasis(绿洲)is an area of the desert where water may be found.     4     People and animals visit an oasis for water and food. Plants grow at an oasis. Some farmers are able to grow crops here.

The Arabian Desert

The Arabian Desert lies between the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf. In some parts of the desert, it is too hot for people to live. Oil was discovered under parts of the desert and in the Arabian Gulf.     5     Much of the money has been spent building fine cities with lovely parks and lakes, and people live a comfortable life there.

A.At night deserts can become very cold.
B.The water may be in pools or under the ground.
C.This oil has made some countries in the area very rich.
D.The camel is sometimes called “the ship of the desert”.
E.Deserts can also be very windy places.
2022-12-04更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Succulent plants (多肉植物), also just called succulents, are very popular with gardeners around the world. They usually have thick leaves, are easy to take care of and fun to look at. So they can be easily found everywhere. Most dictionaries explain “succulent” as “full of juice” or “juicy”. The leaves, which are filled with water-storing cells (水细胞), make most succulents easy to recognize (识别).

While it’s true that all plants store water, none does it as well as succulents. An example is the gigantic Saguaro cactus (巨型仙人掌), which can grow over 12 meters tall. It collects as much water as possible and can live for years without rain.

This makes succulents easy to care for. Even a person without a green thumb can find success with the popular plants. They need water and sunlight but little other care. Place plants where they will receive six hours of indirect sunlight each day. Then they will grow well.

One more thing about succulent plants is how to water your succulent. Check your plant by sticking your finger down into the soil a little. If the soil feels dry, it’s time to water your plant. In other conditions, you don’t need to water it. If you give it too much water, it will have a bad influence on its growth.

Succulents are perhaps one of the easiest plants you’ll ever grow. With so many choices to choose from, why not give them a try?

1. Why are succulent plants easily found around the world?
A.Because they usually have beautiful looks.
B.Because they can live without any water.
C.Because they are easy to recognize.
D.Because they are easy to take care of and look fun.
2. What does “a person without a green thumb” mean?
A.A person who doesn’t have thumbs.
B.A person whose thumb is hurt.
C.A person who isn’t good at taking care of plants.
D.A person who is good at taking care of succulents.
3. What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?
A.Why water is not important for succulent plants.
B.How to water succulent plants.
C.How much sunlight succulent plants should get.
D.What the bad influence of too much water on succulent plants is.
4. What is the theme (主题) of the text?
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.Succulent plantsB.Ways for plants to store water
C.Ways to grow different plantsD.Reasons for people to plant succulents
2023-07-19更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般