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1 . 听短文,根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误,正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。短文读两遍。
1. The first Harbin Ice and Snow World was held in 1990.
2. It has been held for 14 times so far.
3. There are three things worth trying at Harbin Ice and Snow World.
4. Harbin Ice and Snow World only shows people the culture and history of Harbin.
5. It opens in December, January, and February every year.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省临沂市兰陵县中考一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . In Lulea, a city in northern Sweden, people are asked to say “hello” to each other more often. The new campaign (活动) is called Sag hej! meaning “say hello”. It is a simple way to connect people, but a very big step for the city.

Swedish culture values privacy (隐私) and interpersonal distance so much that it has caused loneliness especially in Lulea where the sun only shines around three hours a day in the winter months. People usually like to stay warm at home alone. While most people believe that loneliness is the commonest among the elderly who usually live alone, the opposite is true. It is actually rising in young people and it has a bad influence on their mental and physical health. A study about Lulea found that 45% of 16-to 29-year-olds were experiencing problems because of loneliness.

Asa Koski, who works for the city, came up with the idea of the Sag hej! campaign. “The city is developing fast and more people are coming. We don’t just want Lulea to grow to be a big city. We also want it to be a safe, friendly and happy place where there’s culture, relaxing activities, and sports,” Koski said. “Greeting people makes them feel like they belong. Research shows that it has a good effect on health and makes people want to help each other. If you say hi to your neighbors, you are more likely to help them,” Koski said.

The activity is now being encouraged on buses and in schools. There are even workshops on how to greet one another. Many people agree that saying hello should be encouraged and believe that the more international the city becomes, the friendlier people will become. “It’s really good that people say hello to each other, 61-year-old Pontus Wikstrom, said.” It means that people who meet without knowing each other become a little bit happier.

1. What do we know about the people in Lulea?
A.The elderly are the loneliest.
B.Many young people live alone.
C.The cold weather makes them lonelier.
2. Koski started the campaign of Sag hej/ to ________.
A.create a better environment for people
B.encourage people to stay healthy
C.let more people know about the city
3. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Helping each other.B.Greeting people.C.Taking part in activities.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A new campaign brings people together
B.Lonelines s has become a big problem in Lulea
C.People’s way of life in Lulea needs to be changed
今日更新 | 1次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省临沂市河东区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 较易(0.85) |

3 . Harbin is known for its really cold winters and amazing ice sculptures (雕塑). Over the years, the city has turned into a popular tourist attractions. Visitors from all over the world come to its yearly Ice and Snow Festival.

According to He Jing, the director of the Heilongjiang Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Harbin’s tourism boom (繁荣) is no accident, but the result of a year of careful preparations. Since the beginning of 2023, the city has been developing plans to improve the tourism industry and attract attention from various social media platforms. She said, “We pay special attention to the reviews under the videos on social media platforms. Whatever the tourists complain about, we take quick action to improve.”

To attract tourists who are not used to cold weather, Harbin has set up many temporary (临时的) heated places for them and provides free hot drinks. Local speciality frozen pears are cut into flower shapes for easy taste by tourists. The city even placed a large man-made moon for tourists to take fashionable photos. He Jing said, “We want to impress tourists with all the small details, letting them feel comfortable and respected.”

Touched by these “small details”, tourists share their heartwarming moments online, attracting more curious tourists to the city and propelling Harbin to the top of hot topics on the Internet.

This hospitality (热情好客) and service led Harbin to receive over 3 million tourists during the 2024 New Year holiday, bringing 5.9 billion RMB in revenue (收益).

These actions have not only improved Harbin’s tourism industry but also allowed more tourists to experience the city’s unique charm and warm hospitality.

1. What local specialty is mentioned as being served to tourists in Harbin?
A.Frozen pears.B.Hotpot.C.Dumplings.D.Mooncakes.
2. What has Harbin done to attract tourists?
①Reply to reviews under tourists’ posts.
②Cut frozen pears into flower shapes.
③Provide free hot drinks.
④Place a large man-made moon for tourists to take photos.
3. The underlined word “propelling” in paragraph 5 means ________.
4. Harbin’s tourism is very successful mainly because of ________.
A.its winter attractionsB.its hospitality and service
C.its promises to touristsD.its geographical location
5. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Harbin’s Places of InterestB.Harbin’s Tourism Industry Growth
C.Harbin’s Warm HospitalityD.Harbin’s Local Speciality
今日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年湖北省武汉市青山区中考二模英语试题
短文填空-语境提示填空 | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。

I came to Shanxi University as an international student from Bangladesh in October 2018. I found myself falling in love     1     Shanxi. And I became more interested in local life and knew more about the city.

    2     I first came here, I found it might be hard to start a new life in a new place. But with the help of my teachers and friends, I could adapt (适应) to the life here. I think their warm-hearted help     3     a main reason for my growing love of China. My experience in Shanxi is a chance to help open my     4     and I find life here is full of surprise. I love visiting different parts of Shanxi by cycling because it can help me have a better understanding of the city and make friends with local people.

With a recorded history of more than 3,000 years, Shanxi is one of the cradles (发源地) of ancient Chinese culture. The province     5     is called “a museum of ancient Chinese culture” has lots of treasures. Having lived in Shanxi for many years, I have been impressed by the Chinese people’s strong sense of pride in their traditional culture. Maybe you will enjoy this place like me.

今日更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山西省临汾市多校中考二模英语试题
5 . 请阅读下面的短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题,要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整切题,并把答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。

The 40th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival started on January 5, 2024 in Harbin, the capital city of China’s northernmost Heilongjiang Province. The Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival, also known as the Harbin Ice Festival, is a huge event with lots of competitions, activities, and theme parks. It includes ice sculpture (雕塑) competitions, snow sculpture competitions, winter fishing, sports, and other fun things to do. There are also parades, celebrations, and events to enjoy.

The festival has five main theme parks: the Sun Island International Snow Sculpture Art Expo, Harbin Ice and Snow World, Harbin Wanda Ice Lantern World, Zhaolin Park Ice Lantern Art Fair, and Songhua River Ice and Snow Carnival. Each park has its own special attractions, like snow sculptures, ice lanterns, and shows.

The festival is a really big deal—it’s the world’s largest of its kind! It has been happening since 1963, with a break from the year 1966 to 1976, but it started up again in 1985. It’s considered as one of the top four ice and snow festivals in the world, along with events in Japan, Canada, and Norway. If you ever get the chance to visit, it’s certainly worth seeing all the amazing ice and snow creations and taking part in the winter fun!

1. When did the 40th Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival start?
2. Where is Harbin?
3. What can you see during the festival? Please name three things.
4. How many main theme parks does the festival have?
5. What happened to the Harbin ice Festival in 1985?
6. 请根据要求完成短文写作,并将写作内容写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。
假如你是李明,暑假即将到来,你计划和家人或朋友去什么地方旅游?游览祖国美好山河或者欣赏世界各地不同风情?请你根据思维导图内容提示,选取国内或国外的一个地方,用英文写一封信,向你的朋友Alice 说说你的旅行计划吧。

Dear Alice,

Summer vacation is coming, and I am excited to share my travel plans with you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Best regards.


Li Ming

今日更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省湛江市雷州市十校联考中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . You couldn’t deeply experience Chengdu if you don’t prepare to do nothing. Sit on a bamboo chair, spread your feet out and let the afternoon slow away. Listen to hot water poured into tea cups. Taste melon seeds (瓜子) or boiled peanuts. And tea houses are the right places for you and should always be on your must-go list.

Sichuan is one of China’s major tea-producing regions. Chengdu was famous for its tea houses as early as the Tang dynasty. For centuries, tea houses were places for fun and tea. There, customers can enjoy storytelling, music, and especially Sichuan Opera. That is not a popular art these days, but Yuelai Teahouse beside Jinjiang Theater still arranges operas every Saturday afternoon.

You will find most of Chengdu’s traditional tea houses in parks. Heming Teahouse in Renmin Park attracts lunchtime office workers and afternoon visitors. When noise gets too much because of more visitors, move on to Shaocheng Teahouse in the same park. Visitors are older and quieter. They bring songbirds, hanging their cages in trees and have fun. However, new-style tea houses have been opened to attract the younger generation. They want to have a taste for traditional teas in a more modern style. The most famous one of them is Mi Xun Teahouse in Taikoo Li, which is right in the city’s most fashionable shopping area.

As in all tea houses, the tea comes in separate packets which can be kept warm. Maofeng green tea from Mount Emei, south of Chengdu, is the traditional favorite. Shake the leaves into your cup. Don’t let the water in your cup get too low, since any bad taste from the leaves is on the bottom. You can enjoy your tea all afternoon and order nothing else.

In Chengdu tea houses, people relax themselves by staying away from busy work and life. The capital of Sichuan is developing fast too, but has managed to keep its slower style that has been lost in many other Chinese cities.

1. The first paragraph leads to the topic by ________.
A.telling storiesB.creating a scene
C.giving reasonsD.asking questions
2. What’s the main idea of paragraph 3?
A.The main types of tea houses.B.The address of tea houses.
C.Different visitors of tea houses.D.Some activities in tea houses.
3. Why should you NOT let the water in your cup get too low when drinking tea?
A.Because it may make the tea too hot.B.Because it may make the leaves float.
C.Because it may make the tea not tasty.D.Because it may make the tea too bitter.
4. Which is the best way to divide the passage?
昨日更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年广东省广州市增城区中考一模英语试题
阅读理解-单选 | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The phrase “southern spuds” becomes popular, thanks to Harbin, a city in Northeastern China that has taken the Internet by storm.

Over 3 million tourists poured into Harbin during the three-day New Year holiday. And many of them came from southern China where snow was nowhere to be found. Harbin locals gave these visitors a cute nickname “nanfang xiaotudou” or “southern spuds”. It is because southern people are usually shorter and they look like small potatoes when wearing thick jackets and hats. To Harbin people, this name is not to make fun of southerners, but to create a sense of warmth with humor.

Harbin tried everything to meet tourists’ needs, especially those from the south. Cooks carefully cut the local frozen pear into small pieces. Symphony (交响乐) concerts find their way into shopping malls. A drone (无人机) lifts a man-made moon for tourists to take photos. Harbin really went all out to make them happy.

However, even though they did all these to please the southern tourists, this nickname “southern spuds” sparked a debate (辩论) on the Internet. While Harbin locals use the name to show warmth and goodwill, some sightseers feel that calling them “small potatoes” is making fun of their height.

Even though people from the Northeast are sincere and warm, we have to admit (承认) that there is regional stereotype (地区刻板印象) in some parts of China. Nowadays, people travel all the time. Therefore, it’s important to make the world a more welcoming place. After all, everyone likes kindness and dislikes discrimination (歧视), whether it’s on purpose or not.

1. Why do Harbin people call southerners “southern spuds”?
A.Because southerners like to eat small potatoes.
B.Because southerners sell small potatoes in Harbin.
C.Because southerners look like spuds in thick jackets and hats.
D.Because Harbin locals want to make fun of southerners’ height.
2. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A.Southern travelers were very happy with Harbin tourism.
B.Harbin tried their best to attract tourists and make them happy.
C.Harbin cooks made some nice food for southern tourists.
D.Food, shopping malls, and the man-made moon attracted many tourists.
3. Why did some visitors dislike the nickname “small spuds”?
A.Because they did not like to debate on the Internet.
B.Because they were not pleased with Harbin tourism.
C.Because they felt that Harbin locals thought they were short.
D.Because they believed that they did not look like small potatoes.
4. What does the author think of the nickname “southern spuds”?
A.He think it’s funny.B.He thinks it’s unfair.
C.He thinks it’s welcoming.D.He doesn’t express his own opinion.
昨日更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省济宁市济宁学院附属中学中考一模英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文介绍了网络流行词汇 “南方小土豆” 的由来以及哈尔滨旅游业的发展盛况。
8 . 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Recently, the expression “southern spuds (南方土豆)” becomes popular.

Thanks to Harbin, the ________ of Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province has created a storm on social media. Harbin has been ________ attracted tourists from southern China and these visitors are ________ as “nanfang xiaotudou” or “southern spuds”. The meaning behind this nickname (绰号) may not describe the ________ of people in southern China, but create a sense of warmth and familiarity for southern tourists.

________ the three-day New Year holiday, the number of visitors reached 3 million, getting about 5.9 billion yuan ($826.75 million). The ________ behind Harbin’s popularity is offering its almost perfect service to tourists: The local frozen pears (冻梨) that are ________ small pieces; the classical concerts in shopping malls; the “moon” over the St. Sophia Cathedral (圣索菲亚大教堂) and the hot air balloons over the Songhua River—all of these show that ________ the city is less modern, it has made an effort to provide the best ________.

Harbin has set a successful ________ by focusing on offering truly warmth and better service, which will also benefit (获益) other cities.

A.change intoB.cut intoC.put into
昨日更新 | 11次组卷
短文填空-语境提示填空 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限一词。

Puyang is a charming city located in the northeastern part of Henan Province, China. It is known     1     its rich history, cultural heritage (遗产), and beautiful natural scenery.

In 1987, at Xishuipo, Puyang City, a dragon pattern made of clamshells (蛤壳) dating back to 6400 years ago was excavated (挖掘). It is named as the “First Dragon of China”.

Famous historical people from Puyang, such as Cang Jie, Shang Yang, Wu Qi and so on left us lots of encouraging stories. The Chinese surnames (姓氏), including Zhang, Fan and Yao were all originated in Puyang, which attracted many overseas Chinese     2     seek their roots (寻根).

In addition to its history and culture,     3     are many famous attractions in Puyang. The beautiful rivers run through the city, offering wonderful views and opportunities for boat rides. The city     4     also surrounded (环绕) by parks, and gardens, making it a peaceful and beautiful place to explore.

Overall, Puyang is a city     5     offers a perfect blend (交融) of history, culture, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit destination for travelers.

昨日更新 | 5次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河南省濮阳市南乐县中考一模英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-五选四 | 较易(0.85) |

10 . Most of Hunan lies in the north temperate zone (温带), with hot summers, snowy winters and around 1450 sunny hours a year.     1    

Spring is a time of new beginnings. The days in Hunan gradually warms up.     2    , painting the picture with rich colors. Walking under the cherry blossom trees (樱花树) fills you with a sense of peace and happiness. The sun also sets later, allowing for more time to enjoy outdoor activities-flying the kites, going for evening walks and so on. In the field, people are busy preparing for the farming ahead.

Hunan’s summer is a period generally from June to August.     3    , with the average temperature between 26 and 29 degrees. Although it can be quite wet and hot at times, no one can refuse the beauty of field s of lotus (荷花).

As autumn arrives, it brings cooler weather to Hunan. The rainy season also comes to an end, and the sky becomes clear and the conditions are more pleasant. Autumn is also a harvest season in Hunan, with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit on sale.     4     such as the famous crabs (大闸蟹) from Dongting Lake, Yellow peaches from Yanling and so on.

Winter in Hunan is not very cold but turns to be wet, with snows and ice rains. The production of traditional foods like cured meats (腊肉) become an important part of the winter diet in Hunan. All Chinese including people in Hunan will greet their biggest festival-the Spring Festival and enjoy special dishes in winter.

A.It is the hottest season in Hunan.
B.The trees and flowers come to life.
C.It is a nice place for people to travel.
D.Never miss the delicious local foods.
E.Four seasons in Hunan are full of different beauty.
共计 平均难度:一般