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1 . Browsing short-form video on TikTok is fun and relaxing. Here is a hot short-form video in August.

Escape From the British Museum

       Netizen (网友) advised vloggers to make a video of Chinese cultural relics (文物) going home from the UK to celebrate the Chinese lunar (农历) New Year. So the duo went to the UK in June and spent three months shooting the video. And Escape From the British Museum is from historic facts.
Director: two Chinese vloggers
Release Date (发布日期): 30th
Episodes: three
Content (内容): how a Chinese cultural relic (文物) run away from the British Museum and finds its way back to China.
       Watcher’s feeling: It is pretty good. Their kind and brave actions nearly make me cry for several times. Chinese should always help Chinese cultural relics and we are a big family.

—Zhang Wei, September 6th

1. Where do they shoot the video?
2. Lingling can watch this short-form video with her friends on ________.
A.October 30thB.August 30thC.December 30thD.January 30th
3. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.The video is about how Chinese cultural relics go home.
B.Chinese cultural relics want to celebrate the Chinese lunar New Year.
C.It has five episodes.
D.No one is interested in Escape From the British Museum, because it isn’t true.
4. The passage is most probably from a ________.
5. According to Zhang Wei, Escape From the British Museum is ________.
A.awfulB.boringC.greatD.just so so
2024-08-16更新 | 9次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市乐清市英华学校2023-2024学年八年级上学期9月返校检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . Bananas are good snack (点心). Not only are they sweet and delicious, but they are easy to take around, so you can take them anywhere. Best of all, bananas provide (提供) different things that the human body needs!

Bananas grow best in warm places that get lots of rain. They grow on plants that look like trees. The banana plant, however, is considered a herb (草本) rather than a tree because it doesn’t have a strong, woody stem (干、茎). The plants can grow as high as 30 feet. When they reach their full height, flowers grow out from the stem. These flowers produce bananas.

Two or three times each year, the plants produce fruit. The bananas grow together, which seem like “hands”. A hand is made up of 10 to 20 bananas. Growers sometimes call bananas “fingers”. Each bunch (丛) of bananas has about 15 hands, and so a whole bunch may have as many as 200 bananas and can weigh more than 100 pounds.

After about three months, farmers pick (摘) the bananas. At this point, they still aren’t the sunny yellow color: bananas. Farmers pick them when they’re green. That’s how they’re shipped to stores. They turn yellow along the way and are ready to be sold.

If you love bananas, you’ve got a lot of company. Americans have been enjoying bananas since the first shipment arrived in the United States in 1876. Today Americans eat more bananas than any other fruit. More bananas are sold than apples and grapes together. Every American eats over 26 pounds of bananas each year!

1. The first paragraph mainly talks about ________.
A.why people like bananas
B.how bananas taste
C.what bananas are rich in
D.where bananas are taken
2. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 probably refers to ________?
A.bananasB.the banana plantC.herbD.tree
3. What is the correct order in which these happen?
a. The bananas begin to turn yellow.
b. A banana plant grows to full height.
c. The flowers produce bananas.
d. The bananas are ready to be picked.
4. Why do farmers pick bananas when they’re green?
A.Because they are always green.
B.Because people like green bananas.
C.Because it’s convenient to ship.
D.Because yellow bananas aren’t delicious.
5. Which is the second most popular fruit in America according to the bar chart?
2024-08-16更新 | 6次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市乐清市英华学校2023-2024学年八年级上学期9月返校检测英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Recently, researchers in Israel have done an experiment (实验) and found that goldfish are able to navigate (导航) on land after receiving 10 driving lessons.

The experiment was done by a research team at the Ben-Gurion University. It was made to see whether goldfish could find their way in a very different environment. Researchers developed a robotic car that could drive forward, backward and from side to side. They called the car FOV—“Fish Operated Vehicle” (鱼驱动车). They put a goldfish inside a water box on the FOV. With a camera system, the FOV read the fish’s movements and swimming directions, and then moved in the same direction.

The scientists worked with six different goldfish. They placed the car in a small room with a pink target (目标) on one side. The fish would get food when the car touched the target. After a few days of training, the fish navigated to the target. At first, it took them about half an hour to drive to the target. But by the end of the experiment, they were able to complete the same project in less than a minute. Not only did the goldfish show that they could drive to the target, but they also weren’t fooled (愚弄) by wrong targets of other colors. They were also able to get free when the car hit a wall.

Although the fish may not have known they were moving on land, these results show that a fish has the ability to navigate outside the water environment. It can enrich scientific knowledge of animals navigation skills.

1. What is the purpose of the goldfish experiment?
A.To see if goldfish could tell different colors.
B.To see if goldfish could drive a car like humans
C.To see if goldfish could find food and living places.
D.To see if goldfish could navigate in a different environment.
2. What can we learn about the FOV from the text?
A.It was inside a water box.B.It could follow the fish’s movements.
C.It could only drive forward.D.It could control the fish’s directions.
3. When would the goldfish get food?
A.When the car touched the pink target.B.When the car moved in the small room freely.
C.When the car avoided hitting a wall.D.When the car touched the targets of other colors.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The good use of a robotic car.B.An experiment on animals.
C.Goldfish’s ability to navigate on land.D.Goldfish’s skills to drive a car on land.
2024-08-07更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市经济技术开发区瑞安东部及龙湾南部六校联考2023-2024学年九年级上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 .

When you meet a strange Chinese character (汉字) what will you do? Surely, the most reliable way is to look it up in Xinhua Dictionary.

Since its birth in 1953, Xinhua Dictionary has been a must-have book in schools across China. More than 567 million copies had been sold by 2016. So it was even recognized by the Guinness World Records as the “most popular dictionary” that year.

Small as the dictionary is, it means a lot to China. The dictionary was given the name Xinhua by the chief editor Wei Jiangong, and it carried the hope of a country reborn. In 1949, around 80% of China’s population wasn’t able to get education (教育). It was Xinhua Dictionary that had reduced the number to 52% by 1964. To make it easier for illiterate people to understand, the earliest copies had many pictures.

Thanks to Xinhua Dictionary, many Chinese got new chances in their life. Mo Yan, the 69-year-old Nobel Laureate, once mentioned the dictionary in his speech. He said that he was lucky to have a copy of the dictionary after dropping out from school. He learned most of Chinese characters from it, and that helped him write novels and enter a college later.

This important dictionary has also recorded the development of the language and society. It is revised (修订) every five to ten years. Recent copies have included many new explanations. The character “晒” (to dry something in the sun), for example, now has a second meaning: to share. In a way, the dictionary hasn’t just explained characters; it has reflected (反映) the way Chinese people think.

1. When did Xinhua Dictionary first come out?
A.In 1949.B.In 1953.C.In 1964.D.In 2016.
2. What does the underlined phrase “illiterate people” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.People who are bad at maths.B.People who can’t draw or sing.
C.People who are too old to see.D.People who can’t read or write.
3. Why does the writer use the example of Mo Yan in Paragraph 4?
A.To share a speech about the dictionary.B.To offer advice on using the dictionary.
C.To show the influence of the dictionary. D.To explain the development of the dictionary.
4. Which part of a magazine is the passage probably taken from?
2024-02-19更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末检测学业水平英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 .

In a noisy restaurant, you can still hear your friend’s voice clearly. You talk happily without paying attention to others’ conversations. That’s because selective (选择性的) attention is helping you.

Selective attention is an amazing ability in our brain. It allows people to choose and focus on (专注于) something in the environment. At the same time, it can filter out (过滤) unnecessary information, so people can focus on one conversation in a crowded place. But how does selective attention work? Researchers from Columbia University did an experiment to study it. The result shows that the brain is selective about the sounds it hears. When a person listens to someone talking, their brain waves (波) change to pick out the features of the speaker’s voice and filter out other voices.

To further understand how selective attention works, the researchers studied two parts of the brain’s listening centre: Heschl’s gyrus (HG) and the superior temporal gyrus (STG). Information from the ears reaches HG first, passes through it and arrives at STG later. In the study, they found the following facts: in HG area, every voice is treated the same way. That is to say, HG doesn’t prefer one voice or another. But in STG area, it’s possible to choose one speaker’s voice and make it louder. The whole process (过程) only takes 150 milliseconds and it happens immediately to a listener. As a result, people can focus on one voice when there are many other conversations around.

“Today’s study is quite important. We want to better understand how the brain helps us to hear so well, as well as create technologies that help people,” said Dr. Mesgarani, the leader of the researchers. With the help of the finding, speech recognition technologies have been improved. The researchers have already developed a new kind of hearing aid that can help collect information more correctly. It could make one speaker’s voice louder over another. They also plan to study more about HG and STG activity in situations that have more speakers.

1. What can selective attention help people do according to the passage?
A.Choose where to talk.B.Hear more in a conversation
C.Forget unnecessary information.D.Focus on one voice in a noisy place.
2. Which picture shows the process in the listening centre?
3. What will the researchers most probably study in the future?
A.How to improve listeningB.How the listening centre works.
C.How to make a better hearing aid.D.How HG and STG protect each other.
4. What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A Great Ability in BrainB.A New Study on Technologies
C.A Key to Reducing NoiseD.A Way to Make Conversation
2024-02-19更新 | 38次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末检测学业水平英语试题

6 .

Nobody can say no to a flower world in the real life. That’s why more and more people come to the Huazhao Festival to enjoy the beautiful and busy party in spring.

The Huazhao Festival is the birthday of all flowers and it happens on the 2nd, 12th or 15th day of February of the Chinese lunar calendar (农历). People started to celebrate the birthday of flowers before the Qin Dynasty and it became a festival during the Sui and Tang Dynasties. In the Tang Dynasty, it was one of the three important celebrations all over China.

The Huazhao Festival is rich in customs (习俗). Young people wear Hanfu, a kind of traditional Chinese clothes and have outings. The festival is in early spring, so it’s such a great time to have an outing to enjoy the spring time. Girls put colorful paper-cuts on the flower stems (花茎). They hope they can be as young and beautiful as flowers. Also, people in different places of China plant flowers. They think that flowers planted on that day can grow well. At the festival, the flower fair (集市) is the most popular. There are lots of fun activities in the fair, such as making flower cakes and playing music.

The Huazhao Festival is an exciting party to see the beautiful spring and it also helps people learn more about Chinese traditions. It’s really a wonderful celebration that you can’t miss.

1. What can we learn about the Huazhao Festival from the passage?
A.It started in the Qin Dynasty.B.It’s on the same day every year.
C.It’s a celebration for flowers.D.It becomes important in the world.
2. What do people do at the Huazhao Festival?
A.They cut flower stems.B.They make traditional clothes Hanfu.
C.They put paper-cuts on flower cakes.D.They join in activities of the flower fair.
3. Why does the writer write the passage?
A.To tell the long history of the festival.B.To show a special Chinese festival in spring.
C.To show different flowers at the festival.D.To tell the meaning of celebrating the festival.
2024-02-14更新 | 145次组卷 | 2卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年七年级上学期期末英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . If you visit Wuppertal, Germany, make sure you take the Schwebebahn. It’s a railway that runs for 13 kilometres and carries over 80, 000 passengers (乘客) every day.

The Schwebebahn travels in a very different way. Its 24-metre-long train doesn’t run on the track (轨道), but under it. The track is 12 metres above the river, so as the train goes over the city. Passengers can enjoy the exciting sights freely.

The Schwebebahn didn’t come easy. In the 1880s, the traffic in Wuppertal was so busy that the government had to develop a new way of travelling. At that time, a man named Eugen Langen was trying a railway under the track to carry products for his company. It was successful so later Eugen put this idea into the Schwebebahn. In that way, the space above the River Wupper got fully used. It turned out to be a very good choice. The Schwebebahn gives special travel experiences to passengers. Its stations are as beautiful as art museums, so passengers won’t be bored while waiting in the stations. A classical train also offers all kinds of services, such as food and drinks. What’s more, people can book this train to have parties or even get married in the air! They will never forget this one-hour journey in the air.

Now the Schwebebahn is more than a railway for Wuppertal. It is a symbol of the city.

1. How does the Schwebebahn travel according to the passage?
2. What does “this idea” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Making products for a company.B.Using the space above the river.
C.Building a railway under the track.D.Carrying things for the government.
3. What special experience can passengers have?
A.They can enjoy a party on the train.
B.They can visit the art museums on the train.
C.They can take a two-hour journey in the air.
D.They can cook food when waiting in the station.
4. Why does the writer write this passage?
A.To show the important stations of Wuppertal.
B.To introduce the facts about the Schwebebahn.
C.To share a riding experience in the Schwebebahn.
D.To tell why Wuppertal needed a new way of travelling.
2024-02-05更新 | 85次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市2023-2024学年八年级上学期期末英语试题

8 . Nowadays, mobile phones take up most of our time. We look at our mobile phones as we’re walking, play with them as we’re studying, and don’t want to put them down as we go to bed.

The China Security Perception Report (2021) by the Internet Development Research Institution of Peking University says over half of internet users say they want to get away from the internet and stay away from mobile phones. However, it is a very tall order especially now in China because we use our phones to pay for everything we bought every day.

There’s a new app which has a function to help users manage the time. For example, users can see how many times they’ve unlocked their phone, how many times they’ve checked their social media apps, and how much time they spend on each app every day. After seeing this information, the users will make some changes.

With the App Timer function, users can set a time limit for how long they can use each app for every day. After they’ve reached the limit, they won’t be able to use the app until the next day. And with another function, the app gets incoming calls silent when the user puts the phone face down.

But if people truly want to make full use of their free time instead of losing hours on their phones, it will not need to depend on any apps.

After all, who needs to use an app to stop you from using other apps? The easiest answer would be just to use your willpower.

1. According to the China Security Perception Report, how many internet users want to stop using their mobile phones?
A.60% or so.B.Less than 50%.C.About 36%.D.30% or so.
2. What does the underlined phrase “tall order” in Paragraph 2 mean?
3. Which of the followings is NOT included in the new app’s functions?
A.It stops the users from using willpower.
B.It checks how much time the users spend on apps.
C.It lists the times the users have unlocked the phone.
D.It shows the times the users have checked social media apps.
4. What does the writer think of the new app?
A.Its functions are perfect.B.It may be helpful to some people.
C.It needs more functions.D.It has too many functions.
2024-06-15更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省温州市苍南县星海学校2022-2023学年八年级下学期期末适应性考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . “Are we alone? What’s out there?” Looking up at the stars, people have always wanted to learn more about space, and scientists have been working hard to find the secrets of the universe. Here we’re going to go through a timeline of the important moments of space exploration.

What is the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory is an idea about how our universe began. Many scientists believe that everything in the universe was pressed together and then it separated into smaller pieces very quickly about 14 billion years ago to create the universe. The Big Bang is thought to be the beginning of everything in the universe.

What is the Hubble Space Telescope?

The Hubble Space Telescope was put into space in 1990. Hubble is as long as a large school bus and it weighs as much as two elephants. In order to stay above the atmosphere, it travels around the earth at about 5 miles a second. Hubble is able to get clear pictures of faraway stars. A picture called “Hubble Ultra Deep Field” shows some of the farthest galaxies. Pictures from Hubble help scientists learn more about the universe.

What is FAST?

China’s Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope is better known as FAST. It is in Guizhou, China, and it has been used since September 25th, 2016. Its 500-metre dish is the world’s largest single-dish radio telescope. Scientists can use it to search for signals of communication that are not coming from the earth. If scientists find such things, maybe there is life somewhere else in the universe!

What is Shenzhou-16?

Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship was sent into space from Jiuquan on May 30th, 2023. Shenzhou-16 connected with Tianhe Core Module 6.5 hours later, with three astronauts inside it. Surprisingly, one of the three astronauts is a university teacher. In the next months, the three astronauts will do some scientific tests and carry out several spacewalks outside China’s Space Station. Besides, they will give science lessons to students on the earth from the faraway space.

1. When did Georges Lemaître suggest the idea of the Big Bang Theory?
A.In 1927.B.In 1990.C.In 2016.D.In 2023.
2. Why can the Hubble Space Telescope help scientists study the universe?
A.It is long and heavy enough.B.It takes clear photos of space.
C.It can move 5 miles a second.D.It travels far away from some galaxies.
3. What can we know about China’s space exploration from the passage?
A.FAST can send signals into the universe to help find life.
B.FAST is a dish-like radio telescope travelling in the universe.
C.The astronauts in Shenzhou-16 will work in space for several months.
D.The three astronauts are university teachers and good at giving lessons.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Space Exploration: Searching for Life in Space
B.Space Exploration: Exciting Moments of China
C.Space Exploration: A Better Future for Scientists
D.Space Exploration: Great Progress Humans Made

10 .

The Adventures of Tintin was created by the cartoonist Herge. Tintin, a journalist for a newspaper, has been popular with people of all ages. But do you know how Herge created Tintin and his around the world adventures?

In fact, Tintin appeared as a young man of age 15 to 19, with a round face and short red hair just like Herge’s younger brother Paul. Herge grew up together with him. As a result, Paul’s image stayed in his mind and he created a cartoon hero according to Paul.

It’s also believed that a French journalist, Robert Sexe prompted the creation of Tintin. Robert travelled with his best friend Milhoux while Tintin’s small white dog, Snowy, had a similar French name Milou. What’s more, Robert toured the same countries as Tintin did in the first few of Tintin’s adventures.

There is another real-life person in Tintin’s adventures. That’s “Chang”, a friend of Tintin’s. In 1934, Herge started to write about Tintin’s journey to China, but Hergé hadn’t been to the country yet. To know about China, he made friends with Zhang Chongren, a young Chinese student in an art college. With the help of Zhang, Tintin’s adventure The Blue Lotus came out. In this book, Zhang became “Chang” under the pen of Herge, introducing real China to Tintin as well as readers in Europe.

Herge’s works got ideas from his own life. No other stories may cover so much information from the real world like Tintin!

1. According to the passage, who did Tintin look like?
2. What does the underlined word “prompt” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. Which of the following is TRUE about Zhang Chongren according to the passage?
A.He wrote The Blue Lotus for Herge.
B.He worked as a journalist for a newspaper.
C.He provided information about China for Herge.
D.He appeared in Tintin’s stories with his real name.
4. The writer writes the passage to show ______.
A.what Tintin’s stories talk about
B.where Tintin’s stories happened
C.who helped create Tintin’s stories
D.why Tintin’s stories are so popular
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