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1 . 阅读下面短文,用英语完成思维导图。

Now, people’s life is full of choices. I want to choose this, wait! That one seems better than this one. I should make a decision after looking through all of them. As a result, they often spend much time deciding what to buy. In the end, they usually lose the happiness of getting new things and forget what’s truly important.

The situation is quite normal for humans. And psychologists (心理学家) call it paradox (矛盾) of choice. These words first appeared in a book by an American psychologist Barry.

In the book, he found that many people were getting happier when they knew there were many products for them to choose. However, as the number of choices went up, people got more worried because they spend more time telling the differences between the products. The more time they spent, the more unhappy they seemed to be.

To solve the problem, Barry gave some advice in his book for shopping. Firstly, it’s important to know what we need a product for. Before we know it, if we have different needs at the same time, place them from the most important to the least important. Secondly, take the look of the products more seriously. Finally, if you have a few possible choices at hand, just choose any one. Stop thinking of how your life will be different if you choose.

1. _______
2. _______
3. _______
4. _______
5. _______
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省菏泽市牡丹区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Shadow puppetry (皮影戏) started during the Western Han Dynasty and it has a long history of more than 2,000 years. It used to be popular in the countryside because it was simple and cheap.

The puppets are usually made from leather (皮革) or paper. It is hard to make them. The puppet-makers have to take 24 steps, which include washing the leather, carving (雕刻) and painting, to make a puppet.

Just like many things that are in danger, traditional arts also face the risk of disappearing. “Many young people still think that shadow puppetry is an old-fashioned folk art,” said Liu Chaokan, the sixth-generation inheritor (继承人) of shadow puppetry in Yunnan Province.

Liu understands why old art forms couldn’t interest young people, so he connects new stories with the traditional form of storytelling. In a recent show based on the ancient Chinese novel Journey to the West, Baigujing dances to a pop song. Popular Chinese cartoon characters, together with the modern factors (元素) are Liu’s secret in getting the attention of children. “Since they couldn’t understand those old stories, why don’t we show them the cartoon characters they love in shadow puppetry shows?” said Liu.

To keep the old art forever young, Liu thinks they should respect its traditions and protect the basic of the art.

1. How long has shadow puppetry been in China?
2. How do many young people feel about shadow puppetry according to Liu Chaokan?
3. 请把文中划线句子翻译成汉语。
4. 请给短文拟一个恰当的英文标题。
5. 请结合实际情况回答问题。
Do you think traditional arts like shadow puppetry will disappear? Why or why not?
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省菏泽市牡丹区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面的短文,回答短文后面的各个小题。

Do you know of SQ3R? It is a reading method named for its five steps: survey, question, read, recite and review. Many students have begun using this method to better understand what they’re reading.


Survey here means to skim (略读) a book. This step helps you gather the information. Go through the pictures, the title or tables, if there are any. Read the first sentence. This survey step only takes 5—10 minutes, but it is very important.


Question means to ask yourself, “What’s the book about? What’s the writer trying to tell me?” Once you get an idea of what you’re going to read, then you can read with a better understanding.

3R=Read, Recite, Review

★Read the book, looking for the answers to the questions you have had. Picture in your mind what the words are saying.

★Recite the main ideas of what you just read in your mind, or write down the main ideas on paper in your own words.

★Review what you have learned. Make notes to help you review.

Now you have a valuable study tool. Use it to help study for a test. Use it to help remember what you read. Use it to help understand important information.

1. How long does it maybe take you in Step “S”?
2. Why should you ask questions before reading a book?
3. What should you recite after reading a book according to the writer?
4. How can we make the tool of “SQ3R” valuable?
5. Please give a title to the passage.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省日照市岚山区中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文介绍了百度推出的自动驾驶出租车服务Apollo Go robotaxis在深圳使用的相关情况,以及其他地区的一些智能服务的情况。
4 . 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题。

With the development of technology, our city life is becoming more and more “smart”.

In recent years, Chinese technology companies have worked hard to speed up the use of robotaxis. In June 2023, Baidu carried out its driverless ride-hailing (打车) service in Shenzhen, Guangdong. Its Apollo Go robotaxis have been put into use in Shenzhen from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.

Passengers can download Apps like Apollo Go or Baidu Map to their smartphones. Then tell the App where they are and where they want to go. After that, a car will appear. With sensors (传感器) and cameras placed all over the car, a computer takes full control of the drive safely. A screen on the back seats shows how the robotaxi’s software (软件) looks at the space around the car to see other cars, humans, bikes, and anything else that might get in its way.

How do people use Apollo Go to get a ride?

Chart Ⅰ

The following is about the user satisfaction rating (比率) for the Apollo Go App during the first quarter of 2023. According to the latest data (数据), 97.12 percent of the reviews are five-star ratings.


Meanwhile, drivers in the city can also enjoy the convenience of smart transportation, In Guiyang, at some smart parking lots, drivers only need to park their cars at an induction line (感应线). A smart system(系统) can put the cars into a specific (特定的) area. When drivers want to get back their cars, they make a request on the terminal device (终端设备) and the car will come out of the parking lot by itself in about one minute.

All in all, smart transportation uses new technologies to make moving around a city easier and safer.

1. How many hours do Apollo Go robotaxis work in Shenzhen every day?
2. Please fill in the blank of Step 2 in Chart Ⅰ.
3. Why can Apollo Go robotaxis drive on the road safely?
4. What can you learn from Chart II?
5. How can drivers in Guiyang get back their cars in the smart parking lots?
6. What do you think the future life will be like? What smart thing do you want to have?
今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山西省临汾市多校中考二模英语试题
任务型阅读-补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与文章意思最符合的单词,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。每空一词。

Recently, community canteens (食堂) have become popular among young people.

At first, community canteens mostly served old people. As the elderly may face challenges in cooking, and many young people cannot cook, these canteens have become perfect places for the two generations to become meal friends.

Getting cheap meals

For only 20 yuan, Fang Wenjing, who works in the training school, ordered a well-balanced (营养均衡的) lunch at a community canteen. It included a meat dish, a vegetable dish and a bowl of rice. “The dishes have a home-cooked taste, just as I expected. The environment is clean.” said Fang.

Bringing more surprises

Community canteens meet the dining habits of young people in many ways. For example, the vegetarian (素食的) restaurants have meals including a main dish, a bowl of rice, soup, fruit salad, and a side dish. Hu Yifan, head of the canteen, said 70 percent of its customers are young people.

A canteen at the Zhanongkou Community in Zhejiang Province recently introduced “happiness mystery boxes”. They cost just 6 yuan but have one meat dish and a vegetable dish. To keep what’s inside each box a surprise, stickers (贴纸) are placed over the see-through top to cover the “main dish”. The “mystery boxes” often sell out in a short time.

The canteen in Beijing’s Lugu Community in Shijingshan district even introduced self-service meals. The buffet-style (自助式的) dishes there are priced at just 2.48 yuan per 100 grams. This price is lower than the restaurants nearby. So the canteen has attracted many customers in and out of the neighborhood.

Recently, community canteens have become popular among young people. Fang Wenjing thinks it’s very     1     to eat in a community canteen. She ordered a well-balanced lunch at a community canteen for only 20 yuan. Community canteens try to     2     the dining habits of young people in many ways. They also come up with creative ways to bring more     3    . For example, a canteen recently introduced “happiness mystery boxes” and they often sell out very     4    . Another canteen in Beijing even introduced self-service meals. Because the prices of the buffet-style dishes there are     5     than the restaurants nearby, it has attracted many customers in and out of the neighborhood.

今日更新 | 4次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山西省临汾市多校中考二模英语试题
任务型阅读-补全句子 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。

An Astronaut’s Day

Every morning you get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat breakfast and get ready for your day. These daily actions are so common that you don’t think about them much. But what if you were in space? There is no gravity (地心引力) there, so weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth. When you drop something, it doesn’t fall to the floor. It floats (漂浮) slowly away in the air. This means that astronauts can’t just put down a tool. They need to tie it down. And how do astronauts drink? In space, water just breaks into small drops and hangs in the air.

Well, astronauts eat and drink differently in space. They have special plates so that their food doesn’t float away. They use special bags for drinks so that the drink stays inside. Sleep is also different in space. Astronauts tie themselves to the wall so that they don’t float around when they are sleeping. Since they have to work hard, they need to get plenty of rest. The sun rises and sets so often that it can be confusing (令人迷惑的). The astronauts have alarms (闹钟) and sometimes music to wake them up.

Exercise is important for astronauts as well. Since there is no gravity and astronauts float instead of walking or running, their muscles (肌肉) become weak very quickly. They have to exercise on special machines every day so that this doesn’t happen. No one wants to become ill in space and exercise helps them stay healthy.

However, it is not all hard work in space. When they are not doing science experiments, writing reports or exercising, there is a little time for fun. They watch movies, read the news and call family members and friends. The astronauts on the International Space Station can even connect to the Internet.

1. In space, weights are not as heavy as they are on Earth because ________.
2. Astronauts use special plates to eat and drink so that the food ________.
3. Astronauts ________ to the wall when they are sleeping.
4. In order to stay healthy, the astronauts must ________ every day.
5. Astronauts don’t always work hard, they can also have ________.
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读表达

To have a deeper understanding of the biodiversity (生物多样性) of southwest China’s Yunnan Province, Wild China Film, an organization started a project to take pictures of giant trees in southwest China’s Yunnan. In fact, they started the project to photograph Chinese giant trees as early as February 2018.

Last September, the organization took a picture of a Taiwania flousiana (秃杉) in Baoshan City, Yunnan.

“4. It needs a large amount of water for giant trees to grow well,” according to a photographer. Southwest China is a place where some of the country's tallest trees can be found.

The Wild China Film photographers saw the giant Taiwania flousiana after they arrived at the Gaoligong Mountain National Nature Reserve on September 14 last year.

At first, a professional climber climbed the tree and made sure that their activities followed the requirements for ensuring the protection of the trees.

After the climber found a proper climbing path leading to the top of the tree, a photographer slowly started to climb the tree by following the same path. 5.最终,这个摄影师发现这棵树有72米高。 This is the tallest giant tree on Eurasia (欧亚大陆) that has been exactly measured (测量) and photographed by artificial climbing. The professional climber discovered more than 10 kinds of plants living on the tree trunk during the climb.

It took the photographers nearly 70 hours to finally take the first picture of the giant tree. “We have every reason to believe that in places where it rains more, there are more giant trees for us to discover,” said a photographer.

1. Where did Wild China Film start the project to photograph Chinese giant trees?
2. What did the professional climber find during the climb?
3. How long did it take the photographers to take the first picture of the giant tree?
4. 将画线句子译成中文。
5. 将画线句子译成英文。
今日更新 | 8次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年湖南省衡阳市中考一模英语试题(含听力)
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题或翻译句子。

Has your mother or grandmother ever made embroidered (刺绣) clothes for you? In the past years, Chinese people often embroidered in hats, shoes and dresses to show the beauty of nature or the best wishes to others. Some girls would even embroider on a sachet (香囊) as a gift for their lovers. Chinese embroidery includes four main kinds. They are Su Xiu, Xiang Xiu, Yue Xiu and Shu Xiu.

Shu Xiu or Shu embroidery comes from Sichuan. It has a long history that dates back over two thousand years. 58. It is said that Shu Xiu is the oldest kind of embroidery in China. People began to make it during the Han Dynasty (206 B. C.—220 A. D.).

Shu Xiu takes time. It might take as long as a whole day to finish just 10 cm. Embroidery workers need to divide each silk thread (丝线) into more than 10 or even 30 smaller threads. Each smaller thread is thinner than a human hair.

Meng Dezhi, who used to work at the Chengdu Shu Embroidery Factory, has been making Shu Xiu for 40 years. She loves this form of art and wants more people to try it, so she gives lessons in universities. She said, “Although the work is hard, Shu Xiu stands for thousands of years of Sichuan culture. 59.它也是中国文化的一个象征。

1. Why did Chinese people embroider in hats, shoes and dresses?
2. Where does Shu Xiu come from?
3. 将划线句子翻译成汉语。
4. 将划线句子翻译成英语。
5. What do you think of Meng Dezhi?
任务型阅读-多任务混合 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Someday, you may no longer need to brush your teeth by hand. Instead, billions of nanoparticles (纳米颗粒) could do all that work for you. The nanoparticles are very tiny, metalic (金属制的) balls. Magnets make them move. A magnet (磁铁) is a piece of iron (铁), often in a horseshoe shape, which can attract iron naturally.

“If you set up a magnet in just the right way,” says Ed Steager, “you can arrange (安排) them into any shape you want.”

Steager is an engineer at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA. HyunKoo is an inventor and dental (牙齿的) researcher who also works there. Together, they found a way to form the nanoparticles into long, skinny bristles (刷毛), a lot like the ones on a toothbrush. But these bristles can change the shape to fit whatever surface they touch. They can even move between teeth, like floss (牙线).

A new way to clean teeth could help out anyone who finds this chore boring, says Koo. But it would be especially life-changing for people with disabilities or illnesses that make it difficult or impossible to hold and move a toothbrush.

The scientists tested the robotic bristles in the lab. The removed gunk from plastic teeth and from human teeth. The scientists reported their invention on June 28, 2022.

The device (设备) isn’t yet ready for people to use. The magnets and nanoparticles will need to fit comfortably and safely inside a person’s mouth. The researchers are working with a company to make their dream come true. But if these inventors can perfect the device, it will do good to a lot of people.

A dental researcher says of the Pennsylvania robotic brush, “It’s very innovative.”

1. ________ could brush your teeth for you in the future.
2. The new invention was reported on ________.
3. What does a magnet look like?
4. Who may especially need the new way to clean teeth?
5. Do you like the new invention? Why or why not?
昨日更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年河北省邯郸市第十三中学中考一模英语试题
任务型阅读-阅读表达 | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。

For more than 2,000 years. Jingdezhen was known as the porcelain capital of the world. Today, Jingdezhen remains a national center for porcelain production. The most famous types of porcelain from Jingdezhen are famille-rose porcelain, linglong porcelain, blue-white porcelain and color-glazed porcelain. The imperial porcelain was so exquisite that it was described as being “as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as thin as paper, with a sound as clear as a bell.”

Among all porcelain produced in Jingdezhen, the most representative is blue-white porcelain. Blue-white porcelain originated in the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Yuan and Ming dynasties blue-white porcelain became increasingly popular, and since the 14th century manufacturers have shipped blue-white porcelain to world markets. The porcelain reached its peak in the Qing Dynasty. Its thin, translucent quality and attractive designs made it very valuable throughout Europe and the colonies, ranking first among blue-white porcelain nationwide.

Blue-white porcelain is the most famous among the four traditional types of porcelain produced in Jingdezhen, and is famous as the “ever-lasting blue flower.” The blue-white style is created by drawing the design with cobalt pigment onto the stoneware body and painting over it with a transparent glaze. This style is also known as “underglazed blue.” The piece is then fired at a high temperature. Blue-white porcelain has been in production ever since thanks to its bright colors, simple yet elegant patterns, and smooth glaze that never fades.

The Yuan Dynasty was a key period for the development of firing techniques for blue-white porcelain in China. Its unique characteristics were based on the techniques of former dynasties. It was during this period that blue and white porcelain was perfected and came to characterize the Ming Dynasty. China’s multi-colored porcelain was often given as gifts on diplomatic missions.

In 1979 Jingdezhen blue-white porcelain won a national golden prize and in 1985 it was honored with three gold medals at different international fairs. Since then, the name “Jingdezhen Blue-white Porcelain” has spread far and wide. It is by far a top product in the porcelain business, boasting the most prizes and the highest standards.

1. How many famous types of porcelain from Jingdezhen are there? What are they?
2. What made blue-white porcelain very valuable throughout Europe and the colonies?
3. What is “underglazed blue”?
4. What can you learn from the last paragraph of the passage?
5. Give a proper title to the passage.
昨日更新 | 7次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年山东省德州市乐陵市宁津县联考中考一模英语试题
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