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| 共计 3 道试题
任务型阅读-补全句子(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成下列各题。

In the 2024 Spring Festival Gala (春节联欢晚会), which program impressed (使……印象深刻) you most? Maybe you will say 《山河诗长安》. And it’s also my favorite program. I was shocked by the scene that thousands of people recite(朗诵) a poem by Li Bai together. Li Bai, who is also called “immortal poet (诗仙) ” is one of the greatest poets in the Tang Dynasty. Most of his poems were produced in the rise and fall period of the Tang Dynasty. Many people think he is romantic (浪漫的) and free, just like an immortal (神仙). However, in the Chinese cartoon movie《长安三万里》, we see a different Li Bai.

In the movie, Li dreams about being an officer. But he faces challenges after challenges. He can’t take keju (科举) because of his family. Later, he makes a mistake and is banished (流放). He has difficulties and problems just like every one of us.

However, his poems give us inspiration and confidence (自信), especially when we are in hard times. When he enjoyed nature, he said, “Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high; As if the silver river fell from the blue sky (飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天).” When he had a setback (挫折), he said, “Heaven has made us talents; we’re not made in vain. A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again (天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来).”

Li Bai might not be as perfect as we think. But it doesn’t really matter. Maybe we should thank his imperfect life, or we will lose a great poet in the world. As long as his poems are here with us, he is always the “immortal” in our hearts.

1. How does the writer start the passage?
The writer starts the passage by ______________.
2. Li Bai is also called ______________.
3. In which poem of Li Bai, can we read the lyries “举头望明月,低头思故乡”?
The name of the poem is ______________.
4. Why do people love Li Bai’s poems?
Because his poems give people _______________.
5. What do you think of Li Bai?
He is _________________.
2024-03-20更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省宝鸡市第一中学2023-2024学年九年级下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约250词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.


Sarah, student, 13 years old

Jason, student, 14 years old

Betty, student, 15 years old

Cindy, student, 14 years old

Time: One Sunday afternoon in spring

Place: Sunshine Park

(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up. )

Sarah: Wow! That was a great picnic. I’m so full that I can hardly move.

Jason: That’s no excuse for not tidying up, Sarah. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Betty, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the place.

Betty: (Speaking unhappily to herself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs? It’s not fair.

(Betty throws a bit of water on the fire. Then she picks up the ashes (灰) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass. )

Sarah: (Sounding surprised) What are you doing, Betty?

Jason: Whoops…the paper has caught fire.

Sarah: And the grass…Jason, Cindy, help! Help!

(Jason and Cindy come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely. )

Betty: Oh, no. What have I done?

Cindy: You know that we should do everything carefully, don’t you?

Betty: (With her head in her hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done?

1. The sentences in brackets “(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up. )” tell ________.
A.how the writer acts in the playB.when and where the story happens
C.what the characters are saying to each otherD.what the characters are doing and how they are acting
2. The underlined place “★” should be “ ________”
A.You seem surprised!B.How interesting it is!
C.Don’t worry about it!D.That’s very dangerous!
3. How does Betty feel when she says “What have I done? What have I done?”
A.She feels proud.B.She feels sorry.C.She feels relaxed.D.She feels lucky.
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Ever since you were a baby, you have been growing. But your body usually grows very fast in some certain periods.

    1     At that time, you were so small, but you grew so quickly. In fact, when you were born, your body had a programmed (设定好的) height and size it wanted to reach. If you look at the heights of your parents, aunts, uncles, siblings (兄弟姐妹) and grandparents, you can learn about how tall you might be when you’ve all grown up.

Around the ages of 8 to 13 in girls and 10 to 15 in boys, children grow more quickly.     2     And it is called adolescence (青春期). Often, you will see girls get taller than boys in late elementary school, and boys catch up and usually pass them in middle school and high school.

    3     Your bones, your muscles, and your whole body have to get used to getting taller and bigger. You might feel clumsy (笨拙的); your voice might change, and you might feel different. All of these things are a natural part of growing up and becoming adults.

    4     But boys will finish growing between the ages of 16 and 18. Some boys and girls finish growing at different times, because everyone is different.

It is very important to exercise enough, to eat properly, and to sleep enough when you are growing. Most children should be getting 10 to 12 hours of sleep per night.     5     Help your body grow by doing the right things.

A.Are you getting enough?
B.Then do you know why your body grows?
C.This is because boys and girls are growing up to be adults.
D.However, there is a little difference between boys and girls.
E.Most girls will finish growing between the ages of 15 and 16.
F.During the first year of your life, you may grow up to 10 inches.
G.It is very normal to feel uncomfortable when you are growing quickly.
2023-10-19更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:陕西省西安市莲湖区2022-2023学年九年级上学期开学考试英语试题
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