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1 . Although my grandfather is over 90 years old, he still remembers the people ________ he met when he was young.
昨日更新 | 88次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年西藏中考英语真题
单项选择-四个选项 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . In difficult times, there are always national heroes ________ step up and bring people hope.
昨日更新 | 72次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区兴安盟、呼伦贝尔市中考英语真题
单项选择-四个选项 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . I advise you not to show ________ on Wechat because it may cause trouble.
A.anything personalB.personal anything
C.something personalD.personal something
7日内更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区兴安盟、呼伦贝尔市中考英语真题
单项选择-四个选项 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . —How long is the bridge?
—About ________ long.
A.two thousand metreB.two thousand metres
C.two thousands metreD.two thousands metres
7日内更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区兴安盟、呼伦贝尔市中考英语真题
单项选择-四个选项 | 适中(0.65) |
5 . —I think my life is so boring.
—Why don’t you ________ some hobbies like singing or dancing?
A.put upB.take upC.get upD.show up
7日内更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年内蒙古自治区兴安盟、呼伦贝尔市中考英语真题
阅读理解-单选(约570词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . My friend Julie and I are keen on creating a beautiful green town.

Gardening Course

Every September, our city has a special festival. Crowds of happy people go to the park, waving ribbons in their hands. That’s because the gardening competition takes place there.

For Julie and me, it was a pity that we couldn’t take part in the competition, for that was also the first day of our high school. We buried ourselves in choosing courses. We wanted to learn all about plants, gardening and farming. Finally, a course called Agriculture and Wildlife came into our sight. We thought it would help us succeed as gardeners.

Project presentation

After a year’s study, Julie advised me to give a presentation. There was a small plastic model of my idea on the table. On the other side of the table, my teachers were waiting to see my project—the green farm.

“Good morning!” I said “During my studies I’ve learned a lot about city farming. Now. I want to do something with what I’ve learned.”

I showed them the model. “This is the high street of our town. This is an old, nine-floor car park. No one has used it for the last two years and it’s now for sale.”

I continued the presentation. They could see my designs on the big screen when I talked.

“I’ve designed a city farm using the car park building. There will be eight floors to farm fruit and vegetables. This design can help us collect rainwater to wet the soil. And we can also use energy from the sun to power the special growing lights. “

“I will hire the space out to local people and they will sell everything good enough for the environment in local shops. Also, the ninth floor will be for those who want to grow their own plants.”

My audience looked interested and my project got the highest marks in my class. But in the real world. it couldn’t happen because the car park was not available.

Later, Julie helped me search the town for the perfect place for gardening, not in front of the Town Hall or the shopping centre. We tried to look for something different. Somewhere that was not the best neighbourhood, but a poor one. One where the road was full of boles and the pavement (人行道) was all broken. At last, we made it.

In the neighbourbood, we posted letters through people’s doors with gardening instructions. More and more people cared about that and began to plant vegetable gardens.

Then in the same neighbourhood, we put grass over those broken old pavements for the kids to play on. Finally, we put up a sign that said, “Have fun here.”

When we finished, we were both covered in soil and completely exhausted. But Julie put an arm around my shoulders and smiled. “Not bad!” she said. “We can do more to make our town greener!”.

1. The writer mentioned the gardening competition to ________.
A.change her gardening projectsB.express her interest in gardening
C.discuss ways to get good prizesD.tell stories of gardening courses
2. Which is the most suitable for ?
A.Grass SpacesB.Farming Instructions
C.Vegetable GardensD.Gardening Experiences
3. Which of the following is the correct order of the story?
a. Julie helped find a perfect place for gardening.
b. The writer explained the green farm project.
c. Julie and the writer posted letters to neighbours.
d. Julie and the writer were busy choosing the courses.
e. Old pavements were covered with grass for kids to play on.
4. According to the underlined sentence, Julie and the writer may ________.
A.hire out their green farms for parking and camping
B.find more open spaces to plant grass and vegetables
C.sell their grass and vegetables to the neighbourhood
D.put up more signs to ask kids to have fun on the grass
7日内更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南通市中考英语真题
完形填空-15空(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Luke lived with his grandma during the last summer holidays. He was curious about everything in her grandma’s house. One _________ he stole into the store room where his grandma kept her valuable collections. He knew she did not like anyone to touch her treasures, _________ her cup for skating. Luke walked around on tiptoe and felt the treasures one after another with excitement. He found the cup wasn’t there. “Where is it?” he thought to himself. He raised his head and found it! _________ it was on the top of a shelf, he wanted to feel the cup again.

With the help of a ladder, Luke reached the cup. It was much heavier than it seemed. Luke _________ the cup and tried to get it down. While climbing down, Luke’s elbow struck against the ladder. He lost his _________ and fell down to the ground heavily. The _________ cup slipped out of his hands and broke into two halves.

Luke was too nervous to feel the _________ . He stood up quickly and felt heartbroken. He picked up the broken pieces with his shaking hands, put them back to the _________ and left the store room quickly. Grandma was watching TV in the living room. Luke went into his bedroom quietly so that his grandma wouldn’t _________ him.

That night was so __________ . He tossed and turned in bed. He couldn’t fall asleep till midnight. He woke up and looked at the clock many times. Time seemed to go much slower. Early in the morning, Luke knocked on grandma’s door with __________.

Grandma hugged Luke thoughtfully and said, “That cup was __________ to me when I was only ten years old, I won the first prize in my __________ competition.” Luke followed grandma to the store room. “I’m really sorry, grandma.” Luke said __________. With a smile, grandma took down the broken glass cup and used glue to stick the broken pieces together. The cup was repaired miraculously!

She continued, “When I was young, I once messed my uncle’s priceless painting. I was not as __________ as you. I didn’t tell the truth at first. It made me feel upset day and night. After a week’s struggle, I admitted my fault to my uncle. That was the most unforgettable moment. I think it is honesty that matters more than mistakes.”

7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南通市中考英语真题
单项选择-四个选项 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . Which map is correct according to the following dialogue?

7日内更新 | 21次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南通市中考英语真题
短文填空-首字母填空(约270词) | 较难(0.4) |
9 . 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整的、正确的形式,使短文通顺。

The world is changing very fast. Scientific technologies are now influencing a    1     every field of life. A scientist once said that success in developing scientific technologies would be one of the biggest events in human history, but he thought some of them might also be the last unless we learn to avoid the risks. For m    2       society, scientific technologies are amazing but humans may face a lot of challenges.

Will humans be controlled by scientific technologies in the future? Some people say “Yes”. They think humans will be under control completely. I    3     computers are implanted (植入) inside brains, things will be much worse. With the d    4     of technologies, robots have taken the place of humans in some fields and it may make some people l    5     their jobs. What’s more, data centres need a large amount of energy to run. At the same time, it produces so much h    6     all the time that a great deal of water is used for cooling. All these may be the risks the scientist referred to.

However, other people don’t a    7     . They are hopeful about the relationship between scientific technologies and humans. They say that scientific technologies have done much for us and made our daily lives much easier. They can free people from doing housework, writing articles or e    8     making films. For example, some technologies can change words into short videos easily and make it p    9     for some common people to be directors.

Every coin has two sides. Rather than worrying about the risks of scientific technologies, we should learn to use them in a w    10     way and manage them well.

7日内更新 | 33次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南通市中考英语真题
任务型阅读-阅读表达(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。

Peking Opera, also called Jingju, listed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, is the most important one among hundreds of forms of local operas in China. It arose in the late 18th century and has a history of more than two hundred years.

Peking Opera which combines singing, dancing, acrobatics and martial arts is sung and recited using Beijing dialect. The music of Peking Opera plays a key role in setting the pace of the show, creating a particular atmosphere, shaping the characters, and guiding the progress of the stories,

The art form has spread to many other countries and is enjoyed all around the world. Many children in China receive training in Peking Opera classes or practise Peking Opera. However, some artists still worry that Peking Opera is challenged by new forms of entertainment like many traditional art forms. They are trying to do something for Peking Opera.

Tao Qingmei, a traditional arts scholar at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, co-wrote the book The Marvelous Game with Guo Baochang. Guo, a film director, is a Peking Opera fan who has loved Jingju since he was a kid. It has been his long time wish to write a book on Peking Opera.

The boy on the new book cover is Guo Baochang’s grandson. Guo and his grandson are playing a game by dressing up in roles from the classic Peking Opera piece, Shuang Bei Deng, which is a comedy. Tao and Guo spent years writing the book because they wanted to make it easy and fun for everyone. They hope young people will get to know more about Peking Opera and fall in love with it.

Peking Opera is regarded as an expression of the aesthetic ideal of opera in the traditional Chinese society and remains a widely recognized element of the country’s cultural heritage. The stories performed in Peking Opera are often based on Chinese history, folklore and literary classics. They bring us a colourful world.

1. How long is the history of Peking Opera?
2. Who wrote the book The Marvelous Game?
3. Which Peking Opera piece is on the cover of the book?
4. What problem is Peking Opera facing?
5. What do you plan to do for traditional arts after reading this article? (请自拟一句话作答)
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024年江苏省南通市中考英语真题
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