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1 . Looking out of the window of his truck, Bob Fitzgerald sees dying forests and empty farmland. Fitzgerald says the land has been in his family since the 17th century. “I can show you land around here that people grew tomatoes on when I was a little boy. And now it’s gone.”

Climate change is making things worse. As sea levels rise, salt water is entering rivers and other waterways. As a result, the land is becoming too salty for crops to grow on. Hundreds of millions of people will be forced to move inland because of rising waters.

Kate Tully, a researcher in the University of Maryland, wants to keep coastal farmers in business as the seas rise. She has seen the forests filled with pine trees killed by the increasingly salty soil. The United States Department of Agriculture gave Tully and other researchers $1.1 million to study the problem. She and her team hope to give farmers ways to stay on their land.

They are testing different crops on pieces of land around the Eastern Shore. “Sorghum (高粱) is my new favorite crop because it can grow without rain and it can grow with lots of rain.” The grain (谷物) crop may be a good choice to feed the nearly 600 million chickens kept in the area each year. As farmers know, chickens can deal with salt, dry weather conditions and heavy rains. Yet just being able to grow a crop is not enough. The crop has to bring in money.

Some people believe the land should be given back to nature. They say the fields should be turned into wetlands, which are popular with duck hunters. “There’s money in duck hunting,” Tully said. “Hunting organizations will pay farmers for hunting on their land. Farmers could make a lot of money from duck hunting.”

Tully and her team are just getting started. It will be a few years before they really understand how to save the farms.

1. What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?
A.To lead to the main topic.B.To describe the farm scenery.
C.To illustrate a memorable experience.D.To provide the background information.
2. Why were Tully and other researchers given $1.1 million?
A.To help farmers stay on their land.B.To study new crops for coastal farmers.
C.To study climate change in recent years.D.To help farmers start their own business.
3. What was Tully’s attitude towards turning farms into wetlands?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Climate Change Making Things Worse.B.Rising Seas Forcing Changes on Farms.
C.Coastal Farmers Saving Their Homeland.D.Scientists Teaching Farmers to Plant Crops.
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2 . Museum Day

Museum Day is here for one day and one day only — so you’ll need to hurry if you want to take advantage of the chance to get free Saturday admission to one of the hundreds of participating museums.

This event is hosted annually by Smithsonian Magazine and involves museums and cultural institutions coming together to offer free admission for visitors who would otherwise have to pay for entry.

You just need an email address to get a free ticket.

To get a ticket you’ll need to go to the Smithsonian Magazine website and pick which museum you want to go to. You’ll be able to search to see which museums near you are participating, and you just have to put in your email address and name. After that, you can download your ticket and head out for some fun.

A lot of museums are still feeling financial stress from the pandemic.

The event is happening as museums are still struggling from the hits they took during the first few years of the pandemic.

The American Alliance of Museums estimated it will take years for museums to fully recover. In February, the group released survey results that detailed those financial losses.

But there’s hope that a free day at the museums might contribute to more future visits.

1. How often is Museum Day held?
A.Once a week.B.Once a day.C.Once a year.D.Once a month.
2. How can you get a free ticket?
A.By writing an email.B.By signing up on the Internet.
C.By visiting the nearest museum.D.By downloading Smithsonian Magazine.
3. What is the significance of hosting Museum Day?
A.It will help people deal with stress.B.It will make museums more famous.
C.It can help museums to fully recover.D.It may attract more visitors to museums.
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3 . I was cutting up lettuce (生菜) in the kitchen when I suddenly remembered watching a video about putting the lettuce stub (残余部分) in water to grow a whole new vegetable. So I took out a wide-mouthed mug (大杯) and placed the stub into it, gave it a little water, and placed it by the window.

On a snowy morning, I noticed the first sign. A first small leaf from its heart spread out. A tiny green flag of hope. Beaten, but not defeated. Within days, it was impossible to see the cuts where I had removed the leaves. The growth was explosive. And when I lifted the blossoming head out of the mug, tiny root threads fell down, seeking for the earth. What is growing here? Lettuce or hope?

If I were a lettuce in a similar condition, I’d want to doubtfully assess where I found myself before being devoted to full growth. Yet for this lettuce, my inadequate offering of water and a place by a window was enough for it to decide to reclaim itself again. It grew in a mug of water, in faith. This is the heart of this lettuce: alive, strong and fearless. It deserved a name. I decided to call it Monty.

Monty wanted to grow, as we all do. I think I gave him a little love and freedom. Those two ingredients were all he needed to return to himself. I see joy in this lettuce. The return to self is always an expression of joy, which is life itself. With the right ingredients, this is the tendency of all living things.

Monty still lives in a mug, but I’m going to transplant him outside. He deserves to become his full self. The only problem I see now is my capacity to support Monty. I hope I have enough of a green finger.

I’m surprised to find myself where I am. Maybe Monty is, too. I have the same choice as he does: give in, or start again. The prospect of starting again is discouraging. But my lettuce-friend, Monty, leads the way. I can only hope to be as brave.

1. Why did the author put the stub in water?
A.To hope that it would grow.B.To decorate the nice mug.
C.To play a game.D.To remove his bad mood.
2. What is the first sign of life in the author’s eyes?
A.The remaining stub.B.The small leaf.
C.The disappearing cuts.D.The tiny root threads.
3. How would the author feel if in the lettuce’s situation?
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Enjoy your own life to the fullestB.Believe in yourself when in trouble
C.Never be afraid to restart yourselfD.Give freedom to the heart in a way
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4 . In the picture Landscape with Diogenes by the 17th century French artist Poussin, the ancient philosopher Diogenes is described casting away his last possession, a drinking bowl. He realizes he doesn’t need it after seeing a youth cupping a hand to drink from a river. The significance for us is that Diogenes’ spiritual descendants (后代) known as “new minimalists” are now everywhere, if not as completely possession-free as he was.

There are hundreds of websites praising the virtues of tidy living. Everyone is trying to cut down on things these days. People are trying to reduce their carbon footprints, their waistlines, and their monthly outgoings. What’s more, there’s a general fear that people are becoming choked by their possessions, and this is fueled by the knowledge that the leading hobby these days seems to be shopping. It’s true that sales of e-readers and e-books go beyond those of paperbacks. As a result, the need for bookshelves is cut out.

However, today’s new minimalists don’t urge us to burn our books and destroy our CDs, but just make sure we have them as digital files. So, for example, I have digitized versions of some of my old vinyl LP (黑胶) records and haven’t, as yet, stimulated myself to take the LPs to the nearest charity shop — and I admit I shall probably go on keeping them. Technology has gone beyond our dreams and there is always the doubt that our hard drives will crash and all will be lost.   Far more important, however, is the fact that our memories are so inseparably tied to our possessions that we can’t get rid of stuff. We are not exactly suffering withdrawal symptoms as we try to break our addiction to objects. We are just acquiring new stuff, which means we can bin or recycle our old stuff.

I’m happy to have found another website which seems to solve a whole lot of problems at once — a thriving online advice service offering storage solutions. The interior (室内的) designer responsible for this does not suggest getting rid of stuff, but rather recommends buying more stuff such as elegant flexible baskets or colorful lidded (有盖子的) containers to hide the first lots of stuff from view. I love this philosophy — convince yourself you’ve got your desire for possessions under control, without having to lose a thing. After all, we aren’t merciless enough to follow Diogenes and cast away all our possessions.

1. Why does the author mention a picture by the artist Poussin?
A.To introduce Poussin as a famous painter.
B.To spark a discussion about the new minimalist trend.
C.To interpret the artistic style of 17th-century French painting.
D.To illustrate the negative impact of ancient philosophy on modern views.
2. What makes the author believe that minimalism may not succeed?
A.People’s resistance to media pressure.
B.People’s strong bond with physical objects.
C.People’s lack of faith in digital hardware.
D.People’s laziness in the face of change.
3. According to the author, people invest in smart new storage in order to______.
A.satisfy their desire to make purchases
B.make attractive additions to their homes
C.ease their conscience over having too many things
D.provide a temporary solution to a problem
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A.Psychology of Overconsumption
B.Low Carbon Is an Attitude
C.Treasure What You Have
D.Less Is More
2024-03-16更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题
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5 . Psychologists tell us our self-image defines what we believe we can and cannot do. Each of us over the years has built up belief about ourselves: Unconsciously, our pictures of who we are have been formed by past experiences. Our successes and failures, what others have told us and what we think people believe about us all help form impressions of what we think we are. As self-image plays a crucial role in our growth, gaining a proper understanding of it and even making changes to it can hold significant meaning for our development.

Changing our self-image is possible: Some psychologists suggest we begin to change our self-image by mentally picturing ourselves performing well at some tasks. Since we presently react to things based on our present images, it’s suggested that we replace those with better ones. In many experiments, people were asked to sit quietly for a few minutes each day and imagine themselves doing well. For instance, subjects would sit and imagine themselves throwing darts (飞镖) at a bull’s-eye on a target. Over a period of weeks, their dart game improved. This has been done with people who wanted to play chess better, throw a ball more accurately, increase their salesmanship or musical talents, or improve many other skills. In most cases, remarkable improvement is made.

The point of changing self-image is not to develop an image of ourselves that is not real. To try to become something we really aren’t is just as wrong as living the unrealistic, inferior image we may have. The aim is to find the real self and to bring our mental images of ourselves in line with our true potential. However, it is generally accepted among psychologists that most of us fail to do justice to ourselves. We’re usually better than we think we are.

Another important part of changing self-image is to not think about past mistakes. Don’t let failures do harm. Our errors or humiliation over mistakes are necessary steps in learning. It is all right to make mistakes. But when they have taught us what we did wrong, we should forget them and not dwell on (纠结于) them. Sometimes we keep remembering our failures or mistakes and feel guilty or embarrassed about them. We let them take over, and then we develop a fear.

It is important to have realistic expectations of ourselves. Some of our dissatisfaction might come from expecting too much of ourselves. If we demand constant perfection in everything we do, we can be disappointed and our poor self-image will continue. If our goal is to reach perfection, we are doomed (注定要失败的) from the start.

1. Which situation agrees with the idea of the passage?
A.To win a speech contest, Tina pictures herself speaking more confidently.
B.To get along with her classmates, Doris always humbles herself.
C.To become a star player, Alex repeatedly plays back his faults in his mind.
D.To outshine his colleagues, Joe sets an idealistic goal.
2. What is the purpose of paragraph 3?
A.To clarify the principle of changing self-image.
B.To confirm the effect of changing self-image.
C.To propose a new view on changing self-image.
D.To stress the importance of changing self-image.
3. According to the author, how should we regard our past mistakes?
A.They are tools for overcoming fear.
B.They are warnings for future.
C.They are part of our growth.
D.They are barriers to our development.
4. What is the main idea that the author conveys in the passage?
A.Overcoming fear through past mistakes.
B.Building a realistic self-image through visualization.
C.The importance of humility in personal growth.
D.Setting idealistic goals for personal development.
2024-03-16更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者与滑板传奇人物Tony Hawk的一次会面及访谈经历。

6 . Tony Hawk, who I thought was bigger than life, came in the room and then the interview began.

As the world’s greatest skateboarder, he talked about how his life was not always so miraculous (奇迹般的). He mentioned one day he was skating on top of the world, and the next day the sport of skateboarding fell right on its face. Life for Tony has had its ups and downs, and what brought him back up was the way he believed in himself. One of the most tragic events in Tony’s life was that his father passed away. Although he suffered such pain, he never lost sight of his dream. He put his energy into his dream, which helped him overcome his sadness.

One part of Tony that completely impressed me is the way he accepts himself. His goal is never to do better than others, but to do his best. If he does the best he can, it doesn’t matter how anyone else takes him. That’s true and wise. As for me, I play baseball and things aren’t going so well, but I’m trying my hardest because that’s life. It’s how you approach those bad days that will keep you on top.

Confidence brought Tony to the next level. During our meeting he continually talked about the importance of following one’s dream. He also said, along with that, one needs to have a strong faith in one’s own ability to achieve that dream, no matter what challenges are presented.

By the end, I didn’t see the same guy who had walked through the door an hour earlier. Now I view him as more than a world-class skateboarder. He is also a normal person who has dealt with many of the same problems we all face, but the difference is that he is always able to rise above his problems by having faith in his dream.

1. What does the underlined part “fell right on its face” in paragraph 2 mean?
2. The example of the author’s playing baseball is used to show he ______.
A.accepts Tony Hawk’s suggestion
B.doesn’t want to play baseball anymore
C.wants to be as successful as Tony Hawk
D.has the same view of life as Tony Hawk
3. In the eyes of the author, what makes Tony Hawk special?
A.His achievement.B.His unusual experience.
C.His confidence in winning the game.D.His determination to realize his dream.
4. What does the author think of Tony Hawk at the end of the interview?
2024-03-16更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省名校联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期3月联合考试英语试题
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7 . Every morning on the island of Oahu, students at Pu’ öhala Elementary gather on a field as towering mountains watch them from the mist. Their day starts with songs in ‘ölelo Hawai’i, the islands’ native language, restating values of respect and justice that their teachers hope will guide them through their education, and throughout their lives.

Like most kids their age, they’re not concerned about the significance of the language they’re learning. Still, they have a weighty responsibility: to receive the torch (火炬) and ensure the security of ‘ölelo Hawai’ i for future generations.

It was only 50 years ago that the language was on the edge of extinction. Though the situation is much improved, in many ways ‘ölelo Hawai’ i is still on life support. Teachers say there’s a huge enthusiasm for school kids to learn the language, but as they grow up, they’re encouraged to focus on “more useful” subjects and use English, which are believed to assist them in achieving success in their work. In 2016, there were 18, 610 Hawaiian speakers on the islands.

“One hundred thousand is the approximate number of speakers needed to consider the language safe, ” says Solomon, professor of Hawaiian language at University of Hawai’i at Manoa. “The idea is that there are enough people passing it on to the next generation, socializing their children to use the language in all domains of life, to express all thoughts and needs and desires. ”

Fortunately, the kids of Pu’ öhala Elementary will take the responsibility to continue the work of the current young adults defending the language, expanding access to ‘ölelo Hawai’i in part through TikTok and Instagram, and making the language a practical skill in adulthood. These youth, along with those committed to recovering the language from previous generations, share their hopes for the better.

1. What are the students at Pu’ öhala Elementary expected to do?
A.To figure out the value of life.B.To go out of the island of Oahu.
C.To pass their native language down.D.To draw people’s attention to folk songs.
2. What makes the students abandon ‘ölelo Hawai’i?
A.Career development.B.The improved situation.
C.Lack of enthusiasm.D.Little educational support.
3. What is the current situation of ‘ölelo Hawai’i according to professor Solomon?
A.It is used in all walks of life.B.It is considered a safe language.
C.It demands more speakers to be safe.D.It has one hundred thousand speakers.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the future of ‘ölelo Hawai’i?
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8 . The Art Institute of Chicago

Visitor Information

Museum Hours

Members: The first hour of every day, 10 a.m. —11 a.m., is reserved for member-only viewing.

Monday—Wednesday Closed

Thursday: 11 a.m.—8 p. m.

Friday—Sunday: 11 a.m.—5 p. m.

●Audio Guide

Audio guides can be rented at the admission counter, audio counter and outside some special exhibitions. The guide is free to visitors with visual or hearing disabilities.

●Journey Maker

With the digital interactive JourneyMaker, you can build custom family guides based on your child’s interests-from superheroes to strange and wild creatures. Start your museum journey in the Family Room of the Ryan Leaning Center, and make your visit to the Art Institute an adventure for the whole family.

●Official Mobile App

Your personal, pocket-sized guide to the collection, this new iOS app features podcast-style audio tours, location-aware technology, access to the digital member card, and so much more. Download it today from the App Store.


We encourage you to take pictures of the collection and special exhibitions for personal use. Signs indicate the few works that are not allowed to be photographed due to a lender requirement.


You are welcome to use your phone to take pictures, text, and use the museum’s app-anything that does not disturb other visitors. If you need to make a phone call, please do so in a non-gallery space.

●Valet Parking

Art Institute visitors can drop off their cars at the Modern Wing entrance (159 East Monroe Street) and walk right into the museum. The valet service is available daily from 10:30 a. m. until one-half hour after closing.


Adult: $ 32

Student: $ 26

Child (aged 13 and under): Free

Help us protect the collection-please do not touch the art.

1. How long at maximum can a visitor stay in the museum per day?
A.1 hour.B.6 hours.C.9 hours.D.10 hours.
2. What can be learned from the Visitor Information?
A.Valet parking is not available after closing.B.All artworks are encouraged to be pictured.
C.Audio guide is free to every museum visitor.D.Family guides can be tailored to visitors’ needs.
3. How much would a couple with two children aged 6 and 14 pay for admission?
A.$ 64.B.$ 90.C.$ 116.D.$ 128.
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9 . Can robots paint? There’s research out there that shows they can be programmed to. The study “Region-based approaches in robotic painting” looks at how paintings can be copied using robots.

Using e-David, a painting robot developed at the University of Konstanz, researchers look at the use of stroke-based rendering (基于笔触的渲染) in copying art, whose aim is to copy human painting. However, they highlight that the robot sometimes struggles with stroke-based rendering. If the machine used to copy brush strokes runs into an error, it is unable to correct it in the same way that humans can. So the researchers apply “structured regions” in robot-based painting to reduce errors, helping to break up images into elements that can be painted individually to recreate the entire piece.

There’s another painting robot called the Pankraz Piktograph which seems to do a pretty good job at capturing faces. The operation of the Piktograph is very simple: you stand in front of the machine, look into the camera and take a photo. If you like what you see, the robot will then begin to draw it on a piece of paper. It does this using two human-like arms which are made from lightweight metal and driven by two engines. An ordinary ballpoint pen is held in a spring-loaded (装着弹簧的) carrier, which provides just enough pen-to-paper pressure to reliably draw lines without lifting off or destroying the paper.

Inside, the Piktograph is powered by a Raspberry Pi 3, which runs a rather difficult procedure to generate an image. The maker’s paper goes into quite some detail to explain the process, which uses Canny edge detection to create an outline drawing, and then fills in the empty bits to create bright and dark areas.

A certain amount of noise and wiggles (摆动) will be added to the lines to give them a more handmade feel, and the resulting drawing is divided into continuous lines for effective drawing by the machine.

Looking at the technicalities of painting with robots can help to create new tools for artists. This makes it an interesting area to keep an eye on in terms of art and technology.

1. What can be inferred about e-David?
A.It works best with pre-zoned images.B.It can run smoothly without errors.
C.It makes painting an easy job.D.It can replace human artists.
2. What’s the main function of the spring-equipped carrier on the Piktograph?
A.To appropriately power the pen to draw lines.B.To help the robot’s camera take clear photos.
C.To add to the flexibility of the robot’s arms.D.To reduce the weight of the robot engines.
3. How does the Piktograph make its painting natural and real?
A.By applying Canny edge detection.B.By creating more bright and dark areas.
C.By dividing the drawing into continuous lines.D.By equipping the lines with noise and wiggles.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The similarities of different art robots.B.The introduction of two painting robots.
C.Advantages and disadvantages of art robots.D.Two new tools for artists to hand-draw lines.
2024-03-11更新 | 110次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省阜新市高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期阶段测试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了最近研究人员一直在研究达·芬奇已知的最早的艺术品Landscape 8P,并发现里面有两张图像,专家们比较了这两种笔迹样本,称它们都是达·芬奇所作。有人认为研究人员通过研究这些画,为我们了解列奥纳多的绘画技巧和写作能力提供了一种新的方式。

10 . Every year in May, museums prepare shows to honor Leonardo Da Vinci, who died in France on May 2,1519. He is remembered as one of the greatest artists and creative thinkers of all time. His most famous paintings are The Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

Recently, researchers have been studying a painting, Landscape8P which they think is Da Vinci’s earliest-known artwork. They used special lighting to study the artwork and discovered there were two images (图像), not one. One drawing is on the back of the piece, which dates back to August 5, 1473.

The drawing on the front was painted when Leonardo was 21 years old. It shows a river valley and a castle outside the city of Florence. There is little left of the drawing on the back, perhaps because it was wiped off. Only a bridge over a river can be seen. But there is writing on both sides.

The writing on the front gives the date and goes from right to left. Some people would call this “mirror-writing”. It’s a way Leonardo often wrote in his notebooks. The writing on the back goes from left to right and tells about an agreement, probably to produce a work of art.

Cecilia Frosinini is an art historian. She said, “Leonardo was born left-handed, but was taught to write with his right hand from a very young age. By looking at his writings, including from this drawing, we can see his right-handed handwriting is educated and well done.”

Experts compared the two handwriting samples (样本) and said they were both made by Leonardo. They show he could write well using his left hand or his right hand.

The drawing is known as Landscape 8P from its number in an art list. It will be part of an exhibit at Italy’s Uffizi Gallery. The museum director, Eike Schmidt, said by studying the drawing researchers gave us a new way of looking at Leonardo’s drawing techniques and his abilities in writing.

1. Which of the following mentioned in the text has been studied by researchers recently?
A.The Mona Lisa.B.The Last Supper.
C.Landscape 8P.D.Mirror-writing.
2. What does the writing on the back probably tell about?
A.A statement about the painting.B.An introduction about Leonardo.
C.Something about the city of Florence.D.An agreement to produce a painting.
3. What can we learn about Leonardo from Cecilia’s words?
A.He could write with either of his hands.
B.He did bad in right-handed handwriting.
C.He wasn’t good at writing with his right hand.
D.He taught himself to write with right hand.
4. What’s Eike Schmidt’s attitude towards the research?
2024-03-11更新 | 67次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第十五中学2023-2024学年高一上学期10月月考英语试题
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