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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1适当单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。

Chinese writer Hai Ya’s The Space-Time Painter won the Hugo Award (雨果奖) for Best Novelette at the 81st World Science Fiction Convention,     1     (hold)in the southwestern Chinese city of Chengdu. He became     2     third Chinese writer to win a Hugo Award after Liu Cixin in 2015 and Hao Jingfang in 2016.

“The Space-Time Painter”     3     (publish)in 2022. It was inspired by the life experience of the     4    (talent)Chinese painter Wang Ximeng during the Northern Song period(960-1127),     5     created the12-meter-long landscape painting “One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.”

It tells a story about the political power struggle of the time combined     6     diverse elements such as Chinese traditional culture, history and science fiction. “Our culture and traditions are     7     (close) connected with our lives” said Hai, noting that Chinese sci-fi writers are becoming more confident in showcasing native culture and narratives. “I’m very happy that this work has received     8     (recognize), and as for my personally most satisfying work, it will always be the next one,” said the award winner.

    9     (comment)on the Chinese winners of the Hugo Awards, sci-fi writer Han Song wrote on Sina Weibo that it shows that a new force of Chinese sci-fi     10     (rise), and sci-fi has become a name card and a language for China to communicate with the world.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

English language is closely related to the Frisian German and Dutch. England is the first country     1     (speak) English and now English is the main language of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, and many island nations in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. It is also an     2     (office) language of India, the Philippines, Singapore, and many countries in sub-Saharan Africa     3     include South Africa. English is the first choice of foreign     4     (language) in most countries around the world.     5     third of the world’s population now use English, which is     6     (amaze) to us.   

English belongs     7     the Indo-European family of languages and is therefore related to most other languages spoken in Europe and Western Asia from Iceland to India. During the course of hundreds of years, English words have been     8     (slow) changed from the forms     9     (find) in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, Russian and German to forms, as in Chinese and Vietnamese. The German and Chinese words for the word “man”     10     (be) a typical example. German has five forms: Mann Mannes, Manne, Männer, Männern. Chinese has one form: ren. English stands in between, with four forms: man, man’s, men, men’s.

语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 课文语法填空

Every Saturday night Mama would sit down by the kitchen table and divide the money     1     Papa had brought home into several parts. Each part had     2     different use. For example, the big silver pieces were for the rent. In our     3     (day) life, Mama tried her best not to draw money out     4     her Bank Account, however hard the life was. When Nels wanted to go on to high school, my family members and I did our best     5     (earn) or save money instead of     6     (go) to the Bank. To get enough money, Nels     7     (volunteer) to work in Dillon’s grocery after school; Papa decided     8     (give) up smoking and I planned to look after the Elvington children every Friday night.

Twenty years later, when the check of my first story came, I hurried over to Mama’s and asked her to put     9     in her Bank Account. She had to admit that she had never been inside a bank.

Actually, Mama’s Bank Account mentioned many times by Mama was just     10     (make) us children feel secure.

语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了主人公Tim Shea入住3D打印房子村庄后的生活上的变化。
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Most people dream of living in a big expensive house. But Tim Shea just wanted to find a place     1     could become his home.

This 70-year-old homeless man had spent several years living on the streets until he became the first resident of a village filled     2     3D- printed little houses.

Shea was chosen to be the first person     3    (move) into Community First Village , a 51- acre site in Austin, Texas. The small houses in the village , like Shea’s 400-square-foot home, were built by the Austin-based start-up company ICON.

Life wasn't easy for Shea before     4     (live) in Community First Village. He lived in an RV(野营车) for most of his life. This made     5    (he) stay away from people. “ I think from my     6    (person) experience of my former lifestyle, I developed a shell,” Shea said. “ I didn't feel secure(安心的)and any time I had the opportunity,I would hide.”

Luckily,    7    (thing) changed when Shea got his new house. Since then, he has been meeting new people and making friends. “Now everything I do     8    (be) just the opposite. I have many activities to do every day with others,” Shea said.

The houses     9    (design) by ICON have six different layouts (布局). Shea chose a home with an open floor. This way,     10     will be easier for him to use his wheelchair.

2022-06-12更新 | 350次组卷 | 5卷引用:山西省山西师范大学实验中学2021-2022学年高一下学期第二次月考英语考试试题
语法填空-短文语填(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |
5 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Instruments are a necessary part of making music, but what music sounds like will also depend upon     1     (it) style and rhythm. Music is often divided     2     two main groups: classical and popular. These names can mean different things to different people, and their meanings can change over time.

Popular music is what many people play or listen to for fun. It could be folk, country, pop and rock, or jazz. Often the music style     3     (change) with each new generation of musicians. All over the world there are     4     (talent) musicians who perform this style of music     5     (earn) a living or just for fun. A band of musicians usually play a certain style of music that they like,     6     (create) a sound that is special to them.

Classical music is     7     (most) used to describe more formal music, often performed in front of a seated silent audience. Most of this music     8     (write) a long time ago. Classical music is often played by an orchestra (管弦乐队) in     9     musicians play either woodwind, brass, or string instruments.

There are many famous orchestras throughout     10     world, with many countries having their own special ones.

2022-05-25更新 | 296次组卷 | 4卷引用:河北省保定市部分学校2021-2022学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 语法填空

One will be happy when he    1    (help) others. I learn about this through my own experiences. Last year I joined a volunteer organization which provided me    2    many opportunities to help others. Last Sunday we went to     3     orphanage where there were about thirty children    4    were disabled. When I saw those lovely children, I felt rather sorry for them.    5    (experience) some pains and sufferings, they faced the world with smiles. All the volunteers here, including me, thought that it was high time that we did something for them. Therefore, we arranged some     6     (activity). After doing some washing and reading stories for them, we played simple games together with them. Seeing them playing happily, I    7    (move) to tears and realized what they needed was not only material assistance    8    love from others as well.

When we left, both the children and we volunteers were unwilling     9     (part). Although spending time with these children and in assisting others has taken up most of my spare time, I feel even    10    (happy) than before because I can bring others happiness.

语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。)

A reporter from Jiangsu Province went to Australia and some other countries with his father for a 3-month trip,     1     turned out to be a miracle (奇迹).

The reporter’s father spent most of his life    2     (work) on the farm. The son started these    3     (amaze) trips with his father because the father got cancer-----a serious    4     (ill). The reporter wanted    5     (take) his father to travel in the hope that his father can find his younger self in his last days. They    6     (travel) more than 13,000 kilometers and took over 110,000    7     (picture) on their trips to different countries. Well, a miracle happened during the “rebirth” trips.     8     their surprise, his father got    9     (good) and became more open-hearted.

He even taught himself to play    10     violin, and then he played it very well after practice. After that miracle trip, now he is expecting another trip to Africa. He is the most stylish dad ever. Time carves (雕刻) the old father’s face but youth flows in his blood. This is the real style.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料在空白处填上适当内容

In the late April 2014, a violent storm swept through the southern Unite States,     1     (destroy) more than $1billion in property and killing 35 people. But a group of migratory birds in eastern Tennessee sensed the oncoming mess and left long before the first clouds arrived. A year earlier, the team had tagged golden-winged warblers(莺) with leg trackers     2     (study ) their annual migrations to South America. Two days before the storms     3     (strike), five golden-winged warblers sipped away traveling nearly 700 kilometers south to the Florida coast.

It is the first time that the birds which normally migrate with the seasons     4     ( observe) to slip away when a big storm hits. The researchers suspect this     5     (behave ) occurs only when the threat of injury outweighs the energy costs of a long trip. But nobody knows     6    the birds guessed the storm's severity and left so soon.     7     (Puzzle)by it, the scientists initially reasoned that delicate changes in weather-atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, cloud cover, or rainfall signaled the upcoming disaster. Yet when they checked weather records, none of these factors waved     8     (significant) before the storm. Instead, the team assumes that the approaching storms created     9    disorder of infrasounds --- low-frequency sound waves that bird can hear     10    humans can't.

语法填空-短文语填(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式填空。

Now there are 32 million deaf   children   around   the   world   and   they   often   have    1     (difficult) learning to read. Smartphone maker Huawei wants to help them out through its new app called StorySign.

    2     (power) by a Huawei Artificial Intelligence engine, the app helps deaf children to read    3    turning written text to a display of sign language. Users can also choose a book from the app’s library that is then displayed in sign language    4     (use) animated ( 栩栩如生的) characters.

The developers aim to make the app’s main character called Star popular with both boys and girls by making her an elder sister or friend, who will help them read and understand the book.   Star wears a hearing aid,     5    facial       6     (express) and hands are able to fully communicate the perfect sign language. This way, not only     7       (be) the deaf children learning to read, but also they are entertained.

“Many   deaf children struggle    8       (learn) to read, often due to lack of resources that       bridge the gap between sign language and written text. The app     9       (perfect) gives them this   tool to make it much    10     (easy) for them to read.” said Andrew Garrihy, Huawei’s CMO for Western Europe.

The app can be downloaded from app stores in 10 different languages including English, French, German and Italian.

语法填空-短文语填(约140词) | 较难(0.4) |
10 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。(原创)

When the Lebanese director NadineLebaki was doing research for her filmCapernaum (何以为家), she interviewed many children    1    (struggle) for survival in Beirut and asked them one question    2    the end of the conversations.

The question was, “ Are you happy to be alive?” Sadly , the    3    (true) is that most of the answers were in the negative. The children from poverty-stricken    4    (family) talked about their miserable situations    5    they were abused (辱骂) and badly treated.

The 2-hour film begins with a story about Zain,    6    12-year-old boy who asks the parents why heis brought to the world with flashback shots about his sufferings appearing constantly. He is indeed a strong and wise character, although    7    (physical) smaller than his real age.

Besides, most of the other actorsfound it easy for them    8    (act) because similar experiences even happened in    9    (they) real life. So far, the film which premiered (首映) at the film festival    10    (receive) a lot of praise.

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