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1 . Growing up in the USA, I always wanted to experience another culture. The _______ came when I was 15. After a few months of planning and _______, I was ready to spend the second semester of my first high school year as a(n) _______ student in Australia.  

_______ in Perth was one of the most exciting moments of my life. I realized then that there was no turning back. The family I would _______ was waiting for me, and it would only be five days before the new school year. The school I attended was _______ my school back in the United States. I was quite _______ at first, especially never having been to a new school—even in the USA. Everything went without _______, though. The teachers were welcoming and the students were friendly.  

The most _______ time was travelling with other exchange students around Australia during our semester break. The few weeks we __________ together were full of amazing activities.  

At the end of our __________ in Australia, we had three weeks to share our stories and help each other deal with leaving. It was only __________ that our last day together was filled with tears. We packed our camp, __________ e-mail addresses and gathered together for a final goodbye.  

        Upon coming home, an open mind was again important. Resettling home took time and __________, but at last I made it. All the while, I was thoughtful to let my family and friends know how happy I was to be home and how much I had missed them—though the experience is still __________ with me. So, if you have the opportunity to study abroad, you most certainly should go. 1.
A.catch up withB.put up withC.deal withD.live with
A.similar toB.different fromC.as good asD.the same as
2024-01-20更新 | 125次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 1 Discovering Useful Structures & Listening and Talking同步练习 2023-2024学年高中英语人教版英语(2019)必修第一册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Zibo, located in East China’s Shandong Province, was not widely known as a tourist destination. However, over the past few months the industrial city’s BBQ has gained enormous popularity and attracted a massive flood of visitors who have turned it into an Instagram-worthy site.

This local delicious food has been delighting residents and tourists alike for generations. Zibo BBQ, famous for its unique flavors and techniques, is a must-try experience for food enthusiasts from around the world.

The grilling (烧烤) process is where the true magic of Zibo BBQ lies. Skilled grill masters use a combination of traditional and modern techniques to ensure that the food is cooked to perfection. The key is in the slow and steady cooking process, which allows the meat to become tender and juicy while absorbing the rich flavors of the marinades (腌料) and spices.

Zibo BBQ wouldn’t be complete without a wide range of delicious side dishes to accompany the star of the show. From crisp, fresh vegetables to steamed bread and seasoned rice, there’s something to suit every kind of taste. And don’t forget to try the local specialty: Zibo cold noodles, a refreshing and flavorful treat that pairs perfectly with the bold flavors of BBQ. Of course, no BBQ experience would be complete without a cold drink to wash it all down. In Zibo, local beer is a popular choice, providing the perfect balance of crisp refreshment and hearty BBQ flavors.

“I never expected Zibo barbecue to become so popular all of a sudden!” said Zhang Linlin, deputy director of the business management department at Shandong College of Tourism and Hospitality. “With the recent intensive publicity, many of my young colleagues have rushed to try it out. They all praised its great taste and reasonable price.”

1. What makes Zibo a tourist hot spot?
A.Its industry.B.Its barbecue.C.Its location.D.Its culture.
2. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about Zibo BBQ?
A.The secret to its popularity.B.The composition of its spices.
C.The level of its grill masters.D.The source of its food materials.
3. What may customers choose if they want to wash down the spicy flavor?
A.A cup of hot tea.B.A bowl of noodles.
C.A glass of local beer.D.A dish of fresh vegetables.
4. What can be learned from Zhang Linlin’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Zibo BBQ becomes famous overnight.
B.The success of Zibo attracts investment.
C.The reasonable price makes up for the taste.
D.Young people rush to Zibo for new opportunities.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约550词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . Time travel is a favorite plot device in science fiction stories and movies. Perhaps the most famous recent series is Dr. Who, with its traveling Time Lords who whisk himself away throughout time as if traveling by jet. In other stories, the time travel is due to unexplainable circumstances such as a too-close approach to a very massive object like a black hole. However it is described in stories, it seems that traveling through time can always trigger people’s interest and ignite their imaginations. But, is such a thing possible?

It’s important to remember that we are always traveling into the future. That’s the nature of space-time. This is why we remember the past (instead of “remembering” the future). The future is largely unpredictable because it hasn’t happened yet, but everyone is headed into it all the time. To speed up the process, what would or could anyone do to make it happen? It’s a good question without a definitive answer. Right now, no one has built a working time machine to travel temporally. While it’s not possible (yet) to travel to the future faster than the rate at which we’re doing it now, it is possible to speed up the passage of time. But it has only happened so far to very few people who have traveled off Earth’s surface. For them, time moves at an extremely small different rate. Could it happen over longer time spans?

It might, theoretically. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, the passage of time is relative to an object’s speed. The more quickly an object moves through space, the more slowly time passes for it. The classic example of traveling into the future is the twin paradox. It works like this: take a pair of twins, each 20 years old. One takes off on a spaceship on a five-year journey traveling at nearly the speed of light. The traveling twin ages five years while on the journey and returns to Earth at the age of 25. However, the twin who stayed behind is 95 years old! The twin on the ship experienced only five years of time passing, but returns to an Earth that is much farther into the future.

Similarly, intense gravitational fields can have the same effect. Time passes more slowly for an observer inside a massive object’s gravitational well. The stronger the gravity, the more it affects the flow of time.

Astronauts on the International Space Station experience a combination of these effects, though on a much smaller scale. Since they are traveling quite quickly and orbiting around Earth (a massive body with significant gravity), time slows down for them compared with people on Earth. The difference is much less than a second over the course of their time in space. But, it is measurable.

Until we can figure out a way to approach the speed of light, or travel near black holes without falling in, we won’t be able to do time travel any significant way into the future.

1. The first paragraph is used to ________.
A.introduce the major topic of this article to readers
B.tell readers how time travel happens in the virtual world
C.show that time travel is impossible in the real world
D.arouse readers’ interest in time travel through black holes
2. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph means that astronauts in space have the opportunity to get involved in the ________ passage of time.
3. What can you infer from the passage?
A.It’s definitely impossible to travel faster into the future for lack of theorical supports.
B.Astronauts on missions can personally perceive changes in the rate at which time passes.
C.Einstein’s theory of relativity can currently prove to be true by doing experiments.
D.The passage of time in a black hole is faster than what we experience on the earth.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for this article?
A.Einstein’s Wrong Prediction of Time Travel
B.Speed and Gravity Define What Time Is
C.Time Travel: Dream or Possible Reality
D.The Twin Paradox: Determiner of Time Travel
2023-06-16更新 | 92次组卷 | 1卷引用:Unit 4 Future Living Reading B卷 (上外版2020)
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4 . Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the city. You hop on (跨上) it and _______. But wait — isn’t this stealing? No, it isn’t._______ shouts, “Stop! Thief!” That is _______ this free ride is just fine with the city.

You _______ find hundreds of free yellow bikes in some US cities. The idea began in Portland, Oregon, in 1994. People saw a need for _______ transportation, and they wanted to help _______ pollution. So, to get citizens (市民)_______ their cars and onto pollution-free bikes, they _______ the Yellow Bike Project.

The _______ bikes are painted bright yellow and placed throughout the city. People can hop on the yellow bike and ride to run errands (短程差事), to work ________ to school. Then, they leave the bike for the ________ rider. There have been times when bikes have been stolen, but most people ________ the rules, because they think it is not wise to ________ the bike that’s already free.

Portland’s ________ was quickly loved by a lot of people. Within two years of its starts, similar programs were ________ in cities in six other states.

A.drive awayB.ride awayC.ride backD.run away
A.No oneB.SomeoneC.AnyoneD.Everyone
A.have toB.don’t have toC.can’tD.can
A.out ofB.intoC.upD.near
A.looked upB.made upC.put upD.set up
2023-10-13更新 | 84次组卷 | 3卷引用:冀教版2019必修二Unit 5 Save the PlanetSection 2 Learning Through Practice课后作业
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5 . You’ve probably heard the saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Comedy on Referral has taken that idea and run with it, using standup comedy to help treat people struggling with depression and anxiety in partnership with the NHS.

The idea stemmed from comedian Angie Belcher’s experiences of teaching comedy at Bristol University. She found that students often told her how much stronger and more resilient (恢复力强的) they were thanks to standup comedy.

Inspired, she teamed up with the NHS in Bristol to create a six-week comedy course for patients struggling with depression in January 2022. Following the success of this initial course, Comedy on Referral won NHS funding to help men at risk of killing themselves in London.

Belcher will work alongside psychologists and men who have experienced self-killing events to use comedy as a form of therapy (疗法).

Talking to The Bristol Post, Belcher said, “Past depressions are perfect for comedy. Comedy doesn’t come from the happy, perfect moments of your life, but from our everyday struggles and major life events. People who’ve been through big life experiences such as the death of a close relation and ill health often can’t wait to tell me their story, mostly because there’s always something strangely funny about the situation.”

Research has shown that laughter has positive psychological effects, such as decreasing levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) and increasing endorphins (chemicals making you feel relaxed).

It can even have physiological benefits, although less research has been done in this area. Current research has linked laughter and humour with increased levels of pain tolerance as well as short-term cardiovascular (心血管的) benefits. More research is needed to prove these findings.

Nonetheless, the mental health benefits of regular laughter are widely accepted, and using comedy to treat mental health struggles could be a real breakthrough in the treatment of mental health.

1. Why is the saying used at the beginning of the text?
A.To attract readers’ attention.B.To introduce the topic.
C.To demonstrate a theory.D.To present a statement.
2. What did teaching comedy inspire Angie Belcher to do?
A.She set up a new company for the struggling patients.
B.She took an effort to run after the success of her course.
C.She created a six-week comedy course for related patients.
D.She raised money to help men at risk of killing themselves.
3. What is the benefit of the research on laughter?
A.Bringing the depressed at ease.B.Making struggling patients energetic.
C.Building up the patients’ willpower.D.Ensuring the patients to be pain-free.
4. What is probably the best title of this text?
A.Using Standup Comedy Improves Wellbeing
B.Depression and Anxiety Can Be Cured Now
C.The Initial Course Proves to Be Successful
D.Laughter Is Actually Being Used as Medicine
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . China announced the establishment of the first — ever five national parks during the COP15 biodiversity summit.

Sanjiangyuan National Park

Located on the Qinghai — Tibet Plateau, the Sanjiangyuan area is home to the headwaters of the Yangtze. Yellow and Lancang rivers, which help to raise billions of lives. The glaciers and snow mountains are beautiful and animals such as snow leopards and blue sheep are tough. In Sanjiangyuan National Park, ecological protection and development of animal — farming areas are carried out.

The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park

The Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard are endangered speciesunder global protection. The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park is important for the survival of these animals and restoring and keeping stable populations. Tigers and leopards can walk around freely in the mountains.

The Giant Panda National Park

The Giant Panda National Park on the borders of Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces is home to 1,339 wild pandas, 70 percent of China's total. As an umbrella species, countless creatures which share the habitat with the pandas also gain a better living environment. Rare animals such as golden snub-nosed monkeys and takins also thrive in the area.

Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park

Hainan black — crested gibbons, listed as the world’s most endangered primate (灵长类的) species, are found only in the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. To preserve the tropical rainforest ecosystem, the people in the core area moved out to leave an undisturbed environment for ecological restoration.

Wuyishan National Park

UNESCO described Wuyi Mountains as the most outstanding area for biodiversity conservation in southeast China. It is a lotus land of rare wildlife, with many species only found in China. For the past one hundred years, biologists from China and abroad have researched and discovered more than 1,000 new species in the mountains.

1. In which park can you see glaciers and snow mountains?
A.The Northeast China Tiger and Leopard National Park.B.Sanjiangyuan National Park.
C.The Giant Panda National Park.D.Wuyishan National Park.
2. What animals share the habitat with the pandas?
A.Blue sheepB.The Amur leopard.
C.Black — crested gibbons.D.snub — nosed monkeys.
3. How did people protect the Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park?
A.They moved away from their original living places.
B.They defended the animal — farming areas.
C.They set up areas for animals to walk around freely.
D.They helped scientists research and discover new species.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Films to watch this December!

Don’t Look Up

People are often slow to react to a disaster, whether it’s a climate emergency or a global pandemic—and that is why Adam McKay has made his new satire (讽刺) —Don’t Look Up. Jennifer Lawrence and Leonardo DiCaprio play two astronomers who have figured that a “planet killer” comet is going to crash into the Earth, killing everyone. But the US president is just one of the people who refuse to face the facts.

Spider-Man: No Way Home

Now that Marvel’s superheroes have saved the universe, their next job is obvious: they have to save the multiverse (多元宇宙). You’re going to see characters that you love go through things that you would never wish them to go through.

West Side Story

The original 1961 film of West Side Story is known as one of the finest Hollywood musicals ever made. It was the biggest box-office hit of the year, and went on to win 10 Oscars. Why should anyone watch a new take on the same material? One answer is that Stephen Sondheim speaks highly of it—“For those who know the show, there are going to be some real surprises in it.”

Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley is a dark crime thriller based on a 1946 novel by William Lindsay Gresham. Bradley Cooper stars as The Great Stanton. He performs a mind-reading act in modern nightclubs with his loyal girlfriend, but an attractive psychologist is onto his game.

1. Which movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio?
A.Don’t Look Up.B.Spider-Man: No Way Home.
C.West Side Story.D.Nightmare Alley.
2. Which movie best suits people interested in musicals?
A.Don’t Look Up.B.Spider-Man: No Way Home.
C.West Side Story.D.Nightmare Alley.
3. What can we learn about the four movies?
A.The president in Don’t Look Up doesn’t believe the disaster will happen.
B.In the second movie, the Spider-man’s next job is to save the universe.
C.The new version of West Side Story has won 10 Oscars so far.
D.The last movie is a romantic love story adapted from a novel.
2022-01-23更新 | 109次组卷 | 2卷引用:Unit 4 Developing ideas & Presenting ideas & Reflection 同步练习-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)必修第二册
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Most teenagers are still trying to find their passion and purposes in life. However, not Gitanjali Rao. The 15-year-old girl has been coming up with innovative solutions to worldwide problems since she was ten. It is, therefore, not surprising that the teenager has won the honor of “America's Top Young Scientist”.

In the third grade, Rao was inspired to build a device after witnessing the shocking story unfold in Flint, Michigan, where cost-cutting measures led to the use of a polluted river as the city's primary water supply and incredibly high levels of lead made their way into people's drinking water.

After two months' research, Rao designed a small and portable device that used sensors to instantly detect lead in water. Called Tethys, after the Greek Goddess(女神) of freshwater, it attaches to a cellphone and informs the residents via an app if their drinking water contains lead. The design earned her the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2017. She is currently working with scientists and medical professionals to test Tethys' potential and hopes the device will be ready for commercial use by 2022.

Later, Rao took on another social issue-drug addiction. Her app, called Epione, which won the Health Pillar Prize at the TCS Ignite Innovation Student Challenge in May 2019, is designed to catch drug addiction in young adults before it's too late.

More recently, the teenager has developed an app named Kindly, which uses artificial intelligence technology to detect possible signs of cyberbullying(网上欺凌). When users type in a word or phrase, Kindly is able to pick it up if it's bullying, and then it gives the option to edit it or send it the way it is. It gives them the chance to rethink what they are saying so that they know what to do next time.

All kinds of awesome, Gitanjali Rao has been selected from 5,000 equally impressive nominees(被提名人) for TIME Magazine's first-ever “Kid of the Year”.

1. What gave Rao the idea of inventing the device Tethys?
A.The incident of lead pollution.
B.The issue with drug addiction.
C.The shortage of water supplies.
D.The high cost of purifying water.
2. What is Rao expecting of Tethys?
A.It'll remove metal from water.
B.It'll make it to market soon.
C.It'll win her a higher prize.
D.It'll be fitted to cellphones.
3. What will Kindly allow users to do?
A.Receive pre-warning signals of threat.
B.Input words into a computer automatically.
C.Choose from secure social networking sites.
D.Weigh their words before posting them online.
4. Which of the following can best describe Gitanjali Rao as a young scientist?
A.Ambitious and humble.B.Optimistic and adventurous.
C.Talkative and outstanding.D.Creative and productive.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Ecuadorian writer Veronica Bonilla has received the Special Book Award for 2021, the highest recognition by China for a foreign writer.

At an emotional ceremony held Monday at the Chinese embassy in Ecuador, Bonilla received a golden statuette for her outstanding contribution to promoting Chinese culture.

“I feel-happy, honored and pleased to be the first Ecuadorian to receive this award and also to be the first Latin American to receive it. It is a very important thing. It fills me with pride and happiness,” said Bonilla, visibly moved.

“I am writing about China, a country that I fell in love with when I had the opportunity to get to know it because I want the children of the world to get to know China,” Bonilla said, adding that all the work and effort she has put into her work pays off.

The China Special Book Award has been awarded since 2005 to foreign translators, writers and publishers who have made significant contribution to promoting Chinese culture in the world.

Monday’s ceremony in Quito was attended by Chinese Ambassador to Ecuador Chen Guoyou, and Acting Ecuadorian Vice Foreign Minister Augusto Saa.

Saa said that Bonilla’s work is an example of the value of culture as’ a means of union between peoples. “Our countries have managed to develop an active cultural diplomacy and a powerful soft power tool that has contributed to mutual understanding.”

In congratulation, Chinese Ambassador Chen Guoyou said that Bonilla received the well-deserved award thanks to her long-term dedication to promoting Chinese culture to Ecuadorian children.

“Recent years have witnessed the growing dynamism in the cultural exchange between the two nations through contacts in culture, science, technology, sports, education, among others,” Chen said, noting that relations between China and Ecuador are at the best moment in history.

The Ecuadorian writer has so far translated three of her 83 books into Chinese.

1. Why did Bonilla feel proud and happy?
A.Because she wrote a book about her favorite country.
B.Because the work and effort she put into her work paid off.
C.Because she wanted the children of the world to get to know China.
D.Because she was the first Ecuadorian to receive the Special Book Award.
2. Who most probably has the chance to win the China Special Book Award?
A.A French artist.B.A Chinese publisher.
C.An English translator.D.A Chinese novelist.
3. What do we know according to Chen’s words?
A.Ecuadorian writers prefer translating Chinese books.
B.China and Ecuador have developed a friendly relation.
C.Many people in Ecuador have made contributions to China.
D.Ecuadorian children learn the Chinese culture from school.
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.Ecuadorian writer receives China book award
B.Ecuadorian writer translates books into Chinese
C.Cultural exchange is a useful way of communicating
D.A ceremony is held at the Chinese embassy in Ecuador
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Nowadays medical technology seems to be advanced enough for doctors to perform brain transplants (移植). Though this procedure has only been successfully performed on animals so far, doctors are still hoping to perform this procedure on humans. However, in my opinion, brain transplants should not be performed at all, especially not on humans because of the large number of problems and side effects that could come along with. Hopefully these dangerous side effects will convince doctors not to perform this procedure on humans.

Despite many benefits technology brings, I do not think this medical technology of brain transplants will help. We were all born with one brain and through childhood to adolescence our mind developed into who we are, so if with a different brain we would no longer be unique. A person with a different brain would seem to be a total stranger and in many ways they would be. No one should steal our identity from us, even if we are seriously injured, and change it to a completely new one. Also for the people who have died with healthy brains, that was their identity and it should not be given to anyone else.

Another problem with brain transplants is how doctors can choose what are “healthy” or “normal” brains. An elderly person who has died would have an aged brain that would not be as efficient as a younger person’s brain. Then would doctors have to find healthy brains of the same age as the person who needs it? This could also bring up other factors such as intelligence, gender, or physical problems that a person might have had before death. Also another problem might be how long a brain can be kept “alive” after death and how it can be kept “alive” without damage.

Overall, my feelings about this surgery are that it should not be done on humans until doctors have overcome all the problems and obstacles (障碍) that stand in their way of making human brain transplants successful.

1. Why does the author think brain transplants should not be performed at all?
A.The cost of the surgery is extremely high.
B.Doctors are not able to perform brain transplants.
C.A good many problems and side effects may arise.
D.This procedure has only been successful on animals.
2. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.People shouldn’t give their healthy brains to others.
B.Having a brain transplant means losing one’s identity.
C.Transplanting brains is changing old brains into new ones.
D.Having brain transplants indicates stealing identity from others.
3. What do we know about “healthy” brains?
A.Aged brains aren’t healthy brains.B.Young brains are always healthy.
C.Healthy brains cannot be kept “alive”.D.It’s very difficult to tell healthy brains.
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To encourage brain donation.
B.To stress the importance of brain operation.
C.To argue against brain transplants on humans.
D.To introduce the technology of brain transplants.
2020-07-22更新 | 372次组卷 | 5卷引用:UNIT 11综合测试 选择性必修第四册(北师大2019)
共计 平均难度:一般