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| 共计 1 道试题
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1 . A: Do you think the Olympics can change a city even after the Games finish?
B: Oh yes. They can really change a city and help the people who live there.
A:     1    
B: Yes, of course. One example is the Beijing Olympics. They built a new swimming centre.     2    
A: A great example! Can the Games make money for a city?
B: Sure. More people go to those cities even after the Games.     3    
A: What about children?     4    
B: Before the Games, many children preferred to play video games and watch TV.     5    
A: It’s really a big chance.
A. Tourists make money for a city.
B. Can you give us an example?
C. Now they begin to do more sports outside.
D. Do you play a lot of sports?
E. How can the Olympics change them?
F. Many people think the Olympics cost a lot of money.
G. Now it has become a popular place for people to visit.
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