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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After Henry delivered all thenewspapers, he pedaled fast to The Gazette offices by 8: 30. The chief editorhad something important to tell him. He parked his bike and bounded up twonights of stairs to the chief editor's door.

Mr. Trotta greeted him."About those papers," he paused, "no good way to deliver badnews," Henry’s smile faded. "Were closing shop Saturday. Advertisingis down. Television is how people get their news today, Mr. Trotta shrugged, "You won't have to get up early on weekends." "No," said Henry, "but I like waking up early and meeting people on my route. It'ssad People won't get their neighborhood news any more.”

As Henry rode past the familiar houses, he saw Mr Grady on his porch (门廊) holding a broom (扫把). "Mr. Grady, wait," Henry called, setting down his bike. He led Mr. Grady to a chair and took the broom. In minutes, the porch was clean. "Now, Mr, Grady, anytime you have chores (家务) call me." They sat for a while asMr. Grady recalled how happy he’d been moving his family to 26 Maple. He sounded lonely.

A week after closing, Henry wondered if his customers missed The Gazette as much as he did. He thought of a way to find out.

He started out on his oldroute with a notebook. First stop: Mr, Jonas, 17 Oak. When Henry asked him about the paper, Mr. Jonas answered, "I sure liked reading the week'shappenings. By the way, I have a pile of old comics from The Gazette. Think someone would want them?"

“I’ll ask around." Henry made a note in his notebook.

He stopped at Mrs. Burke's, 27 Maple. She opened the door holding two babies. Her other two kids held on toher legs. Henry stared. "You could use a babysitter." "Definitely. I meant to put an ad in The Gazette, but....Know any neighbors with experience?”

Mr Simon was next door, carrying his violin out to his car. "Hey, Henry. My band is having aconcert in the park next Friday. Tell all your friends.”

As Henry made more notes, anidea started forming in his head.
Customers cheered Henry idea and helpedsupply the news.
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