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1 . How to Use a Modern Public Library

Has it been a while since your last visit to a public library? If so, you may be surprised to learn that libraries have changed for the better. It’s been years since they were dusty little rooms with books. They have transformed themselves into places where you can develop your love of knowledge meet interesting people, or find out how to start a business.

Check out a book. While libraries still loan out(出借)books, you’ll find it easier to get a copy of whatever you’re looking for, thanks to a cooperative network of area libraries. Via such networks, libraries share their books with each other through the use of delivery vehicles. Once the book you’ve requested is delivered to the nearest branch, they will inform you by e-mail, so you can pick it up.

Check out other items. The library is now a multimedia zone, loaded with information in many formats(载体形式). You can borrow movies on DVDs, music on CDs, and popular magazines. Some libraries even loan out toys and games. If a popular magazine you want isn’t offered and the library keeps a list of such requests, they may bring it in when enough interest is shown.

Join targeted reading groups. Libraries will often hold reading-group sessions targeted to various age groups. Perhaps you’d like to learn a language or improve your English. The library may sponsor a language group you could join. If you have difficulties reading, ask about special reading opportunities. Your library might be able to accommodate you. And you might find it relaxing to bring your small kid to a half-hour Story Time while you sit quietly in a corner with a good book.

Start a business using the help of your local library. If you want to have a business of your own, your local library can become a launch space for it. In library books and computers, you can find information on starting a business. Many libraries will help you with locally supplied information about business management shared through chambers of commerce(商会)and government agencies, and they will offer printing, faxing and database services you need.

1. Public libraries connected by a cooperative network benefit readers by______.
A.sharing their books on the Internet
B.giving access to online reading at a library branch
C.sending a needed book to a library branch nearby
D.making the checkout procedures diverse
2. According to Paragraph 3, what items may be checked out from a public library?
A.A magazine and an e-book.
B.A game and an oil painting.
C.A music CD and a kid’s toy.
D.A DVD and a video player
3. As is described in Paragraph 4, taking a small kid to a half-hour Story Time allows ______.
A.the kid to learn a new language
B.the parent to enjoy quiet reading
C.the kid to overcome reading difficulties
D.the parent to meet their program sponsor
4. Your local library can help you start a business by ______.
A.providing relevant information and supporting services
B.offering professional advice on business management
C.supplying useful information of your potential buyers
D.arranging meetings with government officials
5. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To point out the importance of public libraries.
B.To encourage people to work in public libraries.
C.To introduce the improved services of public libraries.
D.To call for the modernization of public library systems.
2020-07-11更新 | 2693次组卷 | 9卷引用:天津市弘毅中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次过程性诊断英语试题
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2 . Four Interesting Science Museums

Polytechnic Museum, Russia

For many guests of the capital, some of the most vivid childhood memories are associated with this museum. A variety of technical fields are presented in 65 halls-Mining, Space, Energy, and Transportation, etc. And the exposition(博览会)is the only museum project in Russia about the history of the bike. The interactive division "Technoplay" is open, where you not only can but also need touch most of the exhibits with your hands. In addition to self-experimentation, for personal requests the museum's experts will show many entertaining experiments.

Eureka, England

The Eureka educational center is a huge complex where modern science and technology are becoming clear, even to kids. The main exhibition is devoted to the human body, the laws of physics and natural things. Visitors can obtain energy or create paper with their own hands. On the area of the Eureka educational park there is a botanical garden and a collection of minerals from the rock types of Finland is presented there.

Deutsches Museum, Germany

In this museum you can see more than 100 thousand different items from windmills(风车)to medical equipment. All aspects of industrial production appear before the eyes. Several museum rooms are arranged especially for children-there are exhibits that entertain kids starting from three.

NEMO, the Netherlands

The largest Dutch research centre stands ready to share its secrets with everyone. This immersion(沉浸)in the world of science and technology will not be dull. All significant information is presented in the form of exciting games. All exhibits are interactive; visitors are allowed to touch, pull and press on anything. The museum is for children from 6 to 16, as well as for their parents-it will be interesting to all.

1. What can visitors do at Polytechnic Museum?
A.Learn how the bike developed.B.Touch all of the exhibits.
C.Watch entertaining movies.D.Show entertaining experiments.
2. Where should visitors go if they are interested in plants?
A.Polytechnic Museum.B.Eureka.
C.Deutsches Museum.D.NEMO.
3. What makes NEMO unique?
A.It is specially designed for children.
B.It is the largest museum in the world.
C.It shows information of exhibits in games.
D.Some exhibits can be touched or pressed.
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍的是著名律师Benedict Morelli经营的一家律师事务所Morelli Law Firm的经营范围,成功秘诀等相关情况。

3 . Benedict Morelli, one of New York’s top-rated lawyers, owns Morelli Law Firm, which has offices, lawyers, cases and experts all over the country. Benedict Morelli and his team of experienced lawyers are expert at handling a wide variety of cases, from auto and truck accidents, to construction injuries, to complex employment discrimination.

One critical reason for their success is that unlike many firms, Morelli Law has the experience, patience, and resources to pursue all difficult cases. Since founding the firm, Mr. Morelli and his team have successfully dealt with an impressive list of outstanding cases in the industry. In fact, they have delivered more than a billion dollars on behalf of their clients. Impressive firm results include a $95 million settlement in a sexual discrimination case involving Aaron’s Inc., as well as a $62 million settlement for Mark Perez, a construction worker who fell from a roof and suffered a brain injury.

When asked whether they would feel afraid when facing difficult opponents in court, “At my core, I’m a trial lawyer,” said Benedict Morelli. “Because of our experience and accomplishments in the courtroom, our opponents know that we’re prepared to pursue the best result possible. Going to trial does not intimidate us.”

The firm is devoted to realizing its clients’ goals both inside and outside of the courtroom. For example, in a drunk driving case, the firm worked with the client to strengthen New York laws that punish drunk drivers. This effort has made it easier for lawyers in New York to charge drunk drivers. Moreover, Mr. Moreli and his team are also committed to helping those who have been wronged achieve the justice they deserve, no matter the difficulty of the circumstances.

Corporations are powerful actors in society and Mr. Morelli and his team feel fortunate to be in a position to provide the highest level of service to their clients.

1. What contributes to Morelli Law Firm’s success?
A.Talents, Strategies and funds.
B.Attitude, passion and resolution.
C.Experience, patience and resources.
D.Management, devotion and knowledge.
2. What does the underlined word “intimidate” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What can we learn about the company Morelli Law Firm?
A.It has made more than a billion dollars from their clients.
B.It focuses mainly on bringing justice to the wrongful cases.
C.It aims to help clients obtain good outcomes in and out of court.
D.It works with New York to pass laws on banning drinking alcohol.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Morelli Law FirmB.A top-rated lawyer
C.Morelli and his casesD.Corporations in society
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4 . While some feel that bookstores are fading away, one Chinese bookstore has found new life by marching into rural areas in China to bring colorful cultural life and higher incomes lo local residents.

By absorbing local rural characteristics, the village branches of the Librairie Avantgarde Bookstore (LAB) chain have transformed into important platforms to display local history, culture and folk traditions. Not just bookstores, they are foundations helping to relieve spiritual poverty (贫困) and centers for gathering and displaying rural culture.

To better fit in the lives of local residents, earth village branch has its own characteristics, like the branch in Shaxi, southwest China’s Yunnan province. Many of nearly 20,000 books in the store are associated with the history, geography and folk customs of Yunnan and the Bai people.

“Turning in profits is not our only aim. Our bookstore has become a public gathering space for villagers. Not only young people, but many elderly residents come here. They do not buy books, but pass the time by reading or chatting with each other in our store.” Liu Xia, the bookstore owner explained.

She added that this is a cultural atmosphere that bookstores offer the area. Some residents have grown accustomed to turning to the books of the store to find answers to the troubles they face, such as operating a business or controlling tourists from urban areas. The biggest benefit of opening bookstores in villages is that it helps provide a healthy environment for children’s growth. “My kids often come to the store. They love reading books here. They gain knowledge and curiosity about outside world.” one villager said.

The arrival of the bookstore menus a lot to the village when young residents have been leaving for urban areas in recent years. During the 2020 May Day and National Day holidays, the daily number of tourists traveling to the village reached 5,000, a record high. Visitors were attracted by the bookstore. Surrounding it, several restaurants and holds have opened.

1. Which of the following best describes village branches of the LAB?
A.They are disappearing gradually.
B.They feature local rural cultures.
C.They could make much higher profits.
D.They have set up poverty-relief foundations.
2. What do we know about the branch in Shaxi?
A.It specializes in history-related books.
B.It creates a public gathering space for business.
C.It shares the same features with oilier branches.
D.It helps villagers know more about the Bai people.
3. What’s the greatest influence of village bookshops on the local areas?
A.Attracting more people lo pay a visit.
B.Offering kids a healthy atmosphere.
C.Helping residents lo acquire knowledge.
D.Encouraging the young to go to big cities.
4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
A.LAB: A Bookstore on the Rise
B.Local Culture Welcomed by Tourists
C.Village Bookshops Promote Rural Life
D.Great Ambitions of Village Bookstores
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . When I was an incoming(即将入学的)student in University of Oxford,I participated FYSOP. Ever since then, whenever it comes up in conversation, I am met with the following question: “What is FYSOP?”     1    

FYSOP stands for First Year Student Outreach Project, which focuses around a week service to the city of Oxford and its various neighborhoods.     2     They volunteer for the Oxford community at local sites helping out schools, parks or non-profit organizations.

Students are divided into groups and led by student leaders. These leaders ensure that each place is prepared and that the students get there safely.    3    In this way the incoming students are able to reflect on what it means to give back and to be a part of the community. These conversations are important for incoming students because of the change they experience starting out in college.

    4     Students obtain valuable volunteer experiences and meet new people. Also, FYSOP participants get to move in a week earlier than most other students. This means that you get to skip out on the hurried move in schedule and might even get a slightly cheaper flight than if you were moving in with the other 140,000 college students.

    5     Through my personal experience, I met some of my best friends, got a better understanding of the layout(布局) of Oxford,and really enjoyed volunteering at various non-profits. If you are not, maybe consider staffing FYSOP in the future.

A.Here’s a brief introduction.
B.Here’s why it has been established.
C.The participants are all incoming students.
D.There are so many bonuses being a part of FYSOP!
E.If you’re an incoming student, FYSOP is worth looking into.
F.Both the community and the students benefit a lot from the project.
G.Leaders also open up conversations throughout the service experience.
2022-03-11更新 | 494次组卷 | 6卷引用:河北省石家庄市二中2021-2022学年高三年级质检2.5联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . There are hundreds of non-profits welcoming students under the age of 18 as volunteers. In these activities, students can develop important life skills, cultural awareness and a lifelong passion for service.

Union Station Homeless Services

Whether you volunteer in our kitchens to prepare meals or in our offices to help with administrative projects, you will be a valuable member of our family. We do our best to match volunteers with a position that suits their interests and skills.

Minimum Age: 12

Call: 626-240-4550

Northeast Animal Shelter

The Northeast Animal Shelter, established in 1976, is one of New England’s largest non-profit shelters where the pets can be taken good care of. We have placed thousands of dogs and cats since we opened our doors. As soon as a dog or cat arrives, our staff begin searching for the perfect host for them. While waiting for a warm home, the dogs and cats receive the best of care.

Minimum Age: 16

Call: 745-988-8305

Needham Community Farm

The mission of Needham Community Farm is to deepen our community’s connection to nature and the food system by providing farm-based education, increasing access to healthy produce and encouraging environmental protection.

Minimum Age: 13

Call: 781-449-5300

Arlington Public Library

Serving more than 1.5 million people a year, Arlington Public Library holds more than 600,000 items, from books, eBooks, and DVDs, to digital photo collections and provides funded kits for parents and teachers. We only accept the volunteers with community service experience.

Minimum Age: 14

Call: 817-459-6900

1. Which non-profit cares for people in need?
A.Arlington Public Library.
B.Northeast Animal Shelter.
C.Needham Community Farm.
D.Union Station Homeless Services.
2. What will volunteers do for animals in Northeast Animal Shelter?
A.Cook healthy meals.
B.Build perfect homes.
C.Find adoptive families.
D.Search for their owners.
3. What is the requirement for volunteers in Arlington Public Library?
A.They are skillful at sorting out items.
B.They ought to be at least 12 years old.
C.They have experience in community service.
D.They should be capable of taking digital photos.
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Earth Hour is organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature. It's a big event usually at the end of March every year. On this evening, people “go dark”.     1    

It's true that turning off lights for just one hour saves only a small amount of power.    2    On one level, joining in Earth Hour makes people think about the problem of climate change and what we can do in everyday life to protect nature.

But on another level, a large number of people’s acting together sends a powerful message to governments and companies.     3     They begin considering green issues when big decisions.

The logo(标识) of Earth Hour is “60+” .The number 60 is for the 60 minutes of Earth Hour.     4     In fact, people who join in Earth Hour say that taking part makes them want to do more for the environment.

    5     Musicians give concerts by playing acoustic(原声的) instruments instead of electric ones, and using candles instead of electric lights. Celebrity chefs have created special recipes for families to prepare and eat by candlelight. Tree-planting sessions, group walks and runs are also among the options.

A.But this is only the beginning.
B.Earth Hour represents every hour of every day.
C.After all, everyone has to answer for what they have done.
D.Besides turning off the lights, people get involved in other events.
E.It pushes them to take urgent measures by making changes to policies.
F.That is, they switch off all unnecessary lights at the same time for one hour.
G.The plus invites people to continue their action even after Earth Hour is finished.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Everything we buy results in a chain reaction in the world. With that in mind, we find inspiring organizations or companies creating meaningful products and making a positive impact on our world. Here is a collection of our favorites.

United By Blue

Instead of writing checks or accepting donations, United By Blue promised to remove a pound of trash from the earth’s oceans for every product it sells through company-organized cleanups.

Our favorites: Mug Candle, $38/ Enamel Mug, $20/ Wool Gloves, $42

For every product sold, a portion of the proceeds go towards empowerment projects. And with your unique Give Code, you’ll have the chance to track and learn more about the project your purchase supported.

Our favorites: Camp Cup, $24.95/ Food Canister, $34.95/ Vacuum Insulated Bottle, $29.95
Global Goods Partners (GGP)

In partnership with women-led, community-based organizations, all proceeds from product sales are invested in providing training and funding to enable women to prosper and thrive.

Our favorites: Stripe and Falseria Cosmetic Case, $34/ Woodland Friends Kids Puppet Bag, $26
Bears for Humanity

With every purchase, Bears for Humanity donates a bear to a child in need. Whether it’s to children with a life-threatening illness or an underprivileged home, these bears deliver love and a smile to kids who need it most.

Our favorites: White Baby Sherpa Bear, $25/ Cream Sherpa Bear, $45/Stuffed Giraffe, $25
1. What can you contribute to by buying wool gloves?
A.Cleaning oceans.B.Empowering women.
C.Funding trainings.D.Inspiring children.
2. Which company provides information of the project you support?
A.United By Blue.B.MiiR.
C.Global Goods Partners.D.Bears for Humanity.
3. What’s the purpose of the passage?
A.To initiate projects.B.To introduce products.
C.To advocate donation.D.To promote buying.

9 . Next week, as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving feasts (大餐), many other Americans will go without. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, more than 12 million households _________ enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year — including _________.

Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country — one of the world’s wealthiest — yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100 billion pounds of food each year, more than one-quarter of our total supply.

Reducing this improper distribution of _________ is a goal of America’s Second Harvest, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. Last year, it _________ nearly 2 billion pounds of food to more than 23 million people in need.

America’s Second Harvest is a network of 214 inter-connected food banks and other organizations that _________ food from growers, processors, grocery stores and restaurants. _________, the network distributes food to some 50,000 soup kitchens (施食处), homeless _________ and old people’s centers in every county of every state.

A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of _________ to thousands of small, non-profit organizations. Until a few years ago, America’s Second Harvest lacked any _________ way to manage their inventory (存货). Without accurate and timely information, soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to __________ in loading places.

In 2000, America’s Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system — Ceres. It is a __________ designed specifically for hunger-relief operations. It is used by more than 100 America’s Second Harvest organizations to __________ food from donation to distribution.

Ceres has helped __________ the spoiling of food and improve distribution. An evaluation found that the software streamlined (精简) food banks’ operations by 23 percent in the first year alone.

With more accurate and timely reports, Ceres saves time, frees staff members to focus on finding new donors, and __________ more efficient use of donations.

Hunger in America remains a(n) __________ social problem. Technology alone cannot solve it. But in the hands of organizations such as America’s Second Harvest, it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference — and helping more Americans to join in the feast.

A.For exampleB.In contrastC.Above allD.In turn
2020-11-10更新 | 765次组卷 | 7卷引用:上海市华东师范大学第一附属中学2020-2021学年高一上学期英语12月考试试题

10 . LegalShield is the alternative way of working with a lawyer/law firm. We have been offering prepaid legal plans to consumers for over 47 years. One low monthly price with no long-term commitments provides legal coverage for you and your entire family.

The truth is that most lawyers charge hundreds per hour for their services. It takes time and effort to find the right one, and when you do, they’re always busy, hard to access and charging for every second of your time (even on email). You can stop watching the clock and start speaking to a lawyer with a prepaid legal plan from LegalShield for only $24.95 per month.

With a LegalShield protection plan, you only have to pay a small monthly fee in exchange for round-the-clock legal protection. When you have a legal issue, need help with a contract, or just want advice, our lawyers are just a call or click away.

Step 1: Enroll & Download

Enroll in your LegalShield plan. Once a member, you’ll be instantly matched with a premier local law firm that meets your unique legal needs. Then, download our app, and access all our legal resources anytime, right from your phone.

Step 2: Use the App for All Your Legal Needs

Open up the App anytime a legal need or question arises. Whether it’s an emergency or just a proactive plan for the future, the App is your place to address it.

●Download free legal forms and contracts

●Ask a legal question

●Complete your will or estate plan

●Access prenuptial agreements, divorce papers and more

●Upload a speeding ticket

●Contact your law firm

You can also view your exclusive member perks and discounts on the App, so be sure to check this area regularly.

Step 3: Get Legal Help When You Need It

If you ever need emergency help, your App can connect you with legal assistance anytime, day or night. With the App, you always have legal counsel ready and waiting — right in your back pocket.

1. What do we know about LegalShield?
A.It serves people over 47 years old.
B.It offers 24-hour legal protection.
C.It protects you from having trouble.
D.It provides better post-paid service.
2. What’s the advantage of LegalShield compared to most lawyers?
A.It’s more money-saving and convenient.
B.It’s more professional and time efficient.
C.It’s more accessible in all conditions.
D.It can answer more questions over the phone.
3. Being a member of LegalShield, by checking their App often, you may      .
A.get extra service for free
B.pay for their service by hour
C.pay less than $24.95 per month for service
D.get the help from the best lawyers nationwide
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