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1 . As a young African-American male growing up in the housing projects of the South Bronx, Schone Malliet never ever dreamed of skiing---a sport typically associated with wealthy people. Then in his 20s, he found himself at the top of a ski slope in Park City, Utah, having been “dragged there” by his mate of the Marine Corps(海军陆战队), in which Malliet was doing a seven-year stint(兵役) that he ultimately parlayed(成功地获得) into a college education and also an MBA. Despite his strong athleticism, Malliet experienced what many adults who weren’t exposed to skiing as children: awkwardness, discouragement, embarrassment, and a feeling of not quite belonging.

Nevertheless, after Malliet left the Corps for a successful career in business and finance, he gave skiing another shot, and this time, he took hold along with a powerful idea: what if people of color, and especially children of color, had no reason to feel out of place on a ski mountain? Nice idea, but who was going to believe it right? And who was going to pay for all those kids to get to the mountains, let alone have access to the necessary gear, clothing, and equipment? And who was going to pay for the lessons, because anyone who had skied even once knows that you can’t do it without lessons?

Well, fast-forward to 2010, when Malliet a successful businessman, was finally ready to do something to make it happen. To that end, he co-founded the National Winter Sports Education Foundation whose mission is to encourage teens, especially teens of color, to get over their fear for ski and go beyond their limitations. Malliet also founded the National Winter-Activity Center in Vernonm New Jersey, one of the nation’s first non-profit outdoor winter environment dedicated to improving the lives of youth through winter activity. Through its program the Center provides instruction, healthy meals, equipment, and role model. Through partnerships with YMCAs, Boys & Girls Clubs, Schools, and other youth-serving agencies, the Center served more than 1160 children this past year and expects that number to increase to 2200 in 2018.

“I know that would not be where I am in life without the guidance i received from those who protected or sheltered me from things that could have gotten in my way growing up. I’ve invested all my heart in the Center. To be able to run a business and be in the industry I have passion for, while also giving back and actually seeing the excitement and changes in the kids, makes this experience truly mean the world to me.”

1. From the first paragraph, we can learn ________.
A.Malliet was excited for his first skiing
B.Malliet was a loser without experiencing skiing
C.Malliet thought skiing was a sport for rich people
D.Malliet thought his poor family caused his failure
2. The underlined phrase “out of place” in the passage probably means
3. The main idea of the second paragraph is that ________.
A.Money is likely to be the main reason for teens not going skiing
B.Skiing is fundamental for teens academic performance
C.Teens should take lessons in class to learn skiing
D.Children of color are smarter than others in skiing
4. What is the mission of the National Winter Sports Education Foundation?
A.To encourage teens to enjoy outdoor games.
B.To overcome teens’ fears and limitations.
C.To earn money by holding sports events.
D.To provide teens with food and clothing.
5. What is the writing purpose of the passage?
A.To analyze the reason why teens are afraid of skiing.
B.To emphasize what people should do to change the teens attitude.
C.To introduce how Malliet helped teens gain access to winter sport.
D.To present a way how non-profit organizations are evaluated.
2020-05-13更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届天津市滨海新区高三居家反馈英语试题

2 . The United States Department of Agriculture has a program called Wildlife Services. Its job is to help protect agricultural and other resources. Often that means helping farmers deal with unwelcome visitors. This organization has experts from different fields and it has set up thousands of inquiry centers all over the country where farmer can explain their difficulty and get practical help.

One example from Wildlife Services of its work involved a farmer in Washington State in the Pacific Northwest. Several years ago, thousands of Canada geese landed on his fields. The geese began to eat his carrot crop. Biologists from the program suggested that the farmer use noise-making devices and other measures to scare the large birds away. These efforts succeeded, which made the farmer quite happy. Wildlife Services also has a livestock protection program. The program just offers suggestions to keep those unwelcome visitors away instead of killing them. The Wildlife Services program is part of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, or APHIS. APHIS offers some suggestions of ways to keep away predators. For example, try to keep food and water safe from wildlife. Fences may help keep out wolves, especially if the fences are at least two meters high.

Experts suggest providing secure shelter for chickens, sheep and other animals that could be attacked. They also suggest using lights above places where these animals are kept. And they advise people who see wolves to chase them away by shouting, making loud noises or throwing rocks. And to protect livestock, consider using guard animals such as dogs and donkeys, which are very effective.

For home gardeners, a two-meter fence might help keep out deer. To keep out rabbits, a wire fence has to be only about a half-meter high. It should extend fifteen centimeters underground to keep rabbits from digging under it. If snakes are a problem, remove dead trees and cut high grass to destroy their hiding places. Due to its effective work, ever since the Wildlife Services was started, it has been well received by farmers all over the States and neighboring countries such as Canada and Mexico.

1. What does wildlife Services aim to help farmer handle?
A.Animals that attack farmers.
B.People who pollute the farmland.
C.People who don't care about wildlife.
D.Animals that do harm to crops or livestock.
2. It can be inferred from Paragraph 2 that ______.
A.the cabbage crop was eaten up by Canada geese
B.the farmer didn't have a gun to kill those Canada geese
C.Wildlife Services involves some biologists in its group
D.the farmers like to eat Canada geese very much
3. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 3?
A.Ways to protect livestock.
B.Ways to deal with wolves.
C.How to protect crops.
D.How to hunt wildlife.
4. Why should the bottom of the fence extend about 15 centimeters into the ground?
A.Wolves can climb over it easily.
B.The strong wind might blow it away.
C.Snakes can cross it from under the ground.
D.Rabbits may enter by digging holes under it.
5. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A tourist brochure.
B.A science magazine.
C.An entertainment program.
D.A business report.
共计 平均难度:一般