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1 . Are you relatively skinny but growing a “beer belly”?

Then don’t be surprised at your next checkup if the nurse measures your waistline to determine your healthy weight. That’s because research is showing that a protruding (鼓出的) belly may be a sign of VAT — a dangerous form of fat around organs deep inside your body. “Studies confirm that visceral (内脏的) fat is a clear health risk,” said Dr. Tiffany Wiley, a senior expert at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Unlike the fat just under your skin, visceral fat raises your risk for heart disease. Experts think that’s because visceral fat raises blood pressure and inflames (使发炎) tissues and organs.

However, you can’t assume you’re safe from visceral fat if your overall weight is healthy, experts stress. That’s because you can have dangerous visceral fat even if you’re not considered overweight — and not have any visceral fat even if you are overweight.

How do you know if your stomach is protruding into dangerous size? Do a check. Non-pregnant women with a waist size greater than 88 cm and men with a waist larger than 102 cm, are at higher risk according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you’re Asian, it drops to 80 cm for women and 90 cm for men. But it is only a rough measure. “The only sure way to know is to check your visceral fat levels on a CT scan or MRI,” say experts.

According to the AHA committee, the most salutary physical activity to “shrink” belly is aerobic exercise. Aerobic means “with oxygen”, so aerobic exercise increases your breathing rate and promotes the circulation of oxygen through the blood. This type of exercise makes the heart work more effectively and improves its ability to move oxygen-carrying blood with every beat. Speed walking, jogging, stair climbing, cycling and swimming are all examples of aerobic exercise.

“However, more studies are needed to determine the best physical activity, food and other lifestyle changes to reduce heart disease risk,” Dr. Tiffany Wiley added.

1. What would a “beer belly” cause?
A.Enlarged organs inside the body.B.Higher risk of heart disease.
C.Raised mental pressure.D.Inflamed stomach.
2. Who would be relatively healthier according to the experts?
A.A white man with a waist size of 120 cm.
B.A white woman with a waist size of 90 cm.
C.An Asian man with a waist size of 102 cm.
D.An Asian woman with a waist size of 75 cm.
3. Which word can replace the underlined word “salutary” in paragraph 5?
4. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?
A.Doing aerobic exercise can remove visceral fat completely.
B.Heart ability improves when one does speed walking.
C.Further studies are needed to reduce heart disease risk.
D.Food and life style determine one’s body shape.
2022-04-03更新 | 226次组卷 | 4卷引用:重庆市为明学校2022-2023学年高二上学期期末检测英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . You probably take many steps to protect your computer from getting a virus, but what about your cell phone? Cell phones are basically mini-computers, so, believe it or not, they too can get viruses.

“Viruses and malware(恶意软件)should not be a major concern to the average consumer who uses their device to make phone calls, take pictures, and download a few well-known apps from the major app marketplaces,” Tim Katsch Vice President of iDropped said. “If a user is downloading a lot of apps, changing and exploring settings within the device, and visiting a large number of websites from unknown sources, virus and malware protection should be kept on their mind.” If your phone gets a virus it can mess up your data, put random charges on your bill, and get private information such as your bank account number, credit card information, passwords, and your location.

The most common way that you could get a virus on your phone would be through downloading an infected app. Viruses can also get on your phone when you click on strange links or open up an email that contains a virus. Connecting to an unsecured wireless network in a public place is also a way for hackers(黑客)to get private information from your device.

If you're still convinced that your phone might get a virus, there are anti-virus apps that you can download that will constantly scan your phone to make sure it hasn't developed a virus, Apps like these will also check things before you download them to ensure that they are safe. Another tip is to always look over your cell phone bill every month to make sure there aren't charges from apps that you never downloaded.

Technology is getting smarter, but so are hackers, and it's important to always be cautious with anything you do on your phone. Many people store a lot of personal information on their phones, and while that might make life a little more convenient, it can also do a lot of damage if hacked.

1. What can we learn from Tim Katsch's words?
A.The wireless network in the public places is safe to use.
B.Viruses and malware will most probably attack average phones.
C.Downloading a lot of apps will protect your phone from being hacked.
D.The average consumer needn't worry much about a virus or malware.
2. What's the most common way that your phone gets a virus?
A.Downloading an infected app.
B.Clicking on close friends' links.
C.Connecting to your mobile data.
D.Changing your private information.
3. What does the last paragraph convey?
A.Harm set, harm get.
B.Every coin has two sides.
C.Kill two birds with one stone.
D.Technology makes life smarter.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Anti-Virus Apps Make Your Cell Phone Safe?
B.Viruses and Malware Damage Your Cell Phone?
C.Worried About Your Cell Phone Catching a Virus?
D.Ready to Fight Against the Hackers to Your Cell Phone?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A few years ago, I moved to Aurora, Ont. with my boyfriend and I longed to make friends in my new neighborhood.

Where we lived the houses were jammed together so tightly. But the irony (讽刺) of living so close was that no one actually talked to each other; as in an open-concept office, they pretend they can’t hear or see each other to maintain at least an illusion of privacy.

It was not so easy to make friends as an adult. I was about to give up when I caught sight of a beautiful, tall blonde taking out her recycling. She walked with confidence—even her ponytail bounced. I gasped, “I recycle too! We have so much in common!”

The question was, how would we meet? What would I say? So I thought, “What if I just happened to be jogging by?” I put on my running shoes, but after a few times around the block, dripping sweat, I didn’t see her. I decided to seize on the one thing I already knew about her— she takes out her blue bin.

The following day, I woke up a little earlier than usual. A little after 8 a.m., the garage truck appeared and the blonde emerged. I grabbed a bin and made my way to the end of my driveway. “Just act naturally, Megan,” I told myself. “Good morning. How are you?” I said, cool as a cucumber. “Good. And you?” she replied. “Doing well…I am a new comer, just a DJ. I talk for a living. Clearly!” “Interesting,” she said.

As we both walked away, I turned and called out, “Oh, and by the way, I’m Megan.” “Michelle,” she replied. I walked back inside, wearing a giant grin.

Our “coincidental” recycling meet-ups continued for a few weeks until I finally gathered my courage to ask her to watch The Bachelor with me and she said yes.

That night, after we got everything ready, we settled on the couch and proceeded to drink wine, binge from our buffet, dissect doomed television relationships, tell stories about our own and laugh our faces off. We “found what we’d been looking for”: a new friend to fall platonically in love with.

1. What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
A.The author lived in a small house.
B.The neighbors actually didn’t have privacy.
C.The author lived in a very crowded neighborhood.
D.The neighbors did not communicate with each other.
2. What do we know about their first meet-up?
A.The tall blonde pretended to be very cool.
B.The tall blonde wore a big smile when talking.
C.The author was quite satisfied with their first talk.
D.The two friends met accidentally when the truck came.
3. Which of the following words can best describe the author?
A.Timid but kind-hearted.B.Shy but persistent.
C.Hospitable and generous.D.Caring and modest.
4. What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.A DJ talking for a living began to recycle.
B.A blonde watched The Bachelor with a DJ.
C.A new comer finally made friends with a blonde.
D.Two women recycled together in the neighborhood.
2021-07-27更新 | 188次组卷 | 3卷引用:重庆市西南大学附中2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
完形填空(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . A video of a young Italian man celebrating his 25nd birthday with 25 random (随机的) acts of kindness was post on the Internet._________ by this, I mentioned to my wife Hayley that I’d like to do the same for my coming 50th birthday in December. Well, she agreed to the _________ and make it happen.

We placed cheery stickers (贴纸) on the shirts of children,_________ a park, gave out delicious chocolate to those in the park — many of whom appeared _________, offered bottled water and played with a bored 10-year-old boy who was waiting for his sisters to finish shopping, and _________.

The most _________ for me occurred at the end of the day when we were giving out flowers in a retirement home after their dinner. At first I found myself questioning my _________ and how it would be received. It _________ that the local Church had a large group there at the same time singing to the residents.

_________, the first thing that took me a bit ____________ was how almost every man also enjoyed receiving a flower, not only from Hayley, but also from me. Then, I found myself giving the women longer deep caring ____________. One commented that she had not been hugged like that for years. But then my heart was permanently ____________ when another woman told me that she had not been hugged like that by a man for five decades.

I didn’t count the number of ____________ acts we did that day, and neither do I count that birthday as one of the good ones. Without a doubt, I know it was my ____________.

I’m feeling ____________ for Hayley and every person who has ever inspired me.

A.put upB.cleaned upC.kept upD.picked up
A.checked outB.dropped outC.found outD.turned out
A.by surpriseB.in peaceC.by designD.in silence
2021-07-12更新 | 152次组卷 | 2卷引用:重庆市第八中学2020-2021学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般