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1 . Sometimes, determining which projects you should devote your time and energy to first takes energy you don’t have to spare (which is why we have tips for how to do it). But even when you know what tasks need to be done, you still need to figure out how to prioritize them. Try the 3-3-3 method.

This technique comes from Oliver Burkeman, author of Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals($13.99). He advocates planning each workday around a 3-3-3 model, first devoting three hours to deep work on your most important project. Next, complete three other urgent tasks that don’t require three hours of focus. Finally, do three “maintenance” tasks, like cleaning, answering emails, or scheduling other work.

What distinguishes this method from other approaches are those first three hours of deep work. Jumping into them first means you’ll be fresh, focused, and more likely to be able to jump into a task without getting distracted. Keep those three hours free of emails, texts, chats, or other menial duties, to the best of your ability. (Check out our full guide to engaging in deep work here.)

Deep work produces major productivity, so you’ll get a lot accomplished if you commit to it, but you can’t stay in that mindset (思维模式) forever. You’ll top out after about three hours, so it’s best to have those three other, smaller tasks lined up and ready to go so you can stay productive even while slowing down into less demanding responsibilities.

1. What does the 3-3-3 method focus on?
A.Urgent tasks.B.Planning and scheduling.
C.Spare time.D.The first three hours.
2. What does the underlined word “menial” probably mean?
3. Why should we arrange smaller tasks after deep work?
A.Smaller tasks take less time.B.We can’t do two things at once.
C.Deep work takes energy.D.Our attention is limited.
4. What’s the best title of the passage?
A.What is the 3-3-3 method?B.Why the 3-3-3- method works
C.Get More Done With the “3-3-3Method” D.How to Organize Your Life and Career
2024-03-19更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市浑南区广全实验学校2023-2024学年高二上学期第一次月考英语试题
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2 . Lack of sleep has been linked to heart disease, poor mood and loneliness. It could also make people less generous, researchers report in PLOS Biology.

To test the link between sleep loss and generosity, Eti Ben Simon and her team first brought 23 participants into the lab for two nights. The participants slept through one night and stayed awake for another night. In the mornings, participants completed a questionnaire rating their likelihood of helping strangers in various situations. Participants rated on a scale (等级) from one to five, with one for least likely to help and five for most likely. About 80 percent of participants showed less likelihood of helping others when sleep-deprived (睡眠不足的) than when rested.

In another experiment, the researchers gathered 136 participants online and had them keep a sleep journal for four nights. Each participant then completed the same questionnaire as in the first experiment before 1 pm the next day. The researchers found that the more time participants spent awake in bed, the lower their scores were.

In the final experiment focused on Daylight Saving Time (DST), the researchers looked at 16 years of charitable donations to Donors Choose, a nonprofit that raises money for school projects. In the workweek following the time change, total donations, which typically averaged about $82 per day, dropped to about $73 per day. That is to say, the hour of sleep lost in the switch over to DST every spring appears to reduce people’s tendency to help others.

Sleep deprivation in the modern world is a serious problem, Ben Simon says. But unlike many other large-scale problems-like climate change—this one has a ready solution. “If you think about promoting sleep and letting people get the sleep they need, what an impact that could have on the societies we live in!” she said.

1. Where did the participants complete questionnaires in the first experiment?
A.In a laboratory.B.In their workplaces.
C.On the road.D.On the Internet.
2. What were the participants in the second experiment asked to do?
A.Express their understanding of DST.
B.Record their sleep time by themselves.
C.Write down their daily activities before bed.
D.Sleep through one night and stay awake for another.
3. What does the underlined part “the time change” in paragraph 4 refer to?
A.The change in one’s working hours.
B.The switch from day to night.
C.The one-hour switch over to DST.
D.The switch from the weekend to the weekday.
4. Which aspect of sleep deprivation is the text mainly about?
A.Its impact on one’s work.B.Its impact on one’s emotion.
C.Its impact on one’s health.D.Its impact on one’s social behavior.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了野生动物电影摄影师Douglas Thorn通过红外手持摄像机和无人机救助动物的事迹。

3 . Animal rescuer Douglas Thron’s passion for animals began when he was a little kid. “I wanted to be a wildlife cinematographer (电影摄影师),” Thron recalled.

When Thron grew up, he did just that, working as a cinematographer for shows like Shark Week, filming great white sharks off the coast of Santa Cruz. It was the hurricane in the Bahamas in 2018 that pushed him to do animal rescue work.

The first animal Thron ever rescued was a dog after the hurricane. Then Thron was testing out using a drone (无人驾驶飞机) and found the dog in the middle of the ruins where hundreds of houses had been destroyed. Equipped with an infrared scope (红外线镜), the camera of the drone used heat to detect the animals at night. “The animal’s body temperature will produce light on the screen and you can pick it out amongst the ruins,” explains Thron. He rescued him. And as nobody claimed him after 30 days, he adopted him. “He is a wonderful partner,” Thron laughed.

Thron has been going non-stop since then. His TV show, Doug to the Rescue, shows some of his heartwarming animal rescues, including after Hurricane Laura in Louisiana and after fires in Northern California and Oregon. Thron also helped rescue koalas after fires damaged parts of Australia, using drones to help locate the animals.

Thron’s dream is to one day have an animal rescue center where he can train others to fly drones and to make Infrared drones as popular for rescuing animals as helicopters are for rescuing people after a disaster.

“It blows me away how many more animals we’re able to save,” Thron says, “and how much faster we can save them before they might pass away after a disaster.”

1. What was Thron mainly responsible for as a cinematographer?
A.Reporting natural disasters.B.Protecting sharks.
C.Advertising drones.D.Filming wild animals.
2. What inspired Thron to start rescuing animals?
A.A hurricane in the Bahamas.B.A terrible fire in California.
C.The bad situation of sharks.D.A TV show named Shark Week.
3. What happened to the first animal Thron ever rescued?
A.It rescued Thron in return.
B.It passed away after 30 days.
C.It was trained to rescue other animals.
D.It became good company for Thron.
4. Why does Thron dream of having an animal rescue center?
A.To help animals recover from disasters.
B.To raise awareness about animal protection.
C.To train people to use drones to rescue animals.
D.To provide shelter for the animals he has rescued.
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4 . Books to Read to Transform Your Life

Less Doing, More Living

Do you feel like your to-do list has no end? No matter how hard you try, you have more to do and less time to do it? In this book, Ari Meisel will guide you through nine fundamental steps that have been tried and tested. With his method, you will not only be able to check off more tasks than you ever have before but make more time for the things that matter to you most.

Paperback: $15.85

How Will You Measure Your Life?

Are you making the right trade-offs in life? While career achievements can be satisfying, ignoring your family and friends can be harmful in the long run — in ways you can’t even imagine. Written by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon, this book will help you find meaning and happiness in life.

Hardcover: $16.89 | Paperback: $15.20

Finding Your Element

Everyone has a passion. If you don’t know what yours is, it just means you haven’t discovered it yet. Or perhaps you have, but it was waved away early in your life. In this book, Ken Robinson will help you find out how you can find your calling in life.

Hardcover: $22.00 | Paperback: $15.99

Emotional Intelligence

Do you know if your pulse rate (脉搏) rises above 100 bpm, you’re considered too emotional to think rationally (理智地)? You probably let feelings cloud your judgment more often than you know. Daniel Goleman explains how you can avoid letting your emotions rule you and make better decisions in life.

Hardcover: $29.99 | Paperback: $7.62

1. What can we learn from Less Doing, More Living?
A.How to work more efficiently.
B.The right attitude to life
C.How to find the real purpose of life.
D.The importance of our family and friends
2. Which of the following is helpful to someone who has lost the balance between work and life?
A.Finding Your Element.B.How Will You Measure Your Life?
C.Less Doing, More Living.D.Emotional Intelligence.
3. Who has offered advice on emotional management?
A.Ari Meisel.B.Ken Robinson.
C.Daniel Goleman.D.Clayton M. Christensen.
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5 . Tim Holland is 18 years old and a senior at Lucy C. Laney Comprehensive High School in Augusta, Georgia. Ever since he was young, Holland has been loving animals, particularly the cold-blooded kind. He decided to try herping (野采), something most young men like him aren’t into, in 2020 and said the first time was “low-key and hard” because he didn’t know exactly where the animals were.

After a while, Holland gained hands-on experience and developed a sharp eye. Influenced by him, some of his friends tried out herping too. One of these friends, Ro Smith, encouraged him to start a TikTok page about herping. It took some convincing, but Holland eventually decided to try it and started his TikTok page Nukherping. The general format of his videos is pretty simple: Holland shows animals he has found, says a bit about them and then repeats, with the desire to make them known to the viewers. He has slowly become very popular, with his biggest video gaining over 2 million views in early April.

Though his videos are laid-back, Holland takes herping safety very seriously and hopes his audience could take it seriously, too. Holland keeps a distance from the dangerous animals he finds and adds warnings to videos with such creatures, telling his viewers “do not try this at home”. He also carries equipment such as hand sanitizer, gloves and snake sticks to ensure safety and cleanliness.

Holland hopes to travel after graduating from high school so he can check off some of the animals on his “must-see” list. He also plans to study zoology at North Greenville University in South Carolina and play on the soccer team there.

Some people around Holland think Holland is crazy for what he does, but his mother, Latasha, takes a different view. “I think that’s gonna be very interesting. He can inspire and educate other young boys and girls with his experience, and it’s also something that’s going to be good for the community,” she said.

1. What does Holland want to do with Nukherping?
A.Attract people to herping.
B.Spread knowledge about animals.
C.Support his friend Ro Smith.
D.Call on people to protect animals.
2. Which belongs to Holland’s future plan?
A.Traveling around the world.
B.Going into teaching young children.
C.Becoming a zoology major.
D.Playing for the national soccer team.
3. Which words can best describe Holland ?
A.Ambitious and energetic.
B.Adventurous and inspiring.
C.Devoted and responsible.
D.Cautious and sharp-minded.
4. What is Holland’s mother’s attitude to his herping ?
2023-12-17更新 | 89次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第四次质量监测英语试题
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6 . Dave Player is the founder and CEO of Team BRIT, a car racing team. He wants to_________his team in the 24 Hours of Le Mans endurance sports car race in 2024. He explains,   “If you're an endurance racer, you'll be_________to compete in the race. Attending this famous event is the_________of every racing driver.”

If the team gains_________to the world's most demanding endurance race , they’ll_________the history books as the first all disabled team to do so. Some drivers with_________have taken part in it, but_________as wild cards. “We don't want to   _________them, ”Dave insists. “We want to compete on a_________playing field like others, as a statement that even as disabled racing drivers we__________on the world stage.”

Dave set up the charity KartForce in 2010 as a way for__________retired soldiers to use motorsport for recovery. He went on to start Team BRIT in 2015. Team member Bobby Trundle,   who has__________himself to car racing for years, says,   “Car racing has__________my life. Mentally, it's like relaxation and also I develop deep__________for the excitement. When I'm behind the wheel, my autism (自闭症) doesn't__________me. In fact, I consider it to be a super power of mine.”

A.get atB.go afterC.make forD.turn against
2023-12-13更新 | 107次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第一二〇中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第四次质量监测英语试题
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7 . Where will you go next? Our editors and explorers pick some most exciting destinations for the year ahead. Grab your bags and go!

Mostar, Bosnia

Partially destroyed during the Bosnian War (1992-1995) , history-rich Mostar still bears scars of the past. Wander around and you’ll pass newly renovated apartments next to buildings riddled with bullet holes. Local and intemational artists regularly decorate the abandoned structures with colorful murals. Mostar’s most tangible image of peace is the 16th-century Stari Most, rebuilt in 2004. It connects the city’s predominantly Christian Croat west side with the mainly Muslim Bosniak east.

Tohoku, Japan

Less than three hours by train from Tokyo, home of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games, Tohoku features pristine forests, gorges and crater lakes, thousand-year-old temples and shrines, and venerable local festivals— yet less than 2 percent of international travelers come here. For skiers, Tohoku regularly records some of the planet’s heaviest snowfalls, and resorts such as Appi Kogen are exhilaratingly uncrowded.

National Blue Trail, Hungary

Hungary is a dream hiking destination thanks to the country’s National Blue Trail. It’s part of the nearly 6, 500-mile European long-distance walking route E4, which begins in Spain and ends in Cyprus. So, while you could use the Blue Trail as a launchpad for an epic, cross-Europe trek, Hungary’s historic route is best experienced as a singular destination.

Zakouma National Park, Chad

Home to a rapidly growing African elephant population— some 559 in 2019 and a thousand expected by 2024-Zakouma National Park is an under-the-radar African safari destination. The park’s location, in southeastern Chad, one of the world’s least visited countries, makes Zakouma a best-kept secret— one worth sharing to help ensure its continued success.

1. Which destination fits you best if you are fond of hiking?
A.Mostar.B.National Blue Trail.C.Tohoku.D.Zakouma National Park.
2. What do Tohoku and Zakouma National Park have in common?
A.They are both far from the city’s capital.B.They are very famous for local festivals.
C.They are less popular and attract fewer tourists.D.They are the best choices for sports enthusiasts.
3. In which section of a newspaper can the text be found?
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8 . Museums always have a lot of stories to tell. The following ones that display historical artifacts and highlight historical moments are top on the list of the most visited museums worldwide. Here is a list of four museums that may attract your attention.

The Egyptian Museum, Egypt

This museum is home to ancient Egyptian history. The museum exhibitions are displayed on two floors. The first floor houses exhibitions that are grouped into categories. Some of the exhibitions on this floor include the tomb of King Tutankhamen and several statues. The ground floor displays in chronological (按时间顺序的) order the journey of the Egyptian history of 5,000 years, with over 160,000 items.

Opening times: 9:00 a.m. — 4:00 p.m.

For more information, dial +20-2 2579 694

Asian Civilizations Museum, Singapore

This is the top museum in Singapore. It is also one of the most detailed museums of Asian history. The collections are a representation of Singapore’s diverse culture, which extends to the social and cultural history of some parts of China.

Opening times: 10:00 a.m. — 7:00 p.m. from Saturday to Thursday and lasting two more hours on Friday.

For more information, dial +65-6332 779

Anglo-Boer War Museum, South Africa

This museum houses artifacts that give visitors a chance to learn about the event of the Anglo-Boer War fought from 1899 to 1902 between Great Britain and the two Boer Republics — the South African Republic and the Orange Free State.

Opening times: 8:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m.

For more information, dial +27-51 447 344

The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses, China

This museum is home to one of the world’s unique finds in history. It features excavated terra-cotta warriors and horses, exhibitions giving information on the life of Emperor Qin, his military forces, battles and many more.

Opening times: 8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.

For more information, dial +86-29 8139 912

1. Visitors should ________ to see King Tutankhamen’s tomb.
A.book the tickets one day early
B.inform the museum staff in advance
C.go to the first floor of the Egyptian Museum
D.review the chronological order of Egyptian history
2. If people want to learn more about the museum displaying an ancient emperor’s army, which number should they dial?
A.+20-2 2579 694.B.+65-6332 779.
C.+27-51 447 344.D.+86-29 8139 912.
3. Which of the four museums has the longest opening times in a day?
A.The Egyptian Museum.
B.Asian Civilizations Museum.
C.Anglo-Boer War Museum.
D.The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses.
2023-12-02更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省沈阳市第二中学2023-2024学年高三上学期10月阶段测试英语试题
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . On a common morning just inside the entryway to a subway station, a young man took his violin out of its case. He seemed quite common in _________. Then the man plucked (拨) the strings for minutes to tune his _________. After that, he reached into his pocket and _________ a few dollars, which he threw into the violin case, hoping that the passers-by would _________. Then he began to play, and thousands of people were hurrying to work, school, or wherever they were _________ as the morning rush was _________. Though the incredible sound of this man’s violin filled the subway station, it was apparently _________ by all.

If he were any other street _________, perhaps it would have been _________ that he earned little attention of people. __________ , he is Joshua Bell, one of the world’s most renowned __________, and he was playing one of the most classical masterpieces on his $3,000,000 violin. Actually, almost nobody noticed his playing. Why? One reason is that he didn’t look like a special man; the other is that everyone was too busy to __________ Joshua Bell’s excellent music.

“I’m busy!” is an everyday __________ from people like those who walked past Joshua Bell’s music without __________ a moment. All of this got me thinking: sometimes we should say no to useless busyness and allow for some __________ presence so as to perceive the beauty around us.

A.sorted outB.made upC.used upD.pulled out
A.set an exampleB.follow suitC.pay it forwardD.extend understanding
A.in a dilemmaB.in full swingC.by the bookD.by all accounts
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 较难(0.4) |

10 . Fragile. Oversensitive. Glued to their phones.     1     While there may be some truth to these stereotypical (刻板印象的) features, there might be more to this generation of teens than what is generally observed.

Never before have the lives of any generation of teens been as flooded with mobile technology and social media as the teens of this generation.     2     This is in contrast to the more village spirit or community-oriented attitude of their parents’ and grandparents’ days. We have teens who may not know about who lives in the unit next to theirs, much less offer a friendly nod or wave when they happen to cross paths with a neighbour.

    3     Arguably, the very connectedness that social media brings about has led to an opening of minds and a flourishing (繁盛) of dialogue among people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Logging onto platforms where people of all walks of life meet means that one is exposed to those people and their distinctive ways of life. In comparison, the parents or grandparents of this generation of teens probably did not have the same opportunity to get to know people outside of their social circles at their age, and are thus more likely to have fixed, stereotypical opinions of people different from them. This generation of teens, on the other hand, has the chance to use this technology to learn more about and attempt to understand the variety and diversity out there.     4    

To conclude, the teens of this generation differ in many ways from their predecessors (前辈), in some ways more positive than others.     5     Therefore, this generation of teens differs from past generations, with the changes around them.

A.No wonder the self-confidence and mental health of teens have been damaged.
B.Yet, the effects of technology on this generation of teens are not all bad.
C.Is this what comes to mind when we think of the teens of this generation?
D.Their parents or grandparents were likely less connected and more isolated.
E.Moreover, in the older generations’ mind, the teens today are more individualistic.
F.As a result, this might be why the teens today are more open-minded and progressive.
G.Every generation is a product of the cultural, political and economic events of their time.
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