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1 . I used to be anorexic (厌食的). I was skeletal, each of my rib bones jutted out, like ridges on my body; my head, which looked abnormally huge, was barely supported by my backbone.

It would take an hour for me to eat a spoon of food. Should I attempt to eat to please my parents on teachers, I would lock myself in the toilet and throw up the food. I looked pale and weak all the time because of the lack of food. My family members were distressed. They cried a lot.

It all started when a boy in my class called me “fat” I was devastated. I adopted an extremely strict diet and exercise routine. I lost 10kg within three months and continued to lose more weight. I was absolutely obsessed about losing even more weight. One day, my heart rate dropped and I was breathless. I almost lost my life. That was when I decided to turn my life around.

Looking good is extremely important to a teenager. We want to look a certain way so we can be popular and accepted. We are attracted by well-toned and sculpted bodies. Now, with social media, we have access to a pool of photographs of people, whose bodies and appearances we admire. Those images make us envious. We long to be like them.

We're in danger when we start to hate the way we look and take drastic measures to attain the body we dream of having. These measures can lead to eating disorders, unrealistic and unhealthy exercise habits, low self-esteem and depression. Besides affecting the physical health, teenagers who are body conscious can also suffer from mental instability. They may plunge into despair, guilt and hopelessness if they are unable to keep up with their rigid exercise routines or eating habits. They can be emotionally fragile too. They become sensitive to comments made by others. They are ashamed of the way they look. If you are currently experiencing these feelings, seek help before itis too late.

It is important to feel confident and positive about your image and not subscribe to man-made standards of beauty, which will change with time. You are unique.

1. What can we infer about the author from the first two paragraphs?
A.He developed a deadly disease.
B.He was on an exceptionally strict diet.
C.He was upset because of not achieving the goal.
D.He was in bad condition due to food shortage.
2. Why did the author decide to turn his life around?
A.To look good.B.To stay healthy.
C.To satisfy his parents.D.To disappoint the boy.
3. What does the underlined word “drastic” in paragraph 5 mean?
4. What is the best title of this passage?
A.Be unique.B.Seek beauty.
C.Build your body.D.Accept your body.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖北省襄阳市第五中学高三第二次适应性测试英语试题
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2 . “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m playing a game with a friend, a guy named Snoopy,” my 15-year-old son shouted from his room. “Oh, what is Snoopy’s real name?” I asked. “I have no idea,” he said. “Where is he from?” I continued. He responded, “I think somewhere in Canada. Oh, wait, it doesn’t even matter because Snoopy just left the game and he has been replaced with a robot.” “Your friend is replaced by a robot?” “It doesn’t matter, Dad. It happens all the time! The game continues.” My son doesn’t mind playing with a person or a robot, which is typical of gamers these days. I wonder whether the face-to-face experience of friendship that I grew up with will be lost by our ohildren.

Aristotle, the great Greek thinker and educator. has pointed out that shallow friendship is easily formed but also easily quit because such bonds are weak and uncerturn. Deep friendship, by contrast, is when you care for your friend for his sake, not for any benefit you can get. This is selfless friendship. You can have only a couple of these friends because they require lots of time and effort. You must make sacrifices (牺牲) for each other.

Presence in friendship requires “being with” and “doing for”. Perhaps the most typical feature of deep friendship is “doing for”, as my friend has my back in trouble or brings me soup when I’m sick. Only strong bonds have the power to motivate real sacrifices. But it is unclear why online “friends” would bother to do the hard work of friendship. When I asked my students whether they had people in their lives who would bring them soup when they were sick, they laughed at my Stone Age question and said they’d just order soup online.

Digital life fills and absorbs waking life time so that people do not join in example cases of friendship, like sports, collective arts, free range childhoods, etc. In this way, digital life may produce false friendships.

1. How does the author lead in the topic of the text?
A.By presenting a dialogue.B.By bringing in a robot friend.
C.By telling an interesting joke.D.By introducing an online game.
2. What can we know from the text?
A.False friendships are sure to arise in digital life.
B.Real care and commitment strengthen real friendship.
C.Strong connections can be formed easily in Internet age.
D.Teenagers today can turn to online friends in tough times.
3. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Youth Friendship in Digital Background
B.Deep Friendship and Stliless Friendship C
C.Face-to-face Experience of Friendship
D.Benefits from Online Friendship
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省佛山市S6高质量发展联盟2023-2024学年高一下学期期中联考英语试卷
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3 . I grew up with my identical twin. One thing about being a ________ is that it makes you an expert in spotting favoritism (偏爱). If his cookie was slightly bigger than mine, I was ________ although I wasn’t hungry.

When I became a psychologist, I began to ________ how much more we ________ the body than we do the mind. I spent nine years earning my doctorate (博士学位) in psychology, and I can’t tell you how many people look at my business card and say, “Oh — a psychologist. So, not a ________ doctor.” This favoritism we show the body over the mind can be seen everywhere.

I was at my friends’ house, and their five-year-old was standing on a stool (凳子), brushing his teeth. His skin on his leg was ________ when he fell from the stool. He immediately ________ for a box of Band-Aids to put one on his cut. This kid could ________ tie his shoelaces, but he knew he had to ________ a cut. We all know how to look after our physical health. But what about our psychological health? Well, nothing.

We ________ psychological injuries even more often than we do physical ones, injuries like failure or loneliness. However, we often ________ them. Even though there are scientific techniques to ________psychological injuries, we don’t. “Oh, you’re feeling depressed? Just ________; it’s all in your head.” Can you imagine saying that to somebody with a broken ________: “Oh, just walk it off.”

It’s time we made our physical and our psychological ________ more equal, more like twins.

A.made upB.went inC.watched outD.reached out
A.keep it upB.check it outC.work it outD.shake it off
7日内更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届安徽省芜湖市第一中学高中毕业班最后一卷英语试题

4 . In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. He would do nothing but daydream all day. One sunny afternoon, Ramdas was very ______. He said, “What a beautiful day! How I wish I could go back to sleep. But I have to go out and get my food.” After bathing, Ramdas took out a bowl and out to ______. By begging the whole day he managed to get a pot full of ______.

“It is this pot of milk that is going to make me ______,” he thought. “I will use it to make butter. From the butter, I will be ______ to make ghee (酥油). I am really clever! I will then go to the _______ and sell the ghee,” his dream ______. “With the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats. They will have ______ after six months. Soon I would have an entire herd of goats.”

“How ______ I am,” he thought. “The day I become a rich businessman I will build a big house right in the middle of the village. There will be a splendid garden and a swimming pool in front of the house. Early morning I will ______ in the blue waters of the pool.”

Deep in his ______, he struck out with his foot, breaking the ______, and drenching (使湿透) himself with the milk. He saw the situation and cried. He lost whatever he had because of his ______ and daydreaming.

Laziness is the biggest ______ of our life. If you are lazy, then you will not acquire any significant position in your life and will always have nothing. Laziness is a ______ who slowly steals everything from us. If you want to become successful in your life and career, please overcome the devil laziness.

7日内更新 | 18次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省池州市贵池区2023-2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量检测英语试题
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文章大意:本文为一篇夹叙夹议文,介绍了Michelle Zauner的自传Crying in H Mart这本书的内容及作者对这本书的看法。

5 . When I first picked up Michelle Zauner’s memoir (自传) “Crying in H Mart”, I was attracted by the familiar name of the local Korean market 10 minutes away from my house. Looking through its pages was no different from looking through an old photo album (相册), reminding me of my old memories. And I wanted to look at each and every photo, up close.

Despite being a struggling artist making up for lost time with a sick mother, Zauner somehow made her unique experiences relatable to her audience. One of the factors that helped make this possible was food. Every food and every aspect of Korean culture she described seemed so familiar to me, as I’m a Korean American. Not only this, we have similar experiences, and have common feelings of being torn apart by two cultures that seem to refuse to accept us just for being who we are. Zauner shone a new light on my attitude to my own identity.

In other ways, this relatability to such a specific target audience can become a weakness. This memoir was obviously meant for a Korean, specifically a Korean American audience. With such a small audience of 0.6% of the United States population in 2019, the story that Zauner wanted to tell would not be received by many.

An avoidable point of the memoir that caused confusion could have been the organization of the timeline. Looking at the book as a whole, there was no specific order in which Zauner organized the events of her life. The most effective way to do this would have been to progress through the book starting with her earliest memories with her mother and ending with her moments of grieving (悲痛).

I felt thankful that I was able to discover such a novel that made me feel understood for the first time in years. And most of all, I felt inspired that there are people like Zauner who make mistakes but try again. Even when the world tells them it’s too late, they try again Even when they feel lost, they try again and find a way. And there was one thing I was sure of after I read the book: I will try again.

1. Which factor of the book attracted the author?
A.Korean audience.B.Korean families.
C.American culture.D.Similar experience.
2. Which aspect of the book is discussed in paragraph 3?
A.Its small readership.B.Its difficult languages.
C.Its weak market in Korea.D.Its sales in America in 2019.
3. What is the author’s purpose in writing paragraph 4?
A.To point out one limitation of the book.
B.To describe Zauner’s life in order of time.
C.To explain why he falls in love with the book.
D.To introduce an effective way to write a memoir.
4. What did the author learn from reading “Crying in H Mart”?
A.To be thankful.B.To stay positive.
C.To understand others.D.To avoid making mistakes.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省徐州市2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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6 . When I was a child, the new year’s activity for my family is dumpling-making, but it’s been years since I’ve last experienced the uniquely carefree comfort and connection I felt during moments. My family has changed a lot, and gatherings like these simply don’t come together with the same ease as they once did.

This year, I came home in the evening to a dark house with pieces missing. I noticed things that I wouldn’t have before, like how my family slept earlier and got up later and how my dog had more trouble jumping up on my bed. After all, it’s easier to become blind to its subtle changes when you occupy it virtually every day of the year, and much harder when you must be exposed to months of accumulated change all at once.

Personally, the most precious childhood privilege is not the free extra snacks from flight attendants, but the privilege of thinking of the people and relationships around you with a sense of permanence. I mean this in the sense that it escaped my eight-year-old brain to think about how my parents were aging as I did or about the sacrifices they made for me until suddenly, I was an adult as they were.

I turn 20 in a couple months, so I’ve been seized with a feeling of adulthood, which feels far stronger than the transition into legal adulthood at 18 ever felt. It seems as if the “teen” part of“19”keeps me attached to the same category as the one my newly 13-year-old self occupied, carrying with it a certain comfort in the social allowances made for the immaturity inherent (固有的) to youth. But marching into 20 is different.

I’d so desperately wanted to move away and get a taste of independence upon starting college, but now I know that such freedom comes with loss and responsibility. Now I start to understand the governance of a circularity (循环) inherent to our lives and have a newfound appreciation for the things that remain the same.

1. What does the underlined word “subtle” in paragraph 2mean?
2. Which of the following might the author agree with when he was eight?
A.Everything would be the same.B.His parents were becoming old.
C.Free extra snacks were common.D.His parents had done a lot to him.
3. In what way is 20 years old different according to the author?
A.Physical maturity.B.The social expectation.
C.The loss of freedom.D.The shift into legal adulthood.
4. What can be the best title of the passage?
A.A newfound appreciation for life.B.The difference between teens and adults.
C.My passing memories of childhood.D.My reflection on the switch into adulthood.
7日内更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省汕头市高三下学期二模英语试题
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7 . Ever since we were together, my wife has known about a magical place called Lincoln City, a modest beach town on the central-Oregon ______. But for me, it holds a Shangri-La-like myth. Lincoln City is where I spent one ______ week each year as a boy, ______ the rough beaches for beautiful pebbles, fishing off the local pier, and ______ matches outside my aunt’s beach house. These are ______ my happiest childhood memories.

So it was with great ______ that, not long after marrying, I took my wife to visit the “Best Place” in the world. For me, it was every bit as ______ as I remember. For her, no so much. She couldn’t ______ the fishy smell as well as the chilly wind. Ever since, she has considered Lincoln City my unexplainable ______ with no basis in reality.

In most cases, our assessments of a place or experience seldom differ. In this case, our wildly ______ perceptions of Lincoln City can be ______ by one of the strangest and most powerful feelings that humans ______: nostalgia (怀旧). Psychologists have-defined nostalgia as a, self-conscious, ______ but dominantly positive- experience, a defense response to unhappiness and a relief from a negative mood. Maybe that is why on a windy ______ day, the kind that would normally make me ______, a fishy smell will bring me the mixed feelings that my wife couldn’t share.

A.putting outB.throwing awayC.playing withD.trading for
7日内更新 | 25次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省重点高中协作校联考高三下学期4月高考模拟考试英语试题
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8 . Many of us seem to have lives that follow a certain way. From kindergarten all the way to getting married, every stage of our lives seems to be preset (预置). And although this works well for a lot of people, according to British scholar Jay Shetty, there is no “right” schedule to live our lives by.

A few months ago, a video of Shetty’s speech “Before You Feel Pressure” became popular on the Internet across the world. In the video, he sends an important message that we should think “outside of the way” and have the courage to follow our hearts. As Shetty says in the video, we don’t have to get stressed and put ourselves in the race with our peers (同龄人) or judge our lives based on others’. “Everything in life happens according to our time, our clocks,” he says.

In his inspiring speech, Shetty points out that UK author J. K. Rowing got her famous “Harry Potter” series published at age 32, after being turned down by 12 publishers. Shetty also mentions that Chinese businessman Jack Ma didn’t even start the Alibaba Group until he was 35 years old. So we shouldn’t let anyone rush us.

As physicist Albert Einstein once said, “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that is counted truly counts. The key to staying on our own tracks is to be patient and keep our own interest.” In Australian nurse Bronnie Ware’s best-selling book “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying”, she recorded the dying regrets of her patients, and the top one on the list was: “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the one others expected of me.”

Indeed, we are all unique in our personalities and gifts, and there is no perfect fit for all. We should listen to our inner voices and ignore what the world has taught us, and what we have picked up from people around us. “It is important to allow people to go back to being self-aware of their own interests, needs and concerns”, Shetty told the magazine. “It’s disconnecting from what makes sense to what actually moves you and what makes sense internally (内在的).”

1. What does Jay Shetty agree to?
A.All people live their lives according to schedules.
B.The stages of our lives should be preset.
C.Few people have lives that follow a certain way.
D.We can live our lives not according to the given way.
2. For what purpose does Shetty list three famous people?
A.To show everyone can be a winner.
B.To show great new life can begin anytime.
C.To show hard work is the key to success.
D.To show success does not happen in one’s youth.
3. What can we learn from Albert Einstein or Bronnie Ware?
A.The top dying regret was not living the life people wanted.
B.We should count and analyze everything in life.
C.One should live a life as expected by others.
D.Everything that is counted truly counts.
4. We can conclude from the last paragraph that ______.
A.people should listen to others’ advice
B.we should follow the heart and do what we want to do
C.what makes sense should not be about what people care internally
D.needs and concerns are not acceptable
7日内更新 | 29次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省重点高中协作校高三英语练习题(二)
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9 . As a child, I think we all admire the idea that there are people in this world who can ________ the impossible things — do things that ________ people cannot. Fictional (虚构的) superheroes are usually ________ as the people having extraordinary or superhuman power and are devoted to ________ the public. But there are real-life heroes ________ there. They don’t have fascinating power that we can only dream of. I am talking about unsung heroes (无名英雄) in our ________: the cashiers at our ________ grocery stores, mechanics who fix our cars, people who cook the food in our local restaurants, those working in the front line of non-profit organizations, and the ________ goes on.

I try to express my ________ every day to the people who make our lives ________, even when we don’t realize it. Just everyone in your community is ________ an unsung hero to someone in their lives.

Life is a ________ at times and each of us has a story to tell. Someone else is thankful for less than what you have. An unsung hero of mine who ________ my day was a lady in the line behind me at the grocery store who said, “It doesn’t matter if the glass is full or empty; Just be ________ that you have a glass.” Having a ________ attitude means showing gratitude towards the people in your life.

7日内更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届辽宁省重点高中协作校高三英语练习题(二)

10 . It was June a few years ago right around the Summer Solstice(夏至). The first fireflies(萤火虫)had appeared, _______ on and off in the woods around my house. What a(n) _______ it was to see them again! How amazing the natural life was! Their small light made me smile, and I couldn’t help but feel _______ to nature.

As the daylight _______, I saw some children trying to catch the fireflies in the dark. A girl went inside and came back with a clear glass bottle. After several _______ attempts, she went to run after another one instead. _______, she was very happy. Eventually, she caught two fireflies and put them into the bottle.

All the other children including me were very _______. We gathered around, desiring to watch the fireflies’ light inside the bottle. Soon the girl’s mom walked to us and told us it was time to set the fireflies _______. One of the children disagreed. But the girl’s mom explained that the fireflies would die if left in the _______. Then she said something that still stays in my mind now, “Let them go so they can share their ________ with the rest of the world!” Finally, we knew the meaning of life.

I ________ in our childhood, we used to sing the song, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!” But as adults we find it ________ to do so. We often forget to share.

Don’t ________ your “light”. Don’t keep it in a “bottle”. Share your “light”, no matter how ________ it may be. Let love light up your heart and then give it to the whole world. Learn from the lightening fireflies and let the “light” within you ________ the darkness away.

A.broke outB.got aroundC.faded awayD.came up
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省茂名市化州市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷
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