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1 . Just several days ago, a violent storm hit our community. I looked out of the window and witnessed a tree being abused by the fierce winds. The branches bent, and swayed (摇摆) back and forth, thanks to their _______ to avoid breaking. The leaves desperately _________ the branches because their life depended on the tree. The powerful trunk that held the tree upright bent slightly backwards from the force in a battle to _________ its position.

After the storm passed, the tree gracefully returned to its _________ position standing tall among the mess. It managed to _________ the storm. It didn’t look the same as leaves had been shed from its branches, but what _________ was that the tree won the fight for its life. For a long time I couldn’t understand why this tree _________ my attention the way it did. As time passed, it became _________ that it wasn’t just about the tree but about the roots, which, although unseen, went deep into the soil providing stability and nutrition. The roots helped the tree to be able to suffer from the fierce winds because they were there _________ it.

I can’t but ask myself how deep the roots are in my life. Accordingly, the next time you catch your kids __________, the job is driving you crazy, you are underpaid and the money is __________, and the storms of life are heavy, go back to your roots. Life is full of __________. They will make you sway, make you ________ and make you lose some leaves. But the deeper your roots are, the stronger you stand.

Faced with challenges, you might bend but don’t __________. No matter how hard the wind blows don’t let life force you into an uncomfortable position. Your __________ lies in your roots.

A.catered toB.turned toC.stuck toD.belonged to
2024-05-15更新 | 43次组卷 | 1卷引用:辽宁省七校协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中联考英语试卷
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2 . In the corner of my desk is a note, slowly yellowing from time. It is a card from my mother, containing only four sentences, but with enough impact to _________ my life forever.

In the card, she praises my abilities as a writer. The word “but” never appears; _________, the word “and” is there almost a half dozen times.

Every time I read it, I am _________ to ask myself how many times I’ve “but-ted” my own daughters. Although our eldest daughter usually got all A’s on her report card, teachers would always suggest that she talked too much in class. I would come home and _________ her with, “Congratulations! Your Dad and I are very _________ of your accomplishment, but could you try to _________ in class?”

The same was _________ of our younger daughter. She treats the floor of her room as a closet, which has often caused me to say, “Yes, that project is great, but _________ your room!”

I’ve noticed that other _________ do the same thing. “Our whole family was together for Christmas, but Kyle skipped out early to play his new computer game.” “The hockey team won, but Mike should have made that last __________.”

But, but, but.

Instead, what I have learned from my mother is to start thinking “and, and, and”. __________, “The hockey team won, and Mike did his best the whole game.”

Now, I am firmly __________ that “but” feels bad, “and” feels good. This is not to say that children don’t need or won’t respond to their parents’ __________. They do and they will. When those expectations are consistently __________, amazing things happen.

“No more buts!” is a call for __________. And if I ever forget, I have my mother’s note to remind me.

A.slow it downB.take it downC.tone it downD.put it down
A.look intoB.sort outC.put up withD.make use of
A.After allB.For instanceC.In shortD.In turn
2024-05-15更新 | 30次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京航天航空大学附属高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷
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3 . Facebook’s Big Outage—Understanding the Internet’s Complex Machinery

At 15:51 UTC, we detected a significant issue: “Facebook DNS lookup returning SERVFAIL.” This error suggested that our DNS resolver,, might be malfunctioning. However, the situation was more serious than we initially thought. Social media was abuzz with activity, and our engineers confirmed that Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram were all experiencing an outage. It appeared as if these platforms had been abruptly disconnected from the Internet.

This was not a simple DNS problem; it was a sign of a much larger issue. Facebook later revealed that a change in their internal configuration had caused a widespread disruption, affecting not just their services but also the ability of their staff to restore normal operations.

Delving into BGP

BGP, or Border Gateway Protocol, is a critical component of the Internet’s infrastructure. It’s the system that allows the Internet’s routers to communicate and determine the most efficient routes for data to travel. Essentially, BGP is the Internet’s GPS, guiding data packets to their destinations. If a network like Facebook stops using BGP to announce its presence, it be-comes invisible and unreachable on the Internet.

The Ripple Effect

At 15:58 UTC, we observed that Facebook had ceased announcing its DNS routes. This meant that DNS resolvers, which are the Internet’s directory assistance, could no longer find the IP addresses for Facebook’s services. As a result, attempts to access Facebook. com and similar domains failed.

This failure triggered a chain reaction. With no resolution possible, DNS resolvers world-wide began to experience an unprecedented surge in queries, as both automated systems and users repeatedly tried to access the now-unavailable services. This surge not only strained the DNS infrastructure but also affected other online platforms as users sought information and alternatives.

The Interconnected Web

The day’s events underscored the Internet’s complexity and the delicate balance of systems and protocols that keep it running. It’s a vast, interconnected ecosystem that relies on mutual trust, standardization, and collaboration among its various components to serve nearly five billion users globally.

The Resolution and Beyond

By 21:00 UTC, we began to see signs of recovery as BGP activity from Facebook’s network resumed. This activity peaked at 21:17 UTC, indicating that Facebook was actively work-ingtorestoreitsservices.By21:20UTC, the DNS for “face book. Com” was once again avail-able on our resolver,, and by 21:28 UTC, it appeared that Facebook was back online, with DNS functioning normally.

While Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram may have taken some time to return to full operation, the incident served as a stark reminder of the Internet’s interdependence and the importance of robust infrastructure.

1. What was the initial indication of a problem with Facebook’s services?
A.A decrease in user activity on social media platforms
B.The appearance of a error in DNS lookups for Facebook
C.A sudden increase in traffic to competing social media sites
D.Reports of physical damage to Facebook’s data centers
2. What role does BGP play in the functioning of the Internet?
A.It manages the distribution of Internet content to users
B.It provides security for online transactions
C.It helps routers find the most efficient path for data to travel
D.It regulates the speed of Internet connections worldwide
3. Why did the outage at Facebook lead to a significant increase in DNS traffic?
A.Because users were attempting to access Facebook’s competitors, which resulted in an elevated number of DNS queries for those platforms.
B.Because DNS resolvers could not resolve Facebook’s domain names, leading to repeated queries
C.Because a cyber attack specifically targeted the DNS infrastructure, which increased the volume of requests to DNS resolvers for resolution.
D.Because the Facebook outage indirectly caused physical damage to the global DNS net-work, necessitating a higher number of queries to DNS resolvers to find alternative routes.
2024-05-15更新 | 76次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届浙江省Lambda联盟高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试题
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4 . When I was a college student, I did a lot of traveling abroad. That was because a professor _________ me to do so. She said, “Now is the time for you to travel around the world, _________ your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun!” I _________ her.

Since I started to work for a food company, _________, I have done most of my traveling through the Internet. By using the Internet, I have seen the _________ of many cities on my computer screen. And I have really made business _________, too. With the help of the Internet, I have also got _________ about food from different countries.

Therefore, I was beginning to feel that actual trips were _________ necessary when I happened to read a famous chef’s comment on the Internet. He said, “It is very difficult to have real Italian food in a foreign country, because we enjoy food and the _________ around us at the same time.” Those words __________ me of my professor’s advice. With information technology advancing, you might be able to do without making some real trips. But this also means that you will miss the various __________ you can get from traveling.

Today, people __________ direct communication with others and spend much of their time on the Internet. I do not think that they are taking good advantage of information technology. We should use information technology as a tool to make our daily communication more __________. Besides, we should never let it __________ our time for face-to-face communication. Let’s make use of information technology more __________ and have great fun in experiencing the actual world.

A.followedB.learned fromC.approachedD.agreed with
A.actuallyB.no longerC.additionallyD.even more
A.make upB.get throughC.take upD.break down
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5 . In recent years, much of my life as a consumer has shifted to what I like to call background. As I’ve subscribed to more apps and streaming platforms, significant sums of my money tend to slip away each month without my ever thinking about it.

Think of it as an automated trade. Spending without the trouble of spending. Acquaint ion without action. Or thought.

But while this flood of subscriptions was sold to me on the condition that it would make my life more trouble-free, there was a certain shock I felt upon discovering how much I was spending without realizing each month ($179.45).

You see, the thing about background spending is that it tends to happen, well, in the background without your full attention. And there lies the point.

“Hand over your credit card details and let us take care of the rest,” these companies promote. But by again sing their name, we’ve become lazy, positive consumers. And this laziness breeds (导致) more laziness because most of us can’t be bothered with conducting regular reviews of our subscription spending. We’re too lazy to even notice or cancel it!

I know it’s not just me who is suddenly living life as a smart-braised subscriber. The average consumer spends $273 per month on subscriptions, according to a 2021 study of 2,500 by digital services firm West Morose. Not a single person surveyed knew what his actually monthly spending was.

It’s understandable why this model is so attractive to businesses. As companies questioned traditional advertising models, subscription offered the promise of “selling once and earning forever.” And while subscription services have been around for decades (think Wine of the Month Club), more customers have been willing to sign up thanks to the widespread availability of smartphones and the increasing ease of home delivery.

While these subscription promise ease and happiness, not all of us are satisfied. Last year, the Kameny Institute found 40 percent of consumer believe they have too many subscriptions. Almost half of us also think we pay too much for streaming video-on-demand subscriptions.

1. What can we know about background spending in paragraph 2?
A.Its purpose.B.Its feature.C.Its procedure.D.Its requirement.
2. What makes it possible for background spending to happen?
A.Its attractive price.B.Some people’s poor habit.
C.Its secure service.D.Some people’s addiction to it.
3. Why is the subscription model appealing to businesses?
A.It offers good home delivery services.
B.It is like traditional advertising models.
C.It is popular among smartphone producers.
D.It brings repeated profits through a single sale.
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards background spending?
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6 . Some kind of disaster happened in our home. It had a huge _______ on our lives. It challenged the _______ we relax and even where we sit. There was no fire or flood. We lost our Wi-Fi service, for over a week.

I was raised in the pre-Wi-Fi time, so I was relatively _______ to the situation. My children, however, did not have this training. When given the news that there was no Wi-Fi in the house, their first _______ was: “But, what will we do?” Fortunately, the TV still worked, although the children were _______ to find that it had only 70+ channels.

For the children, a major challenge was homework, most of which is now given online, so the _______ of the Internet meanwhile seemed to provide a(n) _______ version of “the dog ate my homework” excuse. My daughter observed that one of her friends had her water supply temporarily _______ due to a leak (渗漏), but she was convinced that our situation was much _______. “You can still go to the shop and buy water, right?”

My husband and I need the Internet to ________ us to work at home. Luckily, I’ve found out that these days you can go to the shop to buy Wi-Fi. However, buying 1 GB of data makes you view your broadband ________. I don’t want to ________ it like leaving a tap running. We log on to the Wi-Fi network and do what we have to do as ________ as possible and log off.

Therefore, the changes that ________ has created in our daily life have occurred without us really noticing. The ________ part of our time without Wi-Fi was seeing the children make forts (堡垒) out of the sofa cushions, which they haven’t done in years.

A.fixed upB.cut offC.brought downD.taken away
2024-05-14更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省福州第一中学2023-2024学年高一下学期4月期中英语试题
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7 . Even now, I have vivid memories of my last day of high school. In my mind’s eye, I’m cleaning out my locker, and then staring at the emptiness for a few extra beats before slamming it shut for the last time. I’m wandering around the halls with my best friend, blissfully ignoring the bells going off every 50 minutes on schedule because, just today, we’re allowed to break the rules. I’m sitting on my desk, swinging my feet, and shooting the breeze (闲聊) with my English teacher, Mr. Carr, in a way that makes me feel almost grown up.

It was maybe my favorite day of the whole year. Like the final layer of watercolor, the freedom and lightness I feel seeps (渗透) into the rest of my memories of that day and turns them just a shade rosier.

If the school year hasn’t yet ended for you, consider what you can do to make the finale count. Why? Because when it comes to human memory, not all moments are created equal. Instead, our remembered experiences are disproportionately (不成比例地) influenced by peaks (the best moments as well as the worst) and endings (the last moments). Nobel Prize winner Danny Kahneman, who discovered this phenomenon, called this the peak-end rule. It suggests that our judgment of a past experience is largely based on its most extreme point and its endpoint.

I took advantage of the peak-end rule years ago, when my girls were young enough to want a bedtime story each night. I remember thinking that whatever disagreement and stress had occurred that day, I could make the last moments count. I could end on a note of calm and act like the patient mom I hadn’t quite managed to be just hours before.

Don’t mistake all moments as equal insignificance. There’s a reason why yoga classes end with savasana (挺卧式). There’s a reason we eat dessert last. Do organize endings carefully. As Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll might say: Finish strong. Last impressions are especially lasting.

1. What can the author suggest doing to make the end of a school year memorable?
A.Planning a special event for the last day.
B.Reflecting on the entire academic year.
C.Ignoring school regulations.
D.Focusing on the final exam.
2. Which statement is true about the peak-end rule?
A.The last moments matter the most in our memories.
B.Peaks in life can be remembered better than endings.
C.The peaks and ends of experiences are easier to remember.
D.Our judgment of the past is determined by first impressions.
3. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.What struggles the author had in life.
B.How the author treated her daughters.
C.Why the author read stories to her kids.
D.How the author applied the rule to daily life.
4. Why is Pete Carroll mentioned in the last paragraph?
A.To show the importance of doing sports.
B.To explain why last impressions are lasting.
C.To prove the peak-end rule can be used in sports.
D.To encourage readers to value the last moments of an experience.
2024-05-14更新 | 189次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届江苏省南通市海安高级中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题

8 . Sometimes the people who give you warmth are strangers. They brighten your day or your life. Snow makes everything white. But a ________ on a cold winter morning made my heart ________.

For several days snow fell heavily. It lay many inches thick on the ground. My home is not far from the Hill Park station. Every morning I ________ to the station and caught the eight o’clock train. When I got out of the train, I was about to ________ out of the railway station when my eyes got ________ on one old guy. The morning cold winter ________ were piercing (刺入) through my woolen ________. I felt it cutting through my flesh and bones.

I was walking quickly when I ________ the old man wasn’t wearing anything on his ________ nor scarf around his neck, ________he was sitting in freezing winds. I don’t know how he was going to ________ those cold winters.

I went to him and asked the reason for not wearing any hat. He gave me a strange ________ and said nothing. I got the sign that probably he felt embarrassed about the question that I asked him. So I ________off my woolen hat and handed it to him. I told him to keep wearing it. He then smiled. I smiled ________ and left. Actually, after you do a favor or offer a convenience, you will be deeply ________ by others. We said nothing, but we all enjoyed the warmth, friendship and generosity from each other.

A.passed overB.got throughC.lived awayD.spent out
2024-05-14更新 | 37次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省南充市第十一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月月考英语试题
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9 . The text from my son said it all, “Dad, there’s an article you were born to write that the world is finally ready for: Bring Back the Handkerchief (手帕)!” As my son knows, there’s no “bring back” for me. For me, the handkerchief never left.

My mother raised me with several fixed rules. One was that a gentleman always has a clean handkerchief in his right rear pocket, a piece of simple cotton, roughly 15 inches square and less than four inches when folded. I was a dutiful son, but as a child, I had been wondering what it was there for. After 60 years, my body weight now feels wrong if I’m heading out of the house with an empty back pocket.

I am sure this habit has sometimes struck friends but in polite company nobody comments on somebody else’s business. Children like my kids think of my hankie ridiculously old-fashioned and they have their arguments. If you have to be prepared every day for allergies or a cold, why not choose a little packet of tissues (纸巾), which saves you from that disgusting business of blowing your nose in the thing and then stuffing it back in your pants?

I understand their point. But a handkerchief is more durable and has a far wider variety of uses. Can you grab the handle of a pot that’s boiling over with a Tempo tissue? Or do you recall the cases of skinned knees and drippy noses that hankie wiped? In fact, my wife gave me several new handkerchiefs as gifts. Neither of us can count the number of times she wiped her tears at a movie, or, as it happens, she’s needed to blow her nose.

Yet not even my mother could have predicted the hankie’s new role as an Essential Public Health Appliance. All of us have learnt how hard it is to follow advice from medical experts about not touching your face. Here is an answer. Use your hankie. In case of emergency, your handkerchief can become a makeshift DIY mask that can be pulled over your lower face like a robber entering a bank.

And it will certainly give me the chance to lift my chin and look at my adult children through one eye, asking in her good-hearted way, “What do you have to say now, smarty-pants?”

1. What kind of person is the author in the eye of his son?
A.His father is a born writer.
B.His father lost his handkerchief long ago.
C.His father will bring back the handkerchief.
D.His father has a habit of using handkerchief.
2. How do the younger generation like the handkerchief?
A.They like it very much.B.They regard it as fashionable.
C.They consider it inconvenient.D.They desire to have it someday.
3. What can be learned from the passage?
A.The function of handkerchiefs has been updated.
B.Handkerchiefs will be taken over by tissues sooner or later.
C.The author’s wife feels embarrassed to give him a handkerchief.
D.The author was made fun of by his friends for his use of handkerchiefs.
4. What’s the tone of the author in the passage?
2024-05-13更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市第六中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要介绍了Peter Ellis访问加蓬热带雨林的经历,这些经历使他重新审视自然保护以及人与自然的关系。

10 . Every tropical (热带的) forest looks different, particularly in the eyes of an ecologist, and Peter Ellis has been lucky enough to visit a fair few. One in particular holds a special place in his heart: the rain forests of Gabon. He first visited as a Peace Corps volunteer. “It completely changed the way I think about conservation and our relationship with nature,” he says.

These days, Ellis is the global director of natural climate solutions science at the US-based conservation organization — The Nature Conservancy, where he’s presently investigating the role that logging (cutting down trees) can play in tropical forests. Logging for forest conservation may sound contradictory, and it often is. But logging in a tropical forest looks different to the practices we might expect to see. “We might imagine it as a wasteland of stumps (树桩) after a clear cut,” says Ellis. Instead, only a few trees are actually removed. A sustainably logged forest is the one that remains a breathing, rich, tropical rain forest full of trees and wildlife, thus helping keep a large part of the biodiversity while ensuring that more damaging industries don’t take its place. It can also provide a means of basic livelihood for the local people.

The two years that Ellis spent in the Gabon rain forests opened his eyes to a different method of land management. “The locals took me out into the forest and taught me the names, usages and spiritual significance of all the trees and other plants in the forest,” he says. “Science is about exact, designed experiments, but it’s also about asking the right questions. And the people who live in those places and protect the ecosystem are more likely to help us learn what the right questions to ask are.”

Tropical forests are essential to our planet’s future as they support high levels of biodiversity and act as crucial carbon sinks (碳储存器). “We need to honour, and protect them so that they can do their job to help save us all” says Ellis.

1. What does Peter Ellis think of his first visit to the rain forests of Gabon?
A.It was poorly arranged.B.It made little difference to his life.
C.It brought him far-reaching influence.D.It was physically challenging for him.
2. What does Peter Ellis realize after his investigation in tropical rain forests?
A.Logging balances the rain forests.
B.Logging means a complete clear-out.
C.Logging brings huge profits to the locals.
D.Logging encourages the local damaging industries.
3. What does Ellis suggest scientists do in protecting the rain forests?
A.Conduct many experiments.B.Consult experienced local people.
C.Get involved in designing procedures.D.Spread more knowledge about wildlife.
4. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To stress the importance of biodiversity.
B.To introduce Ellis’s ideas about the future.
C.To provide further information about Ellis.
D.To call on people to preserve tropical rain forests.
2024-05-13更新 | 56次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省孝感市重点高中教科研协作体2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
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