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1 . “What if I told you that I murdered Basil?”

“You couldn’t murder anyone, Dorian. He probably fell into the Seine from a bus. By the way, where’s that wonderful portrait he did of you? Oh! I remember now. You told me years ago that you sent it to Selby Manor and that it got lost or stolen on the way. What a pity! I wanted to buy it. I wish I had now.” Lord Henry said.

“I never really liked it,” said Dorian.

“How have you kept your youth, Dorian? You must have some secret. I’m only ten years older than you are, and I’m wrinkled and old. Please, tell me your secret. To get back my youth, I’d do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.”

When Dorian arrived home that night, he sent his servant to bed, and sat down on the sofa in the library. Then he began to think about his life.

“I’ve been an evil influence on my friends, and I’ve ruined the lives of many good young people,” he thought, “Ah! Why did I pray for the portrait to grow old, and for me to stay young? I worshiped beauty and eternal youth, but they ruined me. It’s better not to think of the past. Nothing can change that. I must think of the future. James Vane is dead. Alan Campbell is dead, too. He shot himself one night in his laboratory.”

“I’m safe now,” he continued. “Basil painted the portrait that ruined my life. I can’t forgive him for that. Everything is the portrait’s fault.”

He began to wonder about the portrait. “If I’m good, maybe the portrait will become beautiful again,” he thought. “I’ll go and look.”

He took the lamp from the table and went upstairs. As he unlocked the door, he smiled. “Yes, I’ll be good,” he thought, “I won’t be frightened of this portrait any more.”

He went upstairs to the room and locked the door. Then he pulled the purple cloth off the portrait. He gave a cry of pain. The portrait was more horrible. His face looked more evil. There was new blood on the hand and on the feet.

Dorian trembled with fear. Dorian looked round the room and saw the knife that stabbed Basil Hallward. It was bright and shining.

“This knife killed the artist, and now it will kill the artist’s work,” he thought.

He grabbed the knife, and then he stabbed the portrait with it.

1. What do we know about Lord Henry from the passage?
A.He doubted slightly whether Dorian murdered Basil.
B.He would do whatever he could to get back his youth.
C.The portrait he wanted to buy was stolen by Selby Manor.
D.The truth about how Dorian kept his youth was hidden from him.
2. What can we infer from the passage?
A.Dorian admitted he was badly affected by his friends.
B.Alan Campbell shot himself one night in his laboratory.
C.Dorian blamed his sufferings on the portrait and Basil.
D.Dorian wanted to kill himself so that the portrait could become normal.
3. What does the underlined word “worshiped” mean in paragraph 6?
4. Why did Dorian stab the portrait at the end of the story?
A.Because the portrait aroused too much curiosity of his friends.
B.Because the portrait reflecting his soul made him suffer great pain.
C.Because he was jealous of the portrait which would never grow old.
D.Because he thought the portrait would take his youth and beauty away.
2023-07-02更新 | 573次组卷 | 3卷引用:2023届江苏省南京市第一中学高三5月高考适应性考试英语试题
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2 . When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: “If you live each day as if it were your last, someday you’ll most certainly be right.” It made a deep_______on me. And since then, for   the past 33 years, I have_______in the mirror every   morning and asked   myself, “If today were   the last day of my life,_______I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the   answer has been “No” for too many days in a _______, I know I need to change something.

Remembering   that I’ll be_______soon is the most important tool I’ve ever known to help me make the big_______in life because almost everything falls away in the face of death,_______only what is truly important.

About a year ago I was_______with cancer. My doctor even advised me to go home and get     my affairs   _______order, which is a doctor’s way of telling people to prepare to die. I________ with   that diagnosis   all day.________,   at last an   advanced test showed   that it   was a   very   rare cancer that is________with surgery. I had the surgery and I’m fine now.

________wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there.     And yet death is the destination we all________. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it       should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of________. It is life’s change       agent. It clears out the old to ________ for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too ________ from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is________, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be ________by dogma( 教条)---which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner________. And most importantly, have the courage to   follow your heart.

A.AnyoneB.No oneC.SomeoneD.everyone
A.make wayB.make forC.make outD.make up
2020-03-30更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省南京市2019-2020学年高一12月五校联考(含听力)英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约630词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . KING LEAR Act 3

NARRATOR: As soon as Goneril has got all she can from her father, she begins treating him disrespectfully. When Lear wants to speak to her, Goneril tells her servant, Oswald, to say she is sick. She encourages her staff to be disrespectful towards Lear and begins complaining about the hundred soldiers Lear has brought with him. However, King Lear soon has a friend by his side. The Duke of Kent, who Lear ordered to leave Britain, cannot abandon his king. He therefore comes to Lear disguised(伪装) as a servant called Caius and asks for a job.

(Enter Lear, several of Lear's soldiers and Kent disguised as a servant.)

LEAR: OK, Caius. I'll give you a trial. And if you prove to be good at your job, I'll keep you on as my servant. (Oswald enters.) Hey, you there. Where's my daughter? (Oswald ignores the king and hurries out of the room.) Hey. What's going on? Call him back. Is he deaf? (A Soldier rushes out after Oswald.) It's as though the whole world has gone to sleep. (Soldier reenters.) Where's that servant? Why didn’t he come back when I called?

SOLDIER: Sir, he answered me very rudely and said he would not come back. LEAR: I don’t believe it!

SOLDIER: Sir, I am sorry, to tell you this, but it seems to me that you are not being treated with the respect due to a king. Everyone here, including your daughter, is behaving very coldly towards you.

LEAR:Mmm. I suspected the same, but I kept telling myself it was my imagination. Please tell my daughter I wish to speak with her. (Soldier bows and leaves. Oswald enters.) Ah, come here my man and answer me. Who am I?

OSWALD: My lady's father.

LEAR: Your lady's father? Is that all I am to you, you dog, you slave! (Lear raises his arm as though to strike Oswald.)

OSWALD: I'll not be hit, my Lord.

KENT: (Kent kicks Oswald's feet out from under him.) And you won't be laid flat on your back either, I suppose. Now get up and get out of here. (Oswald leaves.)

LEAR: My thanks, Caius. I can see you will be a most valuable servant.

(Enter Goneril.) What's up, daughter? You always seem to be frowning lately.

GONERIL: Is it any wonder that I frown when your soldiers are continually drinking and fighting? I thought when I told you about their behaviour you would make them behave, but now I hear you have insulted(侮辱)Oswald. I do believe you are encouraging your soldiers in their bad behaviour.

LEAR: Is this my daughter scolding me?

GONERIL:     I have had enough of your soldiers. They are expensive to keep and you don't need them. Besides, their drunken behaviour and bad manners are disgusting. You will send half of them away. And unless you want me to get rid of the rest of them too, I suggest you teach them how to behave properly.

LEAR: That's a lie. My soldiers are good men who know how to behave properly. I won't stay here to be insulted. I still have one more daughter. She'll scratch out your eyes when she hears how you've treated me. Men! Get my horses ready and collect my baggage. I'll leave immediately. I won't stay where I'm not welcome. (Lear and companions leave.)

NARRATOR: Lear sends Kent on ahead to the castle of his other daughter, Regan, to tell her that he will soon be arriving. Goneril sends her servant Oswald to Regan to tell her side of the story.

1. Why did the Duke of Kent disguise himself as a servant?
A.To find a chance to meet Goneril.B.To share some of the king’s wealth.
C.To find a job in the court.D.To serve and help his king Lear.
2. Why does Oswald behave coldly to King Lear?
A.Because he doesn’t know he is the king.
B.Because King Lear raises his arm to strike him.
C.Because King Lear’s soldiers don’t behave properly.
D.Because his master treats King Lear disrespectfully.
3. According to the passage which of the following can BEST describe King Lear?
2019-08-13更新 | 130次组卷 | 2卷引用:江苏省南京师范大学附属中学2018-2019学年高二上学期期末英语试题
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