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1 . Want to find a job? Now read the following advertisements.


Five waiters and Ten Waitresses

---Aged under 22

---At least high school graduate

---Good looking; men at least 1.72 meters tall and women 1.65

---Those knowing foreign languages preferred

---Paid 1600---2200 dollars per month

One Secretary

---Aged under 30

---Female preferred

---Good at writing and skilled at computer

If interested, call 465-4768 or write to: Mr. Jack Hundris Room 0825, Fairmont Hotel

567 Wood Street, San Markers, 78003

Fax: 6954828



---Aged between 25 and 40

---With an experience of at least two years

---With a degree and an accountant certificate(证书)

---Paid 3000-4000 dollars monthly

---With a knowledge of computer


---Basic education of 12 years or more

---Good at computer

---Paid 1800-2200 dollars monthly

Tel: 447-4398                 Fax: 3485269

1. If you don’t know how to use a computer, you can just apply(申请) for the position as _________ .
A.a secretaryB.an accountant
C.a waiter or a waitressD.a salesclerk
2. If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore, you have to satisfy the following     conditions EXCEPT   _________ .
A.knowing well how to use a computerB.being a woman
C.having been an accountantD.having an accountant certificate、
3. If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel, you   _________ .
A.should be younger than 30 years oldB.should be a university graduate
C.have to be taller than 1.72 metersD.have to be a woman and know foreign languages

2 . When Rebecca Saxon was diagnosed with cancer at the young age of 27,she thought her life was over. But in her darkest hour,inspiration struck and she found a way of turning her misfortune into advantage.

Following her cancer treatment, Rebecca launched a successful business “Something Blue Bridal Shoes”—a unique range of wedding footwear,which came out of the fashion pictures she drew while recovering in her hospital bed.

Rebecca,from London,says,“I started designing wedding shoes with blue soles (鞋底) when I was halfway through my cancer treatment. I had a hit when I was diagnosed with cancer but I decided that I was going to pick myself up and fight this cancer. The pictures were my release and the way I got through the many hours spent in a hospital room. I had no idea what was going to happen to me, but I knew I had to be positive if I was going to overcome this treatment. I told myself this was not going to be the end for me. I decided to fight with my negative feelings and start drawing.”

Rebecca had always loved fashion since she was younger. Several of her friends were getting married at the time when she was ill. “So at first,I would be drawing designs for wedding dresses and other clothes. But then I started drawing wedding footwear—designing shoes with blue soles which were very comfortable too. I thought it would be a lovely way of combining the ‘something old,something new,something borrowed,something blue’ tradition. Drawing really helped me deal with my treatment,” said the brave girl.

With the encouragement of her boyfriend,she turned her dreams into her reality and set up “Something Blue Bridal Shoes” . Each beautiful shoe has a blue sole , combining the age-old tradition of what a bride should wear at her wedding for good luck.

1. What did Rebecca Saxon do when she was recovering in the hospital?
A.Draw fashion pictures.
B.Prepare for her marriage.
C.Donate money to charities.
D.Found a company.
2. Which of the following is true about Rebecca Saxon?
A.She has designed several wedding dresses for her friends.
B.Drawing designs helped her fight with her negative feelings.
C.Her boyfriend invested all of his savings in her business.
D.She started making shoes before she was diagnosed with cancer.
3. Each of Rebecca Saxon's shoes has a blue sole to______.
A.make the shoes more colorful
B.express good wishes to the bride
C.let the bride feel comfortable
D.show her preference for blue
4. The story of Rebecca Saxon inspires people to ______.
A.face difficulties bravelyB.treasure what they have
C.hold fast to their dreamsD.help those in need selflessly
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较难(0.4) |
3 .

TED is a non-profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, and Design.Since then it has stepped into more and more fields. It includes two annual ( 年度的) conferences-the TED Conference on the North American West Coast each spring, and the TED Global Conference in Edinburgh UK each summer, which bring together the world's most excellent thinkers and doers,who are challenged to give the talk of their lives ( in 18 minutes or less).

On ted. com, we make the best talks and performances from TED and partners available to the world, for free. More than 1 ,200 TED talks are now available,' with more added each week,which cover almost all topics from science to business to global issues- in more than 110 languages. They really help share ideas in communities around the world.

We believe in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and eventually, the world. So we' re building here a clearinghouse (信息交流中心 ) that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other. Have an idea? We want to hear from you.

Today, TED is best thought of as a global community. It's a community welcoming people from every field and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.

Want to follow TED? Here are the ways to connect:

Get TED news and conference coverage ( 新闻报道) on the TED Blog.

Follow TED on Twitter:

@TED News for all TED news and information

@TED Talks for daily TED Talk release only

See photos from TED events on Flicker.

1. What do we learn about TED's two annual conferences?
A.Great thinkers and doers give inspiring talks in them.
B.Both conferences organize entertaining programmes.
C.One is held in Asia, and the other is in North America.
D.Most members in the conferences are from the entertainment field.
2. Which of the following can best describe TED's task?
A.Spreading great ideas.B.Spreading foreign cultures.
C.Educating young people.D.Bringing peace to the world.
3. Where can we watch TED video Talks according to the passage?
A.On Facebook.B.On ted. com.
C.On TED Blog.D.On Flicker.
4. What does the author think of TED?
A.It is interesting.B.It's beneficial.
C.It's a common program.D.It needs improving.

4 . What will man be like in the future—in 5000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today, for man is slowly changing all the time.

Let us take an obvious example, Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on averse, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we mayassumethat man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain’s capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually we shall need larger ones! This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time it is likely that man’s eyes will grow stronger.

On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.

But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald (光秃的).

Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive creature to look at! This may well be true. But in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.

1. The passage mainly tells us that ________.
A.humans needn’t wear glasses in the future
B.man’s life will be different in the future
C.future man will look quite different from us
D.man is growing taller and uglier as time passes
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “assume” in Paragraph 2?
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.future life is always predictable(可预测的)
B.human beings will become less attractive in the future
C.less use of a bodily organ (器官) may lead to its degeneration (退化)
D.human beings hope for a change in the future life
4. Future man will be similar to us in ________.
A.colour and heightB.size and appearance
C.thought and observationD.thought and emotion
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . My love for dogs goes as far back as my first memory. As a little girl,I collected dog toys. At 5 years old,I was ready and willing to run away with the family dog after the threat of giving him away when he chewed up the sofa. Luckily he stayed and my affection for man's best friend continued. As an adult,my reasons for wanting to adopt a dog were purely selfish. I wanted a companion. I wanted a young,energetic dog that would need long walks or runs to help keep mc active to stick to an exercise routine.

Little did I know that my four﹣legged friend and love for dogs would help me feel more at home in and fall in love with my Shanghai community. It seemed to me that being a tall blonde didn't already attract a lot of curious stares;add a 12﹣kilogram black dog that believes everyone is his best friend to the picture and locals seem even more intrigued. The decision to adopt Xiao Hei definitely fulfilled those early selfish desires,but the experience has also brought me closer to my neighbors and made me feel more at home.

A few months after I first brought Xiao Hei home,I spotted the group of elderly Chinese people who gather at the park. After realizing they go there most weeknights,I decided it would be a good way to help Xiao Hei socialize with other dogs. After a few visits,it was not only an opportunity for him to play but also a chance for me to practice my Chinese. "Most Chinese give their dogs English names,but you've given him a Chinese name. Very interesting,"they laughed. With that simple laugh,it seemed that barriers were broken and with each visit I felt more a part of the community.

1. Why did the author want to adopt a dog?
A.To practice Chinese.
B.To understand Chinese culture.
C.To feel at home.
D.To find a companion.
2. Who is likely to be the author of the text?
A.A Shanghai native.
B.A Chinese dog lover.
C.A foreigner in Shanghai.
D.A researcher on Chinese culture.
3. The underlined word "intrigued" in Paragraph 2 probably means_____.
4. What can be inferred from the text'?
A.The author once left home with her dog.
B.The author gets along well with her neighbors.
C.The author is good at the Chinese language.
D.The author will settle in Shanghai forever.

6 . Have you ever thought of quitting your job when you feel exhausted? Maybe most of you would say “yes”. After a particularly busy period at work, I decided to get away from it all by going on a hike in the mountains in southern France.

Before I left, I read an interesting story in a magazine. It read, “Once, while I was riding on a crowded bus, the man sitting next to me threw his cell phone out of the window when his phone rang. I was surprised. He looked at me, shrugged (耸耸肩) and looked away. I had no idea whether it was his or stolen or whether he even knew what a cell phone was or not, but he clearly wanted to be free of it, because it clearly troubled him.”

Billions of people across the world use cell phones. Though cell phones are a wonderful way for communication, they often do the exact opposite. Using cell phones can increase stress within families and friends.

So when I recently returned home, I got rid of my cell phone. Now I go outside without taking my phone with me. I’ve noticed things in my neighborhood I never noticed before, such as gardens. I’ve met new people, started conversations with neighbors I didn’t speak to before and talked with some of my friends face to face instead of chatting over the phone.

Instead of keeping me off from the world, stopping using my cell phone has helped me get even closer to my family and friends.

1. According to the story, the man on the bus threw away his cell phone because            .
A.it didn’t work properlyB.it was stolen from someone else
C.he didn’t like the phone’s styleD.he didn’t want to be bothered by it
2. We can learn from the passage that cell phones             .
A.are too expensive for many people
B.are of no use to the author
C.can also get people into trouble
D.can make life more interesting
3. What can we learn about the author?
A.He wants to own a garden now.
B.He always chatted with his neighbors.
C.He used to take his cell phone when going outside.
D.He once threw away his cell phone.
4. The main purpose of the passage is to               .
A.tell us not to let cell phones control our lives
B.encourage others to hike with him in France
C.share his experiences in France with us
D.teach us how to get along with neighbors
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . October 21 was a very dark day in Texas. Not only did Hurricane Hanna destroy homes, it caused the largest business damage in Texas’s history. The worst thing is Hanna’s destructive force nearly wiped out most power poles and power lines. According to Center Point Energy, Hurricane Hanna affected 2.15 million customers. Currently, more than 4,000 of them are still in the dark. Crews have worked 16-hour shifts to restore power to residents.

Most of Houston seems to be returning to normal. Schools, restaurants, retail stores and gas stations are open. Smiles are back. But harder-hit places, including Galveston, will take much longer to recover. Hundreds of people are still missing, and coastal towns are a mess. Some ruins from storm have drifted south to other beaches in Texas. Several public schools in Galveston are closed due to water damage. Parents are registering kids in other area schools which are scheduled to begin class on November 13. Many school supplies were destroyed.

Clara Barton Village is an emergency shelter located at Alamo Elementary School in Galveston, Texas. This is where Paula Reed and her family are staying. Believe it or not, Paula Reed and her family consider this hurricane a blessing. When Paula was a girl, she was an orphan, but was taken in by her stepmom, Antonia Flores. Reed lost contact with Flores and had been trying desperately to locate her for the past few years. Before the hurricane, Reed and her family moved away from Galveston to a San Antonio shelter. There, she reunited with Flores after 30 long years! The moment they saw each other, their lives were changed.

1. What’s the most serious damage caused by Hurricane Hanna?
A.Hundreds of people are still missing.
B.A large number of people are homeless.
C.Power facilities are severely destroyed.
D.Factories are closed and many people jobless.
2. It can be inferred that the residents in Houston________.
A.have fully recovered from the disaster
B.were the most unlucky people in the disaster
C.need a long time to bring their life back to normal
D.suffered less from Hanna than people in Galveston
3. Kids in public schools in other areas of Houston will have to stay at home for_______
A.at least one monthB.at least three weeks
C.two weeks at mostD.nearly half a month
4. Paula Reed and her family consider the hurricane a blessing because_______
A.they had nothing lost after Hurricane Hanna
B.they lived a happier life in San Antonio shelter
C.Paula was taken good care of in the shelter
D.Paula reunited with her stepmother after three decades
阅读理解-阅读单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

8 . Music

Opera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742.


Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 106 Elm Street, which offers several conceits from March through June. Gall 723-1182 for more information.


Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer al Riverbend.


College Conservatory Of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quarter, CMM's Philharmonic Orchesira, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by coiling the box office at 556-4183.

http://www.ccm. uc.edu/events/calendar.

Rivebent   Music Theater.6295 Kellogg Ave« Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference). Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232-6220.


1. Which number should you call if you want to nee an opera?
2. When can you go to concert by Chamber Orchestra?
3. Where can students go for free performances with their I.D. cards?
A.Music Hall.B.Memorial Hall.
C.Patricia Cobbett Theater.D.Riverbend Music Theater.
4. How is   Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?
A.It has seats in the open air.B.It gives shows all yew round.
C.It offers membership discounts.D.It presents famous musical works.
2016-12-13更新 | 1896次组卷 | 27卷引用:黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市第一中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . If you are hungry, what will you do? Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just like stomach, even your mind will be hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and many such absurd things. So it silently begins to hide your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets its full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next?”, “Why can't I think?”, “Why am I always given the difficult problems?” Well, this is the after­effect of using our brain for thinking of not­so­worthy things.

Hunger of the mind can be actually satisfied through extensive reading. But why is it reading but not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educational tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to turn to reading for help. You have a number of books in the world which will answer all your “how­to” questions. Once you read a book, you just don't run your eyes through the lines, but your mind decodes (译解) it and explains it to you. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed, if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, which you would never think of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity. The more books you read, the wider your mind will become. Also this improves your oratorical (speech­making) skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. When you start speaking English or any other language fluently with your friends or other people, you never seem to run out of the right words at the right time.

Actually, I had a problem in speaking English fluently,but as I read, I could improve significantly. So guys, do join me and give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. Now what are you waiting for? Go, grab a book and let me know!

1. What's the best title of the passage?
A.Hunger of the mind
B.Stomach and Mind
C.Feed your Mind by reading
D.Reading or Watching TV
2. You don't know your mind is in hunger because ________.
A.you are not hungry
B.you keep it thinking of silly things
C.your creativity gets a full stop
D.you always meet with difficult problems
3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantage of reading?
A.Reading can make your dream come true.
B.Reading can contribute to your vocabulary.
C.Reading can improve your spoken ability.
D.Reading can make people creative.
4. The purpose of the author in writing this passage is to ________.
A.comment and blameB.introduce and describe
C.explain and persuadeD.advise and inform
10 . My wife and I have always been friendly with the clerks at the local store. I don’t think many people appreciate what a difficult job these clerks have. They work for a little money and I often wonder how they make ends meet.
One of the clerks, Charlie, was always wearing his glasses but he didn’t one day. I asked him about it and he said they’d been out of order and that he couldn’t afford a new pair. His family needed money. It was clear that he was having a difficult time.
We wanted to help him, so we turned to our own eye doctor for help with a plan. We had his secretary contact him, asking him to come in for an eye exam for free. We told the doctor to let him order whatever glasses he wanted and that we would pay for them. Although Charlie questioned what was going on, the doctor just told him that someone had offered the money for his new glasses. When we went in to pay the bill, the doctor told us he was touched by our idea so that he waived the exam fee and only charged us for half the price of the glasses!
It was so wonderful to see Charlie in his new glasses and he enjoyed telling all the regular customers how the gift came about. I’m sure that upon hearing his story, ideas of kindness may have come in the minds of many people.
1. Why didn’t the clerk Charlie wear glasses one day?
A.It was very warm and fine.
B.His glasses were missing.
C.His old glasses were broken.
D.He forgot to wear his glasses.
2. From the passage, we can infer that ______.
A.Charlie was a young man with skills
B.Charlie knew who paid the money for the new glasses
C.Charlie completely accepted the money for the new glasses
D.Charlie couldn’t support his family with enough money
3. The underlined word “waived” in the third paragraph can be replaced by ______.
A.took upB.gave up
C.cut downD.put off
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the passage?
A.Customers’ Gift to an Employee
B.A Friendly Clerk — Charlie
C.The Wonderful Feeling of Helping others
D.An Expensive Pair of Glasses
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