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1 . When you hear the beginning of your favorite song from the radio, suddenly your neck is covered in goose bumps.

It's such a thing that a group of scientists call “skin excitement”—a feeling of cold caused not by a drop in temperature or sudden scare, but by the sense of beauty. “Skin excitement” can come from a song, a painting, a moving movie scene, or even a beloved memory-pretty much anything that causes the giving out of pleasure-soaked dopamine in your brain. But it does not come for all of us.

Your favorite music uncovers a lot about your personality,and so does how you respond to that music. Studies suppose that as few as 55 percent of people experience “skin excitement” when listening to music. And if you count yourself among this group, the goose bumps on your skin aren't the only giveaway—scientists can read it in your brain, too. In a new study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, Harvard researchers performed brain scans on 10 students who said they reliably got cold when listening to music, and 10 students who didn't. They found that the cold-prone brains may really be excited by stronger emotions.

Cold-prone brains are generally more likely to show stronger emotional intelligence than no-cold brains. Cold-prone minds tend to have unusual active imagination, reflect more deeply on their emotions, and appreciate nature and the beauty of music and art to a stronger degree than no-cold brains.

So, what type of music causes the chills? It seems that the type is not so important; participants in the new study reported getting cold from songs of every kind. And any song connected with a strong emotional memory of the listener can produce the most reliable results. For me, that's the song Sailing to Philadelphia by Mark Knopfler, which I listened to as a kid in the car with my dad, on the way to the summer camp.

1. What can we learn about “skin excitement” in the text?
A.It helps to produce doparmine.B.It is caused by the pain in the skin.
C.It can be experienced by every music listener.D.It is the human body's reaction to something nice.
2. What does the new study by Harvard researchers mainly find?
A.The percentage of music lovers in students.
B.The solutions to the goose bumps on one's skin.
C.The differences between cold-prone and no-cold brains.
D.The relationship between one's music preference and personality.
3. What are people with cold-prone brains like?
A.Beautiful and intelligent.B.Emotional and dishonest.
C.Imaginative and sensitive.D.Brave and strong-minded.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Responses to Music Vary among PeopleB.A Feeling of Cold Is Caused by Horrible Music
C.Your Favorite Music Reveals Your PersonalityD.Favorite Music May Bring Forth Goose Bumps
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2 . The history of microbiology begins with Dutch cloth maker named Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, a man of no formal scientific education. In the late 1600s. Leeuwenhoek, inspired by the magnifying lenses(放大镜)he used to examine cloth, built some of the first-microscopes. He developed technique to improve the quality of tiny, rounded lenses, some of which could magnify an object up to 270 times. After removing some plaque from between his teeth and examining it under a lens, Leeuwenhoek found tiny twisting creatures, which he called “animalcules”.

His observations, which he reported to the Royal Society of London, are among the first descriptions of microbes(微生物). Leeuwenhoek discovered an entire universe invisible to the human eye. He found different microbes in samples of pond water, rain water, and human blood. He gave the first description of red blood cells, observed plant tissue, examined muscle, and investigated the life cycle of insects.

Nearly two hundred years later, Leeuwenhock’s discovery of microbes helped French chemist and biologist Louis Pasteur to develop his “theory of disease”. This concept suggested that disease originates from tiny organisms attacking and weakening the body. Pasteur’s theory later helped doctors to fight infectious diseases including anthrax, diphtheria, polio, smallpox, tetanus, and typhoid. All these breakthroughs were the result of Leeuwenhoek’s original work. Leeuwenhoek did not foresee this legacy.

In a 1716 letter, he described his contribution to science this way: “My work, which I’ve done for a long time, was not pursued in order to gain the praise I now enjoy, but chiefly from a strong desire for knowledge, which I notice resides in me more than in most other men. And therefore; whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that the scientific community might be informed thereof.”

1. Which of the following best describes Leeuwenhoek?
A.trained researcher with an interest in microbiology
B.A curious amateur who made pioneer studies of microbes
C.A talented scientist interested in finding a cure for disease
D.A bored cloth maker who accidentally made a major discovery
2. The underlined phrase “this legacy” in paragraph 3 refers to ________.
A.the discovery of microbes
B.Pasteur’s theory of disease
C.Leeuwenhoek’s contribution
D.the origin of the tiny organism
3. What does the quote from Leeuwenhock’s letter suggest?
A.He admitted that many of his discoveries happened by chance.
B.He considered his work to be central to later medical breakthroughs.
C.He was greatly concerned with improving people’s living conditions.
D.He believed the sharing of knowledge was a key to scientific progress
4. What is the correct order for the following events?
a. Magnifying lenses were built.
b. The “theory of disease” was put forward
c. Microbes were discovered in samples of waters.
d. Leeuwenhoek’s first microscopes were successfully developed.
e. Leeuwenhoek explained his thoughts upon his own contribution.
2021-05-09更新 | 1162次组卷 | 8卷引用:广东省广州市2021届高三一模英语试题
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3 . My brother, Michael and I are crazy about houses. On Aug 1, 2016, I was driving through the Northern Neck of Virginia with him. We had found an abandoned Italianate farmhouse with weeds up to our waist. When admiring the property my brother rolled up the unlocked garage   door. “Holy smokes!” There sat this Mercedes. Seeing the number 6.9 on its back, I immediately recognized this to be a rare and unique find.

The car’s door was unlocked and in the glovebox, I found insurance papers. It turned out that the owner was a dead country doctor.It took me a year to find his widow’s(寡妇的) address, in Richmond. Twice I made the two-hour drive just to knock on her door, striking out both times. On the third try her neighbor was outside and I was able to get the widow’s phone number.

I logged approximately 25 voice mails,and still nothing.It was, I thought, just bad luck. I called one last time and heard a voice: “Hello?” From that point on, we struck up a friendship.

In July 2018, two years after finding the car, I was ready to buy it from her. We met in the middle — somewhere around what a new Toyota might cost. Still,the night before, I called my brother and said, “I am getting cold feet.” What was I doing buying an old Mercedes? He said, “You are buying that great car. And I promise you, the friendship you will make as a result will make this car worth every penny.” And he was right.

1. Why did the author go to the Northern Neck?
A.To visit his brother.B.To check the house.
C.To buy the unique car.D.To enjoy the beautiful sights.
2. What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?
A.The author had trouble finding the car owner.
B.The car was the doctor’s only possession.
C.The widow was unwilling to sell the car.
D.The car was in bad conditions.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.He was shocked by the price.
B.He was hesitating to make the decision.
C.He cared about money more than the car.
D.The weather that day was quite cold.
4. What did Michael think of buying the car?
A.It was a waste of money.
B.It would cost a great deal.
C.Buying the car brought good friendship.
D.His brother made a good bargain buying it.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . If all goes well, a balloonwill soon rise from Esrange Space Center in Kiruna, Sweden. It will float highinto the upper atmosphere and then return to Earth. However, environmentalists have arrived to stop this from happening.

The campaigners are against the balloon because of what occurs in flight. The balloon will shoot dust into the Earths upper atmosphere, causing more sunlight to reflect back into space. The dust, known as stratospheric aerosolinjection(SAI), is part of a solar geoengineering (地球工程) program named SCoPex which is being conducted by Harvard University. The aim of the program is to purposely change the Earth's atmosphere to fight climate change.

Those who oppose worry about two things. Firstly, the moral risk-if solar geoengineering works, talks on reducing greenhouse gases will be challenged. The second concern is the amount of SAI in the atmosphere. To keep temperatures low, the need of the reflective dust tobel released high above Earth will be endless, and a sudden stop could result in rapid warming. Raymond Pierrehumbert, a physicist at Oxford University, says solar geoengineering is even tool risky to research beyond computer models.

Not all environmentalists are opposed to it. Since the world is unlikely to achieve the 1. 5 ℃ global warming target set in the Paris Agreement, some green organizations favour small-sized geoengineering research.

Regardless of the criticism, the research continues. Geoengineering is increasingly gaining international attention. A recent report about climate change suggested that SAI could help keep warming below 1. 5℃. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA has developed a research plan for solar geoengineering and received governmental funding totaling $9 million. Both China and India have also launched research programmes of their own. Activists may oppose the experiments, but balloons will likely fly anyway.

1. What is the function of SAI?
A.To attract dust.B.To throw sunlight back.
C.To absorb heat.D.To fight against pollution.
2. Why does Raymond Pierrehumbert say geoengineering is risky?
A.It may change computer models.
B.It may produce too much dust.
C.It may release greenhouse gases.
D.It may worsen global warming.
3. How do some people expect geoengineering research to be done?
A.To a limited degree.
B.At a lower temperature.
C.By green organizations.
D.Without international attention.
4. Which of the following can be inferred?
A.Voices of environmentalists are ignored.
B.More support is going to geoengineering.
C.Global warming is getting worse in Sweden.
D.Geoengineering has proved effective in India.
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5 . Arguster grew up on his family’s farm in a remote village. Planting cash crop — cotton, they were breaking even and had to make ends meet. In his childhood, there were nine kids at home. All the boys were in one room with two beds. Two slept at the head while two slept at the foot. Therefore, there was one thing about their feet — washing them before crowding onto the bed.

When there was a hole in Arguster’s jeans, his mother would put a patch on it. However, the hole kept going. It was the naughty kids, Arguster included, that took the jeans out, hung them on a line and shot them to put holes. Aware of that, however, Ben, the father, didn’t rebuke them, knowing it might be the only way to bring laughter to his kids.

Arguster’s first lesson in economics was taught by Ben. The childish kid had worked and made a little extra money. He couldn’t help admiring himself, “I make six dollars! Six dollars! Man! I’m on the top of the world!” With a great thrill, Arguster decided to go to fair, where he played games, ate cotton candy... When asked by Ben how much he had spent, with his head down, Arguster replied, “Daddy, I spent it all...” Looking at his messy hair, Ben sighed, “Boy, you spent all your money and haircut’s gone up to 75 cents. I’m afraid...” From then on, Arguster always kept enough money to get himself a haircut.

Ben taught his kids how to do the right thing and wanted them to do the right thing, which Ben tried to pass on to his kids, in his own way. Ben started a syrup mill(糖坊). People in the community brought their cane and millet for Ben to grind up (磨碎) for syrup. When people paid with buckets of syrup, Ben refused. Arguster got confused, “Daddy, why don’t you let these people pay you?”

“Because we got enough syrup to last for a long time! Son, these people don’t have money to pay. That’s the only way they can pay.”

1. Why should the kids wash their feet before going to bed?
A.Because they turned dirty after playing on the farm.
B.Because they crowded on a small bed with feet close to others’ heads.
C.Because the beds were made of cotton which was easy to spot.
D.Because they had to make ends meet, making them seldom bathe.
2. What does the underlined word “rebuke” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What might happen to Arguster after he spent all the money he earned?
A.He worked and earned money again for his haircut.
B.He had his hair cut with the money Ben gave him.
C.He waited for the price of haircut to decrease.
D.He borrowed money from his mother for his haircut.
4. What’s Ben’s attitude towards people in the community?
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6 . I’m a standup comic. One day, a woman from The Daily News called and said she wanted to do an article on me. When she had finished interviewing me for the article, she asked, “What are you planning to do next?” Well, at the time, there was absolutely nothing I was planning on doing next, so I asked her what she meant, pausing for a moment. She told me she was interested in me! So I thought I’d better tell her something. What came out was, “I’m thinking about breaking the Guinness Book of World Records for Fastest-Talking Female.”

The newspaper article came out the next day, and the writer had included my parting remarks about trying to break the world’s Fastest-Talking Female record. At about 5: 00 p.m. that afternoon I got a call from Larry King Live, which I had never heard of, asking me to go on the show. They wanted me to try to break the record, and they told me they would pick me up at 8: 00---because they wanted me to do it that night!

Then I sat down to figure out what on earth I was going to do on the show. I called Guinness to find out how to break a fast-talking record. They told me I would have to recite something   either Shakespeare or the Bible. Shakespeare and I had never really gotten along, so 1 figured the Bible was my only hope. I began practicing and practicing, over and over again. I was both nervous and excited at the same time.

Then I decided just to give it my best shot, and I did. I broke the record, becoming the World’s Fastest-talking Female by speaking 585 words in one minute in front of a national television audience. I broke it again two years later, with 603 words in a minute. My career took off.

People often ask me how I did that. I tell them I live my life by this simple philosophy: I always say yes first; then I ask, “Now, what do I have to do to accomplish that?” Then I ask myself, “What is the worst thing that can happen if I don’t succeed? The answer is, I simply don’t succeed! And what’s the best thing that can happen? I succeed!

What more can life ask of you? Be yourself, and have a good time!

1. Why did the author pause before telling her next plan?
A.She took little interest in the topic.
B.She refused to share it with others.
C.She didn’t have any plan in her mind.
D.She needed time to think over the plan.
2. What happened to the author after the newspaper article came out?
A.She was persuaded to set a Guinness record.
B.She was invited to give comic performances.
C.She succeeded in making a fortune overnight.
D.She finally agreed to make her parting remarks.
3. Which can indicate the author’s career took off?
A.She could recite the Bible.
B.She received an interview.
C.She broke the record twice.
D.She developed her philosophy.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Do nothing by halves
B.Practice for perfection
C.Just say yes to yourself
D.Always hope for the best
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . They say everything is bigger in Texas. While that may be true, some of the best things in Texas are quite small. Case in point: tiny Mount Vernon, a town of just under 3,000 people. But if you do come across Mount Vernon, you might just get an intention to stay. That happens a lot around here, and it’s worth noting how remarkable that is.

Tom Wilkinson was born in Mount Vernon 87 years ago and moved back after he retired from his career as a college English professor in Dallas. Like many of his neighbors, Wilkinson can track his ancestors back to the pioneers who settled here in the 1870s. And like many, he values the simple life you can’t easily find in big cities. “People are still polite. They hold the door open for you.” he says, “We grow strong roots here!”

Preserving and honoring the past has been key to helping Mount Vernon survive. The residents have restored and reopened some of the empty stores, including the old barbershop, built more than 100 years ago. An old general store was turned into a combination space. Wander in on any given day and you might find a book club discussion, a Coffee Ladies meet-up, or a work session for the local genealogy(家谱) group among the tables of people chatting over cups of coffee and plates of food.

Mount Vernon has the kind of big hearts you tend to find in a small town. For instance, when a local policeman was diagnosed with cancer last year, ten-year-old Lola McKellar set up a lemonade stand to raise money for his treatments. In 2015, when a 350-year flood sent water rushing into local homes, an army of volunteers showed up to get a wheelchair-bound neighbor and his wife to higher ground, and then came back to help rebuild.

1. What does the author think of Mount Vernon?
2. Why did Tom Wilkinson come back to Mount Vernon?
A.He preferred the simple and natural life.B.He could continue his language teaching.
C.He could live together with his ancestors.D.He could meet more neighbors of his age.
3. What can we infer about people’s way of life in Mount Vernon from Paragraph 3?
A.It is in danger of extinction.B.It is quickly changing over time.
C.It is conservative but harmonious.D.It is being disturbed by the outside world.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of Mount Vernon.B.The humanity of Mount Vernon.
C.The volunteers of Mount Vernon.D.The reconstruction of Mount Vernon.
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8 . As spring arrives, farmers around the world are making decisions about what crops to plant and how to manage them. In the U. S., farmers typically have big data to help make these decisions. These data have a clear upside. They make farms more productive. In the U.S., the past five years have seen a series of good harvests for both corn and soybean. A big part is generated by effectively using data to produce more food from the same amount of land, seed and fertilizer.

In the poorer parts of the world, however, the picture is much different. Many farmers are guided only by their history with the land and their community's traditions. Their skills and knowledge are impressive, but they suffer from a poverty of data. They rely on technical advisors for advice from governments and academic centers who often have very little knowledge of the local area. For seeds and fertilizers and other materials used in the field, they rely on companies that lack data on how their products will perform in the local conditions.

About 10 years ago, East African officials and their development partners started to explore why so few smallholder dairy farmers made profits from growing demand from urban consumers. Surveys of farmers in the region suggested poor access to veterinary(禽畜的) care and breeding assistance. An effort to provide these services has helped farmers get more milk.

Data would matter little if farming was easy and the paths to productivity were obvious. But in reality, agriculture is a complex mix of many factors, including climate, biology, chemistry, physics, economics and culture—all of which vary from region to region. In this situation, good data is necessary.

1. How has big data benefited American’s farmers?
A.By producing more seeds and fertilizer.
B.By helping the farmers to make decisions.
C.By informing the farmers to plant crops earlier.
D.By increasing the amount of land for farming.
2. What do farmers in poor countries need to improve their farming?
A.Big data.B.Farming skills.C.Technical guidance.D.Farming materials.
3. Why does the writer mention the case of East Africa?
A.To show that East Africa relies heavily on diary farming.
B.To illustrate cooperation between countries was a great success.
C.To serve as an example of how data helps farmers in poor areas.
D.To prove that city people in East Africa didn't like drinking milk.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Many changeable factors have influence on farming.
B.The American farmers can't decide what they will plant.
C.East African dairy farmers were experienced in raising cows.
D.The technical advisors in poor areas know the local areas well.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Perhaps you have ever heard the saying: Change is the only constant. Everyone, without doubt, goes through changes in their life, whether it is a physical state of aging or a mental state of emotional maturity. However, some are afraid to make the conscious decision to move or they think it's too late to have a fresh start.

I have a friend named Jack. At the age of 37, he is a Senior Manager at one of the Big Four. He has a great salary, owns his own apartment and enjoys the fine things in life, but not without the heavy burdens that his job brings. On the surface, it looks like he has got life figured out. Yet when I once asked if he was happy with his work, he answered that he some- times wished to quit his job to do something less stressful. But he’d become accustomed to this lifestyle and felt that it would be too late to give it up to achieve a new ambition.

For him, the risks are too high, so whether he can't abide his present job or not, he has to choose to suck it up. You might have come to a similar situation as Jack’s or you might be a Jack. You're now facing a wall. No matter what it is—the stress of your job or the terrible feeling, it’s time that you had to decide whether you'll tear down that wall or continue to let it enclose you. I suggest pushing back the boundaries and breaking the fixed patterns. Why do you feel it's too late to start over? That is simply because you're comparing yourself with others—younger or more successful individuals. In fact, you should compare yourself with the older version of you.

Don't become that person who lets life pass by only to regret it when you are making your way into old age. Don't let your life plateau(停滞不前)and waste away in the daily chores. Don't give up the potential you still have hidden and be locked away by your current state. Now, you’d better bravely start going after the things you want to do, without abandoning your dreams, ambitions and responsibilities.

1. What kind of people does Jack represent according to the author?
A.Those leading a happy life.
B.Those having an easeful career.
C.Those thinking it's too late to change.
D.Those having a high ambition to work.
2. What does the underlined word “abide” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What does the author advise us not to do?
A.Let life stand still.
B.Enjoy the present job.
C.Have a small goal in life.
D.Consider ourselves as a failure.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.Everyone Can Meet a Jack
B.Don't Try to Control Yourself
C.Never Think Change Is Too Late
D.You Should Make Alteration Earlier
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Ever wonder how your brain works when making decisions bigger than medium versus spicy salsa, like buying a car or accepting a job offer? Researchers from the University of Dundee in Scotland conducted a study that clarifies why you may want to have a small bite before making that big decision.

Benjamin Vincent from the University of Dundee’s Psychology department and his co-author Jordan Skyrnka tested 50 people two times: once when they followed their normal eating patterns and once when they did not eat anything during the day. Using three different types of rewards (food, money, and song downloads), the team discovered when presented with the choice of receiving the reward now versus double the award at some point in the future, participants would usually volunteer to wait for 35 days to earn a larger bounty, but when they were hungry, they said they would only wait three days.

“We wanted to know whether being in a state of hunger had a specific effect on how you make decisions only relating to food or if it had broader effects, and this research suggests decision-making gets more present-focused when people are hungry,” Vincent said in a story about the study on the university’s website. “You would predict that hunger would impact people’s preferences relating to food, but it is not yet clear why people get more present-focused for completely unrelated rewards. Hunger is so common that it is important to understand the non-obvious ways in which our preferences and decisions may be affected by it,” he said.

In an earlier study of the subject by a team at Cambridge University in England, the researchers noted that serotonin plays a major role in the decision-making process. “Since the raw material for making serotonin—an amino acid called tryptophan — only comes from diet, levels of the chemical decline between meals,” reports a piece in the Telegraph about the study. “This can lead to aggressiveness and impulsiveness,” say the team.

1. How did Benjamin Vincent and Jordan Skyrnka carry out their research?
A.By analyzing reasons.B.By making comparison.
C.By giving examples.D.By filling questionnaires.
2. The underlined word “bounty” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ________.
3. What conclusion can we draw from Vincent’ study?
A.It’s common to make a wrong decision if you are hungry.
B.Make sure you are not hungry before making a big decision.
C.The more hungry you are, the quicker you will make a decision.
D.Being hungry drives you to make a decision connected with food.
4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.What should be eaten to make a wise man.
B.How can we get enough serotonin from our diet.
C.What other factors will influence one’s decision-making.
D.How does a chemical function in the course of making a decision.
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