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1 . In Japan, some workers who regularly drink beer at the end of the day are giving their livers a rest by turning to beer that is free, or nearly free of alcohol.The liver is the organ that works to remove alcohol from the body. Masuda, one of beer lovers, said he is paying more attention to his health now that he is older.

Asahi is a large beverage company in Japan, which made 20 percent more money from low-alcohol beer in 2020 compared to the year before. Kirin is another company that makes things to drink. It saw sales grow by 10 percent last year and expects another increase this year.

The increase in sales of non-alcoholic beer might be the result of many Japanese people spending more time at home. In the past, they would order beers together while going out. More people are trying to stay healthy as well. Also, fewer people are drinking beer, as wine and other alcoholic drinks become more popular. But the new interest in low-alcohol beer has helped the beverage industry in Japan.

In recent years, many companies started making non-alcoholic beers. They caught on in places like Australia and Germany but not in Japan – until this year.

The chief of Suntory, another large beverage company in Japan, said people only responded to non-alcoholic beer advertising when the product started to taste better. Many people agree that today's non-alcoholic beers taste better than they used to. Asahi's "Beery" has very little alcohol. But it is supposed to have more taste than earlier versions of low-alcohol beer because of a new way of removing the alcohol. The company plans to offer more low-alcohol beers in coming years.

Kazuo Matsuyama is marketing chief for Asahi, who said most beer companies used to advertise to people who had a drink every day. That was about 20 million people. But there are about 80 million people in Japan between the ages of 20 and 60." But now we need to look at others." Matsuyama said.

1. Why do some Japanese workers turn to beers free of alcohol nowadays?
A.To appreciate a tasty flavor.B.To ensure a healthier lifestyle.
C.To get rid of liver cancer.D.To relieve stress in their life.
2. What’s the author’s statement on beverage companies’ excellent sales in 2020 based on?
A.Beverage company traditions.
B.Financial reports.
C.Published statistics.
D.Public opinions.
3. What’s Australian’s attitude to non-alcoholic beers?
4. What’s the text mainly about?
A.New lifestyles in Japan.
B.The development of Asahi.
C.Introductions of different beers.
D.Popularity of alcohol free beers.
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2 . As she removes the fish from the oven, smells of garlic, pepper, and lemon fill the community kitchen. For Glenda Andrew, the smells bring back memories of family meals, community events and religious get-togethers.

She brings the hot meals for free to people in an area called Preston, as well as surrounding communities in northwestern England. The area has recorded some of the highest numbers of coronavirus cases in Britain.

She uses the best food she can find. "They're worth it," she said. "They’ve taught us so many things when we firstly moved here." In addition to food, the volunteers offer a bit of human contact.

The loneliness of the past year has been painful for many of the seniors. When the hot meals arrive, they get to talk with the volunteers and share stories. Sylius Toussaint is 81 and came from the island nation of Dominica in 1960, who said talking with the volunteers helps him as much as the food does."They say 'hello' and give you a meal, and maybe for just a few seconds at least you see someone new; someone you haven't seen all week," Toussaint says, smiling at his wife. "If you are on your own, it is so nice to see a fresh face — especially bringing gifts."

Britain's COVID-19 vaccination program may soon mean the quarantine will be eased. But Andrew wants to keep making and sharing her island meals. In the future, she said, she hopes to find a place where the community can meet and spend time together. But for now, the volunteers plan to continue to connect with the community through food.

1. Why does Glenda Andrew provide free meals for people in that area?
A.To comfort those virus-attacked seniors.
B.To promote her business in lockdown areas.
C.To help them live a normal life.
D.To show her gratitude to them.
2. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The loneliness of the seniors.
B.The benefits from the volunteer activity.
C.The tough situation of immigrants.
D.The relationship between volunteers and the seniors.
3. What does the underlined word "quarantine" in paragraph5 mean?
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Andrew will continue her good deeds.
B.Andrew will build a new community.
C.Andrew will stop providing meals.
D.Andrew will help the community out.
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3 . Scientists say baby sharks are at risk of being born smaller and without the energy they need to survive because of warming oceans from climate change. Scientists studied epaulette sharks, which live off Australia and New Guinea. They found warmer conditions sped up the sharks' growing process, which meant the sharks were born earlier.

John Mandelman, chief scientist of the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life said the findings could be used in the study of other sharks.

Mandelman said it is widely believed that epaulette sharks are "hardy," or able to survive difficult conditions. "What it means is that this species is more vulnerable than we thought, and this could be true of other sharks," he added.

The scientists studied 27 sharks using the New England Aquarium's reproduction program. Some were raised in average summer water temperatures. Others were raised in higher temperatures. They found the sharks raised in warmer temperatures weighed much less than those raised in average temperatures.

One study this year found that worldwide numbers of oceanic sharks and rays dropped more than 70 percent between 1970 and 2018. Overfishing is a main concern, while climate change and pollution also threaten sharks.

Carolyn Wheeler, a doctoral student at the University of Massachusetts Boston and the author of the epaulette shark study, said while all the sharks survived, those raised in warmer temperatures were not strong enough to survive for long in the wild. She added that if the sharks are born smaller than usual "they are probably going to have to start looking for food sooner — and they're going to have less time to adjust to their surroundings."

Mariah Pfleger, an ocean scientist said the study should serve as a warning to ocean governing agencies that careful supervision is needed to prevent the loss of more sharks." This study further shows that sharks will not be immune to a warming ocean," Pfleger added.

1. What does the author want to tell us in paragraph1?
A.Oceans get warmer because of climate change.
B.Climate change affects sharks’ growing process.
C.New finding on short life span of sharks is released.
D.Sharks are at risk of dying out.
2. What do we know about epaulette sharks?
A.They are sensitive to climate change.
B.They can survive any difficult situation.
C.Climate change has little effect on them.
D.The situation is serious even for them.
3. What can be inferred according to Mariah Pfleger?
A.Overfishing and ocean pollution should be stopped.
B.Sharks have to adjust themselves to warmer surroundings.
C.Measures should be taken to prevent climate change.
D.The number of sharks will continue dropping.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Baby Sharks Struggle to Survive in Warming Ocean
B.Whether Sharks Can Survive or Not Is a Question
C.Climate Change Threatens Marine Organisms
D.The Premature Sharks Are Faced With Challenges
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4 . Coffee is an essential part of Italian culture and since arriving here over six months ago, I have definitely drunk a lot of it!

Of course, coffee is also very popular in the UK but coffee culture in Italy is a completely different story. In Italy, when you order a coffee in a cafe or bar, you are presented with a tiny, bitter espresso. This is' normal coffee for Italians and they are not so interested in the huge coffees that we drink in the UK. In addition, while take-away coffee is extremely popular among the British, it is not very common at all in Italy, especially in non-touristy areas. Generally, Italians prefer to drink their tiny coffees while standing at the bar and,for many, this short break is an important part of their day.

Typically, breakfast in a bar in Italy involves a coffee and a pastry. I have been attracted by the lovely cafes in the Italian town I'm living in. These cafes sell all sorts of mouth-watering pastries, either plain or filled with cream, chocolate, jam or Nutella, as well as delicious coffee. Cappuccinos are very popular at breakfast time and, for me, a creamy cappuccino and a pastry full of Nutella is the perfect way to start the day. I think it's nice to head to a bar to grab a coffee and pastries for breakfast before work and it's luxury to take more time to enjoy such a breakfast at the weekend.

Finally, I have found that coffee in Italy is so much cheaper than coffee in the UK. Normally, an espresso or a macchiato(an espresso with a small amount of milk added)costs around a euro and a cappuccino about 1.50! They are small, of course, but this means that in Italy it is possible to go out for coffee regularly without breaking the bank.

1. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 2?
A.Espresso is very popular in Italy.
B.Italians prefer small coffees to large ones.
C.Coffee culture in Italy is very different from that in the UK.
D.Italians have more time spent in cafes than the British people.
2. The underlined word "pastry" in Paragraph 3 probably is ________.
A.a container to provide creamB.some attractive fruit
C.a powder to be mixed with coffeeD.a dessert served for breakfast
3. Which of the following best describes coffee in Italy?
A.Drinking coffee in cafes is expensive.
B.Coffee is not allowed to be taken out.
C.Italian coffee is mainly imported from the UK.
D.Coffee often comes along with other food as breakfast.
4. What is the author's attitude towards Italian coffee?
2021-05-07更新 | 92次组卷 | 2卷引用:四川省遂宁卓同国际学校(高中部)2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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5 . Online Bachelor's Degrees and Programs

The overview

Colleges offer online degrees in a range of fields. Click on a degree program to explore what courses you take, how long the program takes to complete, career options and average salary. For example, to earn an online health science bachelor's degree, you would take courses in public health, health communications and epidemiology(流行病学).

The benefits

Pursuing an accredited(官方认可的)online bachelor's degree can help you take the next step in your career. Through your program, you'll attend online lectures, study from home manage a busy schedule and interact virtually with professors and classmates.

The applicants

An online college degree may appeal to those who want more flexibility in completing their education, or who want to take classes while working full time or parenting. Choosing where to register online will likely be challenging, but below you'll find tools, advice and other resources to make your search easier.

Best online bachelor's programs

U. S. News evaluated several factors to rank the best online bachelor's degree programs, including graduation rates and support services available remotely.

School nameTuition per creditApplication deadlineFinancial aid available
University of Georgia$ 326May 1Yes
Georgia Washington University$ 615June 10No
University of Arizona$ 525July 12Yes
North Carolina University$ 900February 15Yes

To see the full ranking list, please click here.

1. What will you do after attending online degree programs?
A.Get a degree for free.B.Attend lectures in a hall.
C.Take some related coursesD.Talk with teachers face to face.
2. Which university is the last one to end the application?
A.Georgia Washington University.B.University of Georgia.
C.North Carolina University.D.University of Arizona.
3. Where are you likely to read the text?
A.On the Internet.B.In a magazine.
C.In a textbook.D.In a newspaper.
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6 . More than half the world’s population live in cities, and by 2050 the UN expects that proportion to reach 68%. This means more homes, roads and other infrastructure. In India alone, a city the size of Chicago will have to be developed every year to meet demand for housing. Such a construction increase is a bad sign for dealing with climate change, because making steel and concrete, two of the most common building materials, generates around 8% of the world’s CO2 emissions (排放). If cities are to expand and become greener at the same time, they will have to be made from something else.

Wood is one of the most promising sustainable (可持续的) alternatives to steel and concrete. It is not, however, everyday wood that is attracting the interest of architects.

Rather, it is a material called engineered timber. This is a combination of different layers, each designed to meet the requirements of specific parts such as floors, panels and beams (横梁). Designers can use it to provide levels of strength like steel, in a product that is up to 80% lighter. In addition, engineered timber is usually made into large sections in a factory for future use, which reduces the number of deliveries to a construction site.

According to Michael Ramage of the University of Cambridge, a wooden building produces 75% less CO2 than a steel and concrete one of the same size. However, if building with wood takes off, it does raise concern about there being enough trees to go round. But with sustainably managed forests that should not be a problem, says Dr Ramage. A family-sized apartment requires about 30 cubic metres of timber, and he estimates Europe’s sustainable forests alone grow that amount every seven seconds. Nor is fire a risk, for engineered timber does not burn easily. Besides, fireproofing layers can be added to the timber. All in all, then, it looks as if wood as a building material may get a new lease of life.

1. Why is India mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.To point out the severe pollution.
B.To predict the population increase.
C.To indicate the high degree of urbanization.
D.To show the great need for building materials.
2. What can be learned about engineered timber?
A.It is produced at a low cost.
B.It hardly appeals to architects.
C.It helps save energy in transportation.
D.It possesses greater strength than steel.
3. What does the underlined phrase “takes off” in the last paragraph mean ?
A.Becomes cheaper.B.Gains popularity.
C.Requires less work.D.Proves sustainable.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Making Future Cities More Attractive
B.Living in a World with Less Emission
C.Building Sustainable Cities with Woods
D.Growing More Trees for Future Building

7 . Blood-Doping Champion

Blood doping (违规输血) to improve performance is forbidden in professional sports. Athletes can use this technique to fuel their muscles with more oxygen-carrying red blood cells—for example, by receiving a transfusion. But many animals dope naturally: sheep, fishes and horses can boost their blood’s capacity to carry oxygen by 16 to 74 percent in physically demanding situations. Now a study shows that an Antarctic fish called the bald notothen can increase its carrying capacity by more than 200 percent to pursue an active life in cold waters.

Like most fishes native to Antarctica, the bald notothen’s blood contains anti-freeze proteins that help it withstand extreme cold. But these proteins, along with red blood cells (RBCs), can make blood sticky and hard to circulate. Some Antarctic fishes adapt by removing RBCs altogether, absorbing oxygen directly from the water via skin as they passively await prey (猎物). Bald notothens, however, actively swim below surface ice to chase other active life when avoiding seals and penguins. For this behavior, “you need to supply more oxygen to the muscles,” says Michael Axelsson, a physiologist at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden and co-author of the new study.

The scientists compared RBC levels in samples collected from bald notothens relaxing in glass tanks with those in samples drawn from fish they “chased” using a plastic tube. RBC levels were at 9 percent in the resting animals but 27 percent in the exercised ones, showing a 207 percent increase in the latter’s blood oxygen carrying capacity. “No other fish we’ve seen can more than double their RBCs or drop their numbers to such a low level when resting,” Axelsson says. The fish’s spleen (脾) stores RBCs, and the researcher found that to release more into the bloodstream, the organ shrinks to weigh 41 percent less.

The enormous changes in RBC levels initially surprised Gerald Kooyman, a biologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who was not involved in the study. He notes, however, that these animals have fewer blood cells to begin with, so maintaining circulation with a tripled RBC count is less difficult. If a diving Weddell seal pushed its RBC levels from 40 to 90 percent, for instance, its blood would be dangerously hard to pump.

Yet bald notothens do face trade-offs for their ability. The scientists found blood pressure was 12 percent higher and the heart worked 30 percent harder in active individuals. Bald notothens can rest during quiet times, but when they need to use their abilities, Axelsson says, “these fish have to live with more RBCs because they need more oxygen.”

1. Compared with most fishes native to Antarctica, what is special about the bald notothen?
A.Its blood contains anti-freeze proteins.
B.It can absorb oxygen directly from water via is skin.
C.Its red blood cells can make blood sticky and hard to circulate.
D.It actively swims below surface ice when chasing other active life.
2. What does “those” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.RBC levels.B.Scientists.
C.Glass tanks.D.Fishes.
3. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that ________.
A.the RBC levels in seals can increase from 40 to 90 percent
B.bald notothens’ blood pressure are 12 percent higher than other fishes
C.when bald notothens chase active life, there are more RBCs in their bodies
D.Gerald Kooyman, a marine biologist provided some suggestions on this study
4. What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To explain study methods on fishes.
B.To introduce some findings about a fish.
C.To present a way to improve athletes’ performance.
D.To raise people’s awareness to protect bald notothens.
2021-04-07更新 | 361次组卷 | 3卷引用:四川省射洪中学校2023-2024学年高二强基班上学期9月月考英语试题
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8 . The spa town of Cheltenham sits on the edge of the Cotswolds, in the county of Gloucester. Below is a look at four fabulous attractions that make Cheltenham such a terrific place to visit.

Cheltenham Festival

The festival is an annual, four-day feast of racing and, on the last day, features the famous Cheltenham Gold Cup Steeplechase. It's a dramatic race of around 3 miles and 2.5 furlongs. and the horses have to clear 22 fences. Anything can happen. In 2020,this last day of the festival drew in a crowd of 68,859.

Pittville Park

If you visit Pitville Park, you'll find it divided into two main parts by the Evesham Road. The eastern side is home to the children's play area and is where people can view wildlife. Meanwhile, on the western side of the road, you'll find the larger area of the park and small areas of woodland. There's also a lower lake at which you can fish during fishing season. That's not the only activity, however. There's a skate park, tennis courts and a small children's play area.

Holst Birthplace Museum

Cheltenham was the birthplace of the 19"century English composer Gustav Holst, and visitors can visit the home in which he was born. You'll receive a taste of what Victorian life was like, as the home boasts a working Victorian kitchen, scullery, and nursery. The museum also allows you to discover the composer's life and times by allowing you into his music room. Here is where he composed The Planets.

Sudeley Castle

This private castle, which is surrounded by views of the Cotswolds, holds the claim to fame of being the only castle in England to have a queen buried in the grounds. The castle has witnessed all sorts of drama throughout its history and is one of the most interesting Tudor castles you'll ever visit.

If you would like more information on Cheltenham Town, please visit the website: www.ctladiesyouth.co.uk.

1. Pitville Park is unique in its_______
A.game areas.B.horse racing.C.beautiful views.D.children's performances.
2. Which of the following will a music fan be interested in?
A.Pitville Park.B.Sudeley Castle.C.Cheltenham Festival.D.Holst Birthplace Museum.
3. Where is this article probably from?
A.A diary.B.A novel.C.A website.D.A magazine.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . 1. Scenic landscapes on stamps: A nine-day tour in the cities of Xuzhou,Suqian and Huai'an in northern Jiangsu province.

This route is associated with local culture, characteristics, and creativity. It offers a taste of the famous canal cities.

2.Life on the Grand Canal: A seven-day Jiangsu tour through the cities of Nanjing, Suqian, Huai'an,Yangzhou and Suzhou.

This route presents the most authentic, economic, cultural and entertainment-focused activities along the canal from both ancient and modern times.I allows visitors to ride in boats and observe local fishermen fishing.

3.Food,culture,leisure and health;Seven-day experience of local life in Zhenjiang Changzhou,Wuxi and Suzhou

To increase tourists’ interest in the traditional culture and crafts of Jiangsu, the route will include pottery,embroidery(刺绣), paper-cutting, cooking and other hands-on experiences. It includes scenic spots along the Beijing-Hangzhou Gran Canal, ancient water towns, historical streets and ancient fishing villages.Visitors can join in the recreational farmhouse experience and pick up both fruits and vegetables

4.A walk into history: Six-day tour in Xuzhou, Suqian,Huai’an,Yangzhou, Zhenjiang, Changzhou and Wuxi

The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal runs through the entire province and has been a part of Jiangsu's culture for thousands of years. Inspired by the canal, the route includes historical cities Xuzhou, Suqian, Huai'an,Yangzhou along with Zheniang Changzhou and Wuxi.

1. Which of the following do the four travel routes share?
A.A time duration of less than a week.
B.Ancient towns in southern Jiangsu.
C.The Grand Canal.
D.The city of Suqian.
2. Which route is the best for an in-depth tourist who wants to cover fewer cities with more time?
A.Route 1B.Route 2C.Route 3D.Route 4.
3. What can you enjoy in the route only covering Suzhou, Wuxi, Changzhou and Zhenjiang?
A.Rowing a boat.B.Trying on paper-cutting.
C.Growing vegetables.D.Fishing with local villagers.

10 . Social media is taking over our lives: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, TikTok. These social media platforms have transformed from a way to stay connected to an industry where even kids can make money off their posts. While this may seem like another opportunistic innovation, it’s really full of hidden false realities.

The median income (中位收入) recorded in the United States of America was about $63,000 in 2018. TikTokers can make anywhere from $50,000 to $150,000 for a TikTok brand partnership, and TikTokers with over a million followers can make up to $30,000 a month — $360,000 a year. They are making more than the average person trying to feed their family and keep a roof over their heads, simply by posting a 15-second video.

This is mad in more ways than one. Not only is it an overpaid “job”, it promotes undeserved admiration from viewers and a false sense of reality. Many of these famous TikTokers are still teens, and the effects of fame at such an early stage in life might cause issues later in life, such as mental illness. Teens between the ages of 13 and 17 make up 27% of TikTok viewers, who can be easily influenced by what they are watching. They can put a false sense of self-value into who they look up to and what they represent: money, fame, being considered conventionally attractive.

While TikTok has become a great tool for marketing, it’s important to understand how this content affects young viewers. If we’re constantly consuming content that hsows us all we need to do to be successful is be conventionally attractive and post a 15-second video featuring a new dance, it will challenge our knowledge of what really makes someone successful and will in turn affect our individual work ethics (伦理). What about the people who miss birthdays and family holidays due to their jobs and aren’t getting paid nearly as much as these TikTokers?

Richard Colyer, president and creator of Metaphor, Inc., had his own view on this issue.

“It sounds great that kids can make money for doing the latest dance moves in a 15-second video, but we should feed the minds of kids and not just their bank accounts. TikTok can be great if used properly. Money alone is not good, technology alone is not good and connectedness can be bad if it’s only online.”

Again, as a fellow consumer of TikTok, I do enjoy the app when I have some time to kill and need a good laugh. I’m not against someone making a living on entertainment, but what does getting famous of a 15-second video teach young people?

1. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Social networking.B.Making money on social media.
C.A job offered by TikTok.D.Staying connected to the Internet.
2. Which is the possible influence of TikTok on its young users?
A.They tend to live an adult life too soon.
B.They are forced to pay for certain services.
C.They may abandon other social media.
D.They are likely to develop false values.
3. What can we infer from Richard Colyer’s comments?
A.TikTok can be a positive influence if teens employ it wisely.
B.Young TikTokers should be banned form making money.
C.It is better to involve education on investment in TikTok videos.
D.Contents of videos need checking before their release online.
4. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.Say No to TikTok.B.Join Young TikTokers
C.TikTok — A Mine of MoneyD.A Job vs An Entertainment
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