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1 . A letter to my children on their first day of school

Dear Olivia and Evan,

As I opened my eyes this morning, the realization that you will be starting a new school year at a new school today controlled my mind for a moment. As we went about our morning routine (例行事务), I thought of so many things I wanted to say to you.

As I quietly entered your room and softly kissed you awake—I wanted to tell you that I know what it’s like to be the new kid. I understand worrying about finding your way both physically and socially. You’ll spend a lifetime finding your way.     1    

As I stood at the bathroom door while you brushed your teeth—I wanted to tell you to try not to look so nervous.     2     It is said a picture is worth a thousand words. I believe a smile is worth at least that much.

    3    —I wanted to tell you if at any moment today you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, just breathe. You’ll be surprised how a couple of deep breaths can help you see things in a whole new light.

As we got in the car—I wanted to tell you not everyone will have things in common with you.     4     They may pleasantly surprise you.

As I drove the few blocks to school—I wanted to tell you to listen when the teacher speaks, when someone new talks about themselves, etc.     5    

As you got out of the car I gave you each a kiss and a hug and said — “Just be yourself, and remember how much I love you. I’ll be waiting to hear all about your experiences this afternoon.”

I realized that’s really all you needed to hear.



A.Never give up.
B.As you went to bed
C.As you ate your breakfast
D.Accept the differences happily.
E.It’s good to take notes while listening in class.
F.Listening is one of those skills that will come in handy later in life.
G.The simple act of smiling can be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . I like my job. It may be my nature that draws me to this kind of job. I work at Izzy's Pizza Bar.

One day an elderly couple came in just after 3p. m. The first thing they said was, **Where is Nan?" Nan is my mother. She was not in that day. It was her day off.

    1     , since they liked to talk with my mom. But when I explained I was her daughter, they were thrilled to meet me. We enjoyed our conversation, comparable to a girl speaking with her grandparents. They are the type of people who understand me and have a positive attitude towards my job.

Later that night, I waited on two men. It took some effort to get them to be friendly. I explained I was waitressing over the summer to make some extra cash for school.     2    , since she was also my coworker. They said they were very surprised at the idea of me and my mother waiting on people at the same restaurant. The two men were quite different.     3    .

Once all the customers had finished eating, I began my closing duties, using the time to reflect on my day, or rather, life. I rushed around getting everything done, thinking about those two men.

    4    . We should treat people with respect, regardless of their occupation. I could have let those two men make me feel ashamed, but I didn't.     5    . I will always have pride in the person I was, am, and aim to be.

A.I had always received a positive response from everyone else I had told
B.Everyone should have equal opportunities in getting a job
C.I also said I was grateful that my mom had trained me
D.On the contrary, I felt really proud
E.This couple got a lot of enjoyment out of eating in this restaurant
F.You could say they were very disappointed to know that
G.Your job doesn't have to state who you are as a person
2019-08-24更新 | 368次组卷 | 5卷引用:2019年湖南省师范大学附属中学高三考前演练(五)英语试题
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