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1 . Recent research suggests that if an argument gets resolved, the emotional response tied to it is significantly reduced or almost completely erased.     1    

There is a difference between arguing and fighting. Arguing is that you and your opponent present your concerns and discuss the feelings and issues related to those concerns.     2     Fighting, however, usually involves personal attacks, raising of voices, and storming out.

    3     In a study, 2,000 people were asked to record their feelings and experiences for eight days in a row. When people had an argument that they considered resolved, they had half the reactivity (情绪反应) of those who avoided an argument. Reactivity is an increase in negative emotions or a decrease in positive emotions.     4     One day later, people who had a resolved argument reported no increase of negative emotions compared with those who avoided an argument. This means that resolving an argument can feel like you have reached a state of resolution - and you are less likely to be annoyed.

Moreover, the older you are, the more likely you will come to a resolution after an argument.     5     You are more likely to distinguish between what matters and what does not.

It is easier to avoid a discussion, but risking talking about it may eventually lead to a better outcome.

A.It will do great harm to our mental health if not treated properly.
B.In other words, resolving an argument cuts your negative feelings by half.
C.Unfortunately, we are always unaware of the importance of the art of talk.
D.You can engage in an argument respectfully without stirring up (激起) anger.
E.This may be because more life experience usually leads to more defined priorities.
F.Discussing your issues and resolving them instead of stuffing them down can improve your emotional health.
G.Thus, it may be worth bringing up issues with your friends, family members or classmates rather than holding them back.
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:北京市朝阳外国语学校2024-2025学年高三上学期 8月质量检测英语试题
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2 . Shame has been called our “most dreaded emotional experience.” We know the feeling only too well: Our pulse quickens.     1     The feeling is so bad that we want to escape at all costs. Here are some things you need to know about shame and some tips for how to feel less of it.

Shame and guilt are different emotions.

You feel guilty when you think you’ve done something wrong, but you feel shame when you believe that you are wrong. While guilt arises when you have made a mistake and can fix it, shame develops when you see yourself as the mistake.     2    

Shame has warning signs.

There are many signs that you are experiencing shame.    3    And when someone brings up something you feel ashamed about, you may look down and avoid eye contact and talk in a soft voice.


Shame can lead to high blood pressure, stomach problems, insomnia, alcohol or drugs addiction, eating disorders. One study determined that external shame — the fear that others are judging us negatively — is associated with anorexia, while internal shame — our negative self- evaluation self-generated criticism — is associated with bulimia.

There is a cure for shame.

When you have a caring person to share your shameful and otherwise painful stories with, you will be able to fully express yourself and finally release the old, stored, toxic feelings that have been weighing you down.    5     At the same time, you will stop seeing yourself as bad or wrong. The change you will feel is profound.

A.Our faces flush.
B.Our eyes light up.
C.Shame can harm your physical health.
D.Sham e may make it harder for you to stay focused.
E.Free of those, you can shift your beliefs about yourself.
F.The critic inside your head tells you that you are a bad, worthless person.
G.You avoid being the center of attention and wish you could shrink into the walls.
今日更新 | 86次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省名校协作体2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
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3 . How to handle changes in your friendship group?

Friends are important. From time to time, however, the balance in friendships can change. One of the biggest reasons is that someone new joins the group.     1     The good news is that there are ways to navigate the ups and downs of friendships while remaining part of a positive, happy, and supportive circle.

Keep an open mind

Changes in friendship groups can be unsettling, especially if everything had been going well beforehand. You might be concerned things feel awkward or different, or that you might become jealous if a new person joins your circle.     2     You can’t stop your friends having new people in their lives, so try to see encounters with fresh faces as an exciting opportunity.

Widen your circle

If your best friends seem to stop being interested in you and appear to be investing all their time in a new friend, take time to think about the situation before rushing to confront(对峙)them.     3     Having different friends is a positive thing, so if it’s the case that they’re welcoming new people into the fold, try to make peace with it and think about how you can make other friends, too.     4     Recognize that they and you will have a mixture of pals and they’ll enhance your life in different ways.

Know your worth

Friends are amazing and can carry you through good and bad times, but you’re not defined by others, and you deserve people who want to be in your life. Everyone changes, and there might come a time when friends no longer wish to spend time with you.     5     Keep your head held high, walk tall, and stay true to your authentic self. Remember that real friends value you for who and what you are.

A.Help your friends be open-minded.
B.Imagine how you’d feel if you were left alone.
C.This doesn’t mean giving up on your best friends.
D.Even if you can’t change their minds, you can keep your dignity.
E.Remind yourself that friendships develop throughout life - it’s natural.
F.You might dislike the change, wishing things had stayed as they were.
G.Ask yourself if they’re really ignoring you or just widening their circle?
今日更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省武汉市洪山高级中学2024-2025学年高一上学期9月考试英语试卷
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4 . It is never fun to listen to criticism. If it is constructive, then you can use it to become a more well-rounded person. If it’s only meant to harm you, then you can work on shaking it off like a bad habit. How to deal with criticism wisely?     1    

Accept that you’re not perfect. This is a great way to deal with criticism. To be able to take a little bit of feedback (反馈), you can’t keep thinking that you can do no wrong. Nobody’s perfect, so if you think you’re perfect, then you’re nobody. Every person has disadvantages.     2    

See if there’s some truth to it. If the feedback is coming from a person who has your best interest in mind, then you have to consider the possibility that there really is some truth to those words.     3     If ten people say that you are selfish, then they can’t all be wrong, can they? Take a moment to consider the possibility that this person is really on to something.

    4     If you have received some criticism delivered in a friendly and helpful way, or just in a way meant to be honest and clear, just take the time to thank the person and to say that you appreciate the fact that the person told you something that can make you an even better friend, student, or professional.

Stop making excuses. If someone is giving you reasonable criticism, stop making excuses. If you get defensive and make excuses, then the person won’t be able to finish telling you exactly what he or she means, and you won’t get the information you need to really improve. It’s natural that we feel defensive and get the feeling that we can do no wrong.     5    

A.Thank the person for being honest.
B.The following tips can be helpful to you.
C.Work on being less sensitive.
D.If you don’t see any of yours, you’re not analyzing yourself as closely as you should.
E.It’s even more likely if you’ve heard similar comments before.
F.Most people are able to deal with criticism properly.
G.But it’s important to hear people out before you cut them off to prove you’re perfect.
今日更新 | 2次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省长治市2024-2025学年高三9月质量监测英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Taking care of our skin is highly important, and healthy skin is key to protection from harmful elements. There are a lot of skincare advice and it may be confusing to choose which one is good for us.     1    .

Clean your skin properly

Clean twice, not once, according to Marie Claire. The first cleaning will simply remove all the surface make-up and dirt.     2    . Proper cleaning produces new skin cells, and that will improve your complexion.


Aside from applying moisturizers (润肤膏), our skin can become moist thanks to enough water intake. Drink six to eight glasses of water a day to ensure your metabolism (新陈代谢) works well, and good metabolism contributes to hydrated, supple and clearer skin.

Get enough sleep

“Sleep is nature’s most powerful beauty treatment,” wrote Fitness Magazine. When we are asleep, our bodies produce a human growth hormone that contributes to collagen production. Hair, face and body products also recover better when we are at rest. Get enough sleep.     4    .

Have a proper diet

Glowing skin is a sign of inner organs (器官) that function well.     5    . Make sure that your daily intake includes high antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. You might as well consider eating super foods or use skincare products that contain them.

A.Drink enough water
B.You will wake up feeling and looking refreshed
C.The second cleans deeper
D.Sleeping plays an important role in our life
E.It is linked to a healthy and balanced diet
F.So you need to eat various of food and fruit every day
G.Here is a list of tips on skincare that you can try
今日更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省高县中学校2023-2024学年高一上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了在长途飞行中保持舒适和打发时间的五个小建议 ,包括穿着舒适的衣物、携带个人舒适物品、调整生物钟、保持充足的水分和使用大水瓶等。

6 . If you’ve ever been on a long-haul (长途的) flight, you’ll know that it can be challenging to keep yourself rested and occupied for that many hours, especially if you’re not flying first-class.     1    . Check out these 5 tips on how to make your flight more bearable.

Start by dressing for comfort. Since you’ll be in those clothes for over 24 hours — from the time you leave your home till you reach your destination — you’ll want to make sure that you’re wearing comfortably. Pick out casual clothes with loose-fitting tops and bottoms.     2    . They also don’t restrict blood flow, which could be an issue when you’re sitting for so long.

    3    . These include a travel pillow, an eye mask and ear plugs to help you sleep. Also bring along your own earphones as the ones provided by the airline may not fit comfortably or have great sound.

Once you board, monitor the time at your destination and adjust your sleep-wake cycle accordingly, even if it means resisting the temptation of in-flight entertainment to sleep during the night.     4    . It will help with the jetlag that will surely come after you touch down.

Lastly, drink plenty of water to counteract the dry cabin air — shoot for a glass every hour. Bring a big empty water bottle with you on the plane and once you’re comfortably seated and before the plane takes off, ask a flight attendant to get it full.     5    .

A.They aren’t only for your comfort
B.Next, pack some creature comforts
C.Then, bring about the most advanced device
D.Sticking to this new routine will pay off later
E.To calm your nerves, do it at the start of the flight
F.This way, you don’t have to keep asking for refilling throughout the flight
G.Try to avoid looking like you’ve just wrestled a bear when stepping off the flight
今日更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:湖北省孝感市湖北省新高考联考协作体2024-2025学年高三上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Perform stand-up comedy

Stand-up is a type of comedy in which someone performs a series of jokes in front of a live audience. Kids can create a stand-up comedy act to perform for family and friends or at a school or community talent show.     1     Here are some tips to help you get started.


A good first step in stand-up is watching other comedians. With an adult’s help, you can find some kid-friendly comedians on YouTube. (Some family-friendly comedians to check out together might be Jim Gaffigan and Preacher Lawson.) Pay attention to what they do during their routine and what kinds of jokes work.

Write your material

To begin writing jokes, start brainstorming topics. Many comedians talk about their personal experiences or make humorous observations about popular topics like sports or movies.     3     For example, your friends would probably understand your funny observation about middle school, but your family may not. When you have an idea for a joke, approach it like writing a short essay. It should have a beginning that hooks the listener, followed by a middle that sets up characters or provides information people need to know to understand the joke. Then finish with the point of the joke.

Pull everything together

Once you have several jokes written, you can add them to stand-up routine, called a “set”. A set can be anywhere from a few minutes to more than an hour, but for beginners it’s best to keep it short.     4     Between jokes, include transitions to help link one story to the next. You should conclude with a strong “closer”, one last joke that will leave your audience laughing.

Perfect your routine

Once you’ve created your set, it’s time to practice. You can perform in front of a mirror or record yourself and play it back.     5     Next, perform in front of a friend or family member who can help you see what people laugh at the most or tell you if any of your jokes are confusing. Take notes and make changes as necessary.

A.Get inspired
B.Ask for help
C.These can easily meet with a favourable response from the audience.
D.Think about who your audience will be and what will be relatable to them.
E.Open your set with a joke that will get your audience laughing.
F.This will help you see how long your set is and where you might make changes.
G.Through stand-up, you get to be creative, boost your confidence, and polish your public-speaking skills
今日更新 | 0次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省马鞍山市第二中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月月考英语试题
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8 . Always the outsider?

One of the things I used to fear was being the new girl in the office — in the kitchen making coffee while the in-crowd chatted about the weekend. I worried that I wasn’t good enough or smart enough.     1     I’d struggle for words while trying to look cool. Back at school, I was best friends with Kate and Cathy until we had to walk across the road in twos, and guess who was left out? I’ve always been the outsider from school days to office life. Or is that the story I have told myself?

As in so many areas of life, the only thing you can control is your response. I remind myself of what Eleanor Roosevelt said:     2     The only person making me feel like an outsider is me. These are the lessons I have learned along the way:

●Starting anywhere new, you just have to find your people, the ones that get you.     3     It’s OK to take your time and figure out if you’re the right fit for each other. Have faith that you will find the right people for you.

●Very often it’s our belief systems that tell us we don’t fit in. We are replaying the stories from childhood and need to rewrite the script (剧本).     4     When are you assuming that you’ll be on your own? What fears are you projecting onto yourself?

●Practice self-acceptance. Remind yourself that it’s OK to have a different way of operating in the world.

    5     Sometimes, interactions with random strangers can help us feel more confident in all our relationships. For example, volunteering can make us feel connected and give us a sense of belonging.

A.Don’t charge into friendships, though.
B.Start noticing your patterns of mentality.
C.If I was asked a question, panic would set in.
D.No one can make you feel lower without your agreement.
E.The feeling of being an outsider would force me to shut up.
F.Try doing something to take yourself out of your comfort zone.
G.We all feel a little lost and awkward sometimes — you’re not the only one.
今日更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:2025届江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题
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9 . Being a first-year international student at a U. S. college or university can be a little scary — there’s so much to do and remember.     1     Here are more first-year tips for international students.

Connect With Other Students Before Arrival

    2    . These can be great opportunities to meet a potential roommate and begin finding connections and familiar faces before move-in. Students should also plan to attend other events to meet more students and grow their social circles.

Call Home Upon Arrival

Students may be excited to start their new life, but family need to know you. arrived safely. Students who forget to contact their parents after arriving could lead to a hurry call to university as parents try to track down their children.     3    . The reason may be that there will be Wi- Fi at the airport and an Internet connect ion may not yet be set up at your new residence.


Experts say it’s wise to travel with some cash and have that money changed to U. S. dollars. In addition to getting money changed, a credit card is a must. If your wallet gets stolen, your money will be perfectly safe. It also quietly builds your credit score if you’ re paying back on time. Students typically can get information about setting up a bank account and should do some financial planning to cover all of their expenses.

Make Friends With a Variety of Students

While international student freshmen may be interested in their own communities, it’s important to branch out and meet a variety of students.     5    . Students from other countries offer new perspectives, who can offer first-year students great advice and insights on navigating school. Experts also recommend connecting with native U. S. students, who can provide broader exposure to U. S. culture.

A.Deal With Financial (金融) Issues
B.Carry a Credit Card
C.U. S. campuses are known for their diversity
D.Contacting family when landing is important
E.Call your parents and let them know you are sad
F.But a little preparation can go a long way for a successful freshman year
G.Universities often organize social media events to connect new students
昨日更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:安徽省淮南第二中学2024-2025学年高二上学期9月开学考试英语试题
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10 . We are all creatures of habit. We tend to wake up at the same time each day, brush our teeth, have morning coffee and travel to work, following the same patterns every day.     1    

Behavioral scientists who study habit formation say that many of us try to create healthy habits the wrong way.     2     Here are two tips, backed by research, for forming new healthy habits.

    3     For many of us, our morning routine is the strongest, so that’s a great place to build a new habit. While brushing your teeth, you might stand on one foot to practice balance. Many of us fall into end-of-the-day patterns as well. Do you tend to sink into the sofa after work and turn on the TV? That might be a good time to do a single daily yoga pose.

    4     Wendy Wood, a research psychologist, calls the forces that get in the way of good habits “friction”. In one study, researchers changed the turning of lift doors so that workers had to wait nearly half a minute for the doors to close.     5     Many people are therefore convinced that taking the stairs was easier than waiting for the lift. It shows how sensitive we are to small friction in our environment. Just slowing down the lift got people to take the stairs, and they stuck with it even after the lift went back to normal timing.

A.It was just enough of a delay.
B.Why do we stop doing what’s good for us?
C.But why is it so hard to form new healthy habits?
D.We probably form new habits when we clear away the barriers.
E.The better way to form a new habit is to tie it to an existing habit.
F.It explains why friction prevents the progress of forming good habits.
G.For example, we set big goals to lose weight without taking proper steps.
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