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1 . I believe my life was saved because of Beethoven's moonlight sonata (鸣奏曲) being put in a video game. To be clearer, I was a terrible kid, living in the mean streets of Philadelphia, where I frequently got involved with street gangs (一帮年轻人) and did horrible things I regret today. I was failing out of high-school and had no future prospects. The only music type I listened to at the time was rap and R&B, but classical music never crossed my ear.

I remember playing a game called Resident Evil one day, and in order to get to the next part of the game, the lead character, "Jill", has to discover a page or two of sheet music for the piano in order to open a secret passage to progress through the game. Once obtained, the game fades out and pops out a new scene where Jill plays the piano. Being in complete awe, I had no idea what these feelings were and admittedly didn't want it to stop. 20 seconds or so later, the short clip of music halted and my face was moist from tears that dripped from my eyes. I didn't know what was going on and was severely confused. All I knew was that I had to replay that scene over and over again, not knowing who Beethoven was or that it was much longer and satisfying piece.

My last year of high school, I wasn't expected to graduate but I had the opportunity to select a music elective. It was then that I realized that classical music chose me and that I had the gift of transferring emotion through classical composition. Everything became so much clearer and for some reason higher learning other subjects, including physics, chemistry, became interesting and easy. It was as if my brain turned on and I began to appreciate everything and everyone around me. Without classical music, I would be like 90% of my friends back in Philadelphia, or a non-productive member of society. Classical music saved my life.

1. Which word can best describe the author's childhood?
2. On what condition will Jill play the piano?
A.Exiting the game secretly.B.Finding one or two sheet music.
C.Listening to the music for 20 seconds.D.Setting up a new scene for the next player.
3. What turns the author's life?
A.His strong brain power.B.His last year in high school.
C.His appreciation to Beethoven.D.His encounter with classical music.
4. Which can be the best title of the passage?
A.Where There is Love, There is Music
B.Music, the Second Language of Human Being
C.Happy, You Listen to Music; Sad, You Understand It
D.Music, a Medicine Curing the Disease of Thought
2021-05-11更新 | 63次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三4.20模拟考试英语试题

2 . The skull(颅骨)of a tiny bird preserved in a 100-million-year-old Myanmar amber has been discovered by an international team of scientists, according to a paper newly published in the scientific journal Nature.

The 14-millimeter-long skull is smaller than that of a bee hummingbird, the smallest living bird, making the new species the smallest bird and dinosaur ever found.

When Xing Lida, a paleontologist(古生物家)at the China University of Geosciences, who led the research, first saw the amber in 2016, he was amazed. "It's like a tiny arrow with a long beak(鸟喙)and big eyes. . . Only birds have such characteristics," he said.

The well-preserved fossil skull has rows of nearly 100 teeth that extend all the way under its big eyes that are supported by eye bones of a unique structure. The unusually high number of teeth and the unique shape of the eye make it difficult to classify the specimen(标本).

Scientists think that about 100 million years ago this bird-like animal lived in the tropical Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar, where the amber was mined.

Despite its small size, the specimen, named Oculudentavis khaungraae(宽娅眼齿鸟), has more teeth than any other fossilized bird. The large number of teeth indicates that it was a predator(捕食者), the paper said.

"Judging from its size, it might prey mainly on insects," Xing said. "In fact, it has some characteristics that do not belong to birds or even dinosaurs. At present we think of it as a bird or a dinosaur, which is the most likely conclusion based on the characteristics of the skull.”

One of the biggest advantages of amber lies in its high-quality preservation of the fine details in the skull and soft tissue features. "Amber gives us almost the only opportunity, to learn about tiny vertebrates(脊椎动物)from the dinosaur age," Xing said. "Oculudentavis is by far the smallest and most important specimen."

1. What has the international team of scientists found recently?
A.The smallest fossil ever found.B.The oldest amber ever discovered.
C.The smallest bee hummingbird fossilD.The skull of the smallest known bird.
2. What do we know about Oculudentavis?
A.Its teeth and eyes were different from any other animal.
B.Its eve structure shows that it might have good eyesight.
C.It was classified in 2016 when first seen by Xing Lida.
D.Its small size suggests that it might feed on plants.
3. What proves Oculudentavis's identity as a predator?
A.Small size.B.Tropical habitat.
C.High number of teeth.D.Unique shape of the eye.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The way that the fossil was well preserved.
B.The reason why Oculudentavis was stuck in amber t
C.The contribution of the fossil to scientific research.
D.The importance of amber research in scientific research.
2021-05-11更新 | 52次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古赤峰市2021届高三4.20模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Here on Earth where most of us live, we spend about a third of everyday lying down sleeping and two-thirds standing or sitting in an upright position.

That's not really how it goes in space when people are weightless and the zero gravity environment causes more liquid to shift to the head. Faces get swollen, legs lose volume and appear to be smaller. Many astronauts have complained of eye and back problems after coming back down to Earth and its gravity.

And now scientists say they have discovered some new risks with long-term space flight. A study published recently in JAMA Network Open, a medical journal, examined 11 healthy astronauts who had been on the International Space Station for six months. Eight of them had unusual characteristics observed in their blood. For instance, six of the astronauts had reverse (反向的)blood flow from their heads.

The lead author of the study says he doesn't know if that's actually harmful. The blood is still leaving the head from other pathways, so flowing backwards through a jugular vein(颈静脉) may not be dangerous. But he says it does show a change in how blood moves through the body while in space.

Another issue the study found was blood clots (凝块). One astronaut had one. Another showed signs of a partial blood clot. That is potentially harmful as the clots can block the flow of blood to the lungs. The astronaut who had one was treated for the rest of the spaceflight and made it home safely.

What does all this mean? Well, one researcher says these issues have probably been oc- curring since humans first went into space and that they would likely resolve themselves when astronauts came back down to Earth. Knowing about them now gives doctors something else to monitor when people leave our atmosphere.

1. What causes the physical problems for astronauts?
A.Sleeping for a long time.B.The zero gravity environment.
C.Staying in the spaceship.D.The shift in their bodies.
2. How many issues did the study newly find?
3. What can we know about the blood clot?
A.It is a common problem.B.It is a new kind of disease.
C.It is a threat to people's health.D.It was first found by astronauts.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Doctors have a new task for astronauts
B.Zero gravity stops astronauts flying in space
C.It's dangerous for astronauts to fly into space
D.New risks are found in long-term space flight

4 . When I was young, I had a wrong understanding of being great. I believed I was special and different and should be rich and famous because of my talent. I was going to live my dream rather than being a “normal” person. But as time passed, reality set in and my perspective changed.

I am a teacher, married to a salesman with a baby and a mortgage(按揭贷款). Could my life be more normal? Yet, I am okay with this.

Were I to have a conversation with my twenty-year-old self, she wouldn't understand why I'm not going to NYC to get an audition (试演). In four years my coworkers have never heard me sing. If I'd bought a house, it should have been in an interesting neighborhood with coffee houses at every corner. She would laugh at the corner house in the neighborhood I now call home.

But I know things she didn't know. Life is so much more complicated, wonderful and terrible. I know what it means to work for love, not just sitting back and letting it happen the way it can when you're young. I know about bringing life into the world, and the complexity of emotions.

My life is simple. It is small, and may seem interchangeable with so many other lives there. I may never make an impact outside my house. But I've learned it is important to be relative. To my little girl, I am irreplaceable. When she cries, she calls for “Mama”. When she reaches out, it's for me alone. So, is it a small life? It's perfectly fine to me. In fact, I think it's what I've wanted all along.

1. What was the author like when she was young?
A.She was honest.B.She was brave.
C.She was proud.D.She was cautious.
2. Why does the author imagine talking to her twenty-year-old self?
A.To show she has become mature.B.To prove her dream has come true.
C.To reveal the key to her success.D.To introduce her present unhappiness.
3. What is the author's present focus?
A.Learning the complexity of emotions.B.Opening her heart to the world.
C.Living with her daughter specially.D.Caring for her family.
4. What does the author intend to tell us in the text?
A.We can achieve our dreams if we work hard.
B.We will come back to a normal life some day.
C.We should keep in contact with our families.
D.We can be the one we feel satisfied with.

5 . If you wear contact lenses (隐形眼镜), you might not know the best way to deal with old ones. Washing them down the sink or flushing them down the toilet is not the way to go. Yet one in five people who wear contact lenses do just that. However, the plastic in their lenses can linger (存留), polluting both water and land.

Rolf Halden, an engineer at Arizona State University in Tempe, and his team created an online survey. More than 400 contact lens wearers took part. The questions asked how many got rid of their lenses inappropriately. About 20 percent — one in five — sent their used contact lenses down sink drain or toilet. Assuming all contact lens wearers in the U. S. do that at the same rate, the researchers then calculated how much plastic would be flushed away each year. Their estimate: 6 to 10 metric tons! That's about the weight of two to three adult African forest elephants. Contact lenses are a tiny part of the world's plastic pollution. But the unique plastic used in contact lenses could make them a big concern.

To figure it out, researchers exposed contact lenses to the microbes (微生物) used to clean wastewater in water-treatment plants. These microbes made the plastics begin to fall apart, but they weren't fully broken down. Instead, they created a lot of tiny pieces called microplastics.

Halden worries that these small plastic bits will cause trouble in the food chain. In water, the plastics from contact lenses sink. Animals could view these tiny bits as food. But because the plastic won't provide them with nutrition, this could threaten the health of animals who dined on it.

And that's already happening. Many studies have shown that corals, larval fish and shellfish are mistaking microplastics for food. Over time, they risk accumulating even higher levels of plastic in their bodies. Also the pollution has already shown up in bottled water, sea salt and fish sold for human consumption.

1. Rolf Halden's survey shows that ________.
A.contact lenses have won popularity with Americans
B.contact lenses have caused a huge part of plastic pollution
C.some contact lens wearers throw away their old lenses improperly
D.many contact lens wearers don't wear their lenses in the proper way
2. What did the researchers find about lenses in water-treatment plants?
A.They could be broken down completely.
B.They could be processed properly there.
C.They couldn't be affected by microbes.
D.Some of them became microplastics.
3. What does the underlined sentence “And that's already happening” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Tiny pieces are entering oceans.
B.Sea creatures are eating microplastics.
C.Animals are causing plastic pollution.
D.Contact lenses are damaging the environment
4. Which one of the following is most probably to be discusssed next?
A.People's eyesight is getting worse and worse.
B.Contact lenses must be banned immediately.
C.Animals in the sea are lacking in nutrition.
D.The impacts microplastic pollution has on human health.
2021-04-26更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

6 . Thankfully, I found the courage to persevere in the face of adversity and succeeded. Otherwise. I could be a victim and feel sorry for myself for the rest of my life.

A doctor told me at a young age that I would likely never graduate from high school due to my severe hearing loss and my extremely slow speech development. I found the courage to work hard in school and be active in sports and other activities despite wearing hearing aids and living with a 70% hearing loss. By the time I was college-age, I started losing my night vision. I decided to go away to college 300 miles from home. I obtained my bachelor' s degree and graduated with honors. Even though I had terrible hearing loss and was beginning to lose my sight at night, I found the courage to begin a professional career.

After earning my MBA degree, I accepted a position with Kellogg in the Corporate Affairs Department. When I was working on my MBA degree, I found the courage to ask someone successful despite facing similar challenges to mentor(指导)me. He encouraged me to consider Kellogg as he knew the company was committed to diversity and inclusion(包容). I nervously started my new career, because my vision loss had progressed significantly in the past few years. I am thankful to have a mentor that encouraged me and I am thankful I found the courage to apply for a position with Kellogg.

While Kellogg fosters a supportive, encouraging environment, it still takes courage for me to require what I need to make sure I am successful in my career. I need courage to speak up and ask for suitable accommodations to do my job. I also have to ask for assistance navigating through unfamiliar areas. I have found that everyone at Kellogg is always more than willing to take my requests into account.

Even though I face daily challenges, I have so much to be grateful for. We often face difficulties we cannot control, but we can be courageous in order to face adversity and address challenges.

1. What does the underlined word "adversity" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
2. When the author was in high school, she ________.
A.was very talkative in class
B.was engaged in sports actively
C.suffered a severe medical error
D.dropped out once for her hearing loss
3. What motivated the author to apply for a job in Kellogg?
A.A mentor's encouragement.
B.Her aggressive personality.
C.Her interest in a challenging job.
D.The company's support for the disabled.
4. We can infer from paragraph 4 that ________.
A.she picked up many skills in this job
B.she has met with a lot of misunderstandings
C.she has to gain lots of support for her career
D.she achieved great success during her career
2021-04-26更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古包头市2021届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . One of Britain' s most outstanding scientists says the growth in the use of electronic tablets and smart phones is causing people to spend so much time indoors that they need to take regular vitamin D supplements to make up for the lack of sunlight they receive naturally.

Geneticist Steve Jones said he himself was a follower to the cause and urged others to follow. “I never thought I would be a person who would take vitamin supplements;I always thought it was absolute nonsense. But now I take vitamin D every day. Today, because I knew the sun wasn't going to shine, I took an extra one,” he said.

Exposure to the sun is the major source of vitamin D. However, people are spending less and less time outdoors in many areas. The problem is particularly serious in Scotland. "The Scots are the whitest people in the world because their entire body systems are crying out for vitamin D," he said, adding that life expectancy in Scotland is two years shorter than in England or Wales. Multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), a medical condition which is often seen in northern Europe, is also higher in Scotland than in England.

Vitamin D helps with the absorption of Ca, which helps keep bones strong. And Jones said the fact that rickets (佝偻病) was making a comeback in Britain after nearly 50 years was another sign of how changing behavior patterns were bringing physical harm.

Jones admitted that concerns over the damaging effects on skin of long-time exposure to the sun were reasonable, but said sunlight was healthy and necessary for the human body, and could help in lowering blood pressure. "If you lie on the beach for an hour, you will drop your blood pressure by about 10 points, because it relaxes your blood vessels (血管). So, get out in the sun while we still can," he said.

1. How are people affected by the rise of technology according to the text?
A.They are more sensitive to sunlight
B.They take more vitamin D supplements.
C.They get less vitamin D than before.
D.They become addicted to electronic games.
2. What’s Jones’ attitude towards taking vitamin D supplements now?
3. Why are the Scots the whitest people in the world?
A.Because they are in great need of sunlight.
B.Because their blood pressure is very low.
C.Because they enjoy a short period of sunshine.
D.Because they are easy to get multiple sclerosis.
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Get out and gain more Vitamin D
B.Keep away from tablets and phones
C.Pay attention to the importance of sunlight
D.Take vitamin D supplements to keep healthy
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Kitchen Products That Will Make Your Life Easier

Food Chopper(切碎机)with Storage Container

Using a food chopper to save time and effort when preparing dinners is always a smart idea. But using a food chopper that doubles as a storage container is more convenient. This one is made of BPA-free plastics and comes with three interchangeable blades(刀片)so you can chop your vegetables in various sizes.

Available on Amazon. $ 18. 99

Mixing Bowl Set with No-skid(防滑的)Bottoms and Pour Spouts

This clever set of mixing bowls solves a few problems we didn't realize we had. For one thing, it has no-skid bottoms, so you can more easily have control over the bowl while using a hand mixer or other tools. And for another, the specially designed part makes it easy to pour liquid from the bowl into a pan or baking dish with hardly any effort. Plus, they're pretty cute.

Available on Amazon. $ 21. 97

Rubbermaid Fresh Works Produce Saver

Do you feel like you're constantly throwing away fresh vegetables you just bought? Rubbermaid's Fresh Works containers come in a variety of sizes, and are made to help food and vegetables remain fresh for as long as possible-saving your time and money in the long run.

Available on Amazon, $ 6. 99

Heat-Resistant Gloves

These aren't your grandma's potholders. These heat-resistant gloves are made with high-quality silicone, making them effective against high temperatures and non-slip. They're also multi-purpose, since you can use them inside when removing plates from the oven or outside while barbecuing.

Available on Amazon, $ 14. 99

1. How much should you pay for the product used to keep food fresh?
A.$ 18. 99.B.$ 21. 97.C.$ 6. 99.D.$ 14. 99.
2. What can we know about the Food Chopper?
A.It protects people from getting burnt.B.It is used to contain liquid.
C.It is made of BPA plastics.D.It has two main functions.
3. What is the advantage of the Mixing Bowl Set?
A.It is convenient to clean.B.It keeps steady when used.
C.It helps you save a lot of money.D.It saves you time for cooking.

9 . Oxford English Dictionary(OED) announced on November 23 for the first time that it has chosen not to name one single word of the year, but many words for the “special” year 2020. Describing 2020 as “a year which cannot be neatly summarized in one single word”. OED said on Monday that there were too many words to sum up the events of 2020. From more than 11 billion words found in web-based news, blogs and other text sources, its lexicographers(词典编纂者)revealed what the dictionary described as “great shifts in language data and frequency rises in new words” over the past 12 months.

Most words of the year are coronavirus-related, including coronavirus, lockdown, circuit-breaker, keyworkers and face masks. The report said the word "coronavirus" dates back to the 1960s and was previously "mainly used by scientific and medical specialists". But by April this year it had become one of the most frequently used nouns in the English language, beyond even the usage of the word "time". It said use of the word “pandemic” has increased by more than 57,000 percent this year.

The revolution in working habits during the pandemic has also affected language, with both “remote” and “remotely” seeing more than 300 percent growth in use since March. “On mute(静音)”and “unmute” have seen 500 percent rises since March, while the words “workation” and “staycation” also increased drastically.

Casper Grathwohl, the president of Oxford Dictionaries, said. “I've never witnessed a year in language like the one we've just had. The Oxford team was identifying hundreds of significant new words and usages as the year unfolded.” “2020 has been filled with new words unlike any other,” Grathwohl added.

The OED's announcement mirrored the huge influence of the COVID-19 on the people from all walks of life. To bring life back to normal, countries such as Britain, China, Germany, Russia and the United States are racing against time to develop coronavirus vaccines.

1. How did the lexicographers find words to summarize the events of 2020?
A.By consulting some experts, scholars and authors.
B.By consulting some reporters and hosts of news programs.
C.By referring to web-based news, blogs and other text sources.
D.By referring to magazines, newspapers and other printed materials.
2. What did Casper Grathwohl think of the words for 2020 compared to other years?
A.They are precise.B.They are subjective.
C.They are reasonable.D.They are unique.
3. Which of the following best explains “drastically” underlined in paragraph 3?
4. What can we know about the word "corona virus" according to the text?
A.It is a word created in 2020.
B.It might first appear in the 1960s.
C.It is the only named word of 2020.
D.It has been frequently used since the 1960s.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . It takes just four minutes for brain cells to be permanently damaged due to a severe lack of oxygen in cases of sudden cardiac arrest (心搏停止). If medical workers do not arrive at the scene of such emergencies within 10 minutes, the chances of a victim surviving are minimal.

In September, a 45-year-old man fell unconscious at Huoying station on Line 13 of the Beijing Subway. He died later in the hospital, despite attempts by two passengers to revive him by using cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. However, if an automated external defibrillator, or AED, had been a vailable at the scene, the man’s chances of survival would have been greatly improved.

An AED can recognize an abnormal heart rhythm and quickly correct it through an electric shock. The devices are viewed in medical circles as a more efficient and effective method of saving lives in emergencies than using CPR. After a brief training period, people with no medical knowledge can master the basic skills needed to use an AED.

In May last year, a student at Tsinghua University in Beijing fainted in a dormitory after experiencing head sweats. Several students began to perform CPR and also used a newly installed AED to help the stricken freshman. After two electric shocks were administered, the student’s heart beat was restored and he was sent to the hospital for further treatment. An emergency doctor from the hospital who attended the scene said it was highly likely the student would have died, had not a series of the correct first aid measures been applied, along with the AED.   

PeiZheng, a staff member from Tsinghua University’s Policy Research Office, said it was “really cool” that AEDs were available at the institution. “It’s so good that we have these life-saving machines on campus, otherwise we would have heard tragic news,” she said. The devices have been installed around the campus in stages.

1. What can we infer about AED?
A.It is quite easy to learn.
B.It is available nationwide.
C.It has saved many lives.
D.It is invented by medical workers.
2. A 45-year-old man and a student are mentioned in the text to ________.
A.make comparisons in age
B.stress the function of CPR
C.show the efficiency of AED
D.raise the awareness of heart attack
3. Why have AEDs been installed around the campus of Tsinghua University?
A.To safeguard students’ health.
B.To make the campus more beautiful.
C.To apply knowledge to practice.
D.To make it convenient to learn AED.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Heart attack can be prevented.
B.First aid should be learned widely.
C.Universities are equipped with new devices.
D.Life-saving devices come to the rescue.
2021-04-11更新 | 48次组卷 | 1卷引用:内蒙古乌兰察布市2021年高三一模英语试题
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