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1 . These days, it's not unusual to see middle-aged men collecting Star Wars action figures, office workers wearing Hello Kitty accessories, or celebrities like David Beckham playing with Lego bricks. It's becoming more and more common to see adults taking an interest in toys, comic books and the activities that are traditionally associated with children. This phenomenon has given rise to a new word: kidult.

What lies behind the phenomenon? One is about adults' nostalgia (怀旧之情)for the carefree days of childhood, and this is especially true with today's fast-paced, stressful lifestyles. Another is about a societal change in recent decades where people are starting families later. As a result, they have more time and money to spend on themselves. Some adults could only window-shop for their dream toys when they were kids, but now they can afford that radio controlled car or high-priced doll they have always wanted.

Businesses have been quick to exploit the kidult trend, and the number of toy stores that target adults has risen. Companies are repackaging products from past decades and also bringing out new ones for adults. Lego, for example, has brought out an architectural series featuring landmarks from around the world.

Society traditionally disapproves of adults who refuse to put aside childhood interests, viewing the refusal as a sign of social immaturity and irresponsibility. Those who agree with this view sometimes claim that kidults are suffering from the pop-psychology concept known as Peter Pan Syndrome, an anomaly (异常)that people remain emotionally at the level of teenagers. On a grander scale, these kidult opponents (对手)argue that such delayed adulthood causes couples to marry later and have fewer children. This in turn can lead to shrinking national economies, for there needs to be a generational replenishment (补充)of the workforce.

From the standpoint of kidults, though, this phenomenon is seen as nothing but harmless fun. Kidults insist that having youthful interests keeps them young, happy and creative, and their refusal to conform to society's acceptable tastes shows independent thinking. Besides, they argue that being part of the social trend of delayed adulthood is not purely a personal choice. The real causes include expensive housing, increased educational requirements for employment and poor work opportunities.

Whether the kidult phenomenon will continue to grow or prove to be a passing trend is anyone's guess. As the debate about it continues, remember that there is nothing wrong with being young at heart.

1. What does the kidult phenomenon refer to?
A.Adults act like children.
B.Adults have child-like tastes.
C.Adults go in for collecting toys.
D.Adults like playing with children.
2. Which of the following might cause the emergence of kidults?
A.Different living conditions.
B.More choices about toys.
C.High pressure of modern life.
D.Good memories of childhood.
3. What does the underlined word “exploit” probably mean?
A.Get used to.
B.Look forward to.
C.Take advantage of.
D.Make way for.
4. How does the text deal with the debate about kidults?
A.By strongly opposing kidult opponents.
B.By convincing readers to accept kidults.
C.By refusing to take a stand on the issue.
D.By presenting both sides of the argument.
5. What can we infer about the author's attitude towards the phenomenon from the last paragraph?

2 . Tiny microbes(微生物)are at the heart of a new agricultural technique to manage harmful greenhouse gas. Scientists have discovered how microbes can be used to turn carbon dioxide into soil-enriching limestone(石灰石),with the help of a type of tree that grows in tropical areas, such as West Africa.

Researchers have found that when the Iroko tree is grown in dry, acidic soil and treated with a combination of natural fungi(霉菌)and other bacteria, not only does the tree grow well, it also produces the mineral limestone in the soil around its root.

The Iroko tree makes a mineral by combining Ca from the earth with CO2 from the atmosphere. The bacteria then create the conditions under which this mineral turns into limestone. The discovery offers a new way to lock carbon into the soil, keeping it out of the atmosphere. In addition to storing carbon in the trees, leaves and in the form of limestone, the mineral in the soil makes it more suitable for agriculture.

The discovery could lead to reforestation(重新造林)projects in tropical countries, and help reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the developing world. It has already been used in West Africa and is being tested in Bolivia, Haiti and India.

The findings were made in a three-year project involving researchers from the Universities of Edinburgh, Granada, Lausanne and Delft University of Technology. The project examined several microbiological methods of locking CO2 as limestone, and the Iroko-bacteria way showed best results. Work was funded by the European Commission under the Future&Emerging Technologies (FET) scheme.

Dr Bryne Ngwenya of the University of Edinburgh's School of GeoSciences, who led the research, said: "By taking advantage of this natural limestone-producing process, we have a low-tech, safe, readily employed and easily operating way to lock carbon out of the atmosphere, while improving farming conditions in tropical countries?5

1. The passage is mainly introducing .
A.some useful natural fungi and bacteria
B.a newly-found tree in West Africa
C.a new way to deal with greenhouse gas
D.the soil-enriching limestone created by scientists
2. Which of the following is True about tiny microbes?
A.Most tiny microbes like living in dry, acidic soil.
B.Tiny microbes get along well with the Iroko tree in special soil.
C.The more greenhouse gas is, the more active tiny microbes become.
D.CO2 can be broken down by natural fungi and bacteria.
3. What does the underlined word "it" in paragraph 3 probably refer to?
A.Soil.B.Carbon.C.Carbon dioxide.D.Limestone.
4. According to the passage, what can we infer?
A.The action of the tiny microbes can increase the oxygen in the earth.
B.Researchers have done the experiment on trees in Africa for three years,
C.West Africa is one of the most polluted areas all over the world.
D.Researchers tend to use natural power to solve their problem.
5. According to the passage, the Iroko-bacteria method .
A.has been popularized in Bolivia, Haiti and India
B.can save a lot of seriously destroyed woods
C.can be used to improve the farming land
D.should be spread all around the world in the future
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . A few years ago, I took a sightseeing trip to Washington, D.C. Standing outside the Ronald Reagan Center, I heard a voice say, “Can you help me?” When I turned around, I saw an elderly blind woman with her hand extended. In a natural reflex, I reached into my pocket, pulled out all of my loose change and placed it on her hand without even looking at her. I was annoyed at being bothered by a beggar. But the blind woman smiled and said, “I don’t want your money. I just need help finding the post office.”

In a moment, I realized what I had done. I judged another person simply for what I assumed she had to be. I hated what I saw in myself. This incident re- awakened my belief in humility (谦恭), even though I’d lost it for a moment.

The thing I had forgotten about myself is that I am an immigrant. I left Honduras and arrived in the U.S. at the age of 15. I started my new life with two suitcases, my brother and sister, and a strong, serious-minded mother. Through the years, I have been a dishwasher, mechanic and pizza delivery driver among many other humble jobs, and eventually I became a network engineer.

In my own life, I have experienced many open acts of prejudice (偏见). I remember a time, at age 17 — I worked as a waiter, and I heard a father tell his little boy that if he did not do well in school, he would end up like me. I have also witnessed the same treatment of my family and friends, so I know what it’s like, and I should have known better.

But now, living in my American middle-class lifestyle, it is too easy to forget my past, to forget who I am and where I have been, and to lose sight of where I want to be going. That blind woman on the streets of Washington, D.C., cured me of my blindness. She reminded me of my belief in humility and to always keep my eyes and heart open. By the way, I helped that lady to the post office. And in writing this essay, I hope to thank her for the priceless lesson.

1. We can learn from the first two paragraphs that _.
A.the author was a native American
B.the blind woman needed the money badly
C.the author was as poor as the blind woman
D.the author regretted his act of prejudice
2. According to Paragraph 4, hearing the father’s words, the author was probably _.
A.rather hurtB.very excitedC.greatly inspiredD.deeply moved
3. Which opinion does the author agree with?
A.One should try to experience different kinds of life.
B.One should think about one’s past as often as possible.
C.One should treat others equally with love and respect.
D.One should be nice to the elderly and the disabled.
4. Why does the author say he is thankful to the blind woman at the end of the passage?
A.She has made him value what he has right now.
B.She has reminded him of the past experiences.
C.He has got a chance to think about his past and future because of her.
D.He has regained his belief in humility with her help.
5. What can be the best title for the passage?
A.How my dream comes true
B.A priceless lesson in the street
C.A Belief that will never change
D.Learn from your past
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