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1 . Pangolins (穿山甲) are the most trafficked (非法交易) mammals in the world and are facing extinction. To draw attention to these scaly (有鳞片的), anteater-like animals, a new wildlife documentary, Eye of the Pangolin, is attempting a unique way to inspire action and conservation. Partnering with the non-profit organization Pangolin. Africa, the documentary was made available on YouTube in May 2019. The intention is to reach communities wherever the Internet is available, especially African communities, who live near the animal’s habitats.

Over two years, the documentary crew traveled to South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic and Gabon in search of the four unique species of pangolin, which has never been achieved before. Filmmakers Bruce Young and Johan Vermeulen say that they went into the shoot knowing relatively little about pangolins, but grew to respect and appreciate the animals. Getting close to the creatures over two years was a crash course in these secretive creatures. Johan Vermeulen said, "One thing however that might seem unimportant is that they are actually quite fussy eaters. You would think they would eat any type of ant, but they all prefer a specific type ant."

Pangolins are hunted illegally across Africa for their scales, which are used for traditional medicine, and their meat. In April 2019, Singaporean customs officials conducted two separate seizures of 24 tons of pangolin scales, which equals to the death of 69,000 pangolins.

Though the documentary focuses less on the trafficking of pangolins, and more on the animals in their natural habitat, the aim of the documentary is to inspire viewers around the world to call for action to end trafficking and protecting these unique creatures.

Filmed on location in South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic, and Gabon, this powerful documentary is the story of two men on a mission to get all four species of African pangolin on camera for the very first time.

1. What is the purpose of the documentary?
A.To study the situation of pangolins.
B.To collect fund to protect pangolins.
C.To raise awareness of pangolin protection.
D.To propose setting up pangolin reserves.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined word “fussy” in paragraph 2?
3. What’s the documentary mainly about?
A.The illegal trade of pangolins.
B.The medical function of pangolin's scales.
C.The life of pangolins in their natural habitats.
D.The efforts of Pangolin, Africa to save pangolins.
4. Where is the text most likely from?
A.A brochure.B.A diary.
C.A novel.D.A magazine.

2 . “Birds” and “airports” are two words that, paired together,don’t normally paint the most harmonious picture. So it really raises some eyebrows when China announces plans to build an airport that is for birds.

Described as the world’s first-ever bird airport, the proposed Lingang Bird Sanctuary(保护区)in the northern coastal city of Tianjin is, of course,not an actual airport. Rather,it's a wetland preserve specifically designed to accommodate hundreds-even thousands-of daily takeoffs and landings by birds traveling along the East Asian-Australian Flyway. Over 50 species of migratory (迁徙的)water birds,some endangered, will stop and feed at the protected sanctuary before continuing their long journey along the flyway.

Located on a former landfill site,the 150-acre airport is also open to human travelers.(Half a million visitors are expected annually.) However,instead of duty-free shopping,the main attraction for non-egg-laying creatures at Tianjin’s newest airport will be a green-roofed education and research center, a series of raised “observation platforms” and a network of scenic walking and cycling paths totaling over 4 miles.

“The proposed Bird Airport will be a globally significant sanctuary for endangered migratory bird species, while providing new green lungs for the city of Tianjin.” Adrian McGregor of an Australian landscape architecture firm explained of the design. Frequently blanketed in smog so thick that it has shut down real airports, Tianjin is a city---China’s fourth most populous----that would certainly benefit from a new pair of healthy green lungs•

1. The underlined phrase “non-egg-laying creatures” in Paragraph 3 refers to?
C.Endangered water birds.D.Planes.
2. What do we know about the airport according to the passage?
A.People cannot watch birds up close here.
B.It is located on a 150-acre landfill site.
C.It functions as an actual airport and a wetland preserve.
D.It provides migratory birds with food and shelter.
3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.The airport will become a permanent home for birds.
B.Tianjin will win worldwide fame in the future.
C.Tianjin’s air quality will improve thanks to the airport.
D.Tianjin will be able to accommodate more people.
4. What is this passage mainly about?
A.Airports shut down and open up.
B.China is to open the first Bird Airport.
C.Airports turn into green lungs.
D.Birds are no longer enemies to airports.
2019-09-10更新 | 875次组卷 | 18卷引用:江西省高安中学2019-2020学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Bradley McConachie, a 33-year-old Australian is actually a student in international relations completing his PhD through Griffith University. He came to Beijing for a cooperative research at Beijing University two years ago. Such an academic life was colorful with a chance offered by the cultural exchanges project, “I'm in China".

Bradley was lucky to win the most "likes" for his photo story about his life in China and became one of 20 winners to visit locations by the project this summer. All the winners’ experiences were filmed to produce a reality show, My Chinese Working Day, which will be broadcast by mid-September.

Bradley was chosen to work as a recreational manager for a Chinese wedding. The film crew took them to many “amazing sites" and the staff at the resort taught them a lot about how to incorporate modern Chinese features while still keeping traditional customs.

“I would have to say two things stick out as the most memorable: the helicopter ride and talking with the staff at the hotel about how they organize weddings here in China," he said. That was Bradley's first time to be in a helicopter, and he was too absorbed with the “stunning" view of the coastline.

“I think it is so important to show other Australians the different landscapes China has to offer. I think so many Australians, when they think about China, imagine the historical sites of Beijing and the exciting things to see in Shanghai but have no idea about other beautiful places, like Sanya or the many other places people have been taken to in this TV series. It was nice to experience these little touches. I was happy to be a part of that experience!” Bradley said.

1. What made Bradley's life more colorful?
A.Obtaining his PhD.
B.The cultural exchanges project.
C.The research about Beijing University.
D.The interest in international relations.
2. Why was Bradley given the chance?
A.He produced the reality show.
B.His life in China was interesting.
C.He was one of the top 20 winners.
D.He liked photo stories most.
3. Which of the following best explains “stunning" in Paragraph 4?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.It's difficult to produce moving TV series.
B.Beijing and Shanghai are historical sites.
C.Sanya is worth visiting for foreigners.
D.Many Australians know little about China.
2020-03-30更新 | 588次组卷 | 21卷引用:江西省宜春市奉新县第一中学2021-2022学年高二上学期第三次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约500词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . The philosopher, Martin Buber, is most known for his work on “I-Thou/You” relationships in which people are open, direct, mutually interested in each other. In contrast, “I-It” relationships are those in which we use the other, like an object, to solve our problems and fulfill our needs and purposes.

It is not our fault that many of our relationships are or become “It” relationships because most of what we feel, think and do is motivated by unconscious memories of how to survive the environment into which we were born. Thus, one of the reasons we use other people to help us feel better about ourselves and cope in the world is that using people was once necessary and it worked. When we were small and helpless, “It” came and fed us, and held us, and set us on our way. We didn’t have to reciprocate and care for “It”. Even when the care and attention of “It” was minimal or unpredictable, if we got out of childhood alive, somewhere along the way “It” was involved.

Freud called this stage of early life “primary narcissism”, which is our instinct (本能) for self-preservation and is a normal part of our development. While most of us grow out of it,we still hold a survival fear, which motivates us to escape danger and to stay alive, and we all need this fear in healthy measure.

The problem is that too many of us, too much of the time, are in a constant state of threat—and we often don’t know it. We imagine people are talking about us behind our backs, that we have cancer, that we are inadequate, and vulnerable to more than our share of bad luck. As our brains have grown in size and complexity, so has our ability to scare ourselves.

This causes many problems. For example, our stress levels increase, our digestion is impaired and our thinking becomes restricted. Our threat response stops any bodily function, feeling, thought and behavior that might “waste” energy and detract from fighting or escaping danger. Thus, when in threat, our emotional, cognitive and behavioral range is significantly reduced.

And in this reduced state, one of our solutions is to find someone who can save and comfort us. Instead of enabling us to be open, direct and mutual, fear and anxiety lead us towards conversations and choices in our relations with others that are orientated towards surviving—not thriving (茁壮成长). Threat-motivated relationships are characterized by need, dependency, control, demand, dishonesty, and self-interest.

We cannot form the “I-Thou” relationships that Buber speaks of until we have learned to notice, comfort, and understand the emotions and patterns of our threat brain. When in threat, we tend to use other people as objects who can save and protect us, or who we can blame for our problems.

1. What does the underlined word “reciprocate” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Return the favour.B.Ask for some advice.
C.Convey an apology.D.Make some comments.
2. What can we learn about “primary narcissism”?
A.It leads to our survival fear.B.It is normal and usually temporary.
C.It impacts our growth negatively.D.It lays the foundation for Freud’s theory.
3. Which of the following could be an example of “I-It” relationships?
A.Comforting an upset friend.B.Feeling sorry for your mistakes.
C.Trying hard to be independent.D.Asking others to take on your task.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.How We Can Form the “I-Thou” Relationships
B.How We Can Get Out of the “I-It” Relationships
C.Why We Treat Others as Objects Rather Than Individuals
D.What Helps Us Survive and Thrive in Early Stages of Life
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Two of the saddest words in the English language are “if only”. I live my life with the goal of never having to say those words, because they convey regret, lost opportunities, mistakes, and disappointment.

My father is famous in our family for saying, “Take the extra minute to do it right.” I always try to live by the “extra minute” rule. When my children were young and likely to cause accidents, I always thought about what I could do to avoid an “if only” moment, whether it was something minor like moving a cup full of hot coffee away from the edge of a counter, or something that required a little more work such as taping padding (衬垫) onto the sharp corners of a glass coffee table.

I don’t only avoid those “if only” moments when it comes to safety. It’s equally important to avoid “if only” in our personal relationships. We all know people who lost a loved one and regretted that they had foregone an opportunity to say “I love you” or “I forgive you.” When my father announced he was going to the eye doctor across from my office on Good Friday, I told him that it was a holiday for my company and I wouldn’t be here. But then I thought about the fact that he’s 84 years old and I realized that I shouldn’t give up an opportunity to see him. I called him and told him I had decided to go to work on my day off after all.

I know there will still be occasions when I have to say “if only” about something, but my life is definitely better because of my policy of doing everything possible to avoid that eventuality. And even though it takes an extra minute to do something right, or it occasionally takes an hour or two in my busy schedule to make a personal connection, I know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m buying myself peace of mind and that’s the best kind of insurance for my emotional well-being.

1. Which of the following is an example of the “extra minute” rule?
A.Start the car the moment everyone is seated.
B.Leave the room for a minute with the iron working.
C.Wait for an extra minute so that the steak tastes better.
D.Move an object out of the way before it trips someone.
2. The author decided to go to her office on Good Friday to ______.
A.keep her appointment with the eye doctor
B.meet her father who was already an old man
C.join in the holiday celebration of the company
D.finish her work before the deadline approached
3. The underlined word “foregone” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.To Keep Emotional Well-beingB.To Prevent “If Only” Moments
C.To Follow the Most Useful RuleD.To Achieve the Peace of Mind
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . To develop one's taste in English, the most effective way is to read English books extensively. Yet one may be at a loss to choose the appropriate books, especially as a beginner. As a native Spanish, I would like to share some of my experience.

My first English novel was Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, recommended by many English teachers and professors as an ideal book for English learners. But my experience was somewhat disastrous. I had great difficulty in understanding the novel, let alone enjoying it. It's not the vocabulary that troubled me, but rather the way Austen constructs sentences, and her way of thinking, which seemed too remote to me at that time. My fading enthusiasm was much recovered after reading Hemingway's novel A Farewell to Arms. No long and complicated sentences. And I particularly liked his brief and straightforward (简洁的) style. So my first suggestion is, as a beginner, you'd better choose contemporary novels instead of classical ones.

However, if you restrict yourself to novels you will miss a lot of treasures. English essays can at once inform you, entertain you, and improve your taste in English. The best example is Bertrand Russell's work. Its language is plain, yet you cannot help feeling the elegance and the peculiar sense of humor. His simple language enables his philosophy within the reach of ordinary people. Here comes my second suggestion — essays are indispensable.

Never follow others' recommendations and opinions blindly, however famous or influential (有很大影响的) the person might be. We should be open to various ideas, but always think and determine for ourselves. As a saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison. With that in mind, we are bound to find out our favorite writers through reading and develop our fine taste in English.

1. What made the first English novel that the author read hard to understand?
A.Complicated conversations.
B.Sentences and Austen's thinking pattern.
C.The old-fashioned vocabulary.
D.Not knowing the social background.
2. Which can best replace the underlined word "indispensable"?
3. What advice does the author give in the last paragraph?
A.Choose books that challenge us most.
B.Read books that are instructive.
C.Don't be affected by others' choices.
D.Compare books before buying.
4. What is the author's purpose of writing the passage?
A.Give comments on literature works.
B.Tell beginners how to choose English books.
C.Encourage people to read more English books.
D.Recommend first class books to English learners.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Fou Ts'ong, a Chinese-born pianist known for his sensitive interpretations of Chopin, Debussy and Mozart.died on Monday at a hospital in London, where he had lived for many years. He was 86.

A lover of classical music from a young age, Mr. Fou began taking piano lessons when he was 7. Mr. Fou made his first stage appearance in 1952. The concert caught the attention of officials in Beijing, who selected him to compete and tour in Eastern Europe. Mr. Fou soon moved to Poland, where he studied at the Warsaw Conservatory(音乐学校)on a scholarship. To prepare for the fifth Chopin Competition in Warsaw in 1955.he practiced so diligently that he hurt his fingers and was nearly cut from the first round of the competition.

Mr. Fou was one of the first Chinese pianists to achieve global prominence when he took the third place in the International Chopin Piano Competition in Warsaw in 1955. He also won a special prize for his performance of Chopin's mazurkas(马祖卜舞曲). Almost overnight, he became a national hero. To China, Mr. Fou's recognition in a well-known international competition was proof that the country could stand on its own artistically in the West. Chinese reporters flocked to interview Mr. Fou, while many others sought out his father, Fu Lei, for advice on child-rearing.

In 1981, a volume of letters written by his father, primarily to Mr. Fou, was published in China. Full of advice, encouragement, life teachings and strict paternal love, the book Fu Lei's Family, Letters became a best-seller in China. Besides influencing a generation of Chinese, Mr. Fu's words resonated(共鸣)long after his death with the person for whom they were intended.

"My father had a saying that 'First you must be a person, then an artist, and then a musician, and only then can you be a pianist.'" Mr. Fou once recalled in an interview. "Even now, I believe in this order-that it should be this way and that I am this way."

1. What can be learned from Paragraph 2?
A.Fou Ts'ong competed and toured in Beijing.
B.Fou Ts'ong first performed on the stage at 7.
C.Fou Ts'ong made great efforts for competitions.
D.Fou Ts'ong started learning music in Eastern Europe.
2. Why does Fou Ts'ong's global recognition mean a lot to China?
A.It earns Chinese art a place in the West.
B.It promotes the spread of Chinese culture.
C.It proves Chinese people's talent for music.
D.It enables Chinese art education to be recognized.
3. What does the underlined word "they" in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Mr. Fu's words.B.Young Chinese.
C.Fou Ts'ong and his family.D.Readers of Fu Lei's Family Letters.
4. Which of the following agrees with Fu Lei's ideas in the last paragraph?
A.Pursuing art is a long and painful process.
B.It requires various qualities to be a pianist.
C.Everyone should develop an interest in art.
D.Talent is of the greatest importance for a pianist.

8 . Hard work really does pay off. Scientists find that perseverance (毅力) leads to better grades and higher achievements in school.

“Being passionate (热诚的) is not enough to ensure academic success,” said researchers, who thought of “courage” as a key to success. This is also regarded as effort in reaching long-term goals, and determination to continue one’s efforts in spite of hardships.

Researchers thought that the finding could help create new training to help children develop the skill and help ensure their future success.

Researchers from the Academy of Finland studied more than 2,000 students from Helsinki. They were followed through their academic career from 12 to 16, from the sixth grade until the ninth grade in local school years. Researchers found that the factor that best predicted courage was related to goals, with previous academic achievements playing no role in developing the skill.

Professor Katariina Salmela-Aro, who led the study, said, “Courage means a young person is really interested in his or her studies and does not give up easily. A key element of courage is high perseverance when facing difficulties and hardships. The important finding is that these factors are the key to success and well-being. Our study shows the power of courage.”

Professor Salmela-Aro also thought it was important to develop new practices and qualities to improve courage in teenagers. She added, “Young people should see everyday school work as part of their life in a broader context and establish achievable goals for themselves. Schools must also serve as a place where it is safe to fail and learn to deal with setbacks. One must not be discouraged by setbacks, but gain(得到) strength and new energy from them!”

1. What can we learn about the research?
A.It takes at least three years.
B.It helps students make progress.
C.It makes many discoveries.
D.It follows 2,000 students abroad.
2. What should students do according to the researchers?
A.Focus on former grades.
B.Achieve their goals.
C.Try all their best.
D.Forget sadness.
3. What does the underlined word “setbacks” in Paragraph 6 mean?
4. Which is the best title of text?
A.Hard work will lead to success
B.Failure is the mother of success
C.Schools should train students’ courage
D.Perseverance is the key to success
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In a large survey of people's first memories, nearly 40% of participants reported a first memory that is likely to be fictional, according to findings published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Current research indicates that people's earliest memories date from around 3 to 3. 5 years of age. However, the study from researchers at City, University of London, the University of Bradford, and Nottingham Trent University found that 38.6% of 6, 641 participants claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger, with 893 people claiming memories from age 1 or younger. This was particularly prevalent among middle-aged and older adults.

As many of these memories dated before the age of 2 and younger, the authors suggest that these fictional memories are based on remembered fragments(碎片) of early experience—such as a pram(婴儿车),family relationships and feeling sad—and some facts or knowledge about their own infancy or childhood which may have been derived from photographs or family conversations.

“Further details may be unconsciously inferred or added, e. g. that one was wearing nappy when standing in the cot(幼儿床)," added Shazia Akhatr, first author on the study and Senior Research Associate at the University of Bradford.

“When we looked through the responses from participants we found that a lot of these first 'memories' were frequently related to infancy, and a typical example would be a memory based around a pram," explained Martin Conway, Director at the Centre for Memory and Law at City, University of London and coauthor of the paper.

“For this person, this type of memory could have resulted from someone saying something like 'mother and a large green pram'. The person then imagines what it would have looked like. Over time these fragments then become a memory and often the person will start to add things in such as a string of toys along the top,"   he added.

"Crucially, the person remembering them doesn't know this is fictional," Conway noted. "In fact when people are told that their memories are false they often don't believe it. This partly due to the fact that the systems that allow us to remember things are very complex, and it's not until we're 5 or 6 that we form adult-like memories due to the way that the brain develops and due to our maturing understanding of the world.

1. What does the underlined word "prevalent" in Paragraph 2 probably mean?
2. What can be concluded from the study mentioned in the passage?
A.Some people have clear knowledge about their own infancy.
B.Added details are an important clue to recall the childhood.
C.Most people claimed to have memories from age 2 or younger.
D.Talks between family members influence the earliest memories.
3. How does Martin Conway present his opinion?
A.By making comparison.B.By setting examples.
C.By analyzing data.D.By referring to documents.
4. What's the main idea of the text?
A.Many people's earliest memories may be fictional.
B.People's earliest memories can date back to 2 or younger.
C.The middle-aged and adults specialize in detailing their first memory.
D.Memories develop due to our maturing understanding of the world.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their houses.

One evening, Brownie’s family noticed that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no success. Brownie didn’t show up the next day, and, although they made their efforts to find him, by the next week he was still missing, Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie’s house alone, barking and jumping. Busy with their own lives, they paid no attention to the nervous little neighbor dog.

Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take “no” for an answer. Ted, Brownie’s owner, was continuously disturbed by the angry, determined little dog. Spotty followed Ted about, barking all the time, then darting toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me! It’s urgent!”

Eventually, Ted followed Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty stopped to race back and barked encouragingly. The little dog led the man to a deserted spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his legs crushed in a steel trap (圈套). Frightened, Ted now wished he had taken Spotty’s earlier appeals seriously.

Then Ted noticed something. Spotty had done something else besides leading Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found some food remains of every meal. Brownie had been fed that week! Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in the hope of keeping his friend alive. Spotty had actually stayed with Brownie to protect him from hunger and other dangers, and keep his spirits up.

Brownie’s leg was carefully treated and he soon got well again. For many years thereafter the two families watched the faithful friends chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.

1. At the very beginning, Ted paid little attention to Spotty because __________.
A.he was not free at the momentB.he was sure Brownie would be OK
C.he didn’t like Spotty at allD.his missing dog made him sad
2. The underlined word “darting” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by ___________.
3. After Ted was brought where Brownie was trapped, he ___________.
A.managed to free his dog at onceB.was very thankful to Spotty
C.regretted not following Spotty earlierD.was angry with the trap-maker
4. We can infer from the passage that ___________.
A.humans and animals depend on each other for comfort
B.it’s not right to hunt for animals in any neighborhood
C.Ted has to take better care of his beloved dog later on
D.Brownie would have died without Spotty’s timely help
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