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1 . 60 or so men and women are gathering outside of the Emergency Food Shelf in the city of Burlington. Inside, volunteer students from the University of Vermont (UVM) are working busily to bake chicken, re-heat donated pizza, chop vegetables, make peanut butter and sandwiches, and put bananas and beverages (饮料)within easy reach of anyone who comes through the door.

Six nights a week, the Salvation Army makes dinner for the hungry. But on Sunday, the Army's day of rest, the UVM kids take over and make sure that anyone who's hungry gets fed.

This year the program is headed by a tall, blonde chemistry major. At age 22, senior Carly Hodgins has been a part of this group for four years and is a masterful organizer.

“Time to open up!” Carly yells.

The door swings open. Men and women who've been waiting outside silently walk into the building. Ten steps inside the door, each man or woman picks up a waiting plate and the students start piling it with food. Every person gets a portion(一份)of meat, vegetables, salad, potatoes, and pizza.

Carly stands at the end of the food line and offers a beverage. "Apple juice?” she asks, looking straight into the eyes of each diner. "Orange juice?” Her smile is a flash of sunshine.

I remember words buried long ago in my heart: “I am hungry and you give me food. I am thirsty and you give me something to drink. I am a stranger and you welcome me.

When the last meal has been served and the last diner has gone back into the darkness! wipe down a steel table in the kitchen and think about what these kids have done. Tonight, no one in Burlington will go hungry.

1. What is the UVM volunteer students' duty?
A.To help the Salvation Army make dinner.
B.To make dinner for the hungry on Sunday.
C.To make sure the hungry get fed every day.
D.To make dinner for the hungry six nights a week.
2. How do the people get their food?
A.They help themselves to it.
B.They wait at the door to get it.
C.They get it at the end of the food line.
D.They let the students put it on their plates.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the text really mean?
A.Staying out of trouble.B.Helping a person in trouble.
C.Enjoying good things in life.D.Seeking help when in trouble.
4. What does the underlined word “diner” in the last paragraph refer to?
A.A person waiting for a meal.B.A person preparing a meal.
C.A person serving a meal.D.A person eating a meal.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in any neighborhood, these two loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their houses.

One evening, Brownie’s family noticed that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no success. Brownie didn’t show up the next day, and, although they made their efforts to find him, by the next week he was still missing, Curiously, Spotty showed up at Brownie’s house alone, barking and jumping. Busy with their own lives, they paid no attention to the nervous little neighbor dog.

Finally, one morning Spotty refused to take “no” for an answer. Ted, Brownie’s owner, was continuously disturbed by the angry, determined little dog. Spotty followed Ted about, barking all the time, then darting toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me! It’s urgent!”

Eventually, Ted followed Spotty across the empty lot as Spotty stopped to race back and barked encouragingly. The little dog led the man to a deserted spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie alive, one of his legs crushed in a steel trap (圈套). Frightened, Ted now wished he had taken Spotty’s earlier appeals seriously.

Then Ted noticed something. Spotty had done something else besides leading Brownie’s human owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the injured dog, Ted found some food remains of every meal. Brownie had been fed that week! Spotty had been visiting Brownie regularly, in the hope of keeping his friend alive. Spotty had actually stayed with Brownie to protect him from hunger and other dangers, and keep his spirits up.

Brownie’s leg was carefully treated and he soon got well again. For many years thereafter the two families watched the faithful friends chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.

1. At the very beginning, Ted paid little attention to Spotty because __________.
A.he was not free at the momentB.he was sure Brownie would be OK
C.he didn’t like Spotty at allD.his missing dog made him sad
2. The underlined word “darting” in the fourth paragraph can be replaced by ___________.
3. After Ted was brought where Brownie was trapped, he ___________.
A.managed to free his dog at onceB.was very thankful to Spotty
C.regretted not following Spotty earlierD.was angry with the trap-maker
4. We can infer from the passage that ___________.
A.humans and animals depend on each other for comfort
B.it’s not right to hunt for animals in any neighborhood
C.Ted has to take better care of his beloved dog later on
D.Brownie would have died without Spotty’s timely help
阅读理解-阅读单选(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . To me, life without music would not be exciting. I realize that this is not true for everybody. Many people get along quite well without going to the concert, and listening to the record. But music plays an important part in everyone's life, whether he realizes it or not. Try to imagine, for example, what films or TV plays would be like without music. Would the feelings, the moving plot, and the greatest interests, be so exciting or dramatic? I'm not sure about it.

Now, we have been speaking of music in its more common meaning----the kind of music we hear in the concert hall. But if we look at some parts of music more closely, we discover them in our everyday life too----in the rhythm of the sea, the melody of a bird in the woods and so on. So music surely has meaning for everyone, in some way or other. And, of course, it has special meaning for those who have spent all their lives working on playing or writing music.

It is well said, “Through music a child enters into a world of beauty, expresses himself from his heart, feels the joy of doing things alone, learns to take care of others, develops his mind and makes his body strong.”

1. What does the writer say more about in the text?
A.Life full of music.B.The importance of music.
C.Life without music.D.The development of music.
2. From the text, we learn that many people .
A.go to the concert instead of enjoying music
B.get along quite well without music
C.don't realize the importance of music
D.think music would be less exciting than films
3. What does the underlined word “melody” mean in the text?
4. From the last paragraph, we learn that music .
A.is very necessary for our everyday life
B.is very important, especially for children
C.can make our life exciting and dramatic
D.can enter another beautiful world
2020-03-02更新 | 219次组卷 | 6卷引用:湖南省株洲市炎陵县炎陵县2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Pokemon GO has become the most successful mobile game. It is now played in about 70 countries. While the game clearly has many fans, not everyone thinks the latest Pokemon fever is a good thing.

To play Pokemon GO, users follow maps on their phones that show virtual (虚拟的) animals, called Pokemon, in real-life places. Players have to walk around those places in search of Pokemon and try to catch as many as possible, which attracts kids most.

Fans of the game say it gets kids off the sofas and encourages them to play in new places and make new friends. That’s what Christine Elgersma, a senior app editor (编辑), thinks about it. And some educators are finding that Pokemon GO can also improve kids’ map skills.

Brain scientist Kristen Race says that kids pay so much attention to their phones that it doesn’t matter that they are outside. She warns that Pokemon GO gets in the way of real imaginative play. She argues that “even though a child may be playing this game outside, his brain is working in the same way it would as if he were spending hours inside. ”

There are some risks in playing Pokemon GO as well. Being distracted because of the game is one of the biggest dangers. People have walked into things, fallen down, and even been hit by cars while playing.

Elgersma says there are plenty of things kids can do to stay safe while playing Pokemon GO. She advises kids to discuss with their parents what they are allowed to do before playing. They should also pay careful attention to their surroundings (环境)and avoid talking to strangers. Finally, they should limit the amount of time they spend playing.

“Just like every other game, Pokemon GO should be used in balance with other things,” says Elgersma. “If it is, it can be a really great way for a family to have fun together.”

1. The greatest joy of playing Pokemon GO for kids is           .
A.to learn knowledge of geography on maps
B.to look for Pokemon here and there and catch them
C.to hide themselves and not to be found by Pokemon
D.to travel around the world without going out of their rooms
2. In the opinion of the Kristen Race,            .
A.kids had better play Pokemon GO outside
B.Pokemon GO is a big disaster for a family
C.parents should encourage kids to play Pokemon GO
D.Pokemon GO can’t really develop kids’ imagination
3. The underlined word“distracted”in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to“           .”
4. What do we know about Pokemon GO?
A.It is only popular with adults.
B.It can make kids fond of taking exercise.
C.It is dangerous for players in some way.
D.It probably sets up a home in people’s garden.
共计 平均难度:一般