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1 . Andrew Orkin was taking a break from his evening jog to sit by Prospect Park Lake when he was frightened to see a mass of snakes. They turned out to be swamp eels(黄鳝) that had escaped from one of two large plastic bags that split open as a man dragged them to the shoreline. After dumping the eels in the lake, the man walked away, explaining to bystanders that “I just want to save lives.”

The illegal release became a curiosity on social media, but the dumping of exotic(外来的) animals in urban parks isn’t new. New Yorkers free thousands of non-native animals every year. “People like animals and they sometimes think they’re doing a good thing by letting them go,” said Jason Munshi-South, an urban ecologist at Fordham University. “Most will die. Some will become a problem, and then there’s no going back.”

New York state and city officials say it’s too soon to know how the eels in Prospect Park might affect local species. The eels eat almost anything including plants, insects, frogs, turtles and other fish. And they could prey(捕食) upon or compete with the park’s native species for however long they survive.

There are no plans to eradicate the eels. Since they’re active at night and spend most of their time in the mud of lakes and rivers, spotting and removing them from the lake could be impossible. Officials say they will look for swamp eels during the agency’s next survey in the spring, but don’t expect them to make it through the winter. However, University of Toronto freshwater ecologist Nicholas Mandrak said, “Even if they don’t survive, they could have negative short-term effects.”

1. Why did the man pour the eels into the lake?
A.To challenge the law.B.To increase the local species.
C.To keep the eels alive.D.To become a web celebrity.
2. Why did the released eels become a concern?
A.They might get caught once again.
B.They might not adapt to the new environment.
C.They might frighten the joggers by the lake.
D.They might pose a threat to local species.
3. What does the underlined word “eradicate” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Get rid of.B.Look after.
4. What is the officials’ opinion about dealing with the problem?
A.It is risky.B.It is tricky.
C.It takes patience.D.It requires legal support.
2021-04-13更新 | 279次组卷 | 6卷引用:英语-学科网2021年高三1月大联考(山东卷)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Twice every month, Miranda Sam, a 66-year-old Ghanaian, visited the China Traditional Herbal Hospital, a private herbal facility at Pokuase, a suburb of the Ghanaian capital, for treatment.

“I was squeezing lemons, and when I finished, I could not get up or even move my legs, so I went to the hospital and did an X-ray examination, but they saw nothing. Meanwhile, I could not walk and was in a wheelchair,” the retired worker said. Hence Miranda decided to visit the herbal facility. “On two occasions, I had to do acupuncture(针灸), and I have found great relief. Now I walk unaided, so I keep coming for treatment,” she said.

As Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is gaining popularity in Ghana, many acupuncture clinics run by Chinese doctors pop up in the country. However, the China Traditional Herbal Hospital was established by 52-year-old Ghanaian business owner Bediako, after his fruitful encounter with the effects of TCM in 2012. With the help of a Chinese lady, Bediako set up a small clinic specializing in TCM. Years on, the facility has subsequently grown into a bigger herbal hospital. The hospital treats patients with a combination of local and Chinese herbal formulas. It supports this with the application of traditional Chinese medical methods.

Strokes(中风) account for 1.3 percent of all hospital admissions in Ghana, and 6.3 percent of all hospital deaths. But Bediako is confident that as more people with these conditions turn to the natural methods of healing, the pain and death rates would subside. “A gentleman was brought here three weeks ago, who could not sit, stand, or walk. He was first taken through acupuncture. I observed him on camera 30 minutes later, squatting(蹲), standing, and walking. You come here with your pain but will leave with a smile. That is our feature,” he said.

The hospital has started a second facility in Ashaiman near the capital, with plans to open other branches across the country to meet the growing demand.

1. What can we learn from Miranda’s words in Paragraph 2?
A.Her illness is not a bit severe.B.Squeezing lemons is a risky job.
C.She is feeling better now.D.She is unsure about what to do next.
2. What do we know about Bediako’s hospital?
A.It is located in the downtown area.
B.It was originally a specialized clinic.
C.It was established by a Chinese doctor.
D.It uses nothing but Chinese herbs.
3. What does the underlined word “subside” in Paragraph 4 mean?
4. What’s the writer’s probable attitude towards the TCM in Ghana?

3 . By now, most of us have picked up at least one pandemic hobby. And there's a seemingly common pandemic hobby trend: People who haven't been able to go anywhere are making imaginary travel plans. Maybe you're among those who have spent hours researching locations-even though you're not actually planning to travel.

It turns out that you aren't alone. People who seem to be sticking to public safety recommendations are still planning trips they don't intend to book. And, when I suddenly found myself addicted to an imaginary girls' trip to Joshua Tree, I wondered whether this was a healthy distraction.

"It's an escapist imagination," said Regine Galanti, a psychologist, adding that there's nothing wrong with escapism during a global pandemic.

On the one hand, distractions are often beneficial right now. We are a full year into living with COVID-19 as a pandemic, and that means you've probably had to navigate a range of emotions like discomfort, sadness, or even boredom. So any hobby that doesn't harm anyone or endanger your well-being is probably a worthy attempt.

Even if vacation planning is your happy place, Dr. Galanti suggests you "actually think about what you're trying to achieve." Why? "Maybe what you're saying is, I need a vacation from work," Dr. Galanti explains. "Then take three days off even if you are not going anywhere. "When you figure out what you're looking for, you might be able to find a small socially distanced adventure in your backyard or a quiet place. Vacation planning is a good way to spend some time, but there might be an even better way to get what you're desiring.

Anyway, when uncertainty is all around us, creating things to look forward to isn't a terrible idea. And when things are safer, you'll have all your plans in place.

1. Why do people make imaginary travel plans during the pandemic?
A.To develop a new hobby.B.To stay safe and sound.
C.To be distracted from reality.D.To get ready for future travel.
2. Which of the following can replace the word "navigate" underlined in paragraph 4?
A.Express.B.Balance.C.Adapt to.D.Deal with.
3. What is the writer's attitude towards imaginary travel plans?
4. Which section of the newspaper does the text probably come from?
C.Food and recipe.D.Science and technology.

4 . Salad plants have already been grown in old shelters and tunnels. Urban farming is a regular topic of interest at places like the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, where leaders consider whether the world's food system, blamed for causing both obesity and malnutrition, can be fixed. There are already plenty of urban farming projects around the world, particularly in the US, Japan and the Netherlands, from urban fish and plant farms to vertical farming.

“It's becoming an expanding industry,” said Richard Ballard, one of the founders of the farm Growing Underground. “There're several other businesses starting up in London in containers, and there are other vertical farms around the country now.”

Growing Underground is not a standard farm. The rows of crops could be in almost any tunnel, but these plants are 100 feet below Clapham High Street and show that urban agriculture is, in some cases at least, not a fad. The underground farm has occupied a part of the Second World War air-raid shelters for nearly five years, and Ballard is planning to expand into the rest of the space later this year.

Growing Underground supplies herb and salad mixes to grocery shops, supermarkets and restaurants. Being in London creates an advantage, Ballard says, as they can harvest and deliver in an hour.

He adds other advantages. Being underground means temperatures never go below 15℃ surface greenhouses need to be heated. They can do more harvests: 60 crops a year, compared with about seven in a traditional farm. Electricity to power the lights is a major cost, but the company believes renewable energy will become cheaper.

Similar British companies include the Jones Food Company in Lincolnshire, while in the US AeroFarms has several projects in New Jersey, and Edenworks in Brooklyn.

1. What do we know about urban farming?
A.It leads to a healthier lifestyle.B.It is rarely discussed at the WEF.
C.Different farming methods are used.D.Local governments pay efforts to develop it.
2. Which of the following best explains "a fad" underlined in Paragraph 3?
A.A dream that's easy to realize.B.A field controlled for a long time.
C.An approach to a serious problem.D.A fashion that’s popular for a short time.
3. What can we learn about the underground farm?
A.It is more productive than a traditional farm.B.It provides food directly to the customers.
C.Its major products are herbs and salads.D.It uses less energy than a greenhouse.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.Current food system causes health problems
B.Growing Underground attracts more people
C.Traditional farming will be replaced soon
D.Urban farming is still thought costly and time-consuming

5 . A group of second-year college students have discovered hidden writing on a page from a book from the 1500s, using a special camera system they built.

Surprisingly, finding hidden writing on very old documents isn’t all that unusual. In fact, there’s even a special name for documents like this: a palimpsest (再生羊皮纸卷).

Long ago, writing was done on parchment — thin, dried animal skins specially prepared for writing. But parchment wasn’t easy to make and wasn’t cheap. So it became common to erase the old writing off a parchment and then reuse it for another piece of writing. That’s what creates a palimpsest.

The writing erased off the parchment can’t be seen directly, but scientists have learned ways to use special lighting to reveal the original writing. But it’s unusual for young college students to discover palimpsests.

Last year, first-year students at the Rochester Institute of Technology took part in a class that brought together many students to take on a project as a group. The project was to build a special camera system that could take pictures using different kinds of light.

Over the summer, the students working on the imaging camera managed to finish it. When they were done, they borrowed several old parchments from the collection at the school’s Cary Graphic Arts Collection. When they put one of the pages under their camera system with UV light, the hidden writing suddenly appeared. Under the UV light, handwriting in French could easily be seen behind the fancy writing and decorations normally visible on the page.

Zoe, a student involved in the project, said, “This was amazing because this document has been in the Cary Collection for almost 10 years and no one noticed it.” The students are even more excited because even though the parchment is no longer part of a book, they know where 29 other pages from the same book are. The students, who are now working with others to locate the other parchments, hope these, too, will have hidden writing and that they can figure out what it means.

1. What was parchment designed for in ancient times?
C.Imaging.   D.Collecting.
2. What does the underlined word “reveal” in paragraph 4 mean?
A.Heat up.B.Bring out.
C.Adjust to.D.Clear away.
3. What are the students expecting to do according to the last paragraph?
A.Make a handwriting-recognizing camera.
B.Identify what the parchments are made of.
C.Track the origin of the palimpsests in the Cary Collection.
D.Discover hidden writing and its meaning on more parchments.
4. What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To tell about a new discovery.B.To recommend a special book.
C.To explain a cultural phenomenon.D.To introduce an old document.

6 . A few years ago, I had the honor of traveling through Accra, Ghana, an African city. As I rode down a main avenue, images grabbed my attention. On one side of the street, African children dressed in rags were playing in an open gutter (排水沟). On the other side of the street, there was a billboard advertisement featuring palm trees, a beach, and a white man lowering sunglasses from his eyes. If you are a fan of the American police shows, it’s not hard to see that the man in the ad is David Caruso, the righteous(正义的) cop in Crime Scene Investigation: Miami.

The dichotomy of images was a reminder not only of the international impact of American pop culture, but of the specific influence of TV police shows.

In Hollywood, I’m a rare creature, a black man who has made a career writing for network police shows, having eventually created my own show, S.W.A.T., for CBS. For me, writing television can never simply be about entertainment. The unjust death of the African American George Floyd keeps me wondering how the shows we are writing contribute to the understanding of the justice system, class, race, and the image of black men. I look at this not as a creative burden, but a necessary responsibility.

The past 60 years have seen numerous cop shows like Dragnet and Adam 12, where police, typically are beacons(灯塔) of morality who never do wrong while criminals are always people of color, particularly black men. This can make for wildly popular entertainment, but it also risks mistaking fantasies for reality. People watch TV to see heroes, but how are we defining who a hero is? For people of color, especially black people, the viewing experience is complex.

1. The images the author saw in Africa imply________.
A.the unrealistic advertisement
B.TV police shows’ great popularity
C.poor education of African children
D.the background of American culture
2. What does the underlined word “dichotomy” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What can we learn about the author?
A.He writes plays for pleasure.
B.He is very creative and influential.
C.He has created many shows including Dragnet.
D.He has high sense of justice and responsibility.
4. What’s the author’s attitude to traditional TV police shows?

7 . Kamikatsu, a small town in Japan, has shown the world that our garbage has far-reaching effects, and not just on our environment.

The experiment in going zero waste started when the town built a new incinerator 20 years ago. But almost immediately, the incinerator was determined to be a health risk due to the poisonous gases when garbage was burned in it. It was too expensive to send waste to other towns, so locals had to come up with a new plan. Then the Zero Waste Academy was born, which helped perform this plan.

Now Kamikatsu people separate their waste into 45 different categories. But in the beginning, it wasn't easy to convince local people to do all this work, and there was some pushback. Only after that initial education period did most residents come on board.

This is all great news for waste reduction of course, but it has also had some unexpected social benefits as well. Like much of Japan, Kamikatsu's population is aging, and about 50 percent of the locals are elderly. The fact that the whole community takes their trash in to be recycled has created a local action and interaction between generations.

That idea has been purposefully expanded to include a circular shop where household goods are dropped off and others can take them, and a tableware "library" where people can borrow extra cups, glasses, silverware and plates for celebrations.

"The elderly see this not as a waste-collection service, but an opportunity to socialize with the younger generation and to chat. When we visit them, they prepare lots of food and we stay with them for a while, we ask how they are," Sakano, the founder of the Zero Waste Academy, said.

Sakano's ideas are truly revolutionary if you think about it. She's proving that community can be found through handling the stuff we no longer want and need.

1. What is mainly talked about in paragraph 2?
A.What harmful effects garbage burning has.
B.Why garbage sorting is necessary in Japan.
C.How the idea of zero waste was put forward.
D.What the Zero Waste Academy functions as.
2. What does the underlined word "pushback" probably mean?
A.Inactive response.B.Generous reward.
C.Bitter suffering.D.Beneficial guidance.
3. What is a bonus of the zero waste project?
A.Reducing waste.B.Creating community.
C.Increasing people's income.D.Developing a new technology.
4. Which part of a newspaper is this text most likely from?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约430词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Last year,my oldest son Matthew went off to college. Things at home were not as“busy”as they used to be. We still had our 15-year-old son Gabriel with us,but we missed having Matthew around.

My wife soon had a crazy idea. “Let’s get a dog. ”she suggested. I wasn’t exactly thrilled with the idea,but I agreed. I mean,what better way to replace a kid that has gone off to college than to get a dog.

When we got to the animal shelter,it seemed like every dog was a pit bull(比特犬). I'd had many bad experiences with pit bulls as a child,so I didn’t want to take one of them home with me.

While I walked along the rows and rows of cold metal cages,a dog caught my eye. He was scared,and looked like he’d given up on life. There was only one problem:he was a pit bull.

As he looked at me with his big,beautiful eyes,I could see into his soul. I could see how scared he was and that he just wanted a happy life. I couldn’t just walk away—I had to at least go over and look at him. I approached his cage,and he just sat there,looking at me. I stuck my finger through the hole in the cage and petted him on the head. I expected him to get mad,but he didn’t.

I knew that this dog had never felt love before,and that he was enjoying every bit of the love I could give him in that moment. Tears began to stream down my face because I felt everything that this poor creature was feeling right then. He just wanted to be loved;he just wanted a home and a family.

It’s been a year since we took the dog home,and our lives have been changed forever.

Now,his favorite thing to do is give us kisses with his giant tongue every morning. He is always there to greet us when we come home with a huge smile. He’s shown us more love than any other living creature on Earth ever had before. And every time I look into his eyes I see love,compassion(同情)and gratitude—things I never thought that a pit bull was capable of feeling.

1. Why did the author’s wife want to get a dog?
A.Because she likes pit pull.
B.Because she thought it was a crazy idea.
C.Because she wanted the dog to replace her kid.
D.Because their kid went to college.
2. Which word has the similar meaning to the underlined word“thrilled”?
3. What was the author and his wife’s life like with the pit bull?
A.They missed having Matthew around even more.
B.They found it hard to get along with him.
C.They lived a life full of love.
D.They regretted adopting him.
4. What is the main purpose of the article?
A.To share a warm story about adopting a pet.
B.To stress the benefits of keeping a pet.
C.To suggest people keep a pet of their own.
D.To give advice on how to keep a pet.
2021-01-17更新 | 142次组卷 | 4卷引用:山东省2021届高三一轮复习联考(四)英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . I always wanted to be extraordinary at something. Not just as in, “Great job, Jimbo!” No, I wanted to be best-in-class, awe-inspiring, tiptop; a world-famous genius, like Michael Phelps or Mark Zuckerberg.

Unfortunately, my version of reality did not quite line up with thisdelusionalvision. I was a good swimmer, but I peaked at the collegiate State Championships level. My academic record was pretty solid, but I never would have made it into one of those ivy-league schools.

Though I rose to above-average status in a couple of areas, the disappointing truth was that I would never amount to anything more than a mid-sized fish in a small pond. God apparently had other plans.

What drove me crazy, though, was the superstar talent thrown in my face at every turn. Some folks just seemed to get an unfair intensive dose (剂量) of it. Why couldn’t I be like Bernie William, the famed New Yorkees player who also happens to be a world-class jazz guitar virtuoso (艺术大师)?

Some say greatness is simply a function of putting in the practice time. Around ten thousand hours, to be precise, according to author Malcolm Gladwell. I don’t question the theory of devoting extraordinary efforts to developing one’s expertise, but it seems that raw talent is equally important. You either have it or you don’t.

I’ve heard that as people approach middle age, their life satisfaction increases because they begin to accept the gap between the expectations for themselves and the reality. After a few decades of frustration without the desired results, we eventually come to terms with how our lives turned out, even if it falls far short of our idealized youthful expectation.

Hope bends, it seems.

1. What does the word “delusional” in Paragraph 2 most probably mean?
2. In the passage, the writer thinks of himself as__________.
A.a world-famous geniusB.a mid-sized fish in a small pond
C.a world-class virtuosoD.a student in an ivy-league school
3. According to the writer, what make “greatness”?
A.Raw talent.B.Talent and time.
C.Extraordinary efforts.D.Ten thousand hours of practice.
4. Which of the following might be the best title?
A.Hope BendsB.Frustrating Decades
C.Practice WorksD.Youthful Expectation
2021-01-14更新 | 134次组卷 | 14卷引用:2020届山东省东营市第一中学高三下学期第三次质量检测英语试题

10 . Argentina soccer legend Diego Maradona has died aged 60 of heart failure on Wednesday. Heart failure is a chronic condition that gradually damages the heart's ability to pump blood. Fluid can build up in the lungs as a result — a condition known as pulmonary edema. It is an increasingly common problem that can be fatal.

Regarded as one of the greatest players in the history of the game, Maradona became a household name after inspiring his country to World Cup glory in 1986. He took center stage at the tournament with a memorable performance against England where he scored a symbolic goal that he later described as the "Hand of God".

The small forward out-jumped legendary keeper Peter Shilton and knocked the ball into the net. The goal was allowed to stand, though it was claimed to be a handball. Later in the very game he scored one of the best goals in history after weaving his way past seven English defenders.

His impressive career was also marked by numerous controversies and his notorious lifestyle led to alcoholism and addiction.

Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez announced three days of national mourning for the passing of the superstar, and posted a tribute to Maradona on Twitter. "You took us to the top of the world. You made us feel incredibly happy. You were the greatest of all. Thank you for having existed," it read.

Maradona will lie in honor for public viewing at Argentina's presidential palace. Fans headed to the streets across Argentina and in Naples on Wednesday to pay tribute to(悼念) their hero. Meanwhile, a minute's silence would be observed ahead of all European matches this week in honor of the Argentine.

"He will go down in history as someone who set football alight and thrilled global fans young and old with his brilliance and skill."

1. Why did the famous football player Maradona die?
A.Old age.B.Heart illness.C.Loss of blood.D.Lung cancer.
2. What do paragraphs 2 and 3 mainly talk about?
A.His achievements in life.B.His "Hand of God".
C.His great performance in 1986.D.His legendary life.
3. What does the underlined phrase "notorious" in paragraph 4 probably mean?
4. What can we know from the paragraph 6 about the attitude towards Maradona?
2021-01-13更新 | 175次组卷 | 3卷引用:山东省鄄城县第一中学2022-2023学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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