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1 . Tourism is a leisure activity, whose prework means just the opposite. Acting as a tourist is one of the clear characteristics of being "modern" and the popular concept of tourism is that, it is organized within particular place and occurs for a period of time, which is arranged beforehand. Tourist relationships arise from a movement of people to, and their stay in, various destinations. This necessarily involves some movement, that is the journey, and a period of stay in a new place or places. The journey and the stay are by definition outside the normal places, of residence and work, and are of a short-term and temporary nature, and there is a clear intention to return home within a relatively short period of time.

Modern societies engage in such tourist practices. New socialized forms of transportation and hotel facilities have developed in order to cope with the mass character of the gazes of tourists, as opposed to the individual character of travel. Places are chosen to be visited and be gazed upon because there is an anticipation (期望) especially through daydreaming and fantasy of intense pleasures, either on a different scale or involving different senses from those who have been there. Such anticipation is also constructed and stays through a variety of non-tourist practices, such as films, TV, literature, magazines, records and videos which construct and reinforce this daydreaming.

Tourists tend to visit features of landscape and townscape which separate them off from everyday experience. Such aspects are viewed because they are thought to be in some sense out of the ordinary. The viewing of these tourist sights often involves different forms of social patterning with a much greater sensitivity to visual elements of landscape or townscape than is normally found in everyday life. People hang around these sights in a way that they would not normally do in their home environment and the vision is objectified or captured through photographs, postcards films and so on which enable the memory to be endlessly reproduced and recaptured.

One of the earliest research paper on the subject of tourism is Boorstin's analysis of the "pseudo-event" (1964) where he argues that contemporary Americans cannot experience "reality" directly but are happy with "pseudo-events". Isolated from the host environment and the local people, the mass tourist travels in guided groups and finds pleasure in fake or man-made attractions, and is cheated into enjoying the pseudo-events and disregarding the real world outside. Over time the images generated of different tourist sights lead to a closed self- perpetuating(自我延续的)system of a false belief that provides the tourist with the basis for selecting or deciding potential places to visit. Such visits are made, says Boorstin, within the "environmental bubble" of the familiar American style hotel which keeps the tourist from the strangeness of the host environment.

1. In the 1st paragraph, the author wants to say that before you travel to a new place _______.
A.making a careful travel plan is necessary
B.planning travel involves time and thought
C.getting travel tips from your friends may save time
D.choosing unusual tourist attractions makes a trip memorable
2. The sentence “the viewing of these tourist sights often involves different forms of social patterning” in the 3rd paragraph means ________.
A.traveling to an unfamiliar place is a pleasant change from everyday routine
B.new environmental scenes in a different place will become more attractive
C.tourists should find the native people and share with them ideas and experience
D.travelling is to see landmarks and discover unknown ways of life and values
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.
A.when travelling, many tourists will miss their homes and friends
B.visiting popular tourist attractions is only a waste of time
C.the virtue of travel is to interact with a culture different from your own
D.American tourists like to visit familiar places when they travel outside
4. Which of the following can serve as the best title of the passage?
A.Tourism, an Outlook on Different Life
B.Tourism, a Direct Hug of Nature
C.Tourism, a New Relation to Familiar Sights
D.Tourism, a False Belief about the World
2019-08-25更新 | 218次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海交通大学附属中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般