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1 . How to Help Your Teenager Decide on a Career

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It used to be a cute question. But now that your child is a teen, they’re either sick of hearing it or frightened because they don’t have an answer. As a parent, helping your teenager choose a career is highly important.    1    

Take the pressure off

Students leaving school often experience anxiety as they struggle to decide on a life plan. Some teens worry that they’ll disappoint their parents if they don’t take a direct path to a perfect job.    2    And it’s your job to remind them of that. Career exploration for teens should be encouraged, without the pressure of upcoming expectations.

Lead by example

    3    Take some time to think about how your own work might be setting an example. Teenagers are very perceptive (有感知力的) and will observe your relationship with your own work. If they see you enjoying your work, they’ll know it’s possible to find something they enjoy too.

Help them identify their strengths

A key step in helping your teenager choose a career is aiding them to understand themselves.    4    You’ll be able to help by reminding them what circumstances they work best in and what their skills and preferences are. All this information will help guide your teen through their choices.

If your teenager doesn’t have an idea of what they want to do after high school, it’s important to keep an open dialogue and gently encourage them.    5    By encouraging them to think deep, they will hopefully start to plan their future life.

A.It may be beneficial to visit a career advisor.
B.That’s why we’ve put together this practical guide here.
C.But the weight of the world doesn’t rest on their shoulders.
D.Make it your responsibility to be a safe space for your teen.
E.You’re the first and most important role model in your teen’s life.
F.A great way to promote this is asking questions about their future.
G.As their parent, you naturally know your teen and what areas they are good at.
2024-03-08更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:福建省厦门市2023-2024学年高一上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Balancing work and personal life is a challenge many people face in today’s fast-paced world. Achieving this balance can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.    1     Here’s an exercise you can do to help find that balance.

First, on a piece of paper, write down “Work Responsibilities.”     2    List your current job responsibilities, projects you’re working on, and upcoming deadlines. Be as detailed as possible to have a clear picture of your workload.

Next, on a second sheet, write “Personal Goals and Activities.” Think about what you enjoy doing in your free time.     3    This could include hobbies, time with family and friends, or personal health goals. Remember, these activities are crucial for your well-being.

On a third sheet, label it “Time Management.” Here, draft a weekly schedule, allocating time for both work and personal activities.     4    This exercise will help you visualize how much time you spend on work versus personal life and where adjustments might be needed.

Lastly, reflect on the balance between your work and personal life.     5    Consider whether you need to delegate tasks at work or cut down on certain activities to make more time for personal pursuits. Remember, it’s about quality, not just quantity.

A.Include everything from exercise to relaxation, to hobbies and socializing.
B.Balance doesn’t mean equal hours for each, but rather a satisfying proportion.
C.Then see if you are spending enough time on things that matter to you.
D.It’s essential to recognize the need for a personal life outside of work.
E.The key is to prioritize tasks and manage time efficiently.
F.This will help you understand where your time goes each week.
G.Make sure to include any regular commitments or weekly tasks.
2024-03-02更新 | 42次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北省部分地区2023-2024学年度高二上学期期末考试英语试卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . How To Know When to Quit Your Job

A lot of us get frustrated with our jobs. But how do we know when we need to take a real change?    1     There are several factors that you should think about and discuss with your family before quitting your job.

Determine if your job is affecting your health. If the stress from your job is affecting your physical or psychological health, it is a sure sign that it is time to leave. No amount of money or status is worth ruining your health, since you won’t be able to enjoy any of the things you have worked so hard for.     2    

Think about whether or not you can continue to grow in your position.     3       It’s important to be in a job that enables you to grow both personally and professionally. If you can’t grow, you should think about quitting your job.

    4       Can you live for a little while without an income while you look for jobs? Do you get paid what you deserve? These are factors to take into consideration when you think about quitting your job.

Consider your other offers. Unless you become independently wealthy, you’ll probably need to get another job. Are the other offers as good as what you have?     5    

A.Check out your job prospects.
B.Analyze your financial situation.
C.In that case, it may be better to leave.
D.This will reduce your stress as well as your debt!
E.If they aren’t, you might want to think again about quitting.
F.Being bored at work is an easy way to become dissatisfied.
G.Quitting your job is a serious decision that requires much thought.
2024-03-01更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:豫南九校2021-2022学年下学期第二次联考高二英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . How to write a Cover Letter (求职信)

Are you tired of your job and in the market for a new one? Many people are these days, and that can be a problem for job hunters.     1     A well-designed cover letter is the answer.

The cover letter should be no more than one page in length. And it should explain why you are the best candidate for a job. The point of this letter is to help you stand out from the others.     2    .

Making a good impression in your cover letter means grabbing the reader’s attention right away. In your first paragraph, quickly introduce yourself and talk about the position you are applying for.     3     This illustrates to employers that you can do your research——a key part of cover letters.

    4     Each one should be tailored to the job you are applying for. So, before you start writing, find out some information about the job and the establishment. Then you’ll know what the company values and which skills and experiences your letter should focus on.

Following the opening paragraph, you can discuss the relevant experiences in your resume (简历).     5     Talking about your background and skills shouldn’t take more than a couple of paragraphs. From there, you can move to the closing of your letter.

It’s important to end on a strong note. In these last lines, you should repeat why you are a great fit. Then follow up with a polite request for an interview. This shows you are excited about the job and keen to it.

A.Someone would refer to their education experiences in this part.
B.A fine means is to tell why you fit the job and have a strong ending.
C.One of the best ways to do that is by making a good first impression.
D.You should show why you are interested in the job and the company.
E.No matter how many you write, every cover letter should be different.
F.How can you get the attention of employers with so much competition?
G.You can give in-depth details about why your skills fit the company’s needs.
2024-02-21更新 | 64次组卷 | 1卷引用:浙江省舟山市2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Whether you’re ready to enter into the real world or want to try something new, choosing a career can seem difficult.     1    .

    2    . The best way to find your future job is to ask yourself: “What would you do if money were no object?” Sure, you’d want to relax for a while, but finally you will get bored. So what would you do to make yourself truly happy?

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of that career. When you consider your careers, make sure to do your research. Be familiar with your what you will choose.     3    . For example, if a certain job requires you to travel often but you have small children at home, this could be a disadvantage.

Look at all the Information about the possible career.     4    . It doesn’t matter what city they’re in. Look at what the requirements are. You want to make it your goal to meet those requirements.

Make friends in the right places. You don’t need to go to Ivy League (常春藤盟校). You can volunteer with their organizations, and go to meetings in that field to meet people.     5    .

A.Do a basic search for open positions
B.You should also talk with some experts
C.That way they’ll probably recognize you
D.Think about who really makes you happy
E.Ask yourself what you would do if money weren’t an issue
F.However, with steps as follows, you can easily choose a satisfying career
G.You need to know the disadvantage if you want to make an informed decision
2024-01-28更新 | 50次组卷 | 1卷引用:四川省凉山州西昌市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . Slash (斜杠) Careers

What is your job? Are you a teacher or a businessperson? Or maybe you are a lawyer/writer or a teacher/photographer.     1     The term “slash career” comes from the punctuation mark (标点符号) — a slash that comes between job titles.

People with slash careers often have a primary job that provides for most of their needs. The primary job usually comes before the slash.     2     This secondary job can help supplement income.

Why would anyone want more than one job? Some people think secondary jobs are enjoyable if they include interests that the primary jobs don’t touch. Some people who encourage slash careers say they actually help with work-life balance,     3    

However, in a way, a slash career can also be dangerous for work-life balance.     4     One might give up necessary things like relaxation, exercise or time with one’s family. People with slash careers need to think carefully about how they use their time. This includes knowing when to stop working.

The clear advantage of slash careers is the extra income that secondary jobs provide. It’s always helpful to have a little extra money to spend or to save.

    5     With a slash career, losing one’s job does not mean losing one’s entire income. Or a secondary job may be so successful that it can turn into one’s primary job.

If your interests stretch beyond your ordinary job, a slash career may work for you.

A.Slash careers provide extra money.
B.Slash careers also make one’s life more stable.
C.Taking more than one job can fill up all of one’s time.
D.If you have more than one job, you have a slash career.
E.as it shows the person is creative and willing to work hard.
F.The job after the slash is often based on a person’s interests.
G.because they offer opportunities to express their real selves in life.
阅读理解-七选五(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Choosing a career path is one of the most important decisions that senior high graduates have to make.     1     Therefore, it is essential to consider various factors before making a final decision. Here are some factors that senior high graduates should consider when choosing a possible career.

Personal Interests and Passions: Choosing a career that suits to one’s interests and passions can lead to a fulfilling and satisfying career. For instance, if someone is passionate about art, they may consider a career in graphic design, animation, or fine arts.     2    

Job Market and Demand: Graduates should research the job market and find out which careers are in high demand.     3     For instance, careers in healthcare, technology, and finance are currently in high demand.

    4     Some careers require a specific degree or certification, while others may require on-the-job training. Graduates should research the education and training requirements for their chosen career and ensure that they are willing to invest the time and resources required.

Potential Salary and Benefits: Graduates should research the average salary and benefits for their chosen career and ensure that it matches up with their financial goals and lifestyle.

Work- Life Balance:     5     Graduates should consider their personal preferences and lifestyle when choosing a career.

Choosing a career is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. By considering these factors, graduates can make an informed decision that will lead to a fulfilling and successful career.

A.Previous Working Experience:
B.Education and Training Requirements:
C.This will increase their chances of finding a job after graduation.
D.It is a decision that will have a significant impact on their future.
E.Graduates should consider the gap between the job demand and their potential.
F.Some careers may require long hours or frequent travel, while others may offer more flexibility.
G.On the other hand, someone interested in science may consider a career in medicine, engineering, or research.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . This may be the 21st century but when it comes to information communication technology(ICT), the gender(性别)divide between boys and girls, shows no sign of closing.

This is bad news for the ICT industry where men outnumber women by over five to one; the industry needs at least an extra million recruits(新成员)over the next five years. Obviously, women as well as men are going to have to fill these recruitment gaps(空缺).The ICT companies are worried about the shortage of men and women to fill their gaps in the future.

It is believed that women are very well suited to working in ICT-they enjoy working in teams and like looking for creative connections. Many women have the kind of personal skills which are considered important to develop “new technology”. Professionals who work in Information Technology are constantly creating the world around us, and this can’t be done if you don’t know how people work and how they play.

In spite of the fact that ICT jobs are well paid and women are more likely to do well in them, findings show that girls’ opinions of the industry are uniformly negative. Only 5% would consider entering the ICT industry compared to 14% for law and 26% for medicine. Up to the age of 11 girls see ICT as entertaining and interesting but after that age negativity sets in; by the age of 13,this negative view of ICT is confirmed.

After school activities encourage some girls to use Information Technology, and getting ICT staff and other teachers together helps to develop imaginative use of ICT. Imaginative use of ICT especially in music, art, drama, geography and media studies, all helps to open girls’ eyes to the fact that careers in computing can cut across so many different areas.

Students complete the same class task by rote(死记硬背)in the ICT class. Although girls follow successfully, they will achieve enjoyment and excellence if allowed to diversify and be creative. For girls, just pressing buttons is not enough.

Another method is setting up computer clubs aimed at younger girls aged 8 to 14. This is known to inspire girIs to develop their ICT skills and to show them that ICT can be both creative and interesting.

We can’t afford to have girls missing out.

1. What do we know about ICT?
A.It has a serious division between male and female.
B.The ICT companies don’t need to hire more workers.
C.ICT is a more promising career than the cause of law.
D.ICT attracts more women to join in because of its high salary.
2. Why are women more suitable for ICT?
A.Because of their high skills of studying.
B.Because of their creativity of new games.
C.Because their responsibility for their career.
D.Because of their spirit for teamwork and exploration.
3. What will make girls more interested in ICT?
A.Completing the class task by rote in the ICT class.
B.Making competitions in ICT class.
C.Developing imaginative use of ICT.
D.Connecting ICT to their scores.
4. What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.The ICT will have a promising future.B.Some measures to attract girls into ICT.
C.The advantages of ICT over medicine.D.The differences between ICT and law.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 较易(0.85) |

9 . Mastering a foreign language, you can get these jobs:

1. Flight attendant

Not only will they pay you to travel the world, but you will also earn enough money to live a debt-free life with a careful planning, of course. Ladies who know two or more languages and are not afraid to fly will love this job. There are many airlines to choose from these days, so feel free to let them know about your skills.

2. Fashion buyer

If you are looking for a job in a fashion industry, why not become a fashion buyer? Fashion buyers typically work for retail chains and department stores, and you can start your own business. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average fashion buyer makes around $ 61,000 per year. If you work full time, you may also get paid time off, and in many cases, a health care package.

3. Game translator

Looking to work from home? You can earn pretty much if you become a game translator. Translating games is a lot more interesting than translating legal texts. With a great number and variety of games appearing every day, you will always have what to translate. Just make sure you know that language well. Depending on the location, company, industry, and your experience, you can earn up to $51,000 per year.

4. Foreign journalist

Foreign journalists are in high demand today. If you are a journalist who can speak a language other than your native one, why not apply for a foreign correspondent? Even though this career choice has its risks, it is an interesting job that is particularly perfect for single people. The average salary is $ 65,000 per year, although some correspondents earn $100,000 per year.

1. Flight attendant is a nice job because of________.
A.chances to know two or more languagesB.chances to enjoy beautiful scenes
C.busy work and much more moneyD.enough money with a serious planning
2. According to the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.knowing a foreign language, you can get a part-time job as a fashion buyer
B.being a game translator, you can be more excited and earn up to $51,000 per year
C.if you know foreign languages and like travelling, you are likely to find a job as a flight attendant
D.as foreign journalists are in high demand, the average salary is the highest among any other jobs
3. If you are an unmarried person and love adventures, you’d better choose to work as a ________.
A.flight attendantB.foreign journalistC.fashion buyerD.game translator
2023-03-13更新 | 27次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省清远市大坪镇大坪中学等校2020-2021学年高一上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . High school is a great time to start thinking about careers, yet many high schoolers don’t know what they want to do.     1    . In fact, students are likely to change their minds many times, perhaps even after they enter the workforce. And some of tomorrow’s careers might not exist today.

    2    . However, they should know how to explore careers and put time into investigating them and learning about their skills and interests.

Understanding what you enjoy — and what you’re good at   — is the first step in exploring careers. “    3    , the question is, ‘What do you like to learn about?’” says Schneider, a school counselor (规划师) at Sheboygan South High School in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. “If you really like science, what do you enjoy about it — the lab work, the field research?”     4    . High school junior Kate Sours, for example, loves spending time with kids as a babysitter and enjoys helping people, so she focused on those two interests when she began considering potential careers.

Once you’ve thought about the subjects and activities you like best, the next step is to look for careers that put those interests to use. If you love sports, for example, you might consider a career as a gym teacher or a coach.     5    . There are hundreds of occupations, most of which are related to more than one skill area. School counselors, teachers, and parents can help point you in the direction of occupations that match your interests and skills.

A.High school students don’t have to know the exact career they want
B.If you don’t know what you want to do
C.But school counselors say that’s perfectly fine
D.But they aren’t the only options for people interested in sports
E.It’s important to think about what you like to do
F.When you get job experience
G.Use the answers to those questions to identify careers that may have similar tasks
2023-03-03更新 | 112次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省广州市从化中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题
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