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1 . A comment from Zadie Smith caught my attention this week. Asked whether she had ever considered recording an album, the novelist responded, “I have a dream of having a Café Carlyle residency in New York in my 80s.” Here she is at the height of her success dreaming of a career Plan B just like the rest of us!

Weird Plan Bs fascinate me because for years I had one of my own. Despite being perfectly happy in my chosen profession, I had long harboured the fantasy of becoming a photographer and I took a lockdown leap and applied to art school to acquire some actual skills.

Has it brought me fame and riches? Not as yet. Like many people who dream of having a go at something different, I was focusing on creative fulfilment rather than my future finances. By the time I graduated in 2022, my dream of running a portrait photography business was looking a lot less practicable—in part thanks to AI head-shot generators.

If only I had had a little more Fobo, also known as the fear of becoming out-of-date. This workplace trend is an updated version of Fomo—the fear of missing out, which now feels like a poignant (辛酸的) throwback to more optimistic times. 22% of workers are worried that technology will put them out of a job. And who can blame them?

There is another reason that nurturing an alterative career might be risky. Research indicates that having a back-up plan can work against you. Having a Plan B as a safety net can cause people to make less effort at their day job and — unhelpfully — run a greater risk of losing it.

So, do I regret pursuing my Plan B? Not at all — hopefully I’ve got a few years before robot photographers take over the world, and I currently spend a day a week on photography. My only sorrow is something unexpected. For so many years. I had the fantasy of trying something new. My “someday” ambition sustained me through dull and boring days. But now I’m actually spending some of my week doing it, which has caused empty space in my life. It made me realize that having an alternative career to dream about is in itself sustaining and comforting. You might never do it, and that might not even matter. So, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go and start working on my Plan C...

1. Why did Zadie Smith want to have a Cafe Carlyle residency?
A.She was not satisfied with her writing career.
B.She was eager to take up a second career.
C.She was depressed by recording an album.
D.She was unable to reach the height of success.
2. What do you know about the author’s plan B?
A.She was a skilled photographer who graduated from an art school.
B.She gave up her chosen occupation because of lockdown.
C.She gained a sense of creative satisfaction instead of income.
D.She ran a photography business with the assistance of AI.
3. Why did the author mention the concepts of Fobo and Fomo in paragraph 4?
A.To explain why workers are eager to do plan
B.To introduce one of the disadvantages to do plan B.
C.To advocate the society’s acceptance of plan B.
D.To display the future of trend of the workforce.
4. What’s the author’s “only sorrow” according to the last paragraph?
A.She will be replaced by robot photographer in the future.
B.She can’t spare time to do photography professionally.
C.She hates the dull and boring days in doing photography.
D.She lost something new to excite some enthusiasm for life.
2023-11-22更新 | 260次组卷 | 3卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Google made waves recently by introducing its new program, “Google Career Certificates,” a collection of courses designed to help people get qualifications in high-paying, high-growth job fields without attending university. The courses should take about six months to complete and will cost a fraction (小部分) of a traditional college education.

Many people, especially students, were happy to see an alternative (可能的选择) to what many consider a broken education systemone that leaves many burdened with student debt for years while leaving them unprepared for the real world.

The truth is, traditional higher education may be necessary for some careers, but for others it is neither necessary nor practical. Google’s alternative not only costs a fraction of a traditional college education, but it can also be completed in far less time and can better prepare graduates for the real world.

Of course, what Google is offering isn’t exactly new. In some ways, the new program is similar to other types of training that have existed for years, like vocational education. The difference is, since Google is a household name, its certificate can be easily recognized and accepted across companies and industriesmuch like a degree from a major university.

Not everyone was in praise of Google’s alternative. Some people expressed concern that not enough employers would value Google’s certificate program. One even argued that graduates would likely not get a job and would then feel the need to go to college after all. Another criticism people leveled was that there are certain lessons taught in higher education that you merely can’t get in other places. “Students need more than a checklist of skills in order to compete in the real world,” those people said. “They need critical thinking abilities.”

I don’t think Google’s program will completely replace college education. But I do think it’s a step in the right directiona separate path for students who are looking for something different from traditional higher education.

1. What is the purpose of Google’s certificate program?
A.To prepare people for future jobs.
B.To allow people to get work experience.
C.To teach people how to get a high-paying job.
D.To offer people the chance to go to university.
2. What is one reason why many people favored Google’s certificate program?
A.Its courses are mostly easy.
B.It ensures people a promising career.
C.Its training is new and of high quality.
D.It costs less than traditional higher education.
3. What is one limitation of Google’s certificate program according to critics?
A.It isn’t practical.
B.It doesn’t offer valuable skills.
C.It isn’t acceptable to the public.
D.It doesn’t develop critical thinking abilities.
4. What does the author expect of Google’s certificate program?
A.It should move in the right direction.
B.It will take the place of college education.
C.It can serve as an alternative for some people.
D.It needs to make changes to meet students’ needs.
2023-11-14更新 | 33次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . We have often heard that “work smart and not hard”.Does only smart work bring you success? And if so, then why are so many of us still busy putting our blood and sweat into working hard? Here, we’ll discuss hard work and smart work.

Hard work is all about consistently working towards a particular goal irrespective (不考虑的) of its worth, not being worried about the result and not using any means to reduce your effort. Hard work requires a lot of commitment (投入) and sincerity from the person. Although being boring and tiresome, it can give you the best results if it is done with heart and soul.

One of the preconditions of smart work is having in­depth knowledge or experience of the work in hand, because that allows you to look for efficient ways to do the work in a planned time. Being a smart worker saves a lot of time as you can find means to reduce your work by using logical and innovative ways to achieve your goals. Besides, it also gives you enough time to learn a new task while completing the present one.

Although it seems that smart work is a better option, what we forget is that smart work is the fruit of hard work. Only when you work hard can you gather the expertise (专门技能) and the knowledge to understand the work in hand and efficiently improve on it and work smartly.

You will attain great heights and lead a better and comfortable life if you combine both smart and hard work together. If you are not smart, your hard work will never pay. A donkey only does hard work, while a horse does hard work and uses its smartness whenever and wherever it needs. In a similar way, smart work is the result of hard work. To master the quality of smart work, you really need to work hard. Through hard work, we gain experience which helps us discover new things that may make us work smartly. The effort is important,but where to make that effort makes a difference.

1. What can we learn about hard workers from Paragraph 2?
A.They lack proper work skills.
B.They always have great patience.
C.They tend to ignore the goal of work.
D.They can obtain excellent results from their work if they work with heart and soul.
2. How can smart workers save a lot of time?
A.By making a sensible plan.
B.By making use of innovative ways.
C.By learning experience from others.
D.By getting inspiration from a new task.
3. What does the author think of hard work?
A.It is inspiring.B.It is ineffective.
C.It is challenging.D.It is fundamental.
4. What does the example of donkey in Paragraph 5 intend to show?
A.It is useless to work hard.
B.It is necessary to work smartly.
C.The efforts you make matter most.
D.The horse is cleverer than the donkey.
2023-08-27更新 | 76次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . “When I grow up, I want to be...”

Almost all of us have thought about, or been asked to think about, our future careers. Our answers may differ greatly. Even now your aspirations(志向,抱负) may have changed from when you were in primary school.

However, it seems career options aren’t only based on personal taste. In a survey carried out by Teens, doctors, lawyers, and bankers were some of most popular careers that people said they hoped to follow. This is in line with a similar survey carried out in the UK in May 2011 by a job website, in which medicine was the top choice among UK teenagers aged between 13 and 17.

Medicine and law are two of the oldest and best known professions. Their prestige (威望) may come from the fact that doctors and lawyers are much-respected members of society, and they make good money. What’s more, these professions are often seen as a sign of upper social class.

It is equally unsurprising that banking is now one of the most common career choices. Youngsters worldwide think of banking to see the money rolling in. Wealth is increasingly becoming one of the most important indicators(标志) of a successful career. .

However, not every child has the makings of a doctor, a lawyer, or a banker. They are those who see achievements and happiness in other areas. As the Teens’ survey discovered, a variety of unconventional jobs--a coffee shop owner, a gourmet(美食家), a waiter at a fast food restaurant--are among teenagers’ career choices. They can be equally interesting and rewarding jobs.

With every choice come responsibility and challenge, and all career paths require specific education and training, so you have to learn to balance optimism(乐观主义)and confidence with being realistic about your particular talents and skills.

1. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The fact that the teenagers in the UK like doctors.
B.The importance of choosing a good job.
C.Careers in teenagers’ mind.
D.The fact that the choice of career needs challenge.
2. What is the top career choice among UK teenagers aged between 13 and 17 according to the article?
3. According to the article, all of the following are the benefits of being a doctor or a lawyer except _______.
A.respect from othersB.high pay
C.status of upper social classD.the oldest profession
4. According to the last two paragraphs, which of the following is TRUE?
A.Careers such as gourmets and waiters are not as rewarding as doctors and lawyers.
B.Specific education and training can help get a good job.
C.Responsibility is the most important when you choose a good job.
D.Optimism and confidence is more important than being realistic when choosing careers.
2023-08-03更新 | 75次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Quiet Quitting

While not a new concept, the term “quiet quitting” has recently gained popularity on social media.

What is quiet quitting?

Quiet quitting doesn’t mean an employee has left their job, but rather has limited their tasks to avoid working longer hours.     1     They stick to what is in their job description and when they go home, they leave work behind them and focus on non-work duties and activities.

    2     It may also mean they are ready to change positions or may be currently looking for another job.


Quiet quitting may be a popular term, but this practice isn’t new. Workers have quietly quit their jobs for years to look for something new, whether it was because of poor pay, unmanageable workload, burnout or lack of growth opportunities.

Working from home has also changed the dynamics of the workplace because employees and managers are communicating in different ways through online meetings. These interactions may feel more formal than the chat sessions that happen in an office. Limited meetings can cause a disconnect between employees and management.     4    

How can businesses help employees?

The biggest way to prevent disengagement is to improve the employees’ experience. Talk to employees, gather their feedback and discuss what can be done to make them feel appreciated. Make sure workloads are realistic and that there are appropriate boundaries to maintain a work-life balance.

Further, managers should clearly outline paths of career progression to each employee.    5     A recent report revealed that more than half of employees surveyed would accept 10% less pay in exchange for a “more interesting career path or more opportunities to learn new skills”.

A.Why are employees quietly quitting?
B.Why is quiet quitting beneficial to mental health?
C.They set clear boundaries to improve work-life balance.
D.Employees are more likely to be engaged when they have specific targets.
E.However, quiet quitting could be a sign that an employee is not happy in their position.
F.Regular support and praise that make employees feel valued and connected can get lost.
G.Managers must learn how to have conversations to help employees reduce disengagement and burnout.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . It is a common question to ask yourself: What do you want to be when you grow up?

In the past it has generally been accepted that a person will follow one career path, but an emerging group of people have changed this idea. By pursuing jobs across several walks, this group has come to be known as “slashers (斜杠青年)”.

There are many reasons why this has become popular, particularly among those under the age of 30. In modern competitive society, having multiple income streams (多种收入来源) is one of the best ways to create financial security.

Zhao Sichen is one follower of the slasher movement. The 34-year-old is an English teacher at Tsinghua University High School. Outside the classroom, Zhao also works as project manager in charge of education programs at the Internet tech company NetEase.

In addition to providing a sense of job security, becoming a slasher reduces boredom and prevents becoming burned out on (不再热衷) focusing on a single path.

According to the Guardian, “Entrepreneurs (创业者) are a typical example of a group that expects to spread their careers across multiple areas.” Erin Albert is a typical slasher in the UK. Apart from having written books, Albert is an assistant professor, an entrepreneur and a law student. Albert often asks his students to think about, “why they can’t both take an immediate job offer they are not sure about as well as work toward their ‘dream’ job”.

Technology has also promoted this choice. Online tools and platforms have allowed people to pursue different interests and career paths as they have promoted the ability to work remotely. Never has it been easier for those who have interests in a variety of careers to pursue them at the same time. It seems that right now the sky is the limit for those who are considering what they want to do in the future.

1. What do we know about slashers?
A.They are mostly 30 years old.B.They follow one career path.
C.They change jobs frequently.D.They tend to work several jobs.
2. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the popularity of slasher movement?
A.It gives people more free time to relax.
B.It helps people gain financial security.
C.It gets people to pursue their dream.
D.It makes people feel less bored in a single job.
3. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?
A.Technology allows people to work remotely.
B.Doing more than one job might be encouraged.
C.Most people will work several jobs at the same time.
D.It has become more common for people to pursue multiple jobs.
4. What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Pursuing Your Dreams.B.Slashers in China.
C.Slashing through Jobs.D.Choosing Multiple Jobs.
2023-02-20更新 | 97次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-七选五(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . You will be leaving this school soon and the unavoidable question many people will ask you is, “    1    ” Some of you may have already decided on a career path, but many of you still don’t have a clue. Here are some things you might want to consider.

    2     Will it be in demand in 20 years? Rapid technological change is taking place and we need to be forward-looking at our future prospects. While many occupations are being taken over by new technology, jobs requiring high-level of critical thinking, emotional intelligence and human interaction remain in high demand. These jobs are not easily replaced by machines or technology. So think carefully about this before you choose your professional path.

Choose a career that interests you. Some people might think this is unimportant, but if you are truly passionate about your job then going to work every day won’t seem unpleasant.     3    Based on your own values, sills and personality type, you should ask yourself what you rally enjoy doing. This can help you decide if a career path is a good fit for you.

Of course you will want to consider your chosen profession’s earning power. Although high pay plays a part, you should know that a Job with a big salary will likely require more effort and   a higher level of stress.     4     If you have interests outside of work, or are struggling with other demands in your life, you might want to choose a less taxing line of work.

    5    Therefore, when you’re not sure which direction to take, you should keep an old saying in mind, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

A.What occupation do you want to choose?
B.Prepare yoursef for a career with creating power.
C.Does the career you consider have staying power?
D.It’s also likely that you will stay and grow in this career.
E.Only the truly motivated are likely to meet these challenges.
F.Thinking about a life-long career at this stage is surely challenging.
G.Choosing the right career won’t stress you with enough preparations.
2023-02-10更新 | 247次组卷 | 3卷引用:实战高考-二轮复习-七选五
阅读理解-七选五(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . As to whether I prefer to be a boss or an employee, I certainly prefer to be my own boss. I have reasons to be my own boss or to be self-employed.

The major difference between being self-employed and working for someone else is the salary factor. If I am employed by a company, I am guaranteed a salary every month. However, when I am self-employed, my income or payments might be more unstable.     1    . So my preference is to be my own boss.

When doing my own business, I can have plans for how to improve the business in many ways. But if I work for a company, my ideas might never be respected or put into practice. On the contrary, I might have a great idea, but then that idea becomes no longer mine.     2    . Working for oneself is easier for an independent thinker or problem-solver like me.

    3    . It is also what makes the work attractive and adventurous. Nobody will take care of me. Instead of considering that as bad news, I think it is a good thing. This means I will be in charge. I like this.     4    . Nobody above me is going to tell me what to do, how to do it, and when to do it nor can he fire me.

If I have a great idea, I can try it. If it does not work, I am responsible for that too, but then I can make changes and improve my idea without the need to play company politics with the sales department.     5    . I can have more influence and control over business expense. I will have more flexibility in how much tax I pay and when to pay it. I can distribute income to my family members by hiring them as employees.

A.The company will take the credit for its success
B.There is one thing that may make self-employment scary
C.Moreover, self-employment comes with financial advantages
D.It is indeed an unavoidable topic when it comes to self-employment
E.However, the benefits of being self-employed are far more than that
F.I will be responsible for myself, my business, and the staff under me
G.Despite this risk, working for a boss might not be challenging enough for me
2023-01-01更新 | 122次组卷 | 2卷引用:外研版2019 选择性必修三 Unit 2 第二课时 提高练
阅读理解-阅读单选(约810词) | 困难(0.15) |

9 . The other night I had dinner with my friend Kim, who in midlife is trying to change her career. She has spent decades as a successful photographer, but she knows it’s time to do something different. What, however, is she qualified to do, besides photography? “I’m good at parties,” she told me with a shrug. “And parallel parking.” We refilled our wineglasses and laughed really hard as we dreamed up the various careers in which that particular combination might be useful.

Here’s a humbling exercise: Ask yourself what you’re good at, aside from the skills you use at work. After my conversation with Kim, I put this question to a handful of friends and got responses ranging from “finding restaurants for people” to “spotting terrific old chairs.” The more I think about my own answer to this question, the more confused I seem to get.

A year ago this month I left a job, and a career, that brought me great satisfaction for more than two decades. Can serendipity(意外惊喜)be a strategy? It certainly worked for me. I happened to find a field in which my skills and the requirements of the job were a Venn diagram (韦恩图) with near total overlap. Like most of my friends, I spent my 20s and 30s marching determinedly along my given path, working hard, with purpose, and by the time I reached my 40s, I was able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Isn’t that the way the American Dream goes?

Here’s what you learn when you wake up from that dream: hubris (自负) is the unpleasant by-product of success. If you are really good at your job for a long enough time, you begin to believe that you can be good at any job and therefore can easily jump from one thing to another, switching horses in midstream. Examples of this mistaken thinking are everywhere, from the harmlessly frivolous (Dancing With the Stars) to the dangerously serious (the current presidency). As it turns out, humility is its own kind of skill; developing it hurts, but falling on your face hurts more.

Over the years a number of 20-somethings have come to me for advice, which I have dutifully given: Work hard, meet lots of people, say yes to many things. Don’t complain, put a smile on your face, and remind yourself that studying Foucault for four years in college might not prove to be particularly relevant in the working world. Swallow your pride and ask a lot of questions.

What I should be telling the young and ambitious is this: being really good at one thing is fantastic until it isn’t. The day may come, in my experience, will come, when you know you want to do, want to be, something else. For example, 20-somethings, one day you might want to appear on Dancing With the Stars. I’m not sure if Sean Spicer is a fool or a genius for turning down this opportunity for his first post-Administration performance. Maybe he’s not aware that Apolo Ohno was placed first on the show.

Or maybe you’ll want to run for President. Never mind that it was a President–Abraham Lincoln–who popularized the warning about switching horses in midstream. If you are a real estate tycoon and loud-mouthed TV star who made a name for yourself with a combination of instinct, bravado(虚张声势)and riding the wave of chaos you create everywhere you go, then who cares what Abe Lincoln said? The White House is the logical next career step.

Or, 20-somethings, maybe you’ll do both! At the same time! After all, doesn’t today’s White House sort of resemble Dancing With the Stars, if you squint(眯眼)hard and use your imagination? With experts and amateurs working together, trying to make it all look graceful while the audience alternatively laughs and cries?

So, folks, an assignment: Ask yourself what you’re good at. As for me, aside from what I most recently did for a living–writing, editing, managing people and showing up to meetings on time–my greatest strengths seem to be making vacation packing lists and remembering which houses in my town are on the market. So I have entered this next phase of my life with gratitude (for what I’ve accomplished), humility (about all that I don’t know) and fear (see random greatest strengths). I used to be filled with optimism: if Donald Trump could become President, anything seemed possible. But with each passing month, and each new failure, my optimism dims. If he wanted to try something new, wouldn’t Dancing With the Stars have been a wiser choice?

1. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A.Only failure contributes to the development of one’s humility.
B.Donald Trump is the very person for the US presidency.
C.Career success encourages overestimate of oneself.
D.College education is a must for a successful career.
2. What is the writer’s attitude towards job hopping?
A.Check whether one’s skill meets the requirements of the potential new job.
B.Seize each and every random opportunity that comes along.
C.Be optimistic about the potential new job and anything is possible.
D.Job hopping is such a severe danger as to be avoided.
3. The writer’s implicit comment on the White House could be ________.
A.It functions ideally as the political center of the United States.
B.It is the logical next career step for a wealthy and famous person.
C.It is as attractive and interesting as Dancing with the Stars.
D.It is a stage where officials don’t know how to run the country.
4. What could be implied by the underlined “it isn’t”?
A.What one is really good at disappears.
B.One feels no more fantastic about the job.
C.One’s ambition weakens as he or she ages.
D.One tries to change to a new job.
2022-11-04更新 | 908次组卷 | 2卷引用:阅读理解变式题-议论文
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . If you are seeking a new career opportunity rather than just a job, you are not alone. So how can you make sure your job is the right fit for you?     1     Luckily, you are in the right place to get some tips on landing the career you are looking for after graduation.

    2     It may sound simple, but many recent graduates struggle with the big picture. Often, we see career seekers fall into the workforce without a true understanding of what they truly want to do. It is important to understand what you want to accomplish in your career. Find out what you like to do by completing a self-evaluation.

Understand your salary requirements.     3     This is common; however, you can find yourself in an unsatisfying field if satisfying your salary requirements is impossible in that field. That is a problem. It will make your job much less fulfilling.

Set your work-life balance needs. This is important for finding the career that best suits you. In selecting a career, you often have to take various factors into account. Understand how much time you need for the other aspects of life.     4    

Reach out to the place where you want to work. You may have understood the career you want to pursue, but the only problem is that the company isn’t offering that position. Don’t let that discourage you.     5     You may be surprised that the company may be able to offer you a similar job or the ideal position in the future.

A.Know what you want to pursue in life.
B.Show off your competence properly.
C.It’s a tough question without a simple answer.
D.Contact the hiring manager at that company to express your interest.
E.Then find a job that will allow you enough time away from the office.
F.A lot of recent graduates struggle to find a job from which they can get adequate pay.
G.Keep yourself well informed of the latest information about the labor market.
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