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| 共计 2 道试题
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1 . Complete the passage with the correct form of the words below.
orbit   missile   enable   launch   accuracy   scientific   microscope   inventor   biologist

I really don’t know what I want to do when I leave school. My dad is a computer engineer working on the improvement of the     1     of the Navy’s     2    . I would like to follow in his footsteps, but then I’d have to sit in front of a computer all day. My mum is a     3    , but it seems to me that all she does is looking at bacteria through a     4    . All that stuff about     5     findings that save people’s lives is pretty interesting, but I think I might be more interested in studying medicine. But then again, my uncle is a scientist and he is always talking about     6     satellites into     7    . I find this very exciting. I know what I want to be! I could be an     8    ! I could come up with hundreds of inventions that will     9     people to live better lives. But ... I don’t think there’s a university course for inventors. Maybe I should just find out what I really like first.

2023-02-06更新 | 15次组卷 | 2卷引用:北师大版选修四课后题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and phrases below.
prospect   remain relevant   earn a decent salary   innovator   specialist   occupation   multiple times   pace   be qualified   essential

Things have changed so much since our parents’ and grandparents’ time, especially when it comes to jobs and careers. When our parents were starting to find work, the     1     of staying in the same     2     for your entire life was very common. Nowadays, that idea would be considered really unusual!

There will be new     3     21st century skills that we will have to have. For example, a university degree is still useful, but technology developments mean that many skills we have now are unlikely     4     in the future.     5     is one thing, but if we really want to succeed in our careers we have to be     6     thinking of new and exciting ways to do things. It won’t be enough to have only a general understanding of our area of work but we should keep learning until we become     7    . And given that people will not stay in the same career for long, we can expect that we will have to go back to education and training at some stage     8     to work in another field. In fact, we might have to do that     9    !

Jobs change at an amazing     10     these days, and if we can keep up, we can have really exciting and rewarding future careers.

共计 平均难度:一般