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1 . 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

Research showed 60% of middle school students in America     1     (say) they had been bullied (霸凌) in the past few months. Over 160,000 stayed home from school     2     (avoid) bullying.

It also showed that over 50% of bullying decreased if the school had     3     anti-bully program running. Those programs would help the bullies understand how much they hurt the person     4     is being bullied. It would also be     5     (help) if teachers kept an eye on students at all times. A bullying case usually occurs on the playground     6     at the canteen, but only 25% of bullied students said that teachers noticed and stood up for them.

Another way is to talk to the bully. Tell them how much it hurts when they call you names or     7     (physical) hurt you. You can also tell a trusted adult. Iť's one of the most commonly known     8     (way) to stop a bully     9     bullying you. Don't just sit on the sidelines and watch bullying. Stand up for the bullying victim and let     10     (they) know they won't be alone.

Bullying is never, nor will it ever be an acceptable matter. Together we can stand up to bullying and make it disappear.

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