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选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
1 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. stranded        B. unsettling       C. vast        D. alternating        E. titled        F. breaking
G. unparalleled       H. unfolding       I. sprung       J. distress       K. solidity

Finding Comfort in War and Peace

Over the past 15 years, Yiyun Li, a Chinese-American author, has read War and Peace at least a dozen times. Her hardback copy of Leo Tolstoy's 1,200 - page saga bristles with colored notes, like some exotic lizard's spine. The novel is not just a masterclass in fiction, Ms. Li believes, but a cure for     1    . At the most difficult times in her life, she says, she has turned to it again and again, reassured by its "    2    " in the face of uncertainty.

War and Peace - originally     3     The Year 1805 - is widely considered the world's greatest novel. It is also among the most daunting(令人敬畏的), acknowledged Richard Pevear, one of its translators, "as     4     as Russia itself." Its huge canvas(画布)encompasses(包含)not just Napoleon's wars against the Russian and Austro-Hungarian empires from 1805 to 1812, but a cast whose actions and emotions span the breath of human consciousness. As a literary critic has noted, Tolstoy is the supreme novelist of human conflicts. His epic(史诗)is a(n)     5     examination of how people respond to the pressure of both wars and ordinary life.

So large is Tolstoy's world, Ms. Li reckoned, that there could be no better companion for people     6     in isolation. She thought of virtual book club to sustain readers through the lockdown. Participants around the globe would plough through this book together and share their thoughts on social media. It would be an anchor in     7     times. To their amazement, when it began in mid-March 3,000 people on six continents signed up.

Other book clubs have     8     up to discuss great literature during the pandemic. But Tolstoy's novel reflects the atmosphere of life in quarantine better. Its     9     structure, shifting between battlefields and the salons of Russian high society, mirrors the disorienting split in readers' own attention - between their own personal, stilled states and the calamity(灾祸)    10     outside.

2021-08-17更新 | 118次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市晋元高级中学2021届高三下学期第二次月考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . Chimpanzee culture refers to groups' differing behavioral traditions, which are passed on by learning and imitation rather than genes. For example, some chimps in Uganda have learned to use some plants to soak up water, which they can then drink. Those elsewhere don’t do this.

In 2002, Carel van Schaik at the University of Zurich in Switzerland suggested that human interference could destroy this cultural diversity. Now, a decade-long study has found strong evidence that van Schaik was right. A team co-led by Hjalmar Kühl at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research in Leipzig, Germany tracked 31 cultural behaviors, such as using tree branches to catch termites, a species of ant, in 144 chimpanzee communities across Africa.

The researchers used camera traps to record behaviors, looked for the remains of tools and studied faeces (排泄物) to see if the chimps had eaten things like termites that can be obtained only by using tools.

The team then placed the different communities on a map and overlaid a measure of human disturbance, which combined factors like the density of human population and the amount of infrastructure (基础建设).

In areas with a greater human footprint, the chimps were found to have fewer cultural behaviors. Each behaviour was 88 per cent less likely to occur in these human-dominated landscapes.

“In those places, we find the chimpanzees have suffered a loss in behavioral or cultural diversity,” says study co-leader Ammie Kalan at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig.

It is thought that the loss of culture comes from older chimps being killed and there being less interaction between groups, so that if one group dies out, their ideas die with them.

“It is a discouraging finding,” says Jill Pruetz ar Texas State University. “Losing some of the behaviors poses a real risk to the chimps because if they stop fishing for termites or cracking nuts, they can no longer access those foods.”

1. According to the passage, which of the following is a feature of chimpanzee culture?
A.More than one group shares certain kinds of behaviour.
B.The behaviors spread through cross-group imitation.
C.Young chimpanzees learn the behaviors from older ones.
D.The behavioral traditions disappear with certain genes.
2. The word “interference” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
3. What did the study by Hjalmar Kühl and Leipzig confirm?
A.Chimpanzee communities are decreasing in number.
B.Humans are to blame for the loss of chimpanzee culture.
C.Human-dominated landscapes have been increasing in size.
D.Chimpanzee are good at hunting for food with certain tools.
4. According to Jill Pruetz why does losing some behaviors put chimpanzee at risk?
A.They may have fewer things to feed on.
B.The older ones are more likely to be killed.
C.There will be less interaction between them.
D.They can no longer live in traditional ways.
2021-08-16更新 | 213次组卷 | 1卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷08
阅读理解-阅读单选(约470词) | 较难(0.4) |

3 . One of the executives gathered at the Aspen Institute for a day-long leadership workshop using the works of Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar. “Brutus was not an honorable man,” he said. “He was a traitor(叛徒). And he murdered someone in cold blood.” The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him. He made a bad decision, they said—at least as it was presented by Shakespeare—to take the lead in murdering Julius Caesar. And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind, Caesar was nevertheless his superior. “You have to understand,” the executives said, “our policy is to obey the chain of command.”

During the last few years, business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America to have been exploiting Shakespeare’s wisdom for profitable ends. None more so than husband and wife team Kenneth and Carol Adelman, well-known advisers to the White House, who started up a training company called “Movers and Shakespeares”. They are amateur Shakespeare scholars and Shakespeare lovers, and they have combined their passion and their high level contacts into a management training business. They conduct between 30 and 40 workshops annually, focusing on half a dozen different plays, mostly for corporations, but also for government agencies.

The workshops all take the same form, focusing on a single play as a kind of case study, and using individual scenes as specific lessons. In Julius Caesar, for example, Cassius’s sly provocation(狡诈的挑唆) of Brutus to take up arms against Caesar was a basis for a discussion of methods of team building and grass roots organizing.

Although neither of the Adelmans is academically trained in literature, the programs contain plenty of Shakespeare tradition and background. Their workshop on Henry V, for example, includes a helpful explanation of Henry’s winning strategy at the Battle of Agincourt. But they do come to the text with a few biases (偏向): their reading of Henry V minimizes his misuse of power. Instead, they emphasize the story of the youth who seizes opportunity and becomes a masterful leader. And at the workshop on Caesar, Mr. Adelmans had little good to say about Brutus, saying “the noblest Roman of them all” couldn’t make his mind up about things.

Many of the participants pointed to very specific elements in the play that they felt to be related. Caesar’s pride, which led to his murder, and Brutus’s mistakes in leading the traitors after the murder, they said, raise vital questions for anyone serving in a business: when and how do you resist the boss?

1. Why do the Adelmans conduct a workshop on Henry V?
A.To highlight the importance of catching opportunities.
B.To encourage masterful leaders to plan strategies to win.
C.To illustrate the harm of prejudices in management.
D.To warn executives against power misuse.
2. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.
A.the Adelmans’ program proves biased as the roles of characters are maximized.
B.executives feel bored with too many specific elements of Shakespeare’s plays.
C.the Adelmans will make more profits if they are professional scholars.
D.Shakespeare has played an important role in the management field.
3. The best title for the passage is ________.
A.Shakespeare’s plays: Executives reconsider corporate culture.
B.Shakespeare’s plays: An essential key to business success.
C.Shakespeare’s plays: a lesson for business motivation.
D.Shakespeare’s plays: Dramatic training brings dramatic results.
2021-08-16更新 | 131次组卷 | 1卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷04
书信写作-建议信 | 较难(0.4) |
4 . Directions: Write an English composition in 120—150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你对老年人“数字化”鸿沟的看法;
2. 就如何帮助老年人跨越“数字化”鸿沟提出建议。
2021-08-15更新 | 169次组卷 | 4卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷04
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. daydream          B. disagreement       C. factually             D.ultimately          E. inevitable       
F. perspective       G. lies       H. wake   I. perspective   J. thoughtfully       K. making

To some thinkers, it is machines and their development that drive economic and cultural change. This idea is referred to as technological determinism. Certainly there can be no doubt that machines contributed to the Protestant Reformation and the decline of the Catholic Church’s power in Europe or     1     television has changed the way family members interact. Those who believe in technological determinism would argue that these changes in the cultural landscape were the     2    result of new technology.

But others see technology as more neutral and claim that the way people use technology is what gives it significance. This       3    accepts technology as one of many factors that shape economic and cultural change; technology’s influence is    4       determined by how much power it is given by the people and cultures that use it.

This     5     about the power of technology is at the heart of the controversy surrounding the new communication technologies. Are we more or less powerless in the     6     of advances such as Internet, the World Wide Web, and instant global audio and visual communication? If we are at the mercy of technology, the culture that surrounds us will not be of our     7     , and the best we can hope to do is make our way reasonably well in a world outside our own control. But if these technologies are indeed neutral and their power     8     in how we choose to use them, we can utilize them responsibly and     9    to construct and maintain whatever kind of culture we want. As film director and technophile Steve Spielberg explained, “ Technology can be our best friend, and technology can also be the biggest party poorer of our lives. It interrupts our own story, interrupts our ability to have a thought or     10    , to imagine something wonderful.

2021-08-15更新 | 121次组卷 | 1卷引用:(上海押题)2021届上海市高三英语秋考押题密卷01
完形填空(约320词) | 较难(0.4) |

6 . Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical (经验的,实证的) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people _________, and lead to relaxation.

Researches show that aspects of the _________ environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a room's ceiling _________ how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more _________, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed _________.

In addition to ceiling height, the view _________ by a building may influence an occupant's ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who _________ the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention.

Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to _________ academically, and it seems to, according to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with _________ views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily __________ roads and parking lots.

Recent study on room lighting design suggests that __________ light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase __________. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax.

__________ scientists have focused mainly on public buildings." We have a very limited number of studies, so we're almost looking at the problem through a straw," architect David Allison says. "How do you take answers to very specific questions and make__________, generalized use of them? That's what we're all __________ with."

A.kick offB.hold upC.turn upD.pay off
A.So farB.HoweverC.HenceD.Furthermore
2021-08-15更新 | 122次组卷 | 2卷引用:上海牛津版2020-2021学年高二下学期英语期末复习练习
阅读理解-六选四(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

7 . Culture Insider: Chopsticks

Chopsticks, or kuaizi in Chinese, are a pair of small equal-length tapered sticks, usually made of wood, used for eating Asian food. It is believed that the first chopsticks were developed over 5,000 years ago in China. The earliest evidence of a pair of chopsticks made out of bronze was excavated from the Ruins of Yin near Anyang, Henan province.

Chopsticks play an important role in Chinese food culture.    1    They are round on the eating end which symbolizes heaven, and the other end is square which symbolizes earth. This is because maintaining an adequate food supply is the greatest concern between heaven and earth.

Chopsticks are so frequently used in daily life that they have become more than a kind of tableware and have fostered a set of etiquette and customs of their own.     2    While the principles of chopstick etiquette are similar in many of these places, the finer points may differ from region to region, and there is no single standard for the use of chopsticks. Generally, chopsticks are not used to make noise or to draw attention, or to gesticulate.

    3    For example, you can buy a pair of exquisite chopsticks as a gift for your friends and relatives. In Chinese, Chopsticks' reads 'kuaizi', which means to have sons soon, so a newly-married couple will be very happy to accept chopsticks as their wedding gift. Skillful craftsmen paint beautiful scenery on chopsticks to make them like fine artwork. Many people love to collect these elegant utensils.

It has been said that using chopsticks improves one's memory, increases finger dexterity and can be useful in learning and improving skills such as Chinese character printing and brush painting. Many Asian superstitions revolve around chopsticks as well. For example, if you find an uneven pair of chopsticks at your table setting, it is believed that you will miss the next train, boat or plane you are trying to catch.     4    .

A.Without chopsticks, you can't even say you are enjoying Chinese food.
B.Chinese chopsticks are usually 9 to 10 inches long and rectangular with a blunt end.
C.Also, dropping your chopsticks is a sign of bad luck.
D.Today, chopsticks serve many functions besides as table ware.
E.It is important to note chopsticks are used in many different parts of the world, in many different cultures.
F.These chopsticks are to be returned to the dishes after one has served himself or herself.
2021-08-15更新 | 122次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市实验学校2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语复习
阅读理解-阅读单选(约480词) | 较难(0.4) |

8 . To live in the United States today is to gain an appreciation for Nahrendorf's declaration that social change exists everywhere. Technology, the application of knowledge for practical ends, is a major source of social change.

Yet we would do well to remind ourselves that technology is a human creation; it does not exist naturally. A spear or a robot is as much a cultural as a physical object. Until humans use a spear to hunt game or a robot to produce machine parts, neither is much more than a solid mass of matter. For a bird locking for an object on which to rest, a spear or robot serves the purpose equally well. The explosion of the Challenger space shuttle and the Russian nuclear accident at   Chernobyl drive home the human quality of technology; they provide cases in which well-planned systems suddenly went haywire and there was no ready hand to set them right. Since technology is a human creation, we are responsible for what is done with it. Pessimists worry that we will use Our technology eventually to blow our world and ourselves to pieces. But they have been saying this for decades, and so far we have managed to survive and even flourish. Whether we will continue to do so in the years ahead remains uncertain. Clearly, the impact of technology on our lives deserves a closer examination.

Few technological developments have had a greater impact on our lives than the computer revolution. Scientists and engineers have designed specialized machines that can do the tasks that once only people could do. There are those who declare that the switch to an information-based economy is in the same camp as other great historical milestones, particularly the Industrial Revolution. Yet when we ask why the Industrial Revolution was a revolution, we find that it was not the machines. The primary reason why it was revolutionary is that it led to great social change. It gave rise to mass production and, through mass production, to a society in which wealth was not restricted to the few.

In somewhat similar fashion, computers promise to revolutionize the structure of American life, particularly as they free the human mind and open new possibilities in knowledge and communication. The Industrial Revolution supplemented and replaced the muscles of humans and animals by mechanical methods. The computer extends this development to supplement and replace some aspects of the mind of human beings by electronic methods. It is the capacity of the computer for solving problems and making decisions that represents its greatest potential and that poses the greatest difficulties in predicting the impact on society.

1. Why does the author give the examples of the Challenger and Chernobyl?
A.To show that technology could be used to destroy our world.
B.To stress the author's concern about the safety of complex technology.
C.To prove that technology usually goes wrong, if not controlled by man.
D.To demonstrate that being a human creation, technology is likely to make an error.
2. What does the phrase '"went haywire" in paragraph 2 most probably mean?
A.were out of rangeB.got out of control
C.fell out of useD.went out of date
3. According to the author, the introduction of the computer is a revolution mainly because________.
A.it has a great potential impact on society
B.it has helped to switch to an information technology
C.the computer has revolutionized the workings of the human mind
D.the computer can do the tasks that could only be done by people before
4. In the passage, the author clearly shows his____.
A.keen insight into the nature of technology
B.sharp criticism of the role of the Industrial Revolution
C.thorough analysis of the replacement of the human mind by computers
D.comprehensive description of the negative consequences of technology
2021-08-15更新 | 199次组卷 | 3卷引用:上海市实验学校2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语复习
完形填空(约310词) | 较难(0.4) |

9 . Nothing seems more inevitable than aging and death-not even taxes. Every plant, animal and person you have ever seen will _______ die. But some recent research suggests that aging as we know it may not be inevitable. Indeed, as our _______ of it grows, aging can be seen not as an unchangeable reality from which there is no escape, but as the product of biological processes that we may be able to _______ someday.

We already know that some animals do not seem to age. Many cold-water ocean fish and some amphibians(两栖动物)never _______ a fixed size: they continue to grow bigger, to be able to reproduce and to live until something kills them. What these creatures seem to be telling us is that something in their _______ —and possibly in ours——controls the pace of aging, _______ that aging is not the fate of every living thing.

Throughout the history of life on earth, one of the most common difficulties that animals and their cells) have faced has been a lack of food. About 70 years ago, scientists discovered that when animals are forced to live on 30 to 40 percent fewer calories than they would _______ eat, something unusual happens; they become _______ to most age-related diseases --cancer, heart disease, diabetes —and live 30-50 percent longer. Restricting calories _______ aging. But what are the ________ genes that preserve vitality and starve off diseases?

About 15 years ago, armed with powerful new molecular-research technique, a few scientists began to ________ these genetic phenomena. They have discovered that a gene called Sir2—which is present in all animals, including humans —is ________ for the health benefits of calorie restriction perhaps by repairing our DNA. But if we had to restrict our calorie intake ________ 30 to 40 percent would it be of any practical use? Few of us would be capable of restricting our diets so severely that we were constantly ________. Whether or not it made life longer, it would surely make life ________ longer.

2021-07-08更新 | 172次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市大同中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |
10 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks. use one word that best fits each blank.

A glimpse at the “private, hidden face” of Albert Einstein, including the celebrated scientist's thoughts on everything from his fears     1     his best work was behind him to his beloved younger sister, Maja.

The collection, which includes a previously unknown photograph of Einstein as a five-year-old and the only     2     (survive)letter written by Einstein to his father, comes from the archive(档案)of Maja Winterler-Einstein and her husband Paul Winteler. A mix of letters, postcards and photographs, many of     3     have not previously been published, range in date from 1897 to 1951.

“What is remarkable about them comes from the fact that he had this incredibly close relationship with his sister. It's quite clear that     4     he's writing to her, there's no role-playing at all.” said Thomas Venning at Christie's. which will auction(拍卖)the letters soon. “He was very conscious of what     5     (expect)of him after he became famous, and you don't get any of that in letters to his sister. He says some things that I've never seen him say anywhere else. and I've catalogued many hundreds of his letters.”

In 1924, nine years after he completed the general theory of relativity in 1915. Einstein would write to Maja that “scientifically I haven't achieved much recently-the brain gradually goes oft (停止)     6     age, though that is not so unpleasant. It also means that you're not so answerable for your later years.” Ten years later, he would write to her: “I am happy in my work,     7     in this and in other matters I am starting to feel that the brilliance of younger years is past.”

Venning said he had not seen Einstein     8     (admit)this anywhere else. “It's not him     9     (play)a role: you can see that thought going through his head, which is true-if Einstein had died in 1916, his fiundamental legacy would have been complete. He carried on working for another 40 years without making any other great breakthrough, so it's just an extraordinary moment which we get because of     10     close their relationship was. He didn't have to reassure(使安心)her,” he said.

2021-07-08更新 | 170次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市大同中学2020-2021学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题
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