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语法填空-短文语填(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Spending time in the great outdoors is a full-on sensory experience with endless skies, beautiful forests, the sounds of the wind and the warm feeling of sunrays     1     (rest) on your face. In addition to nature’s     2     (enjoy) sights, sounds and sensations, the familiar smells of nature can be just as appealing. In fact, a recent study found that nature doesn’t just smell good, but its fragrances make people feel good as well.

The researchers from the University of Kent in the UK     3     (send) 194 participants to relax in the woodlands throughout the four seasons. The participants reported feeling relaxed when they smelled     4    they described as “fresh air” or “earthy” smells. According to the study, these smells brought back fun memories of their childhoods.     5    instance, pine trees made some participants think about Christmas.

“We found that smells affected multiple fields of well-being with physical well-being discussed most    6     (frequent), particularly in relation to relaxation, comfort and rejuvenation (恢复活力),” wrote the researchers in the study. They also found that people feel more settled in a smell-free zone, with this result possibly     7     (link) to the absence of bad- smelling urban smells, like pollution.

Dr Jessica Fisher, study co-author, pointed out these results could     8     (apply) in future practice. In his opinion, when    9     comes to enjoying a hike in the woods or a picnic under the open skies, it pays     10     (keep) not only one’s eyes and ears, but also one’s nose, open.

阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Are worms the heroes we didn’t know we needed? Silent, slimy and wriggling (扭动), you might think that worms are good for nothing except bait (诱饵) on the end of a fishing pole.     1    

The British naturalist Charles Darwin said that no other animal has “played such an important part in the history of the world as these lowly organised creatures”. They have lived on Earth for 600 million years and have even survived five mass extinctions.     2    

Earthworms literally move the earth, and this is why farmers love them. As they travel, they aerate (使透气) the soil by loosening, mixing and oxygenating it.     3     They are effectively a small but very efficient plough (犁). But it’s not just earthworms that deserve praise.

In 2022, a group of scientists at the Margarita Salas Centre for Biological Research isolated enzymes (酶) found in wax worm saliva (唾液) which are plastic-eating.     4     It’s hoped that by producing these enzymes on an industry-level scale, we will have a more environmentally friendly way to reduce plastic pollution.

    5     Bloodworms are small sea creatures which press themselves into the mud of the ocean floor. Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara have been studying their jaws, which are made up of 10% copper proteins (铜蛋白) and are so strong that they last the worm’s entire five-year lifespan. Because of this research, engineers may start using the jaws as inspiration for the design and manufacture of materials like concrete.

So, next time you see a worm, show it a little respect. They really are changing the world!

A.So, what do worms do that is so great?
B.Worms have a lifespan of a few months.
C.And worms are even inspiring the building industry.
D.It increases the ground’s capacity to hold and empty water.
E.However, there is more to the humble worm than meets the eye.
F.Humans produce more than 300 million tons of plastic every year.
G.These can break down a very common plastic that normally breaks down over many years.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . From the deserts of Southern California to the forests of Alaska, the U.S. possesses an incredible diversity of nature. For most of her life, Joy Ryan never saw the landscape beyond her home state of Ohio. Then, when she was in her mid-eighties, her grandson Brad Ryan decided to take her on a journey to all of the U.S. National Parks — a mission that took eight years to complete. At the age of 93, Grandma Joy has finally seen all 63 parks, ending the monumental feat in the National Park of American Samoa.

“When I learned she had never seen the great wildernesses of America — deserts, mountains, oceans, you name it — I thought that was something that would trouble me if I didn’t take action in some way,” Brad says. This idea sparked their first trip to the Great Smoky Mountains. However, once they were on the road, Brad realized that they could visit more parks nearby, and their trips multiplied. Over the years, they managed to see all the famous sights at Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, the Redwoods, and so on.

Despite Grandma Joy’s older age, she could hike mountains and do white water rafting. Brad praises her enthusiasm for life as the key to her good health. She expresses gratitude for each new day and is always excited about the next adventure. Finally, their long journey across the U.S. ended with American Samoa. “It’s about 6,700 miles from Ohio, where we live. It’s the only U.S. National Park south of the equator. It’s a long trip, but we’re excited to go,” Brad explains. “We can enjoy the beach and the beautiful tropical paradise. But as we’ve learned from the rangers that work there, American Samoa is an island community firmly rooted in family. And I think that there’s a bit of a poetic beauty to ending it there, too.”

1. Why did Brad take his grandmother Joy to travel?
A.To fulfill her wish to travel around the world.
B.To free her from the boredom of everyday life.
C.To help her explore the natural beauty of America.
D.To aid her in getting inspiration for writing poems.
2. What happened after Brad and Joy started their first trip?
A.They went on to see more natural landscapes.
B.They decided to visit all the parks worldwide.
C.They attracted more people to join the later trips.
D.They stopped traveling because of Joy’s poor health.
3. What impressed Brad and Joy most about American Samoa?
A.The friendly locals.B.The family bond.
C.The special culture.D.The beautiful sights.
4. Which words can best describe Joy?
A.Reliable and generous.B.Ambitious and creative.
C.Courageous and diligent.D.Energetic and determined.
2024-03-03更新 | 106次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省东台市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约250词) | 较易(0.85) |

4 . The Natick Community Organic Farm (NCOF) offers a unique work experience for teens. Through farm work, they learn new skills, solve problems, and become good citizens and leaders.

Leader in Training (LIT)
Ages 14—16
8:30 am—4:30 pm, minimum one week commitment

The LIT position is an unpaid volunteer opportunity for motivated teens to assist in one or more weeks of our ten-week summer program with children ages 3—11. LITs learn from and work alongside our summer staff as we educate kids about farming, food, the environment, and sustainability. If you would like to explore the field of farm work, outdoor education, or teaching, you might be a great fit as an LIT!

Teen Work Crew (TWC)
Ages 15—18
8:30 am—3:30 pm

Our TWC program offers paid, mentored work experience for teens. Teens work 24 hours per week and are scheduled for 2—4 weeks in a ten-week summer. TWC tackles the “big jobs” around the farm, such as fencing, mowing, splitting wood, rebuilding animal enclosures, and more.

Mentoring Teens through the Agriculture Apprentice Program
Ages 14—17

This program provides year-round job training and paid work experience to teens who wish to master the wide range of skills it takes to run a diversified farm. Candidates are selected by farm staff based on participation in other farm programs for their skills and “can do” attitudes. By working closely with farm staff, apprentices tackle independent projects, building confidence and leadership abilities while forming life-long friendships.

1. Who is the text intended for?
A.College graduates.B.Agricultural experts.
C.Experienced farmers.D.Middle school students.
2. What is special about LIT compared to other programs?
A.It doesn’t pay its participants.B.It offers the longest work hours.
C.It focuses on sustainable agriculture.D.It provides a visit to diversified farms.
3. What do the farm staff value most about applicants in the third program?
A.Their management capability.B.Their farm skills and attitudes.
C.Their previous work experience.D.Their character and qualifications.
2024-03-03更新 | 34次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省东台市第一中学2023-2024学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . 4 Summer Programs in Alaska for High Schoolers

Brown Environmental Leadership Lab

Brown University          Grades: 9th, 10th and 11th   Program Cost: $5810

Application Deadline: March 25th

Eligibility(报名资格): All 9-11th grade students are encouraged to apply.

This two-week program is a great way to learn how you can be socially and environmentally responsible in your own neck of the woods.

ANSEP Acceleration Academy

University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Grades: 9th and 10th     Program Cost: $1508

Application Deadline: March 1st

Eligibility: To apply, the minimum pre-condition is Intermediate Algebra, but the preferred placement is Calculus(微积分)or higher.

Spend five weeks diving into your future STEM degree on UAA’s campus.

Della Keats Health Sciences

University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) Grades: 11th             Program Cost: $0

Application Deadline: March 1st

Eligibility: Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria: Member of an ethnic minority background, non-native English speaker, and member of a low-income household.

In this intensive(强化的)four-week course, you will take a tour of healthcare careers you can pursue at UAA. If making a lasting impact in medicine is your dream, visit the program’s website today to learn more.

Service Adventures

The Wrangell Mountains       Grades: 9th, 10th, and 11th   Program Cost: $5850

Application Deadline: March 31st

Eligibility: All 9-11th grade students are encouraged to apply.

Work and live at the base of the Wrangell Mountains in an Athabascan Native village for three weeks. In this program, students will learn carpentry and power tool skills to participate in construction projects, ranging from home repair to woodshed building. You will live off the land and witness the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness.

1. Which program can students apply to at Brown University?
A.Brown Environmental Leadership Lab.
B.ANSEP Acceleration Academy.
C.Della Keats Health Sciences.
D.Service Adventures.
2. What do ANSEP Acceleration Academy and Della Keats Health Sciences have in common?
A.The program cost.
B.The lasting time.
C.The requirements for applicants.
D.The application deadline.
3. What can students do in Service Adventures?
A.Acquire medical knowledge.
B.Take a STEM course.
C.Visit a healthcare center.
D.Repair some houses.
2024-03-03更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:江苏省盐城市东台市三仓中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约160词) | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

A cultural variety show titled Shang Xin Le, Gu Gong is taking China by storm.     1     (translate) as There is Something New in the Forbidden City, the unique TV program has been going on air every Friday night since November 9, 2018 on Beijing TV. It is set to show the former Chinese imperial palace complex     2     a new light.

It is not the first time that the Forbidden City, or Palace Museum,     3     (appear) in a TV program. Previous efforts sought to introduce the historical site to audiences through documentaries (纪录片),     4     followed cultural relic (遗址) repairers at the Palace Museum and were the     5     (one) TV program on China Central Television in 2016.

The new show is being     6     (public) praised for its light-hearted way of bringing the museum much     7     (close) to ordinary people. Zhu Yong, director of the Film and Television Department at the Institute of Gugong Studies, is     8     chief screenwriter for the show. He said the show hopes     9     (present) the museum’s cultural treasures to young audiences in a creative and     10     (fashion) way.

2024-02-27更新 | 58次组卷 | 3卷引用:江苏省盐城市东台市三仓中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约260词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Russia is launching a new module (舱), Nauka, for the International Space Station (ISS) after over a decade of delays. The ISS comprises modules and equipment from different space agencies including Europe, Japan and Canada. Still, the main part of the station is composed of two main sections: a Russian segment (部分) and a US segment.

The Nauka module is set to lift off from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on top of a Proton-M rocket at around 1500 GMT, along with a new robotic arm for the station created by the European Space Agency. At 13 metres long and weighing more than 20 tonnes, Nauka, also called the Multipurpose Laboratory Module, will be among the largest in Russia’s half. After launch, Nauka will take eight days to reach the ISS. Once attached, it will act as a new hub for the Russian segment of the station.

“Nauka is a science laboratory, and it also provides a lot of important service systems, including a new toilet and sleeping compartments for the crew,” says Anatoly Zak, editor of RussianSpaceWeb.com. “It’s a step in making the Russian segment more independent (from the US segment).”

The launch of Nauka has been a long time coming, with construction of the module beginning in the 1990s. Technical and supply issues since then have seen development stumble(绊倒). “It’s much more complex than anything the Russian space programme has tried to build in the last few years,” says Zak.

1. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
A.The history and task of the ISS.
B.The mission and role of Nauka.
C.The function of the new robotic arm.
D.The difficulties of launching a module.
2. What does Zak think of Nauka?
A.It serves as the new center of the ISS.
B.It has a relatively comprehensive system.
C.It pushes Russia to build a separate space station.
D.It takes the lead in space exploration in the world.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.It takes great time and effort to develop Nauka.
B.There is so much to explore and discover in space.
C.Russia still needs America’s help in space technology.
D.Nauka is the fruit of long-term cooperation between countries.
4. Which section of a magazine is this text probably taken from?
A.Sports and health.
B.Education and culture.
C.Nature and geography.
D.Science and technology.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Fast food chains have tried for years to appeal to customers who care about their health. They have added lighter food to their menus, such as salads and yogurt. Of course, the lighter food goes with the usual burgers, fried chicken and shakes.

Menus have changed over the past three decades. According to a recent study, fast food menus are less healthy than they were 30 years ago. The study suggests the problem is getting worse. The fat, salt content and size of fast food meals are the problem. They are often the reason for the rising obesity (肥胖) rate among adults in the United States. The researchers found that the average main dish weighed more in 2016 than in 1986. It also had more calories and more sodium (钠). One expert said, “The restaurants have not done enough. The big picture is that there have been some positive changes, but they are small. Overall, the changes have gotten worse.”

The average fast food dessert had more calories in 2016. It also weighed more than the average fast food dessert thirty years earlier. Restaurants are counting on bigger sundaes and cookies to increase the amount spent on each order. For example, McDonald’s recently introduced “donut sticks” dusted with sugar. Six sticks have 280 calories. But you can also order 12 sticks for less than the cost of two single orders.

The researchers found that, over the 30 years, there were more calories in items like chips, soup, and French fries. Sodium content rose even though portion(一份) size did not grow much. When consumed together as a single meal, the study found that the average main dish and side order account for nearly 40 percent of a 2000-calory daily diet.

1. Why do fast food chains provide lighter food?
A.To match the fast food.B.To attract more customers.
C.To reduce the cost of each meal.D.To improve the health of customers.
2. Why are more American adults getting fat?
A.They take in more calories from fast food.
B.They have little time to exercise regularly.
C.They eat much more dessert after every meal.
D.They eat fast food more frequently than before.
3. What is the example of “donut sticks” for in paragraph 3?
A.Showing the way of restaurants’ making cookies.
B.Presenting the popularity of restaurants’ new food.
C.Stressing the increase in restaurants’ food varieties.
D.Explaining the intention of restaurants’ adding dessert.
4. Which one could be the best title of the text?
A.Fast Food Is Still Killing UsB.Don’t Eat Any Fast Food Now
C.Try to Eat More Lighter FoodD.People Are Becoming Fatter and Fatter
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . DiscoverCars. com has listed the best scenic spots in Europe for an autumn getaway. Here are the top four:

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona takes first place, with the highest number of cheap restaurants and budget (经济型) hotels. There are many hidden treasures in Barcelona’s Gothic Quarter, so it’s a great city for explorers.

Lisbon, Portugal

Lisbon is listed in second place –also moving up one position from last year’s results. Lisbon has the highest average temperature from September to November out of all cities. The city is famous for its artists and its Fado music, so there’s plenty for people looking for culture.

Berlin, Germany

In third place is Berlin, offering a range of different experiences. If you are travelling to party, then the world famous clubs that call Berlin home could be for you. If you are looking for history, then few cities have been at the heart of world politics (政治) in the same way that Berlin has.

Budapest, Hungary

In fourth place is Budapest. Budapest has an average of 56mm of rainfall during the Autumn months, the second lowest out of all cities. Buda, famous for being quiet and beautiful and Pest, for its nightlife and tourist attractions, form two halves of Budapest and are separated by the Danube River.

1. Which city has the lowest cost of food and hotel stay?
A.Barcelona, Spain.B.Lisbon, Portugal.
C.Berlin, Germany.D.Budapest, Hungary.
2. Which cities would attract people who enjoy social life?
A.Barcelona and Lisbon.B.Lisbon and Berlin.
C.Berlin and Budapest.D.Budapest and Barcelona.
3. Which part of a magazine is this text probably taken from?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Why Do Millennials (千禧一代) Keep Changing Jobs?

Millennials have been labelled as the “job-hopping generation”. In fact, a recent survey showed that 49% of millennials would leave their job within the next two years! Observers from older generations may think it is caused by the youth’s laziness. However, if we search deeper, there is more than meets the eye.

Instead of the traditional and practical reasons of changing jobs, such as to get better salaries or greater job stability (稳定), many millennials are inspired by value-driven goals. For example, more have to seek new opportunities whenever they lack a sense of belonging in their present jobs. Additionally, some also leave their positions for companies which better suit their value system. Therefore, it is clear that many millennials do not only consider their jobs as a source of income, but in fact, seek meaning and professional achievement in their daily jobs.

Clearly, the fearlessness of millennials in seeking job opportunities has been inspired by new business models. With the rise of online platforms, millennials who prefer work-life balance and flexibility have been attracted towards such jobs. Moreover, the increase of social media has also created more career paths. From food and travel bloggers to YouTube content creators, more millennials are leaving boring desk-bound jobs to look for more untraditional, but certainly attractive, careers.

However, people have different opinions on job-hopping. While some employers value rich experience and skills that job-hopping brings about, many of them still look down upon job-hopping. Some even argue in disappointment that the youths of today are lazy, unable to bear hardships and too self-centered.

The former American President Jimmy Carter once said, “Human identity is no longer defined (定义) by what one does but by what one owns.” Indeed, his comment still rings true today. Rather than allow traditional models of success in society to define our youths, the millennial generation should be encouraged to define new horizons of success by making the right career choices guided by the right values.

1. Why are Millennials more likely to move to new jobs?
A.Because they are unwilling to work very hard.
B.Because they want to realize their self-worth.
C.Because they hate pressure from present jobs.
D.Because they need higher income and position.
2. What does the author want to show in Paragraph 3?
A.The rapid development of social media promotes new career paths.
B.There are fewer professions available to Millennials on the Internet.
C.There are factors contributing to Millennials’ flexible job-changing.
D.The tiring and boring jobs prevent Millennials staying in one position.
3. What may those against job-changing think of Millennials?
A.Courageous and noble.B.Lazy and self-centered.
C.Anxious and unconfident.D.Creative and hard-working.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards Millennials’ career choice?
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