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1 . We partner with destinations for cleanups and conservation efforts. Our expert’s pick of the best choices will help you turn beach dreams into beach days.

Steephill Cove

This traditional fishing cove will make you feel like you’ve gone back in time, with its brightly painted beach huts and old fisherman’s cottages, lobster pots (捕虾篓) and cheery, colorful deck chairs. There is a beach cafe to the back of Steephill Cove, which serves hot and cold refreshments and food, and there are also restaurants serving locally caught seafood during the season.

Sandwood Bay

Located in the very north of Scotland, this beach is considered to be one of the most untouched in mainland Britain. Unreachable by car, the wild and wonderful beach is accessed by a popular and fairly flat 4-mile-long path from the nearest car park, which adds a sense of remoteness to this charming place.

Nanjizal Beach

Due to its more distant location, amazing Nanjizal Beach is usually very quiet, apart from those walkers who have made the hike on the coastal path from either Porthgwarra, Lands End or Sennen Cove. There are many caves to discover and the ruins of an old watermill, too.

Bamburgh Beach

At any time of year, Bamburgh Beach is one of the most dramatic in the UK, thanks to the impressive castle located on a nearby hill that overlooks the skyline. Bamburgh also has some of the best waves in the UK, which makes it perfect for body boarders. Even if that’s not your thing, simply watching from the shore can be a thrilling experience.

1. What is special about Steephill Cove?
A.It showcases its original charm.B.It has modern buildings.
C.It allows visitors to catch seafood.D.It is home to different cafes.
2. How can visitors get to Sandwood Bay?
A.By car.B.On foot.C.By plane.D.By ship.
3. Which of the following favors the surfers?
A.Steephill Cove.B.Sandwood Bay.C.Nanjizal Beach.D.Bamburgh Beach.
7日内更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Have you struggled to save up your pocket money or found it hard not to eat a whole packet of sweets in one go?     1    

Also known as “willpower”, self-control means making short-term sacrifices for long-term rewards. This could be going without things you want to buy now to save up for a future treat, or walking away from an argument in case you say something hurtful.     2     It can be low at times like when you’re tired, hungry or stressed. However, there are ways to top it up.

    3     Doing music practice every day means you get better at playing an instrument. Getting up early for sports training will improve your skills and help your team. Willpower helps build healthy habits, like staying away from screens before bed so you get better sleep.     4     It gives you the power to make decisions based on what is best for you, not because you’re trying to fit in with others. There are lots of studies that show good self-control can help make us happier and healthier.

“It doesn’t always feel like it, but we all have willpower,” says scientist Eric Schulze. He explains that it’s like a muscle because the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. A good way to strengthen self-control is getting plenty of sleep and feeding your brain with healthy food. Focus on small goals so you don’t use up all the energy in one go. “As the day wears on that willpower muscle shrinks (萎缩) and it’s harder to resist temptation (诱惑),” Schulze says.     5     Do something that makes you laugh as a good mood can overpower a weak will.

A.Success comes from self-control.
B.Willpower is like a type of energy.
C.It can also help you manage your emotions.
D.It takes willpower to resist the two temptations.
E.If so, you’ll understand the power of self-control.
F.Self-control is a superpower that can help you achieve goals.
G.When this happens, exercising helps you give energy to the brain.
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I was the fat kid in school. I was also very shy, and sensitive and I had very bad asthma (哮喘) and other health conditions that made me miss more school than I should have. As such, I was somewhat of an outsider, seen as the strange fat kid who got time off school. I wasn’t very popular and often laughed at. Most of the time, I hated school. I felt anxious about it sometimes. I just couldn’t seem to fit in and it always seemed to be an unfriendly environment. But then, thankfully, some things started to change.

I’d just started my General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs). These were the serious years in school and there seemed to be a change in the atmosphere. People wanted to work together and were more comfortable being themselves, which was also true for me. I found myself enjoying the subjects of history and science in particular and could even make jokes with classmates. People were making more of an effort to include me. I was making more of an effort too — making sure my health didn’t hold me back and trying not to be shy and engage and laugh things off. Then a big event was coming up: the school talent show.

I wouldn’t have dared to take part in such a public thing before, but a few kids in school were encouraging me to take part. Rey, a kind girl in my science class said, “Hey, why don’t we sing a duet (二重唱) together?”I couldn’t believe I was even thinking about it but I had the perfect song in mind. It was Tom Jones’s hit — Burning Down the House. This fun song was perfect and it would be funny, because House, is my family name. I mentioned it to Rey and she said, “OK, we’re doing it!”

Well, I was in for it now. This would either help my popularity or it would be the most embarrassing experience of my life.


Rey and I had practiced a lot and finally, the big day came.


After our performance, positive comments poured in.

7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述Rivera在大火中救邻居,被Janeen Huth拍摄纪录的故事。

4 . A heroic attempt of a man, Oscar Rivera, risking his life to save neighbors from a burning home is cheered by the whole community. The dramatic ________ recorded on video goes viral within minutes.

Rivera was relaxing with his children in their backyard when he heard an enormous sound and ________ action. On reaching the front yard, he ________ that the neighbor’s house was on fire and there were people inside. A woman was trying to assist a man who was ________ on the roof.

Despite the dangerous situation, he kept calm and ________ a ladder (梯子) quickly and began going up with the help of a fellow neighbor. “I just started jumping, jumping, jumping,” Rivera said. Nevertheless, ________ in onrushing thick smoke and extreme heat that made it ________ for him to advance any further, he managed to reach the top floor. There he found somebody inside begging for assistance. Without ________ he pulled him out through one of the windows. People ________ and cheered while Rivera safely brought down the victim.

Eyewitness Janeen Huth ________ this heart-stopping rescue on video, praising Rivera’s selfless bravery which she noted had put him at ________. The victims were attended to ________ within minutes but their wounds could have been ________ if it had not been for what Rivera did.

As residents reflect on this terrifying incident in their ________, they will always look upon Rivera’s brave deed as an example of ________ amid hardship.

A.put offB.called forC.fell inD.sp rang into
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . Emergency Mask Pod (面罩舱) is a plastic, 3D-printed and football-shaped case that contains a mask that protects the lungs of someone trapped in a fire until they were rescued. Alexis got the idea for the Emergency Mask Pod after hearing that a mother had thrown her baby out of the second floor window of their smoke-filled apartment during a fire in the building. The family was trapped in their apartment by the smoke.

Alexis wondered whether there was a means for people waiting outside, such as neighbors and first responders, to deliver smoke masks to people trapped in the second floors of burning buildings. Her research showed that there was no such delivery system, so Alexis set about to invent one.

First, she found a small, lightweight smoke mask. The next step was to develop a way to launch or throw the mask up into an open second-story window. Alexis built several different pods, which were tested by local firefighters. Each pod was cast into a second story window more than 290 times by a total of 37 firefighters. The football-shaped pod, which Alexis printed on her MakerBot 3D printer, was the clear winner, with an accuracy rate of over 70 percent.

The firefighters testing the Emergency Mask Pod told her that it is needed by firefighters arriving at the scene of a fire. They told Alexis that when they find people trapped inside, they wish they could give them some form of relief so they can breathe safely while firefighters try to reach them. A smoke delivery system could be used to provide that relief.

The Emergency Mask Pod requires no special equipment, training, or permits; people at the scene of a fire could help fire victims (受害者) trapped inside smoky rooms without hesitation. EMTs, police officers, and firefighters could keep the mask and EM Pod in their vehicles and apartment complexes could store them in approachable places like community centers. The mask could easily be retrieved by victims and put on, giving them precious time for firefighters to rescue them and potentially saving hundreds or thousands of lives.

1. Why is the Emergency Mask Pod invented?
A.To improve the design of smoke masks.
B.To provide a way to deliver smoke masks.
C.To help firefighters practice throwing skills.
D.To protect first responders’ eyes from smoke.
2. How did Alexis test the effectiveness of different pods?
A.By burning them in the local fire departments.
B.By studying different materials for making pods.
C.By doing a survey of people trapped in a fire before.
D.By having firefighters throw them into windows many times.
3. Which word is closest in meaning to “retrieved” in the last paragraph?
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
A.Surviving the Flame: New Rescue Skills
B.Smoke and Masks: The Future of Fire Safety
C.A Lifeline through the Smoke: The Mask Pod
D.Breaking through Barriers: Firefighters’ Creations
7日内更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道。主要报道了一位年轻女性Chiara Beer在经历中风后如何通过网络分享自己的生活,以此激励其他中风和受伤幸存者变得更加独立的事迹。

6 . After overcoming a severe stroke (中风) at just 22 months old, a young woman is taking to the Internet to show people how she lives with only one working hand and inspire other stroke and injury survivors to become more independent.

Chiara Beer, 27, who lives in Winchester, suffered a stroke as a baby which left her with lasting effects and a lifelong disability. She now lives with right-sided hemiplegia (偏瘫) — a condition that results in weakness and lack of movement in one side of the body.

Growing up with this disability, as she got older, Chiara realized there was a huge lack of resources and information for young stroke survivors on the Internet and it was unable to find anyone else who was experiencing the similar things on her, so she decided to start sharing some relevant content on social media.

The determined 27-year-old began posting videos, sharing more about her own story of stroke survival and showing her followers various aspects of her day-to-day life, living with only one working arm, for example, how she drives using a specially adapted car and how technology helps her to read and write, other things like tying her hair with one hand, doing up the button on her jeans or applying her make-up.

She received a huge outpouring of love and support from her viewers, including messages of love from other stroke survivors and people who suffer from other similar disabilities, thanking her for showing them some hacks and tricks on how to become a little more independent.

Chiara admitted that she loves knowing that she is able to offer support to other young stroke survivors, saying, “It makes me feel happy that I can help so many people.” She added, “I want to help raise awareness about young people having strokes and also I want to help young people to find a way to be able to be independent. As for me, this has always been my main goal: to be independent.”

1. What is the after-effect of Chiara’s stroke?
A.Unable to drive a car.B.Unable to use his hands.
C.Unable to move his body freely.D.Unable to communicate with others.
2. What can we infer from Paragraph 3?
A.The disabled are willing to share their life skills.
B.Stroke survivors face many challenges in their daily life.
C.There was much information about stroke treatment online.
D.Young stroke survivors had little guidance to turn to online.
3. Why were other stroke survivors grateful to Chiara?
A.Her story led them to have faith in life.
B.She taught them to cure their disabilities.
C.Her experience inspired them to live on their own.
D.She served as a role model for them to live ambitiously.
4. What can we learn from Chiara’s story?
A.Roses given, fragrance in hand.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.Where there is a will, there is a way.D.Constant dripping wears away a stone.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市校际联合考试2024-2025学年高二上学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . A Japanese company has developed an artificial intelligence filter (变声器) that can detect angry screams and translate them into calm speech in order to reduce the stress experienced by call center operators.

Large tech companies have long been aware of the stress their call center operators are exposed to every single day, with many customers taking out their anger and frustrations on them. Some of them have even introduced stress management programs that include relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, or therapy meant to irritability and anxiety. However, one Japanese company may have come up with a much more efficient solution — using AI to completely take screaming and aggressive speech out of the equation. SoftBank claims to have spent three years creating a voice filter that detects screaming and automatically translates it into calm speech.

SoftBank’s voice filter consists of two stages, one in which the AI identifies an angry voice and extracts key points of speech, and a second where it uses acoustic (声学) tools to transform it into a more natural, even polite tone. Interestingly, the filter doesn’t change any of the words spoken by the person, but significantly softens the intonation. The call center operator will still hear any insults (辱骂) uttered, only in a soft tone, which should help reduce their stress and anxiety.

To train the AI, SoftBank’s engineers asked 10 actors to record at least 100 common phrases including screams, accusations, threats, and demands for an apology. In total, more than 10,000 pieces of voice data were used to train the AI filter.

It’s unclear when SoftBank plans to apply the new scream-filtering AI in its call centers, but it will be interesting to see how well it works and how it impacts the emotional well-being of operators.

1. Why has SoftBank invented the voice filter?
A.To translate calm speech.B.To improve work efficiency.
C.To relieve the operators’ pressure.D.To introduce relaxation techniques.
2. What can be concluded about the AI filter?
A.It changes the insult words of customers.
B.It reduces stress by removing any insults.
C.It makes the operators hear the angry words in a soft tone.
D.It transforms key points of speech into a more polite tone.
3. What did the engineers do to train the AI filter?
A.They recorded actors’ soft voices.B.They compared different voice data.
C.They analyzed reasons for bad moods.D.They collected data of angry voices.
4. How does the author feel about the filter’s future?
7日内更新 | 26次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学校际联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . In Aleksandra’s studio in Haikou, the capital of Hainan, an oil painting of St. Basil’s Cathedral hangs beside a portrait capturing the grace of a woman from the Li ethnic group, symbolizing two distinct aspects of the artist’s life.

Raised in a family of artists, the 24-year-old Russian woman developed a profound love for painting from an early age. Six years ago, she relocated to Hainan and set up her studio there. Her fascination with Chinese culture was bolstered when she was 10 years old. “I picked up the language through the internet, books and TV. I simply adore Chinese culture.” In 2018, driven by her passion, Aleksandra journeyed to Hainan to study, where she was captured by the island’s peaceful natural beauty and unhurried pace of life.

“It’s an incredibly beautiful place, and the people are kind, charming and authentically simple,” she reflects. “Life unfolds at a leisurely pace, allowing them to harmonize with nature.” Living in Hainan enables her to immerse herself in nature and humanity, two beloved themes in her artwork. The local people and culture have become essential to her life as she and her husband, whom she met on the island, have ventured through its landscapes together.

“We ventured into the heart of Hainan. It was during these journeys that I first encountered the Li people,” she recalls. The Li brocade (织锦) has left a lasting impact on her. This traditional textile of the Li ethnic group in Hainan is regarded as a “living fossil” of the textile industry, boasting a history of over 3,000 years. “When you witness a woman weaving this brocade, she is narrating a tale passed down through generations, such as that of Dalishen, the God of Strength, watching over us. It not only inspires me but also empowers me to create,” she says.

She strives to capture the complicated patterns of the brocade in her paintings, weaving local culture into her creations — a process that has brought her profound satisfaction.

1. What inspired Aleksandra to set up her studio in Haikou?
A.Her passion for painting.B.The low cost of living.
C.Her desire for further study.D.The local scenery and lifestyle.
2. What does the underlined word “bolstered” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
3. What is a feature of Aleksandra’s works?
A.They tell fairy stories.B.They reflect Li ethnic culture.
C.They center on weaving techniques.D.They stress the history of the Li people.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A.To attract people to Haikou.B.To highlight China’s cultural diversity.
C.To advertise an artist’s works.D.To introduce a foreign artist in China.
7日内更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学校际联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

9 . In 2011, two students from the University of Michigan dreamed of a way to bring the Detroit community together while creating a sustainable food source. That year, Tyson Gersh and Darin McLeskey launched the Michigan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI), which converted a residential neighborhood in Detroit’s North End into an agricultural wonderland, run by the community, for the community.

Now, it’s been over 10 years, and MUFI is still running strong. In fact, they have grown to become the first sustainable urban “agrihood” in the United States. The term, coined in 2014, refers to an “agricultural neighborhood” in an urban setting. Today there are 90 such “agrihoods” in the U.S., with another 27 in development.

MUFI’s primary focus has been the redevelopment of a three-acre plot, which they call the “center of urban agriculture.” Their mission is to use urban agriculture as a platform to promote education, sustainability, and community in an effort to empower urban communities, solve many social problems facing Detroit, and potentially develop a broader model for redevelopment for other urban communities.

To accomplish this, they have used a variety of creative techniques to transform residential properties into agricultural landscapes. In one video, on the MUFI YouTube channel, they show how they used the basement plot of a destroyed house as a cistern (蓄水池). They’re also working to turn an old building into a brightly colored community center.

Bringing the community together is the heart of MUFI’s mission. All their support and volunteers are sourced from Detroit and their produce goes right back into the community. Since 2011, MUFI has produced 50,000 pounds of food for the people of Detroit. Once packaged, the food is sent to one of four places: individual households, local markets, restaurants, and food pantries. They note that individual households are provided food on a “pay what you can” model.

The organization has no less than seven community-oriented projects in development. Alongside their agricultural efforts, they have been working to beautify the area with flower gardens, and a covered pavilion (亭子) for community events is in the works. Their efforts also include affordable housing made from shipping containers.

1. What can we learn about MUFI from the first two paragraphs?
A.It focuses on research into climate changes.
B.It has changed traditional farming methods.
C.It has gained wide recognition in the country.
D.It was initially launched as a university project.
2. What is MUFI aimed at?
A.Uplifting the community.B.Seeking food sources for residents.
C.Redefining urban farming.D.Setting an example to other cities.
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly show us?
A.MUFI’s primary mission.B.MUFI’s agricultural efforts.
C.MUFI’s fast development.D.MUFI’s technological achievements.
4. Why does MUFI adopt a “pay what you can” model?
A.To reduce food waste.B.To make their food affordable.
C.To increase the amount of sales.D.To promote a new sales strategy.
7日内更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学校际联考英语试题
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲述了一位退休的科学教师Patrick Moriarty完成了自己数十年前的承诺,和自己的学生重聚在一起观看2024年的日食。

10 . In a heartwarming reunion, Patrick Moriarty, a retired science teacher from New York, fulfilled a promise he made to his students decades ago by watching the 2024 solar eclipse (日食) together.

Back in 1978, while teaching his “Earth Science” class, Moriarty _________ worksheets detailing the trajectories (轨迹) of upcoming eclipses. Highlighting the one _________ to pass near their hometown, Moriarty declared to his students, “_________ that one on April 8, 2024. We’re going to get together on that day.” His students laughed at the thought, finding it _________ to understand such a distant future event. Nevertheless, Moriarty persisted, reminding all of his students to _________ their calendars for the gathering.

Two years ago, Moriarty, _________ a Facebook event and reached out to his former students. To his surprise, hundreds responded with _________, expressing interest in joining the _________. As April 8, 2024 approached, about 100 of Moriarty’s former students _________ at his home. Emotions ran high as ____________ faces from their junior high days reconnected. Moriarty said, “When they were walking up, I could ____________ see their little ninth grade faces.” Former student Kevin Thompson ____________ Moriarty’s commitment, describing the promise as “the ____________ homework assignment in the history of any teacher.”

As the spectacle (奇观) ____________, surrounded by the warmth of shared memories, laughter, and friendship, Moriarty proposed another reunion in two decades for the next solar eclipse. The ____________ brought laughter, making them remember the same joy from 1978.

A.got aroundB.settled downC.showed upD.broke in
A.reflected onB.struggled againstC.took toD.prepared for
7日内更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:山东省日照市2024-2025学年高三上学期开学校际联考英语试题
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