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1 . Ken Wilcox started working for a new company in Washington DC. While the company _______ well, his boss was what Wilcox describes as a “tyrant (暴君) ”. Besides, Wilcox's closest friend was _______ .

One morning in mid-January after a business meeting, Wilcox was _______ down a busy street. It was bitterly cold, and all the holiday cheer of the New Year had _______ from the city. He'd just received two _______ phone calls: one from his angry _______ and the other from his sick friend.

So he was just really feeling _______. And he just didn't understand what the _______ of life was. He even had a very negative idea for life.

As he _______ his idea, Wilcox made eye contact with a woman walking toward him.

“She quite ________ looked at me and sought out my eyes. And when we locked ________, she just gave me a beautiful smile,” said Wilcox. “She didn't say anything to me. She just smiled at me. And that ________ was enough to keep me moving forward.”

Soon after that ________ with the lady, Wilcox quit his job. He's now doing a job he loves.

“I have to be surprised that it all ________ on a cold January day. There was the wonderful woman on the street who decided to smile at me. She is my unsung ________.”

A.reflected onB.approved ofC.agreed withD.attended to
2024-09-11更新 | 39次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 较易(0.85) |

2 . In a corner of Zhengzhou, there is a cozy little restaurant owned by Uncle Zhang, a middle-aged man with a kind smile always on his face. His restaurant is famous for a special Single Meal, which is not just an ordinary meal but a gift filled with hope and care.

There is a story behind this gift. Many years ago, Uncle Zhang worked in a distant place and life was tough. He often went hungry. During his most difficult times, a stranger extended a helping hand, giving him warmth and hope. This experience deeply moved Uncle Zhang, and he promised that if he ever had the chance, he would pass on this kindness.

Years later, Uncle Zhang finally opened his own little restaurant. He decided to fulfill his promise by introducing the Single Meal. He instructed his staff that if anyone quietly said the code words — “Please give me a Single Meal”, they should prepare a hot meal for that person without asking any questions.

This act of kindness quickly spread through the community and touched many hearts. One sunny afternoon, with sunlight streaming through the restaurant windows, a young girl walked in. Her eyes were filled with helplessness and confusion. Guided by the staff, she sat in a corner and softly said the code words. The staff understood and soon brought her a hearty meal.

The girl ate her meal with tears in her eyes, feeling a long-lost warmth. A few weeks later, she found a new job and returned to the restaurant. This time, she didn’t use the code words. Instead, she prepaid for several Single Meals to help others in need.

Uncle Zhang’s small act of kindness had sparked a chain reaction, spreading warmth and hope throughout the community.

1. What is the author’s purpose of writing paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the topic of the text.B.To show the significance of the gift.
C.To tell the information on Uncle Zhang's wish.D.To discuss the challenges faced by Uncle Zhang.
2. Why did Uncle Zhang decide to offer the Single Meal?
A.To attract more customers.B.To fulfill a promise made by him.
C.To promote a new menu item.D.To compete with other restaurants.
3. What did the young girl do after finding a new job?
A.She asked for another Single Meal.B.She thanked Uncle Zhang and left.
C.She never returned to the restaurant.D.She prepaid for several Single Meals.
4. Which sentence can best convey the author's opinion about the text?
A.Kindness generates kindness.B.Every cloud has a silver lining.
C.Small steps lead to big changes.D.Actions speak louder than words.
2024-09-11更新 | 59次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易(0.85) |

3 . The Baltimore/ Washington Forecast Office of the National Weather Service(NWS) accepts applications annually for volunteer college students each summer. Our competitive program provides students with the experience of performing a guide d research or data project while assisting in operations at an NWS forecast office. Please see below for more information about our program.

Students selected for our program will be expected to do the following:

·Volunteer 2-4 days(approximately 16-24 hours) per week on a set schedule.

·Work on an assigned research project or data project, guided by an NWS meteorologist (气象学家).

·Become familiar with NWS operations, upper- air observations, policies and procedures, software and computer systems.

·If appropriate, submit summer research results to the National Weather Association annual conference and/ or other professional conferences. Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to attend a conference to present their work.

Who is qualified to apply?

Students interested in this program must be:

·Pursuing a degree in meteorology or a related science (such as climatology, hydrology, geoscience, atmospheric science, etc.).

·Full-time undergraduate actively enrolled in related classes both the semester before(Spring 2024) and the semester after (Fall 2024) the volunteer period.

·Graduating seniors are only qualified if already accepted to or enrolled in graduate school in meteorology or a related field the following fall.

·Having an active interest in a future career with the NWS.

How do I apply?

Applications for Summer 2024 will be open through January 14th, 2024.

Please submit the required supporting documents to our official website by the above deadline.

Some applicants may be requested to submit responses to written questions, participate in a phone interview, or both, during January or February 2024, before student selections are made. We expect to make selections for volunteers no later than mid to late February.

1. What is required to apply for the program?
A.Having completed a degree in meteorology or a related science.
B.Being a full-time undergraduate actively taking related classes.
C.Previous experience working with the National Weather Service.
D.Attending a professional conference to present research findings.
2. When is the deadline to submit applications for the Summer 2024 program?
A.January 14th.B.February 14th.C.March 14th.D.October 14th.
3. Where can we most probably read this article?
A.In a textbook.B.In a novel.C.In a newspaper.D.In a guidebook.

4 . I first picked up a racquet(球拍) and ball when I was four. Jim Joyce, my first tennis coach, was teaching me to play and think _______.

One day, I started making _______ when I hit. He asked me if I was sick, and I said no. “I heard it would give me more power,” I _______ shyly. “Asho, that’s absolutely _______,” he replied. “You’re not doing any better with it. You’ re concentrating on grunting (发出哼声) instead of _______. If you grunt again, I’m walking off this court.”

Jim also found ways to get me into trouble. I played my first competition when I was six. I’d been _______ for almost two years, and I was certain I was going to win. But Jim made me _______. There aren’t many lessons to be learned from an easy win. He intentionally found an _______ girl to play me clean off the court.

This philosophy extended to everything I did. I remember climbing out of my age group _______ when I was 11 against a 14- year- old girl. Jim went to her and told her how to beat me. “Play to her low forehand,” “Hit a short slice.” He ________ I would pay more attention to my ________ if they led to losses. I won anyway. From then on, I began winning quickly.

But there was one girl, Lyann Hoang. I was forever ________ her, endlessly losing to her. Jim loved seeing me ________ this way — until I cried. “Keep going,” he said. “One day you’ll catch her.” Finally, I did. And I ________ him with a surprised and yet satisfied look. Jim was as cool as ever. “Yeah, Asho, but it’s just one match. Let’s practise again tomorrow.” These valuable ________ continuously influence me whether I win or lose.

A.turned toB.looked afterC.talked aboutD.aimed at
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难(0.4) |
5 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

My husband asked, in an unpleasant voice, what I wanted to do for my birthday. I told him that I wanted something special but didn't know what. He then asked if I wanted to go to the new restaurant, and I said no. He suggested going out with friends, and I also said no. Finally, he asked what I wanted. “Something special, so I don't just feel old,” I answered. Maybe I could just get some hair dye (染发液) or some new skin cream.

“Hmm,” he disappeared into the garage. I've always thought garages were built for men so they had a place to think.

With no party in sight, I decided to use my positive thinking. How to celebrate? I couldn't think of any event that would improve my attitude toward my birthday. I had no idea what I truly wanted or needed.

Thanksgiving Day had always been my favorite celebration. I loved to give gifts to family and friends. And that's when I realized it. If I loved giving gifts, then I could do that for my birthday! Why not? This was how I came up with my annual Birthday Person.

In the months before my birthday, I thought of all the people who had supported me. I searched for a small token (礼券) —a gift. Then I planned what I wanted to say. After writing my first rough draft, I got a clean sheet of paper that didn't have tearstains (泪痕) on it. And then I created the finished product and mailed it with my gift. There have been many tears involved in writing notes to my Birthday Person, tears of joy, tears of healing, tears shared on the giving and the receiving end.

1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

I chose my mom the first year.


Looking back at these letters, I see many people on my list.

2024-09-05更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 较易(0.85) |
6 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The development of electric vehicles (EVs) is thriving in China. Chinese consumers now see owning an EV     1     a symbol of energy conservation.

Last March, China sold a large number of cars, a lot of     2     were EVs or plug-in hybrids. This was a big increase compared to the previous year. The number of EVs in China     3     (be) very high now. Because oil prices are high, many Chinese people are choosing     4     (purchase) electric cars, which are better for the environment and cheaper to run. More people in China are buying EVs compared to the people in the US.

Making the best of the market system and promoting fierce     5     (compete) among industry players are the key to China's success. So EV manufacturers should     6     (consistent) innovate, cut production costs and reduce prices. The same market logic explains why the country     7     (strengthen) its incomparable skill in manufacturing during the past four decades.

As     8     result, Chinese buyers have a greater selection of EV's than those anywhere in the world, and also at a much     9     (low) price. This explains why Chinese shoppers are increasingly fond of buying EVs, as well as the higher EV penetration rate in the world's largest auto market. Chinese makers     10     (fill) higher-end EVs with advanced infotainment systems and other innovative functions want to attract potential buyers around the world.

2024-09-05更新 | 45次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . Are you ready for a real-life story writing competition? Well, get your fingers ready at your keyboards.

We’d like you to send us a mysterious, but true story of your extraordinary pets. We are looking for real-life stories involving a strange encounter that you’ve experienced with your dog, cat, horse, rabbit, pig, goat or parrot.

Dogs seem to have a natural empathy for their human friend. Whether through hardships, sufferings or at the best of times, they only want to make us happy and protect us. We do have much to learn from our canine (犬) friends.

So in connection with our beloved animals, we are holding a competition that involves an exceptionally gifted pet in your family.

If you would like to share your own unique story, what I’d like is for you to send me a short real-life story involving an ordinary event or special occurrence that happened between you, or a family member and your pet.

To enter the competition, email your story to reallife@storynory. com.

All contestants must be 16 years old or younger.

Entries must be handed in by 22nd September. Mom and Dad can help with spelling, typing and grammar. Include a photo or a drawing of your pet if you can.

I’m super excited to hear from you all and read your real-life stories!

Please keep the story short and once I’ve selected, I will read out my top 5 favourite amazing stories. If you have any question about the competition, please contact me, Jana, at storynory. com.

1. What kind of stories are wanted?
A.Long tales.B.Fictional stories.
C.Short real-life stories.D.Everyday stories about family.
2. Who can enter the competition?
A.Anyone.B.Pet owners.
C.People with special encounters.D.People aged 16 or younger.
3. What does Jana probably do?
A.A reader.B.An editor.C.A teacher.D.A pet owner.
2024-09-05更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:贵州省黔东南州2024-2025学年高三上学期开学联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Theatre has a culture of its own and is a powerful medium for exposing problems. Plays are sometimes attempting to spread awareness about problems like racism, sexism, etc. These plays help our society better function because they cause individuals to realize what is happening and take action. It builds a passion in people since they realize what is really important to them and that they have the power to make a change.

The main reason people go to theatre or even attend a show is to discover themselves. This means they want to come to a self-understanding and fulfilment. Human nature leads us to be original and theatre is the perfect outlet for people to be original and to understand themselves.

For many people, theatre also gives a purpose for life. Human beings naturally want to express themselves, and theatre is the most expressive art form. “This is why theatre is important: because it presents a reflective vision of a life that is vastly more fascinating than the one in which we’re stuck.” — Lemony Snicket.

Live theatre is as significant today as it was millennia (数千年) ago when our distant ancestors would gather around the fire to hear stories. Today we still gather in groups to hear stories being told, listen to music and put our demons in perspective. As a species, we have always turned to theatrical presentations to explore the unknown and explain our fears and concerns in an entertaining way. Theatre can also simply entertain, but there are few light “entertainments” which don’t include an underlying message.

Today we are surrounded by other options for entertainment, like film, video, and online streaming. But theatre is a very different experience. While cinema is prerecorded, perfected by thousand shots of the same scene and editing effects, one might say what you see in theatre is raw, more organic. You surely can’t make Avengers: Endgame the same in a live event. But, the connection of the actor to the audience that makes Iago’s speech, or Hamlet’s speech what it is, is just not the same on film.

1. What can theatre bring to society?
A.Solutions of racial issues.B.Development of media.
C.Fulfilment of individuals.D.Exposure of social problems.
2. Why did the author quote the words from Lemony Snicket?
A.To show the purpose of life.B.To express the nature of humans.
C.To strengthen the function of theatre.D.To present a different point of view.
3. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.People tend to watch films than plays.B.Cinema and theatre have a lot in common.
C.Films feature an original way of art.D.Theatres bring people live experience.
4. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The types of theatre.B.The power of theatre.
C.The challenges of theatre.D.The evolution of theatre.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Max, ten years old, was loved by us all in our family. This cute yellow dog used to play with me on the front verandah (走廊). But whenever my dad put two fingers to his lips and did whistle, Max would immediately rush to him with his tail wagging (摇摆). Such a harmonious life continued until we had to go abroad to find a treatment for my mom’s serious disease.

To take better care of my mom, we had no choice but to leave Max at home. And Sandy, my dad’s friend, was to be Max’s guardian (监护人) while we were overseas. Six weeks after our departure, however, my dad received a call from Sandy saying that Max had run away. His face got pale as he heard this news.

Sandy had advertised constantly on ABC radio and other newspapers. Despite many “sightings”, the dog was never found. But our family thought that my dad held a secret hope that Max was still alive.

Eight months later, we returned and my dad immediately began to search for Max. One day, he had a call from 375 kilometres away. An elderly lady living on her own in the suburb of the town was putting food out “for a very old yellow dog”. In the night the food disappeared. This had been going on for weeks. As she told on the telephone, it was “just glimpses of a yellow dog in the shadows” of her disused tennis court.

That was enough for us to set off in my dad’s low-slung Jensen car. It was hardly the right vehicle for the rough roads we travelled that day.

Five and a half hours later, we found the tennis court. Sadly, the elderly lady told my dad that the dog hadn’t been around today yet for the food was still there. Hearing that, Dad looked around the tennis court. It had long been deserted and overgrown with weeds. But he noticed a path hidden in the bush.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式作答。

Without hesitation, Dad then led me to search around for Max.


Back to the court in vain, Dad finally did his special whistle.

语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In the splendid history of Chinese ceramics (陶器制品), there is a name that shines brilliantly — Jingdezhen. This ancient porcelain capital     1     (carry) the glory and heritage of a thousand years of porcelain culture.

Jingdezhen was formerly known as Xinping and got its name because the porcelain ware made for the court in Jingde Period of Song Dynasty     2     (name) “Made in Jingde Period”. Since then, the reputation of Jingde has spread through the country, becoming related with Chinese ceramics. The     3     (vary) of porcelain produced here is vast and of superb quality. For example, the elegant and delicate Ying Ching porcelain with     4     (it) mixture of blue and white colors resembles a painting from a fairyland.

During the Ming and Qing     5     (dynasty), Jingdezhen became the center     6     the national porcelain industry, attracting countless skilled craftsmen to contribute talents and their porcelain-making techniques,     7     promoted Jingdezhen porcelain to unprecedented heights in terms of craftsmanship shape and decoration.

Today, Jingdezhen still maintains its     8     (lead) position in the Chinese ceramics industry. Stepping into Jingdezhen is like entering a living epic of ceramics. The ancient kiln fire’s (窑火的) exquisite craftsmanship     9     generations of creativity have     10     (joint) formed the glory and heritage of this millennium porcelain capital.

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