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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文,Marge Mangelsdorf参与Oasis跨代辅导项目,每周辅导学生,提升阅读技能和学校态度。该非营利项目促进老年人健康,通过志愿服务提高生活质量。哈佛研究显示,志愿服务减少老年人孤独感,增加乐观感。

1 . At a desk between a hallway entrance and a classroom door, Marge Mangelsdorf gently urged Harlan to write down what he remembered. The two had just finished reading Hi! Fly Cuy, a popular children’s book about a boy and his pet bug. Now it was time for Harlan, a first grader, to go over the plot and characters with his tutor.

Mangelsdorf spends several days each week in empty classrooms like these, working with kids through Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring. The program, which pairs volunteers with students for 30-45 minutes each week, is overseen by a St. Louis-based nonprofit that promotes healthy aging through a mix of community involvement and continuing education. This model holds a unique appeal. Its workers are largely retired volunteers, who cost less in fees, making their continuing presence sustainable.

There is some proof of its effectiveness. In a 2023 survey of educators in schools where the program works, 80 percent of classroom teachers said they’d seen improvement in their students’ reading skills, and 67 percent said they’d perceived an improvement in those students’ attitudes at school.

Whatever the effects of tutoring on young kids, the program’s work is also meant to help their volunteers. When given the chance to be active and help others, seniors’ quality of life can dramatically improve. A 2020 Harvard University study found that adults over 50 who volunteered at least two hours per week were less likely to express loneliness, depression and hopelessness and more likely to be optimistic and purposeful. Putting them in direct contact with school-aged children might be the best way to make the best of their talents, especially given America’s growing number of seniors.

1. Why did Harlan write down what he remembered?
A.To finish writing a new novel.
B.To teach students how to read a novel.
C.To create a fantastic story for the old.
D.To review the content of Hi! Fly Guy.
2. What can we infer about Oasis Intergenerational Tutoring from Paragraph 2?
A.It made fewer profits in 2023.
B.It builds a bridge between tutors and students.
C.It models after another community institution.
D.All of its workers are retired teachers from schools.
3. How does the author show the program’s effectiveness?
A.By giving examples.
B.By analyzing a questionnaire.
C.By making a contrast.
D.By presenting data.
4. What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Elderly workers benefit from the voluntary work.
B.The old suffer from many health problems.
C.Harvard University is in favor of the voluntary program.
D.Harvard University set up the voluntary program.
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2 . Human history is full of horse stories like guiding cowboys home on foggy nights and taking wounded soldiers through battle zones. Such sensible and highly trained horses made Elina Jatel, a computer scientist and roboticist, think of robots. “A horse that can take a rider home on its own would be the highest level of autonomy,” Jatel says. “You trust them with your life.” She was drawn to learning how such relationships form and if it could help improve human-robot interactions.

For a year, Jatel engaged herself in the horse world. She watched classes in horse training, and she also talked with students, instructors, trainers and horse owners. Along the way, Jatel even learned to ride.

Horses learn signals from their trainers on how to comfortably interact with people. People, too, must learn their part. Riders must learn what a horse wants or feels based on its behavior, and what signals to use to direct horses to perform in desired ways. Jatel found some similarities, here, to working with robots. People must learn how to direct robots to do specific tasks. They also must learn what to do when robots don’t perform as planned. The goal is to program robots that will respond predictably to inputs from people. But like horses, autonomous robots also should be able to respond on their own as conditions change. For example, a self-driving car must stop to avoid hitting something, even if some human mistakenly tells it to keep going.

Trainers and riders work with horses to build respect. Horses show that respect by matching their pace to a human or giving someone who is leading them a safe degree of personal space. Trainers begin their work with a horse by getting them to show signs of respect in basic interactions, Jatel says. Later, trainers will develop more complex interactions. Gradually, a horse’s respect can grow into trust.

But that trust is not given. And there may be a similar limitation with robots. What would it mean for robots and people to respect and trust each other? For now, she adds, this is largely uncharted territory. But she’s looking to build a path.

1. What drew Elina Jatel’s attention to horses?
A.Horses’ amazing performance.B.Long history of horse training.
C.Horse-human interdependence.D.Her horse-riding experience.
2. What are the robots of the highest autonomy designed to do?
A.To act like real horses.B.To show respect to humans.
C.To follow instructions from humans.D.To make independent and sensible decisions.
3. What will Jatel’s future research most probably focus on?
A.The limitations of robots.B.Trust between robots and humans.
C.Path toward higher robot efficiency.D.Similarities between horses and robots.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.History of Human-Horse RelationshipB.Secrets of Human-Animal Interactions
C.The Role of Trust in Human-Robot PartnershipsD.Horses as the Inspiration for Autonomous Robots
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了少年William Kamkwamba通过废品改造,把村里通电的梦想成为现实。风车抽水灌溉庄稼,缓解了当地的饥荒。

3 . 18 years ago, a 14-year-old boy from Kasungu district in Malawi was forced to drop out of school for lack of fees. At the same time, a severe famine was destroying his village, claiming people’s lives and leaving desperation in its wake.

This was a situation to break the strongest of minds but William Kamkwamba did not give up. Young as he was, he knew that education was where his future lay. He found hope in the library and feasted on the knowledge that he harvested from its books. It was there that he came across a science textbook entitled Using Energy. He learned that he could generate electricity using wind. The youngster realized that, if mastered, this power could help his village in exceptional ways.

Armed with determination and an iron will, the teenager set out to build a windmill out of random materials from a scrapyard (垃圾场). Though his outside world was collapsing to dust, the youngster did not hesitate about his purpose. He defended himself from all doubt and criticism. He worked tirelessly until his dream of bringing electricity to his village became reality. Soon, he was caught in the center of media attention that took him to new places that he would never have stepped on without his invention.

In his village, the dust has not settled yet and the winds of change continue to blow across the land. Windmills pump water to irrigate crops, sweeping away another period of hunger. William’s former primary school boasts new and stronger buildings, thanks to the help of well-wishers and the villagers’ united efforts.

What seemed like a hopeless situation has been turned into an inspirational story that motivates each and every one of us, persuading us that no misfortune is set in stone. William refused to be a school drop-out forever. He sought solutions for his problems and continued fighting even when the going got tough. He was able to rise above poverty to become a graduate from one of America’s best universities, Dartmouth College.

1. What inspired William to bring electricity to his village?
A.His realization of the impact of electricity.B.His awareness of the role of education.
C.The science textbook entitled Using Energy.D.The severe famine destroying his village.
2. What can we learn from paragraph 3?
A.All people didn’t support William’s dream at first.
B.The public had little interest in William’s invention.
C.The invention enabled William to make a big fortune.
D.The windmill is energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
3. What does the underlined words “set in stone”in the last paragraph mean?
4. What message does the author want to convey in this story?
A.Knowledge feasts mind and education promises wealth.
B.Necessity inspires invention and hardship makes heroes.
C.Criticism promotes success and doubt facilitates creation.
D.Adversity motivates inspiration and support pushes solutions.
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4 . Autonomously copying other people’s thoughts or options or simply going with the crowd is often referred to as “herd (群体) behaviour”. Herding can appear to make a lot of sense. In an earlier article, I discussed the so-called “wisdom of crowds”, which suggests that average judgments of large groups of people often outperform individual choices.

Psychology research has attempted to model herd behaviour and suggests that the phenomenon relies on the existence of social connections or patterns between individuals as well as specific mechanisms of passing on information. A key condition is the human ability to “mentalize”, which means being able to read and interpret someone else’s mental state and using the information to explain their options. This action of mentalizing is responsible for people’s tendency to attach meaning to options by the herd, even if many behaviours may have come about at random.

Herd behaviours, while common and easy to explain, hold significant dangers. Contrary to the so-called “wisdom of crowds”, which emerges when the judgments of individual group members are independently collected to produce an average opinion, herd behaviours typically rely on so-called “information cascades”, where people take on others’ beliefs or copy their options without critically evaluating the underlying reasons. This frequently leads to the mirroring of unreasonable or stupid behaviours.

Blindly following the herd can be dangerous. So how can we resist the tendency of following the crowd? The sad news is that psychology research suggests that it’s surprisingly difficult to withstand the influences of the herd. In an experiment, researchers found that warning messages about the potential errors of the crowd were surprisingly ineffective in helping subjects make better choices. It appears there is no quick and easy fix. Instead, long-term attitude changes may be necessary, which could involve individuals adopting more critical approaches towards their peers’ opinion, and questioning others’ behaviours as opposed to blindly following them.

1. Why does the author mention “wisdom of crowd” in Paragraph 1?
A.To introduce the definition of herd behaviour.
B.To contradict the judgments of large groups.
C.To attract readers to his previous discussion.
D.To justify the behaviour of following others.
2. What makes herd behaviour possible according to psychology research?
A.Heavy reliance on social activities.
B.Ineffective mechanism of information exchange.
C.Attaching meaning to crowd’s random choices.
D.Analyzing individuals’ mental state.
3. How does the author develop Paragraph 3?
A.By defining.B.By quoting.
C.By making a comparison.D.By giving an example.
4. What is probably the best policy if we want to resist herd behaviours?
A.Following your heart.B.Thinking twice before action.
C.Working out a quick fix.D.Taking peers’ opinion seriously.
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5 . When we think of bananas, the image of a vibrant yellow fruit comes to mind. However, there exists a unique variety of blue bananas that adds a colorful twist to this classic fruit. While not as widely available as their yellow counterparts, blue bananas offer a delightful and nutritious addition to fruit lovers. So, embrace the unexpected and seek out the extraordinary blue bananas for a truly unforgettable taste experience.

One of the most well-known blue banana varieties is the Blue Java, also called the “Ice Cream” banana. This distinctive fruit owns a pale blue or silver skin when unripe, which gradually turns to a creamy yellow when fully ripe. Its flesh has a delicate, sweet flavor like vanilla ice cream, earning it the fitting nickname.

Originating from Sri Lanka, the Pisang Ceylon banana is another interesting blue variety. Its striking blue-green skin hides a creamy white flesh that is slightly sweet of citrus. This unique banana is valued not only for its appealing color but also for its nutritional benefits.

There are other related varieties with similar coloration. These include the Namwah Blue, Kluai Khai, and Kluai Namwa Aw. Each exhibits its own distinct flavor, ranging from sweet, creamy to subtly tangy (强烈的) respectively.

Blue bananas are widely used fruits that can be enjoyed in various cooking preparations. Their sweet, creamy flesh lends itself well to smoothies, milkshakes, and desserts. Additionally, their unique color adds a visually striking element to fruit salads or tropical-themed dishes.

Like their yellow counterparts, blue bananas are abundant in vital nutrients. They are a good source of potassium (钾), which supports heart health and helps maintain proper blood pressure. Blue bananas also contain protein, vitamin C, and other beneficial antioxidants that contribute to overall well-being and immune system support.

1. What can we learn about blue bananas from the text?
A.They have become a hit worldwide.B.They are still limited in supply.
C.They have been exported to Sri Lanka.D.They have the highest medical value in fruits.
2. What is a characteristic of Pisang Ceylon?
A.It has light blue skin.B.It tastes like ice cream.
C.It is as sweet as Kluai Namwa Aw.D.It contains a lot of nutrients.
3. Why are blue bananas good for health?
A.They improve the resistance to infection.B.They cure heart disease.
C.They strengthen the digestive system.D.They contain less sugar.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Yellow bananas are replaced by blue ones.
B.Blue bananas are perfect for delicious cuisine.
C.We should raise the awareness of preserving blue bananas.
D.It’s time to explore the amazing world of blue bananas.
7日内更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三高考适应性考试(十)英语试题
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6 . Tilly Williams, a Parkside primary student, has broken a world distance running record, beating other girls who were eight years older than her to run 5,000m in just 17 minutes and 22. 7 seconds.

Tilly started running just three years ago and has already shot straight to the top. When some of her friends told her about the international record, she decided to give it a go while competing at the SA State Championships.

“Some of my running friends told me about it and I was like, wow, it would be crazy if I got that and here I am,” Tilly said. “I am the kind of person who really enjoys the challenge,” she added, “I really love surfing and I love bike riding and hiking - all different kinds of adventures and sports.”

She started running in 2021 when she joined her school’s cross-country team. Since then, she has run two to three times a week with her dad, Mark Williams, or at the Adelaide Harriers Athletics Club.

Tilly said, “It’s good knowing that my family’s on my side and my friends are on my side as well. Usually I just go out and run with my running group and with my dad as well because it is like a bond.”

Tilly doesn’t follow a strict diet, so her favourite food is still on the menu - her dad’s home-cooked pizza. “I do love pepperoni pizza,” she said.

“You never think that anyone’s going to get a world record at this age, at any age really. It’s just surreal,” Mr. Williams said, “It’s very important to recognise these achievements, but also to stay very much grounded and just enjoy the other pursuits that she likes. She loves her running, but she does so many other things as well and I think it’s really important that the focus is on life rather than just one thing.”

1. What do we know about Tilly?
A.She prefers surfing to bike riding.
B.She failed at the SA State Championships.
C.She holds the 5000m record of her age.
D.She’s lucky to have her dad as her coach.
2. What might Williams agree?
A.We’d better concentrate on a single thing.
B.Tilly deserves the reputation and praise.
C.Tilly should make efforts to keep her record.
D.People should consider needs more than hobbies.
3. Which of the following can best describe Tilly?
A.Gifted and persevering.B.Optimistic and careful.
C.Determined and humorous.D.Dynamic and warm-hearted.
4. Where can we find this text?
A.www. naturewatch. com.B.www.thecookinghouse.com.
C.www. kidsnews. com.D.www.adventuretours.com.
7日内更新 | 17次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三高考适应性考试(十)英语试题
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7 . Pawn shops (典当行) have long been known as treasure banks of unexpected finds. From musical instruments to electronics, these establishments offer a diverse range of items that motivate the imaginations of both buyers and sellers. In this article, we explore the fascinating world of popular items frequently pawned at shops. Now, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a journey through the fascinating stock of pawn shops.

In today’s digital age, electronics have become an essential part of our lives. From smartphones and laptops to gaming devices and home entertainment systems, pawn shops have become hotspots for tech enthusiasts seeking bargains and unique finds. These shops are packed with the items that have bridged distances, captured memories, and entertained us in various ways.

Guitars have a magnetic charm, attracting musicians and enthusiasts alike. From vintage classics to contemporary models, pawned guitars arouse a sense of nostalgia and craftsmanship. They have been the backbone of countless melodies and the catalyst (催化剂) for musical dreams. Whether it’s a legendary electric guitar that once rocked a stadium or a humble acoustic (原声吉他) that accompanied close and friendly performances, each guitar carries a unique tale of passion and creativity.

Pawn shops are also renowned for their dazzling arrays of jewelry. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches — these delicate pieces hold sentimental value and timeless beauty, carrying stories of love, milestones, and cherished memories. From vintage heirlooms to modern designs, the jewelry section of a pawn shop offers a remarkable mixture, where you can find unique and eye-catching pieces and appreciate the charm and craftsmanship of fine decoration.

So, the next time you find yourself near a pawn shop, step inside, explore the aisles, and let your imagination roam. You never know what hidden treasures you might uncover, or what remarkable tales you might encounter in the attractive world of pawned items.

1. Who would most probably enter a pawn shop?
A.A research chemist.B.A travel planner.
C.A wedding food provider.D.A family party organizer.
2. What can we do in pawn shops?
A.Conserve the antiques.B.Appreciate fairy tales.
C.Practice with the craftsman.D.Experience the history and love.
3. What does the underlined word “sentimental” mean in Paragraph 4?
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Legends behind Pawned Items Never Disappear
B.Hidden Treasures in Pawn Shops Speak
C.Try Various Pawn Shops to Meet Your Beloved
D.Borrow Attractive Old Things from Pawn Shops
7日内更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2023-2024学年高三高考适应性考试(十)英语试题
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8 . George jumped on an e-scooter (电动摩托车) and went to a supermarket. At the end of the ride, a message appeared on the screen: “Your ride was carbon-free.” These words showed the environment-friendly marketing of e-scooter companies. But George, then a graduate student, and his adviser, Johnson had doubts about them.

E-scooters have appeared in cities over the last two years. Sure, they don’t produce waste gases. “But you have to think about the other things that are required to have the e-scooter charged (充电) and ready for you to use,” Johnson said. So he and his students decided to work out the full environmental influence of e-scooters over their lifetimes.

The researchers bought an e-scooter and separated it into parts. They worked out the greenhouse gas emissions (排放) while people make it. They also looked at the resulting air and water pollution. Those influences were great. They found that materials and production accounted for about half of the e-scooter’s global warming influence.

Those results depend heavily on e-scooters’ long life. Bird’s first e-scooters lasted about 3—4 months, and the newer Bird Zeros are said to make it to about 10 months. However, one study found that e-scooters in Louisville, Kentucky, only survived about 29 days. If such short lifetimes are common, it would worsen the true influence of materials and production mentioned above, Johnson said.

Luckily, there are ways to reduce the environmental influence of e-scooters. They suggest that companies take steps to increase e-scooters’ lifetimes. They also suggest simplifying the collection process. Not every e-scooter needs to be picked up. About one in six e-scooters still had a full charge at the end of the day.

1. Why does the author talk about George’s riding an e-scooter?
A.To introduce the environmental benefits of e-scooters.
B.To describe e-scooter companies’ marketing methods.
C.To bring in research on e-scooters’ environmental influence.
D.To show the popularity of e-scooters among university students.
2. What did Johnson talk about in Paragraph 2?
A.Disadvantages of e-scooters.B.The development of e-scooters.
C.Preparations for the use of e-scooters.D.The reason for their research on e-scooters.
3. What worsens the environmental influence of e-scooters?
A.Their lifetimes are too short.B.Their charging rates are low.
C.They use too much electricity.D.They need to be charged frequently.
4. What do the researchers think of e-scooters?
A.They need to be managed better.B.They shouldn’t be collected at night.
C.They need more support and attention.D.They should be banned from production.
7日内更新 | 13次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省蒙自市蒙自市第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月期中英语试题
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9 . An underwater dance performance brought He Haohao into the spotlight. The show, titled Pray, features He as the Goddess of the Luohe River. It became popular after being played on Henan TV in June 2021. Thousands of Internet users were amazed at her graceful but highly demanding moves, such as flying in the water.

The 31-year-old started to learn synchronized (花样的) swimming at the age of eight and won a national championship. In 2013, she graduated from college and went to work a nine-to-five job in an office. But her true passion for the underwater sport pushed her out of her comfort zone. Three years later, she gave up the job and was qualified as a professional dance coach.

To let more people know about the underwater dance, she has been trying to film short videos of dances that feature Chinese traditional culture. One of her most impressive pieces of work is an underwater dance for a public service announcement about ocean protection in 2018.She created the dance in the sea.

“As a lover of traditional culture, it’s my own way to present it by combining it with the underwater dance,” He added. “You can do many impossible movements that can’t be accomplished on land, such as flying.” This makes the underwater dance more beautiful to watch.

When shooting Pray, she had to wear counterweights (平衡物) weighing from 2 to 10kilograms to stand still in the water. More dangerously, her neck was once wounded around by costumes that can float without control under the water.

Now, her next work that features swinging tai chi swords is to be released soon. The audience is expecting to see another fascinating performance under the water.

1. What became popular in the first paragraph?
A.An underwater sport.B.Internet users in Henan.
C.A dance show called Pray.D.The Goddess of the Luohe River.
2. Why did He quit her nine-to-five job?
A.She got fired by the employer.B.She longed to do something she likes.
C.She was encouraged by Internet users.D.She desired to go into the comfort zone.
3. What is special about He’s dance Pray?
A.It is filmed to show environment protection.
B.It can be performed well both on land and underwater.
C.It combines Chinese traditional culture with underwater dance.
D.It includes many movements that other dancers can perform as well.
4. What is the best title for the passage?
A.Seeking for Dance Dream on LandB.Learning How to Dance Under Water
C.Advertising a Dance Performance PrayD.Getting to Know a Professional Dance Coach
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省保山市第一中学2023~2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量监测英语试卷
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10 . If you have some free time in fall, would you like to go to the theatre?

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Sep. 12th, —Oct. 28th, 2024

Main Stage: UK Royal Opera House

Follow Alice down the rabbit hole in Christopher Wheeldon’s beautiful ballet, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s much-loved book.

Conducted by Koen Kessels. Last few tickets at $6.99.

Music: Joby Talbot. Designer: Bob Crowley.

Running time: 2hrs, 40 mins.

Enjoy three of your favorite productions in our Autumn Season for a 10% discount.


Andrew Lloyd Webber’s long-running classic music al is back on Broadway!

Jul. 31st, — Dec. 30th, 2024

No show on Wednesday.

THEATER: Neil Simon Theatre, 250 West 52nd Street, New York, NY.

Running time:2hrs, 20 mins.

Buy tickets from $59! Group tickets: 12 seats or more.

Les Misérables

Start from Sep. 20th to Sep. 29th, 2024

The West End’s longest running classic musical, Les Misérables has been enjoyed by over 70million people in 42 countries and in 22 languages around the globe and is still breaking box-office records as it passes its 30th year in London.

Book your Les Misérables tickets, playing at the Queen’s Theatre today.

Running time: 3 hours.

Buy group tickets from $69.

If you require more than 8 tickets, please call us for great rates: 020-7492-0810.

Recommended for children aged 7 or over; children under 5 will not be admitted.


Check https: //www.laopera. org for best availability and lowest prices        !

“Much greater than any other opera”— Los Angeles Times.

SCHEDULE: Opening on September 9th,2024. Opening night celebration tickets available. Call213-972-8097. Closing on October 1st, 2024.

Running time: about three hours and 25 minutes, including two breaks.

Two operas available:

Opera at the Beach: Santa Monica Beach. Opera in the Park: Victoria’s Park.

1. Which show has the longest running time?
A.Cats.B.Les Misérables.
C.Carmen.D.Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
2. How much does it cost if a couple want to see ballet?
3. What do Cats and Les Misérables have in common?
A.They are both classic musicals.B.They are playing at Neil Simon Theatre.
C.Their show time are more than three hours.D.Their group tickets are at least eight people.
7日内更新 | 22次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省保山市第一中学2023~2024学年高一下学期期中教学质量监测英语试卷
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