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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容从所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,补全材料最后两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

I opened the door and was welcomed as usual by Shredder. He ran towards me, jumped up and put a paw on my shoulder. “Okay, boy,” I said, rubbing his ears the way he liked. He moved his tail happily. I usually played with him all day. But with so many things on my schedule these days—meetings, dinners, many houses to clean—I didn’t have time. I told Shredder to lie down.” I have to get to work now,” I said. I headed downstairs to clean the bedroom. All of a sudden, pain shot through my head. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt—10 times worse. Things dropped out of my hands, and I fell to the ground. I knew someone who had died from a brain aneurysm (脑部动脉瘤).

I had to get help before it was too late. I should call 911, but the nearest phone was in the kitchen. I tried to stand up, but couldn’t. I knew I had to get upstairs. It felt like my head was going to explode. I managed to move to the kitchen. But later I couldn’t move anymore. I was helpless. Through the sharp pain, I looked up. Shredder stared back at me from the top step. Did he think I was playing?” Come here,” I whispered, trying to make my voice sound playful. He stared with doubt.” Come on. boy,” I said. Shredder ran down the steps and stood next to me. His tail stopped moving. “Help me, Shredder,” I said, holding his collar (颈圈) with my left hand. He climbed a step and then stopped. “Up!” I said. He looked back at me as if to say, “Is this right?” “Go,” I whispered. He started to drag me. My left arm went frozen. I had to look at Shredder’s collar to make sure I kept my hold.

Para1:   Shredder got me to the top of the steps.
    1    .
Para2:   The medical workers gave me a quick check.
    2    .
A.After taking the medicine, I felt much better. The medical workers told me excitedly that I suffered the abrupt pain just because of the high-stress working. What I really needed was to have a rest. So they advised me to take several days off. From then on, I started to take good care of my body. And the most important thing I learnt was that more time should be spent with my little life saver Shredder, so I bought a cat to stay with us.
B.Then I started to move with difficulty. Shredder pulled and dragged, taking me to the kitchen. Finally I managed to reach the phone and called 911. Shredder sat down next to me. “Good boy,” I whispered. The medical workers showed up in minutes. Shredder jumped to his feet and started barking. “It’s OK.” I said. He seemed to understand that they were here to help, and sat back down.
C.Both of us were tired and breathless. I felt half of my body went frozen. With a strong desire to survive, I whispered to him, “Come on, boy, go to find your favourite cans.” His eyes sparkled and his tail moved wildly when he heard the word “cans”. Leaving me behind, he ran towards the kitchen excitedly. Now I took out my phone, and called 911. After that, I closed my eyes to have a rest.
D.“What’s wrong with you?” One worker asked. “My head is paining me,” I told her. Then they discovered a brain problem, which could cause extreme pain in my head. After four days, I left the hospital and went home. Shredder was happy to see me, moving his tail happily. And I was so moved that I hugged him tightly. It was the dog who saved my life and I was extremely grateful to him for his help.
2023-12-17更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:广西桂林市桂林中学2022-2023学年高一下学期开学考试英语试题
其他 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中由两项为多余选项。
When we speak of a basic human need we mean something necessary to life, something we cannot do without. Food is a basic human need. Without it we would starve to death. Whether in primitive(原始的)countries or in more advanced societies, man’s food needs are the same.     2    
But primitive people eat only the food which can be grown near their homes, whereas people in more advanced societies eat food which is often grown many thousands of miles away from their homes. Primitive people are satisfied with less kinds of food, therefore we can say people’s wants are different although their needs are the same.
    3     Clothing is necessary to regulate (调节) the heat of our bodies. In different climates and in different seasons we need more or less clothes. We also dress differently for other reasons.     4    
Shelter, the third of our needs, depends on climate, the skill of the builders, one’s social position, and the material which can be used.     5     The three-bed-roomed house of the average family would not be grand enough for a very rich family, but a modern house with many of the material comforts were denied to the kings and queens in the past.
A. Food, Clothing and Shelter.
B. Human Needs
C. We always change our style of clothing for different occasions, such as work, sports, parties.
D. We all need food to live a healthy life.
   E. We want to live comfortably .
   F. The simple shelter of the primitive people would not do for us, and yet it satisfied their needs.
   G. The same is true of the second of human needs.
2016-11-26更新 | 528次组卷 | 3卷引用:黑龙江省哈尔滨市第三中学2021-2022学年高一上学期入学调研英语试卷
共计 平均难度:一般