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1 . During the 19th and 20th centuries, Qi Baishi (1864-1957) was one of the best-known Chinese artists. He grew up in a poor peasant family, but this did not prevent him from pursuing his interest in painting.

Qi was schooled for less than a year due to illness, and he dropped out of school. However, he was too weak to do much of the work and this was why he became a carpenter. As a carpenter, he showed his creativity. He could carve figures of animals, woodblock prints, and sniff-boxes. At the age of 20, he taught himself to paint with Mustard Seed Garden Manual of Painting. He met many mentors who greatly influenced his painting skills through his painting journey, among whom are the renowned artists Zhu Da and Xu Wei. When he was 28, he became a student of the famous artist Hu Qinyuan, and he began to study Chinese painting.

Qi arrived in Beijing in 1917. While he was in Beijing, he stayed devoted to painting. Most of his paintings represented Chinese tradition. Qi’s works are now found in several famous museums, including National Gallery Prague and the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. His works now are the most expensive ever sold at auctions.

Qi got noticed by many institutions, one of which is the Ministry of Culture. In 1954 he was selected as the representative of the Chinese people. Also, in 1956, he was awarded the World Peace Prize by World Peace Council. A college was also named after him, the Baishi School of Art in Hunan University of Science Technology.

1. Why did Qi Baishi drop out of school?
A.He suffered from illness and was too weak.
B.He wanted to devote himself to painting.
C.He wasn’t interested in what he learned at school.
D.His family was too poor to afford his schooling fees.
2. According to the passage, which of the statements is TRUE?
A.He learned Chinese painting on his own.
B.He showed great creativity of art since childhood.
C.His works are one of the costliest ever sold at auctions.
D.At first he learned to paint from some renowned artists.
3. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us about Qi Baishi?
A.His painting style.B.His painting works.
C.His achievements.D.His contributions to his hometown.
4. How does the author mainly develop the text?
A.By giving examples.B.By using data.
C.By raising questions.D.By following the order of time.
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文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了赞比亚的废物艺术家Frederick Phiri从艰苦的童年到成为国际知名的废物艺术家的过程。他的童年充满了挑战,但他通过创造雕塑来表达自己的热情,并获得了国际认可。他通过利用废弃金属创作出精美的动物雕塑,展示了他的创造力和决心。现在,他的作品在赞比亚的Project Luangwa总部展出,他对未来充满信心,希望继续追求艺术教育,并创作更多精美的作品。

2 . Frederick Phiri, known as the junk-art king of Zambia, set out on a remarkable journey at the age of 22 when he began earning an international reputation for being able to make complex and elegant sculptures from deserted metal found in his community.

Phiri’s path to artistic recognition was filled with challenges. His childhood was marked by the loss of his father and his mother leaving him behind, making him under the care of his grandfather. While his grandfather provided for his basic education, Phiri faced financial struggles when he entered secondary school, forcing him to take on various jobs to fund his studies. Yet, despite these obstacles, his passion for art remained growing, and he dedicated his free time to drawing and crafting in the classroom.

Upon completing his education, Phiri sought to support himself by creating wire animal sculptures (雕塑品), which he sold to tourists. It was during this period that his exceptional talent caught the attention of Karen Beattie, the director of Project Luangwa, a nonprofit organization committed to education and economic development in central Africa.

Teaming up with local welder (焊接工) Moses Mbewe in 2017, Phiri contributed to the creation of a complex set of doors for Project Luangwa during the rainy season. Impressed by his work, Beattie presented Phiri with a challenge: to create art from abandoned waste metal. Undiscouraged, Phiri embraced the opportunity, transforming forgotten keys, broken bike chains, and old metal bottles into attracting abstract animal sculptures, including elephants, cranes, giraffes, and monkeys.

Today, Phiri’s artistic pursuits continue to flourish as he transforms deserted junk into striking sculptures showcased at the Project Luangwa headquarters. His talent has earned recognition and admiration from the community, fueling his dreams of pursuing formal art education at the Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka and creating even more magnificent sculptures in the future. Through creativity and determination, Phiri has turned adversity (逆境) into artistic success, leaving a lasting impact on Zambia’s art scene.

1. What is Phiri distinguished for?
A.Serving his community.B.Collecting works of art.
C.Being the king of Zambia.D.Turning trash into treasure.
2. What aspect of Phiri’s childhood shaped his early life?
A.His struggle to pay for primary schooling by himself.
B.The loss of his father and abandonment by his mother.
C.His dedication to part-time jobs while attending school.
D.His responsibility to support his grandfather financially.
3. What challenge did Karen Beattie present to Phiri?
A.To create sculptures from wire.
B.To sell his sculptures internationally.
C.To create art from deserted waste metal.
D.To design a complex set of doors for Project Luangwa.
4. What attitude does Phiri exhibit towards his future?
7日内更新 | 81次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省省级名校高三下学期第二次联考英语试题(AB卷)(含听力)
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Was Air Pollution Monet’s Muse (灵感之源)?

Claude Monet was a French painter who lived at the turn of the 20th century, from 1840 to 1926. He is credited as the founder of impressionism, a painting style characterized by its use of many thin brushstrokes     1    (create) a dream-like quality. Impressionist paintings are celebrated for the way     2     seem to capture a sense of life in motion. Monet didn’t just simply paint landscapes; he wanted to convey the sensations he experienced when he saw them.

Many of Monet’s paintings portray the passage of time, like clouds     3     (drift) through the sky. The landscapes in his paintings often have a misty appearance,     4     fog is clouding edges, and concealing objects that are far away. Some researchers have suggested the mist of Monet’s landscapes     5     have actually been air pollution.

Monet was painting at a time when heavy industry was starting to seriously impact the environment. This was especially true in urban centers like London and Paris. The supposition is that Monet’s works reflect the increasing levels of air pollution that Europe       6     (witness) in the late 19th century and early 20th century.     7     Monet’s painting career progressing, background visibility in his paintings seems to gradually decrease.

In letters to his wife, Monet sometimes described the smoke and fog in London, for     8     he obviously had a preference. Evidence suggests that     9     significant number of Monet’s works were influenced, or even inspired, by the way air pollution affected light and vision.     10     air pollution was the muse for one of modern history’s greatest artists might be true.

7日内更新 | 66次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024市上海市杨浦区高三下学期二模英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 较易(0.85) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个恰当的单词, 在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Zhao Chuang is a science artist working in Beijing,    1     job bridges science and art by painting and sculpturing ancient extinct species. Zhao reproduces each element described in papers on the history of life in an artistic way, and the     2     (blank) in scientific research are filled by his logic and imagination. His painting of a prehistoric flying animal became the cover of important scientific journal Nature in 2006, a highlight in his career     3     a science artist.

2024-04-19更新 | 65次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市朝阳区高三下学期一模考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |
文章大意:本文是记叙文。作者通过叙述Susan Shepherd的花园和她的绘画过程,向读者介绍了一个艺术家和她的艺术创作过程,以及她对花园和花卉的热爱和观察。

5 . Artist Susan Shepherd is best known for her flower paintings, and the large garden that surrounds her house is the source of many of her subjects. It is full of her favourite flowers, most especially vancties of tulips and poppies. Some of the plants are unruly and seed themselves all over the garden. There is a harmony of colour, shape and structure in the two long flower borders that line the paved path which crosses the garden from east to west. Much of this is due to the previous owners who were keen gardeners, and who left plants that appealed to Susan. She also inherited the gardener, Danny. “In fact, it was really his garden,” she says. “We got on very well. At first he would say, “Oh, it’s not worth it” to some of the things I wanted to put in, but when I said I wanted to paint them, he recognized what I had in mind.”

Susan prefers to focus on detailed studies of individual plants rather than on the garden as a whole, though she will occasionally paint a group of plants where they are. More usually, she picks them and then takes them up to her studio. “I don’t set the whole thing up at once,” she says. “I take one flower up at once,” she says. “I take one flower out and paint it, which might take a few days, and then I bring in another one and build up the painting that way. Sometimes it takes a couple of years to finish.”

Her busiest time of year is spring and early summer, when the tulips are out, followed by the poppies. “They all come out together, and you’re so busy,” she says. But the gradual decaying process is also part of the fascination for her. With tulips, for example, “you bring them in and put them in water, then leave them for perhaps a day and they each form themselves into different shapes. They open out and are fantastic. When you first put them in a vase, you think they are boring, but they change all the time with twists and turns.”

1. In the first paragraph, the author describes Susan’s garden as ________.
A.being only partly finished
B.having a path lined with flowers
C.having caused problems for the previous owners
D.needing a lot of work to keep it looking attractive
2. What does Susan say about Danny?
A.He felt she was interfering in his work.
B.He immediately understood her feelings.
C.He was recommended by the previous owners.
D.He was slow to see the point of some of her ideas.
3. What is Susan’s approach to painting?
A.She creates her paintings in several stages.
B.She spends all day painting an individual flower.
C.She likes to do research on a plant before she paints it.
D.She will wait until a flower is ready to be picked before painting it.
4. Susan thinks that tulips ________.
A.look best some time after they have been cut.
B.should be kept in the house for as long as possible.
C.are not easy to paint because they change so quickly.
D.are more colourful and better shaped than other flowers.
2024-04-19更新 | 35次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海大学附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期英语期中考试卷
完形填空(约400词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . A pencil drawing of a broken old man, head in hands, looking extremely exhausted, has been identified as a newly-discovered work by Vincent Van Gogh.

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam said yesterday that it had _______ the authenticity (真实性) of the drawing. Senior researcher Teio Meedendorp described it as a(an) “_______” discovery, shining light on van Gogh’s early career as an artist in the Hague, a time less well-known than his years in Paris or the south of France.

The drawing has been titled Study for _______. It was drawn in late 1882s when the 29-year-old van Gogh was two years into his career as an artist. He was drawing as many studies of _______ as he could. He often recruited models from an almshouse for the elderly run by the Dutch Reformed church, _______ them a modest fee and gave them coffee.

He called these models his “orphan men” and “orphan women”. A favourite was the man in the newly discovered drawing, Adrianus Jacobus Zuyderland, the only one of these models whose name is known.

Van Gogh used a thick carpenter’s pencil on rough watercolour paper. The sheet _______ 48.8 cm by 30 cm.

Experts have _______ the drawing back to the end of November 1882, linking it to several other works made at the time.

Van Gogh talked about the two drawings in a letter to his brother, Theo. “Today and yesterday I drew two _______ of an old man with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.... Perhaps I’ll do a lithograph (平版印刷画) of it. What a fine _______ an old working man makes, in his patched bombazine (斜纹布) suit with his bald head.”

At the time Van Gogh was ________ to work as a magazine illustrator, so he could earn money in his own right and be less dependent on his brother.

The drawing, which has been in a ________ collection in the Netherlands since about 1910, goes on display at the Amsterdam museum from 17 September, 2021, until 2 January, 2022, after which it will be returned to the owner.

Meedendorp recalled his ________ on making the discovery: “I’ve worked with Van Gogh for a substantial part of my life, especially the drawings, and it is always a delight to have them in your hand and looking at them up close. These drawings from the Hague are ________ delightful to look at — you can follow the working process of Vincent so well... the way he ________ the pencil.”

“Whenever you have a ________ at drawings like this, you want to pick up a pencil yourself and start drawing.”

A.Worn OutB.Reach OutC.Hands UpD.On the Way
2024-04-17更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市闵行区教育学院附属中学2023-2024学年高二下学期3月月考英语试卷
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文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是Ludwig van Beethoven虽然失聪,但是仍然坚持作曲和指挥的故事。

7 . That day when Ludwig van Beethoven died was one of the saddest of my life. I had stayed with him for more than twenty years and lived through many of his happiest moments and his triumphs as well as his most unhappy times.

He wasn’t, however, the easiest of men to work for. His moods were changeable so that he could be reasonable at one moment but most impatient and intolerant at the next. All these problems began in 1802 when he discovered his loss of hearing was not temporary.

The loss of hearing brought him to a crossroads in his life. It was then that he realized that his future lay in composing music. Luckily, although his deafness brought him fear and anxiety, he was able to use these emotions to inspire his work.

Dealing with his inner problems and worries, his music was obviously subjective, which was not the most popular type of its time. But people recognized his greatness. They did so even when they knew he could not acknowledge it. When he was conducting his ninth and last symphony on its first performance he was totally deaf. So he just didn’t realize that the music had finished and continued to conduct the orchestra. One of the singers had to turn him round so he could receive the cheers of the audience. From one angle it was a sad moment but from another it was an even greater triumph. That a man with such a condition could have written such dynamic music was overwhelming! It brought tears to my eyes to think that I had contributed in some small way by looking after him.

He dressed rather like a wild man himself. His hair was always untidy, his skin marked with spots and his mouth set in a downward curve. He took no care of his appearance and walked around our city with his clothes carelessly arranged. This was because he was concentrating on his next composition.

Helping him move house many times, preparing his meals and looking after his everyday comforts were my reward for a life living so close to such a musical genius. I consider myself a lucky man!

1. The author was most likely to be Beethoven’s _______.
2. What can be learned from this passage?
A.Beethoven’s music was underestimated at that time.
B.Beethoven’s work was inspired by his fear and anger.
C.Beethoven’s music stayed in step with the mainstream music of the time.
D.Beethoven lost his ability to hear when first conducting his ninth symphony.
3. Why did the author tear in Paragraph 4?
A.Because the performance was a complete success.
B.Because he played a part in Beethoven’s success.
C.Because Beethoven was completely deaf then.
D.Because the audience cheered for Beethoven.
4. According to the author, Beethoven could be described as ________.
A.intolerant but cheerful
B.stubborn but reasonable
C.changeable but dedicated
D.unsociable but easy-going
2024-04-17更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届北京市房山区高三下学期一模英语试题
文章大意:本文是新闻报道。主要报道了一位比利时音乐家Tobias Le Compte因其出色的上海话掌握能力在社交媒体上引起轰动的事迹。
8 . 语义匹配

Tobias Le Compte, a 35-year-old Belgian musician, has become a _________sensation on social media for his excellent grasp of the main Shanghai dialect. In 2008, Le Compte, visited Shanghai for the first time in an arts festival. He _________was enchanted by the city right away, and returned the next year and enrolled as an undergraduate student at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Like most _________expats in China, Le Compte first studied Mandarin and spent about half a year teaching himself the language. It was not until 2021, when Le Compte was back in Belgium and _________confined to his home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, that he started learning Shanghainese. He was also _________motivated by the 2021 hit movie B for Busy, a tale set in Shanghai starring local stars who speak their lines in the city’s dialect.

A.was capable ofB.was moved byC.was impressed byD.was eager for
A.local peopleB.native speakersC.descendantsD.foreign residents
A.joined toB.limited toC.addicted toD.devoted to
2024-04-16更新 | 28次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省江门市培英高级中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
语法填空-短文语填 | 适中(0.65) |
9 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Recently, Ma Xiaohui, a famous Chinese erhu     1     (perform) and composer with the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, held     2     erhu concert with the theme of “Erhu Holding Hands with the World, New Music Trend, New Cultural Tour” in the Delegates’ Room at the UN headquarters in New York City.

Attendees from different backgrounds and participants in the World Madam Global Awards Ceremony were     3     (deep) moved by the unique charm of traditional Chinese musical instruments     4     (display) during the concert.

The concert began     5     the song “Woman Flower”. In the first movement, “Seven Colors of Erhu, Walking with Beauty, Colorful Silk Road,” melodies from Chinese and Western songs created an “ink painting” of the Silk Road.

In the next three     6     (movement), a classical repertoire (曲目) including “Butterfly Lovers”, “Thoughts on a Silent Night”     7     “The Spirit of My Erhu” attracted the audience. Next     8     (come) the theme song from the movie “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”,     9     beautifully celebrated the classic dialogue between erhu and cello (大提琴).

“This beautiful and     10     (inspire) concert wonderfully mixed classical, Chinese, and cross-cultural themes. It was a feast (盛宴) for the ears and souls,” multimedia artist Ranjit Bhatnagar said.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了瑞士艺术家凯瑟琳·格费勒(Catherine Gfeller)的个展“通过女性的镜头穿越城市”正在瑞士驻北京大使馆举行。

10 . Passing the Cities through the Lens (镜头) of Women, a solo exhibition by Swiss artist Catherine Gfeller, is being held at the Swiss embassy in Beijing.

Between 2016 and 2019, Swiss artist Catherine Gfeller embarked on a journey to a number of Chinese cities, weaving a narrative as she engaged with the stories of women from different backgrounds. Her vision of the women, the challenges they confront, and their distinctive spirit are the focuses of the artist’s subsequent explorations.

In the bustling streets of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, Hong Kong, Beijing and Kunming in Yunnan province, Gfeller found a means of exploring the essence of these urban landscapes by focusing her lens on women. On Saturday, the Swiss embassy in Beijing launched a solo exhibition, Passing the Cities through the Lens of Women, which spotlights the perspectives and voices of women with photographs, texts, and videos. Through her lens, Gfeller skillfully establishes a dialogue and builds a bridge between the narratives of the women and the liveliness of the cities they inhabit.

For Gfeller, women’s voices are very important in modern Chinese society. During shooting, she learned how the women perceive the new ways of life and how they find an anchor in their cities. “The moment I pressed the shutter, I felt like I became part of the city,” Gfeller says.

Ambassador of Switzerland to China Jurg Burri said at the opening ceremony, “Ms Gfeller cares very much about people, especially women in cities. Women’s issues are a global topic and I hope that more women’s voices will be heard.”

The exhibition is open to the public until the end of March. The 58-year-old artist is known for her focus on landscape photography. Using techniques like montage, collage, and superimposition, she creates unique photographic artworks.

1. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A.A leaflet.B.A newspaper.C.A brochure.D.A research paper.
2. What does Catherine Gfeller’s exhibition focus on?
A.Chinese women’s viewpoints.B.Chinese urban landscapes.
C.Chinese traditional roles of women.D.Chinese women’s status in society.
3. Why does the author cite Jurg Burri’s words?
A.Jurg Burri is the Ambassador of Switzerland to China.
B.The theme of Catherine Gfeller exhibition is a global topic.
C.Jurg Burri is in favor of Catherine Gfeller’s means of exploring cities.
D.Catherine Gfeller attaches great importance to women’s perspectives.
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To introduce an exhibition.B.To educate readers.
C.To persuade readers.D.To advertise an exhibition.
共计 平均难度:一般