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Jiangsu, known for its unique blend of innovation and preservation, is a true treasure. I was     1     (incredible) fortunate to journey through the cities of Suzhou and Nanjing, both of which left me fascinated with their true impressiveness and eagerly     2     (long) to explore further.

My first stop was Suzhou.     3     (engage) myself in the local industrial atmosphere, I chose a hotel in the “industrial park”,     4     the coexistence of advanced manufacturing and natural beauty was most evident, as it was situated on the edge of a scenic lake, embraced by a vibrant landscape. As I adventured into the heart of the city, the Old Town’s ancient waterways led me on an     5     (explore) of history, and the classical gardens offered a glimpse into a     6     (story) past. However, what truly amazed me was the “energy of Suzhou” represented by its people who have enormous respect for their city’s time-honored history as well as     7     innovative eye on the future.

Actually, the mindset of modernization with deep respect for the past isn’t only unique to Suzhou     8     an indicative factor of Nanjing. High-rises decorate the city’s skyline, creating a distinct contrast     9     the ancient neighborhoods, temples, and buildings that     10     (occupy) previously by people. I never anticipated my expectations would be blown out of the water by “A tale of two cities”.

2024-04-19更新 | 177次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届湖南省新高考教学教研联盟高三下学期第二次联考试卷英语试题
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A 5,100-year-old dam, capable of flood control and irrigation (灌溉), has been identified as China’s earliest     1     (know) water engineering project. The Xiongjialing Dam is part of the Qujialing relics site in Jingmen, China’s Hubei Province.

The dam was initially built around 5,100 years ago on a branch of the Qingmudang River. The     2     (exist) dam measures 2 meters in height, 13 meters in width and 180 meters in length. It has a water storage area to the east, equal to the size of three West Lakes, and     3     8.5-hectare irrigation area to the west, with the     4     (late) found to have been an expanse of prehistory rice field. A floodway at the northern side of the water storage area allowed for discharge (排放) of extra water during flood seasons. The dam     5     (construct) with local earth, which was mixed with plant roots     6     (increase) the structure’s toughness.

The design of the water project suggests that prehistoric     7     (ancestor) in the area had learned to control water use rather than     8     (simple) defending against floods and droughts. The Qujialing relics site is famous for witnessing the first-ever discovery     9     carbonized rice along the midstream of the Yangtze River. Researchers say the dam further illustrates that, in the Neolithic Age, the area had a mature rice-growing agriculture. That’s     10     this relies heavily on irrigation.

2024-04-19更新 | 82次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届陕西省安康市安康市高新中学高三4月联考模拟预测英语试题
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On September 17, 2023, the Cultural Landscape of Old Tea Forests of the Jingmai Mountain in Pu’er gained World Heritage Site status,    1    (become) a new Chinese entry on that list.This means that it has been recognized as    2    important place of cultural significance.    3    (locate) about 1,500 meters above the sea level, the heritage site in Pu’er, Yunnan province contains five large-scale, well-preserved old tea forests. It is the first World Heritage Site with the theme of tea. It was    4    (joint) created by ancestors of Blang people, who immigrated to Jingmai Mountain in the tenth century, and    5    the ancestors of Dai people.    6    (they) contributions have turned it into a unique    7    beautiful place that we see today. To ensure lastingly inherited(继承) outstanding universal values of the old tea forests, China will better guide local communities    8    (join)in protection and regulate tourism. It will also advance international cooperation and cultural exchanges in the World Heritage circle. The heritage site presents the    9    (ecology) wisdom that can be inspiring for sustainable     10    (develop) of the world today.

2024-04-17更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(二)英语试题
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No structure is as symbolically significant or     1     (cultural) important to China as the Great Wall. Architectural     2     (engineer)are part of a huge project to repair this centuries-old structure.

Jiankou     3     (believe) to be one of the most rugged stretches of the relic. Some of the most dangerous work includes laborers hanging from towering heights. With ropes tied around     4     (they) waists, repair workers spread cement on the wall’s steep sides, while others hold the ropes for support.     5     (survive) a fall from the steep sides would be unlikely. A laborer explains     6     he risks his life to make repairs to the ancient structure, saying that it is an honor to be part of such a great cause, and it is very     7     (meaning) to do so.

Getting supplies to this part of the wall is also a demanding effort. Because the path is so steep, donkeys and mules must be used to transport bricks,     8     can weigh as much as 150 kg each. The repair team goes to great lengths     9     (keep) the principle of minimal intervention. “We have to stick     10     the original format, the original material and the original craftsmanship, so that we can better preserve the historical and cultural values, ” said Cheng Yongmao, the engineer leading Jiankou’s restoration work.

2024-04-17更新 | 170次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届广东省湛江市高三下学期二模考试英语试题
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Lǎozìhào refers to the old and famous shops, which have always been reliable and trustworthy and still enjoy     1     irreplaceable position in people’s minds since long time. Not only do they represent high quality and good reputation, they have also become an indispensable part in     2     (people) daily life.

These famous and time-honored shops, eg, Quanjude and Tongrentang,     3     (locate) in Qianmen, the center of Beijing, all have represented the highly developed     4     (commerce) culture of old Beijing.

But these shops are more about businesses; they are also a historical and cultural phenomenon. He     5     has never tasted a roast duck will regret his whole life--such common sayings have made Quanjude a     6     (represent) of Beijing. Many other similar two-part allegorical sayings among the folks have also     7     (vivid) revealed the very characteristics of these old shops.

Nowadays, with the rapid development of economy and fierce competition in modern society, some Lǎozìhào shops have been keeping pace     8     the times and carrying forward their brands through continuous reforms and innovations. That’s why they    9     (stand) the test of time and survived in competition, while some others have faded into the history due to their inability     10     (adapt) to the rapid changes in modern social life.

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Dunhuang, an oasis (绿洲) in the Taklamakan Desert, used to be a major stop along the Silk Road, but is now mainly a fascinating tourist destination.

Those interested     1     Dunhuang’s colorful history will be attracted by the Mogao Caves, one of the city’s main attractions. The entrance to each cave     2     (block) by a locked door, which can only be opened by expert guides. Behind these doors are caves of all     3     (size) — from very small to absolutely huge. The caves contain thousands of priceless manuscripts and silk paintings, which, upon their discovery, drew much     4     (attend) to the area.

Also, there are few things as special as walking across the desert oasis at sunrise.     5     (catch) this incredible scene, you must rise early. It’s bitterly cold. But as the sun rises atop the golden dunes (沙丘) and paints a     6     (true) picturesque scene, all your efforts pay off. Sunset is a popular time for a camel ride. Get off the camels     7     walk up a rather steep dune overlooking Crescent Lake. From this position,     8     (regard) as the best one, the incredible sunset is awe-inspiring.

No trip to Dunhuang is complete without visiting the Dunhuang Museum,     9     it’s possible to put all of the city’s historical sites into proper historical context. The museum is expansive,     10     (contain) many original artworks. Here, you are bound to be amazed by Dunhuang’s rich culture.

2024-04-15更新 | 268次组卷 | 2卷引用:2024届河北省衡水董子高级中学、定州中学高三下学期第二次模拟考试英语试题
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Hiking the Longii Rice Terraces(梯田)in southern China is something I would recommend for everyone to add to their bucket list. The name     1     (literal) means “Dragon’s Backbone” due to the fact that the rice terraces look just like a dragon’s scales, while the mountain’s summit resembles the backbone.

During my visit to Guilin, I decided     2     (set) out on a three-day hike through the famous Longji Rice Terraces. Known as the “Dragon’s Backbone”, the terraces were a spectacular sight as they stretched across the green hills in complicated patterns     3     (look) like ripples of water.

The hike took me through small villages set     4     the beautiful landscape. Local farmers were busy tending to the terraced rice fields that     5     (farm) for over 1, 000 years. Along the paths, I passed orange groves and met friendly locals     6     offered me fresh lychees.

At night, I stayed in simple home-stays run by farming families. Over multicourse meals- featuring local specialties like sticky rice, I learned     7     (much) about the terraces and village life. The feeling of community spirit and connection to the natural environment was unique.

Reaching the hike’s end after three full days, I felt a profound     8     (appreciate) for these ancient agricultural wonders carefully     9     (build) into the landscape by generations of families. The Dragon’s Backbone terraces provided me with unforgettable mountain views     10     cultural insights into rural China.

2024-04-15更新 | 62次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届山西省晋中市平遥县第二中学校高三下学期冲刺调研押题卷(三)英语试题
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Wannan, featuring poetic landscapes as well as beautiful and graceful Jiangnan water village scenery, is a southern place in Anhui. A wealth of architecture with    1    (culture) landscapes is shown in these ancient and irreplaceable villages. The most representative one is Hongcun Village.

Hongcun Village,     2     (original) built during the Song Dynasty, has a history of more than 800 years. It has more than 140 well-preserved ancient     3     (building) from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and is known as “the village of Chinese painting”. When you first enter Hongcun Village, there is     4     wide and clear water feature, with two arms    5     (join) together that surround the ancient village. The entire village, reflected by Nanhu Lake, is quiet and peaceful. The once magnificent architecture, just like a lady who     6     (remove) her make-up and dresses with fog, presents the world     7     her unique charm.

The Hunqiao Bridge is a small arch bridge built, over the Nanhu Lake.    8     (look) inward along the arch, you can see the blue sky, white clouds, a lotus, reflections of the houses in Hongcun, and the local people don’t permit its beauty     9     (destroy). After coming to Hongcun, you will find that there are many students by the lake in groups of two or three next to the old bridge. They set up their easels (画架) and carefully paint the nice houses and locals     10     come to life in just few brushstrokes.

2024-04-12更新 | 137次组卷 | 1卷引用:2024届河北省部分学校高三下学期语数英第一次模拟联合检测英语试题
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    1     (construct) from the 5th century BC, the Grand Canal was a means of communication for the Empire for the first time in the Sui Dynasty.

Before foundation of Sui Dynasty, China had     2     (continuous) evacuated several canals,     3     had been suspended due to natural environment. Some needed to be repaired but were still navigable, but were too separated from each other to form large-scale water transport nationwide.

The establishment of Sui Dynasty     4     (declare) the end of long-lasting split situation. In 605 AD, Emperor Yang Guang, the     5     (two) emperor of Sui Dynasty, ordered excavation of the Grand Canal to meet the political,     6     (economy) and military needs of unified nation.

The Grand Canal reached a new peak in the Yuan Dynasty (13th century), providing a unified inland navigation network consisting     7     more than 2,000 km of artificial waterways, linking five of the most important river basins in China,     8     (include) the Yellow River and the Yangtze.

As     9     major means of internal communication today, it has played an important role in ensuring the prosperity and     10     (stable) of China over the ages.

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Mount Fanjing National Nature Reserve is located in the northeastern part of Tongren City in the Province of Guizhou. With a total area of 43,411 hectares (公顷) and 96.5 percent forest     1     (cover), this nature reserve is home to many rare and endangered species such as the grey snub-nosed monkey, the Chinese Dove tree, the Fanjingshan Fir tree,     2     an old-growth forest eco-system. Inside the nature reserve, one can find layer upon layer of mountains and valleys, clear streams     3     (flow) into deep blue lakes, and mighty frozen waterfalls     4     form shimmering ice cascades in winter, making for     5     even more spectacular landscape.

In January of 2013, Tongren City officially applied     6     (consider) as a world heritage site. In October of the same year, Fanjing    7     (add) to China’s tentative (试验性的) list of national natural heritage. In February of this year, together with UNESCO, China formally supported the application of Guizhou’s Mount Fanjing     8     World Heritage status (地位): These applications aim to protect, Mount Fanjing’s old-growth forest ecosystem and rare flora and fauna, while at the same time exploiting     9     (it) ecological products, promoting sustainable local socio-economic development, and     10     (ultimate) achieving a productive balance between protection and development.

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